983 research outputs found


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    Abdul Aziz Herlambang Mahasiswa Pendidikan Geografi 2011, [email protected] Dr. Nugroho Hari Purnomo, SP, M.Si Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa   ABSTRAK Api merupakan salah satu elemen di dunia yang dapat membantu kehidupan manusia. Aktifitas manusia seperti memasak membutuhkan nyala api untuk membantu aktifitas ini. Api memiliki dua sifat yaitu dapat dikendalikan dan tidak dapat dikendalikan. Sifat api yang dapat dikendalikan akan membantu dalam kehidupan manusia sedangkan sifat api yang tidak dapat dikendalikan akan menyebabkan bencana kebakaran. Kebakaran merupakan sifat nyala api di dalam ruangan yang tidak dapat dikendalikan dengan baik dan dapat menimbulkan kerusakan, jatuhnya korban jiwa, dan kerugian materiil bagi korban. Kebakaran merupakan salah satu bencana yang tidak dapat diprediksi kapan terjadinya dan dimana terjadinya, hanya saja wilayah yang rentan terhadap bahaya kebakaran adalah pemukiman yang padat. Variabel dalam penelitian ini antara lain kepadatan bangunan rumah mukim, pola bangunan rumah mukim, jenis atap bangunan, jenis dinding, kelistrikan, aksesbilitas dan sumber air, seperti halnya di wilayah Jagalan yang di jadikan lokasi penelitian. Wilayah Jagalan yang terletak di Kelurahan Peneleh merupakan salah satu wilayah yang padat. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di sketsa google earth dan survey, wilayah Jagalan nantinya akan di bagi dalam 5 blok pemukiman dan untuk pemilihan sampel akan menggunakan metode grid. Hasil penelitian ini memaparkan hasil blok 1 dengan nilai 27 kategori tinggi, blok nilainya 26 kategori tinggi, blok 3 nilainya 27 kategori tinggi, blok 4 nilainya 26 kategori tinggi, dan blok 5 dengan nilai paling rendah yaitu 24 termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Kata Kunci: Pemukiman Padat, Bahaya Kebakaran, Kerentanan Terhadap Kebakaran ABSTRACT               Fire is one of the elements in the world that can help human life. The human activities such as cooking need flame to assist these activities. Here, Fire can be controlled and be uncontrolled. The nature of fire that can be controlled will assist in human life while the nature of the fire that can not be controlled will cause a catastrophic fire. Fire is can be caused by flame in the room that can not be controlled properly and may cause damage, casualties and material damage to the victim. Fire is one disaster that can not be predicted when and where it happened, like a dense settlement. In this research, the variable used among other things were habitation density of  house building, habitation patterns of  house building, type of the building roof, the type of walls, electricity, accessibility and water resources in the region like Jagalan area as setting of research. Jagalan region located in the Peneleh Village is a crowded area. Based on observations in sketches of google earth and surveys, Jagalan region will be divided into 5 blocks of settlements and for the selection of the sample will use the grid method. The results showed that the results of block 1 was  27 , categorized as high, block 2 was 26, categorized as high, and block 3 was 27, categorized as high, block 4 was, categorized as high, and block was 5 as the lowest result, categorized as medium. Keywords: Dense settlement, Fire Hazard, Vulnerability Against Fir

    Fine structural and biochemical studies on the infection of vicia faba l. by uromyces and botrytis

