221 research outputs found

    Epidemiological Investigation of Equine Influenza Virus Infection in Peninsular Malaysia

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted in Peninsular Malaysia with the objectives of determining the serological prevalence, molecular evidence and risk factors of equine influenza virus (EIV) distribution among different geographical regions. A total of 435 serum samples and 172 nasopharyngeal swabs were collected during July 2007-July 2008. Our study showed that the prevalence of antibodies against EIV was recorded in 215 of the 435 sera (49.4%). The prevalence of circulating antibodies against equine influenza virus in relation to states were recorded as; Selangor 127 out of 170 sera (74.7%) from vaccinated horses, and 9 out of 12 sera (75%) from unvaccinated horses, in Kelantan 37 out of 165 sera (22.4%) are unvaccinated horses, in Melaka 11 out of 25 sera (44%) are unvaccinated horses, in Negeri Sembilan 2 out of 23 sera (8.7%) are unvaccinated horses, in Johor 16 out of 17 sera (94.1%) are vaccinated horses, in Kedah 11 out of 14 sera (78.6%) are unvaccinated horses and in Pahang 2 out of 9 sera (22.2%) are vaccinated horses. The viral nucleic acid was detected in 77 of the 172 nasopharyngeal swabs (44.7%). The prevalence of positive nasopharyngeal swabs among vaccination status, were also recorded as, 44 out of 102 (43.1%) from vaccinated horses and 33 out of 70 (47.1 %) nasopharyngeal swabs from non-vaccinated horses. The association between several putative risk factors from vaccinated and unvaccinated groups on the seroconversion of equine influenza virus using binary logistic regression was recorded as; Age factor showed to be not significant factor in vaccinated groups against possible EIV infection as compared to unvaccinated groups which is recorded as 5.5 times chances to seroconverion. Thoroughbred groups showed a significant risk above unity whereas the pony groups breed showed a significant low risks. All others group of horses had non-significant, low risks. Sex did not contribute significantly to the epidemiology of the infection since there were no significant risk differences between sexes. This moderate antibody level detected from horses might indicate exposure of these animals to the virus or evidence of recent infection. The horses that were detected positive for equine influenza might be shedding the virus among naive population, and likely represent an important role in the epidemiology of respiratory disease outbreaks. In conclusion, the data presented in this study revealed that the ElV circulates among vaccinated and non-vaccinated horses in Malaysia and the incidence rate of EIV is relatively high. The periodic movement of sub-clinically infected horses at the international level provides the potential for interaction with susceptible populations and may serve as a crucial factor in transmission of infections among horse population. Absence of mandatory of vaccination program against EIV in Malaysia most probably contributed to the spread of the disease between provinces. Therefore, it is advisable to update equine influenza vaccine regularly

    Performance comparison of AODV, DSDV and I-DSDV routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks.

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    Ad hoc networks are characterized by a lack of infrastructure, and by a random and quickly changing network topology; thus the need for a robust dynamic routing protocol that can accommodate such an environment. To improve the packet delivery ratio of Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) routing protocol in mobile ad hoc networks with high mobility, a message exchange scheme for its invalid route reconstruction is being used. Three protocols AODV, DSDV and I-DSDV were simulated using NS-2 package and were compared in terms of packet delivery ratio, end to end delay and routing overhead in different environment; varying number of nodes, speed and pause time. Simulation results show that I-DSDV compared with DSDV, it reduces the number of dropped data packets with little increased overhead at higher rates of node mobility but still can’t compete with AODV in higher node speed and number of node

    Revisiting Tradition-Religion Relationship in Javanese Tayub Dance: How Local Community Deals with Dilemmas

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    Tayub is one of the traditional arts in Indonesia that is still preserved until today. This dance art, for example, is practiced by the Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute (LDII) community. Tayub, usually held once a year, is believed to have high values, although many people perceive it negatively. This study aims to reveal why the local religious community still maintains and practices Tayub dance art. The study employs a qualitative approach with a case study on Tayub dance art practiced by the LDII community in Sukoharjo. Data for this study were collected from observations, interviews, and documentation. The study reveals that the socio-religious traditional art practiced by the LDII community brings the community into a dilemma; they should live by either following traditions or carrying out religious tenets. The LDII community continues to maintain and practice the Tayub dance art as an expression of their gratitude. The local community believes that there are noble values contained in Tayub dance art, such as gratitude for God's grace, friendship, and harmony in society. However, many still view this art as a tradition that is not in accordance with religious tenets


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    The study objective is to examine the excessive consumption of jilbab fashion trends by university students. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative methods and determined informants using purposive sampling. The researchers use primary and secondary both data all were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. After the data were triangulated by sources and methods then we analyzed data using the simulakra theory of Jean P. Baudrillard to see the excessive consumption of jilbab fashion trends by students. The main results indicate that the growing jilbab fashion trends through social media have made student’s experience enjoy excessive consumeristic behavior for many years. Most female students imitate the public figures as their role models. They admire at female fashion models having full of signs and meanings hence they reproducing signs and meaning for their own interests. They become addicted to buying the latest hijab fashion products regardless of neither use it or sell it.  They keep uploading their own photos wearing most current fashion in Instagram. . It seems that they create an uncertainty either the use of fashionable jilbab recommended by religion or promoting them as commercial products in social media