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    (1) Fine structural and biochemical studies have been made on the infection of Vicia faba L. by Uromyces fabae (obligate parasite) and Botrytis fabae (facultative parasite). (2) Fine structural observations of host cells infected with U. fabae showed that they could be divided into two categories, (a) cells with increased capacity for synthesis (2-8 days after infection), which are characterised by an increase in the volume of the cytoplasm and by an increase in the size of cytoplasmic organelles (i.e. rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER), nucleus, mitochondria); (b) cells with decreased metabolic activities (12-20 days after infection) and characterised by senescence of the cytoplasm and by the reduction in the size of cytoplasmic organelles, especially chloroplasts. Numerous vesicles were found to be associated with the inner membrane of chloroplasts in such infected cells. (3) Electron microscopic observations showed that cells from leaves infected with B. fabae, can also be divided into two categories, (a) cells in the centre of the necrotic lesion which are characterised by blackening and the destruction of the tissues;(b) cells at the periphery of the necrotic lesion, which are characterised by an increase in the volume of the cytoplasm, an increase in the size of cytoplasmic organelles, by the presence of lomasomes, and by the presence of vesicular inclusions in the cytoplasm and electron dense bodies in the extracellular spaces.(4) The fine structure of U. fabae resembles that of other comparable obligate parasites, except for the presence of an electron dense ring in the middle part of the haustorial neck, and vesicular and tubular structures in the vacuoles of this fungus. The growth of B. fabae on the host tissues was found to be relatively limited as compared with its growth on artificial medium. Likewise, the cytoplasm and cytoplasmic organelles of B. fabae were found to be denser when the fungus was grown on artificial media. Lomasomes were found to be common in the cytoplasm of this fungus, and the relation of this structure to the hydrolysis of the host cell wall is discussed. (5) Several biochemical tests were made to assess the significance of some of the structural changes taking place in the host as a result of infection (i.e. amino acid composition, protein synthesis and photochemical activities of isolated chloroplasts). Special emphasis was placed on the effect of both infections on the latter process. The results can be summarised as follows:- (a) infection with U. fabae caused an increase in the rate of the Hill reaction, cyclic phosphorylation (2-10 days after infection), followed by a decrease in such activity (12-20 days after infection). The infection also caused an alteration to ATP:e(^-) ratio. .(b) infection with B. fabae caused a marked reduction in all photochemical activities tested, (i.e. Hill reaction, cyclic and uncyclic phosphorylation).(c) The observed effects were found to be independent of the chlorophyll concentration and the reduction in the photosynthetic area

    In vitro responses of dracaena fragrans cv. massangeana to growth regulators

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    In vitro studies on Dracaena fragrans cv. Massangeana revealed that young stem segments were capable of proliferating shoots on agar-solidified Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium containing different combinations and concentrations of BAP and NAA. Highest percentage of explants forming shoots was obtained on medium supplemented with 3.0 mgll BAP and 0.1 mgll NAA. The highest number ofshoots per explant occurred on medium containing 2.0 mgll BAP only. Highest percentage of callus formation and highest mean fresh weight of callus from young stem segments were achieved on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mgll2,4-D. Adventitious rooting occurred after transferring excised shoots onto a hormone-free MS medium. Rooting was 100% for shoots derived from media with 0-2.0 mg/l BAP and a relatively low concentration of NAA (0.1 mg/l)

    Studi Gasifikasi Berbahan Bakar Briket Batubara Terhadap Temperatur Pembakaran

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    In the recent years, energy has become a crucial issue in the world. The energy crisis caused by growth of population and depletion of world oil reserves along with the emission issue from the fossil fuels gives pressure to each country to immediately produce and use renewable energy. Coal briquette is a renewable energy which is also very potential in Indonesia. By using gasification technology, coal briquettes are burned with limited oxygen to produce a fuel-burning methane gas. The testing of coal briquette gasification aims to find out the effect of diameter size on combustion temperature, boiling temperature of water, effective flame and thermal efficiency of the furnace. The research began by supplying air from the blower with 6.5 m/s speed. Then, diameter sizes variations on coal briquettes were apllied. The diameter size used were 10 mm, 15 mm, and 30 mm. Afterwards, combustion temperature and boiling temperature of water were measured per one minute. The fidings showed that variations on diameter size were highly significant on the combustion temperature, boiling temperature of water, effective flame and thermal efficiency of the furnace produced. In the diameter size of 10 mm, the highest burning temperature was 588.33 0C, the boiling temperature was for 94 minutes, the flame effective was for 94 minutes, and the thermal efficiency of furnace was by 36.88 %. Next, in the diameter size of 15 mm, the highest burning temperature was 513.33 0C, the boiling temperature was for 78 minutes, the flame effective was for 78 minutes, and the thermal efficiency of furnace was by 39,14 %. Lastly, in the diameter size of 30 mm, the highest burning temperature was 705.66 0C, the boiling temperature was for 55 minutes, the flame effective was for 55 minutes, and the thermal efficiency of furnace was by 40.11 %. Keywords : gasification, coal briquette, diameter siz

    The Deepest Supernova Search is Realized in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey

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    The Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey has not only provided the deepest optical and near infrared views of universe, but has enabled a search for the most distant supernovae to z~2.2. We have found four supernovae by searching spans of integrations of the Ultra Deep Field and the Ultra Deep Field Parallels taken with the Hubble Space Telescope paired with the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Near Infrared Multi Object Spectrometer. Interestingly, none of these supernovae were at z>1.4, despite the substantially increased sensitivity per unit area to such objects over the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey. We present the optical photometric data for the four supernovae. We also show that the low frequency of Type Ia supernovae observed at z>1.4 is statistically consistent with current estimates of the global star formation history combined with the non-trivial assembly time of SN Ia progenitors.Comment: 24 pages (6 figures), submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Molecular characterization (PCR-Based Methods) of Staphylococcus aureus isolated on dogs and cats