    Penguatan Moderasi Beragama Bagi Pemuda di Kepulauan Terluar Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian dari program pemberdayaan/pendampingan masyarakat berbasis riset. Sasarannya adalah pemuda di kepulauan terluar kabupaten Sumenep Madura.Topik ini program ini diangkat dari dari banyaknya konflik dan kekerasan berlatar belakang agama yang selama ini banyak terjadi dan menjadi ancaman nyata terhadap persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa, disebabkan adanya pemahaman yang sempit terhadap keberagaman yang menjadi ciri khas bangsa.Penelitian tentang Penguatan moderasi beragama bagi pemuda di kepulauan terluar kabupaten Sumenep ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dan menyikapi persoalan-persoalan tersebut khususnya di kalangan pemuda.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yang dihasilkan dari program pendampingan/pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan model Partisipatory Action Researce (PAR).Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi sumbangsih pemikiran dan menggugah semangat pemuda dalam meningkatkan nasionalisme sebagai bentuk cinta tanah air yang harus dilestarikan dan diperjuangkan bersama sebagai generasi bangsa


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    The air existence on the surface of the earth is one of the important factors for the survival of  living things on it. Indonesia’s quality of ambient air has decreased and it is categorized as not good for sensitive groups. The biggest cause of air pollution comes from motor vehicles, of which 85% is from combustion in motorized vehicle engines. Trembesi is the most effective plant in adsorbing pollutant carbon in the air. Activated charcoal is the carbon that has better absorption of cations, anions and the molecules of organic and inorganic compounds. This study aims to create a pollutant filter equipment for CO and CO2 made from Trembesi leaves activated charcoal. This research was conducted by creating an air pollutant filter with 3 different types of adsorbent, namely adsorbent made from paper pulp, trembesi leaves extract adsorbent, and trembesi leaves activated charcoal adsorbent. The data collection used 2 types of vehicles with different year of release and engines. The measurement of pollutant concentration using a Gas Analyzer instrument tester with Korean Iyasaka AET-4000Q type. The result of this study showed that the best adsorbent is activated charcoal from trembesi leaves with 100% adsorption of CO and 36,29% adsorption of CO2 using 2018 Toyota Agya car Dual VVT-I engines with eco indicator technology, and for 1988 SE 1,3 Starlet car with a carburetor type engine successfully adsorb CO by 9,65% and 7,2% for CO2

    Deiksis dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Kukila Karya M. Aan Mansyur

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    This jurnal purpose to describe a type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur\u27s short storyes collection. The type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur\u27s short storyes are (1) persona deiksis (2) place deiksis (3) time Deiksis (4) discourse deiksis (5)cocial deiksis. Deiksis persona is divided by three, (1) the first persona (2) the second persona (3) the third persona). Place deiksis is divided by three (1) di sini (2) di situ (3) di sana. Discourse deiksis is divided by two (1) anafora (2) katafora. Where as the other deiksis there is no in the division. There are 138 deiksis in M. Aan Mansyur short Story collection

    Deiksis dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Kukila Karya M. Aan Mansyur

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    This jurnal purpose to describe a type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur's short storyes collection. The type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur's short storyes are (1) persona deiksis (2) place deiksis (3) time Deiksis (4) discourse deiksis (5)cocial deiksis. Deiksis persona is divided by three, (1) the first persona (2) the second persona (3) the third persona). Place deiksis is divided by three (1) di sini (2) di situ (3) di sana. Discourse deiksis is divided by two (1) anafora (2) katafora. Where as the other deiksis there is no in the division. There are 138 deiksis in M. Aan Mansyur short Story collection


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    The acceptance of Freedom of Information (FOI) as a fundamental mechanism for enhancing accountability and transparency in the public sector is widely recognized. Numerous international legal instruments (Conventions) have advocated for the establishment and enforcement of legal frameworks pertaining to the FOI. The FOI legislation serves two essential functions, namely enhancing democratic engagement and mitigating corruption within the public sphere. Despite the acceptability of FOI on the global stage, Malaysia lacks a comprehensive legal framework to address the right to access information, except for Selangor and Penang. Additionally, there are various national legislations that hinder the exercise of FOI. This article’s objective is to examine the use of the FOI concept within the framework of international legal instruments as well as the challenges posed by Malaysian national laws that impose limitations on its implementation. The objective is achieved by employing a doctrinal methodology that incorporates international legal instruments as well as Malaysia’s legislations (Constitution, Acts and Enactments) pertaining to the FOI. The findings show the restrictions under national law make it difficult to implement FOI legal regimes in Malaysia. This paper argues that implementing FOI can only be materialized through a comprehensive review of existing laws and administrative structure reform by adapting universal standards on FOI as stated under international legal instruments. This article serves as guidelines for policymakers intending to address FOI as the anti-corruption mechanism in public sectors. Moreover, recommendations are made for the implementation of FOI into Malaysia’s domestic laws