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    A total of 36 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from hospitalised and out patient dogs and cats were typed by RAPD-PCR, and 36 isolates were selected for further typing by ERIC-PCR and Coagulase gene-PCR and Coagulase gene RFLP, indicating a low degree of polymorphism in the coagulase genes. In this study, it is noticeable that RAPD-PCR displayed desirable typing quality by its ability to group the apparently related isolates from outpatient and hospitalised cats and dogs, whereas ERIC-PCR has the tendency to group the isolates into a single major cluster

    Optimizing beta-lactam antibiotic dosing in critically ill patients: Prolonged infusion versus intermittent bolus administration

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    Severe sepsis is a major burden in the intensive care unit (ICU) with persistently high mortality rates. Optimization of antibiotic dosing has been suggested as an intervention to improve clinical outcomes for critically ill patients with severe sepsis. However, current antibiotic dosing guidelines may not be appropriate for these patients, as they rarely consider the altered physiology and illness severity associated with this population. Optimizing antibiotic dosing using pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) principles can address these critical illness-related changes and promote therapeutic success. Due to their wide spectrum of antibiotic activity and excellent safety profile, beta-lactam antibiotics are commonly used for severe infections in the ICU. Two alternative dosing approaches to traditional intermittent bolus (IB) dosing, namely continuous infusion (CI) and extended infusion (EI), have been suggested to maximize the therapeutic potential of these antibiotics in critically ill patients. Collectively, the two dosing approaches can also be referred as prolonged infusion (PI). This Thesis aims to better characterize the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) of beta-lactam antibiotics to determine whether there is any therapeutic advantage associated with PI dosing (CI and/or EI) as compared to IB dosing. This Thesis comprises of eight chapters. Chapter 1 is an introductory chapter which provides an overview of the published literature on the area of research. The discussion in Chapter 1 presents a theoretical framework behind the Thesis objectives. Chapter 1 concludes with the specific aims of this Thesis. Chapter 2 reports the findings of a prospective PK study which aimed to describe the population PK of doripenem in critically ill patients with sepsis and perform dosing simulations to develop clinically relevant dosing guidelines for these patients. Twelve critically ill participants receiving 500 mg of doripenem 8-hourly as a 1-hr infusion were enrolled. The volume of distribution (Vd) and clearance (CL) of doripenem in this patient cohort were substantially different than those usually described in non-critically patients. As current dosing guidelines were mostly derived from the non-critically ill, findings from this study suggest that the licensed “one-dose-fits-all” dosing for doripenem is unlikely to achieve optimal exposures in critically ill patients. Empirical use of PI dosing should be considered to account for PK and illness severity differences, particularly when less-susceptible pathogens are involved. Chapter 3 incorporates a published systematic review which compares the PK/PD data and clinical outcomes between CI and IB dosing to describe any potential merits supporting either of the two dosing approaches for critically ill patients. The findings suggest that beta-lactam CI may not be advantageous for all critically ill patients and may be beneficial in patients with severe infections. Chapter 4 describes the findings of a post hoc analysis on the Defining Antibiotic Levels in Intensive care unit patients (DALI) study, which recruited critically ill patients from 68 ICUs across 10 countries. The analysis aimed to compare the PK/PD target attainment and clinical outcomes between PI (CI and EI) and IB dosing of meropenem and piperacillin/tazobactam in 182 critically ill patients. In this analysis, PI dosing significantly increased the target attainment for most PK/PD end-points. Data from this chapter also suggest that the critically ill patients who are most likely to benefit from altered dosing strategies are those with severe pneumonia and not receiving renal replacement therapy (RRT). Chapter 5 is a published review article which scrutinizes the methodology of clinical studies comparing CI versus IB dosing of beta-lactam antibiotics. Several issues and problems in the interpretation of results obtained from these studies are discussed. This finally led to a proposal of how a methodologically robust study should be performed to test the clinical outcome differences of CI versus IB dosing of beta-lactam antibiotics in critically ill patients. Chapter 6 reports the findings of the Beta-Lactam In Severe Sepsis (BLISS) study, which was a two-centre, randomized controlled trial of CI versus IB dosing of beta-lactam antibiotics, enrolling 140 critically ill participants with severe sepsis who were not on RRT. This study aimed to determine if CI is associated with better clinical outcomes and PK/PD target attainment in critically ill patients, as opposed to IB dosing. In this study, CI of beta-lactam antibiotics demonstrated higher clinical cure rates and better PK/PD target attainment than IB dosing. The findings suggest that beta-lactam CI may be most beneficial for critically ill patients with severe infections, who are infected with less-susceptible microorganisms. Chapter 7 incorporates a published review article which systematically analyses the relevance of PK/PD characteristics of antibiotics and their potential roles in maximizing patient outcomes and preventing the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Based on the collated data, dosing approaches which are likely to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance in the ICU were also proposed. Chapter 8 will be the final chapter in this Thesis and summarizes the clinical findings of all the work and highlight potential areas of future research


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    A total of 36 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from hospitalised and out patient dogs and cats were typed using SDS PAGE of whole cell protein, immunoblotting and protein A assayment by ELISA test. 15/24 and 14/24 profiles were recognised using SDS PAGE and immunoblotting respectively. It is concluded that SDS PAGE of whole cell protein and immunoblotting could be used as a typing methods for the characterisation of S. aureus strains. Protein A assayment could be used for the detection of S. aureus strains in samples but could not be used to differentiate between different strains. &nbsp

    Characterising Solar Magnetic Reconnection in Confined and Eruptive Flares

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    Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental mechanism through which energy stored in magnetic fields is released explosively on a massive scale, they could be presented as eruptive or confined flares, depending on their association with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Several previous works have concluded that there is no correlation between flare duration and flare class, however, their sample sizes are skewed towards B and C classes; they hardly represent the higher classes. Therefore, we studied a sample without extreme events in order to determine the correlation between flare duration and flare type (confined and eruptive). We examined 3333 flares with classes between M5 to X5 within 4545^{\circ} of the disk centres, using data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). We find that the linear correlation between flare class against flare duration by full width half maximum (FWHM) in general is weak (r=0.19r=0.19); however, confined flares have a significant correlation (r=0.58r=0.58) compared to eruptive types (r=0.08r=0.08). Also, the confined M class flares' average duration is less than half of the eruptive flares. Similarly, confined flares have a higher correlation (r=0.89r=0.89) than eruptive flares (r=0.60r=0.60) between flare classes against magnetic reconnection flux. In this work, a balanced sample size between flare types is an important strategy for obtaining a reliable quantitative comparison.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Fracture strength and fractographic analysis of zirconia copings treated with four experimental silane primers

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    This study evaluated and compared the effect of new four experimental silane coupling agents on ‎the fracture strength of zirconia copings. The findings were supported with fractographic and ‎finite element analyses. All together 125 zirconia copings with a wall thickness of 0.6mm were ‎fabricated on identical nickel-chromium master dies and then divided randomly into five groups ‎‎(n = 25). Four test groups were prepared according the experimental silane primer (labeled: ‎OIWA1, OIWA2, OIWA3 and OIWA4) and one ontrol group without silanization. The silane ‎monomers used were: 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (in OIWA1), 3-‎acryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (in OIWA2), 3-isocyanatopropyltriethoxysilane (in OIWA3) and ‎styrylethyltrimethoxysilane (in OIWA4). Tribochemical sandblasting (silica-coating) treatment ‎was performed to the inner surface of the copings in the test groups. All the specimens were ‎silanized at the inner surfaces of the zirconia copings. Self-adhesive universal resin cement was ‎used to cement the copings to the underlying master die. Zirconia copings were vertically loaded ‎on the cusp area until the first crack failure was occurred using Precision Universal Tester at a ‎constant crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Then, the machine was manually controlled to cause ‎more failure to further determine the texture of fracture. Three dimensional finite element ‎analysis and fractography were performed to support the fracture strength findings. Based on the ‎finite element analysis results, zirconia silanized with 3-acryloyloxypropyltrimethoxysilane ‎showed the highest fracture strength with a mean of 963.75N (SD 4.5 N), while zirconia copings ‎silanized with 3 methacryloyloxypropyltrimethoxysilane showed a mean fracture strength value ‎of 925.65N (SD 2.4 N). Styrylethyltrimethoxysilane-silanised zirconia showed mean fracture ‎strength of 895.95N (SD 3.5 N). Adding silane coupling agents to the resin-zirconia interface ‎increased the fracture strengths significantly (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Silanization with four new ‎experimental silane primers in vitro produced significantly greater fracture strength than the ‎control group not treated with the test silane.