434 research outputs found

    Dynamics Fracture Propagation due to Cold Water Injection

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    Hydraulic fracturing is a well stimulation tcchnique to improve hydrocarbon rcoovGry. Despite the rcsearch done in tire past scveral decdes, numerical simulatio of dynamio fracturc propagetion remains a challenging topic in the oil and gas indusay. This project investigatcd the fracture propagation in a cold water injction scc,oario boscd m sevcral models in hydraulic fracturing. Moreover, Oris project intends to quantifr thc stability of fracture and the leakoffrate at the fracture surfaces. Otrer ftan ttat, cmputational tml is developed to simulate the fracture propagation and projeot in a Graphical Uscr Intsrfroe

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Tematik-Integratif Berbasis Sosiokultural dengan Tema Indahnya Kebersamaan bagi Peserta Didik Kelas IV SDN Pujokusuman 1 Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran tematik-integratif berbasis sosiokultural dengan tema indahnya kebersamaan yang layak bagi peserta didik kelas IV SDN Pujokusuman 1 Yogyakarta, dan 2) mengetahui efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran tematik-integratif berbasis sosiokultural dengan tema indahnya kebersamaan yang dikembangkan bagi peserta didik kelas IV SDN Pujokusukan 1 Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R & D). Tahap penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu pada model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang telah dielaborasi oleh Sukmadinata menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu: 1) studi pendahuluan, 2) pengembangan, dan 3) pengujian dan sosialisasi. Subjek uji pendahuluan adalah tiga orang validator ahli dan satu orang validator praktisi. Subjek uji utama adalah peserta didik kelas IV B SDN Pujokusuman 1 Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 29 peserta didik. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi kegiatan guru dan peserta didik, angket penilaian perangkat pembelajaran oleh validator ahli dan praktisi, pre-test, dan tes hasil belajar peserta didik. Teknik analisis data hasil penilaian validator pada uji terbatas menggunakan statistik Aiken’s V. Teknik analisis data pre-test dan tes hasil belajar pada uji utama menggunakan Paired T-Test atau uji T Berpasangan. Hasil penelitian pada uji terbatas adalah produk silabus, RPP, media pembelajaran, bahan ajar, dan tes hasil belajar menurut validator ahli dan validator praktisi adalah layak untuk digunakan, dibuktikan dengan rerata skor Aiken’s V untuk masing-masing perangkat pembelajaran yang mendekati 1, dengan kata lain memiliki validasi yang sangat tinggi dan layak untuk digunakan. Uji efektivitas menggunakan desain eksperimen ¬before-after dengan data hasil pre-test dan tes hasil belajar menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Signifikansi yang dihasilkan dari perhitungan SPSS menunjukkan angka 0,0001 ≤ 0,05. Kegiatan guru sebelum dan ketika menggunakan perangkat yang dikembangkan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 34,26%. Kegiatan peserta didik sebelum dan ketika diterapkan perangkat yang dikembangkan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 38,89%

    Effect of Weight Passanger to Stopping Distance and Braking Pedal Force of CBR 250 CC

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    Braking system is becoming one of the important aspects of the vehicle because it is one of the safety systems. Vehicle that traveling at higher speed must fully equipped with more reliable braking system. Reliable braking system is important ro reduce speed or to stop vehicle. Vehicle at high speed make unproportional braking between front and rear wheel, it make one of the wheel locking. Also the rider habbit that usually using only rear brake to reduce speed. It dangerous for the vehicle because it becoming unstable. Combined brake system is more reliable to maintain braking proportion between front and rear wheel. As a braking vehicle decelerates or during the braking process, there is weight transfer, removes weight from the rear wheels and results in a minimum stopping distance. In this research investigates we present an analysis of the minimum stopping distance problem taking into acount the effect of weight transfer on (i) one passeger on vehicle (ii) two passegers on vehicle. On the other, there is weight transfer to the front axle. It makes changing normal load on each wheel. With normal load can calculate how many braking pressure

    Media Relations Strategy in Building Positive Image of the Institution

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    Media relations is one of the determining strategies in building the institution's image. The research aims to determine the Media Relations Strategy by Public Relations of Bank Indonesia West Java Province in building a positive image of the institution. The qualitative method used in this research uses descriptive analysis to describe a situation or event. It gives a detailed description of specific individuals or groups regarding the circumstances and symptoms. Theoretically or conceptually, this research is based on Rosady Ruslan's concept of media relations which is divided into three, namely Media Gathering, Media Tour, and Press Conference. The data collection in this study is by interviews and observations with four informants. The results of this study indicate that the Media Relations Strategy carried out by Bank Indonesia Public Relations in West Java Province includes three activities: Media Gathering, Media Tour, and Press Conference activities. This research is hoped to impact the development of public relations science and public relations practices in companies.

    Factors Influence Intention to Opt for Islamic Investment Schemes among Market Players

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    Employing theory of reasoned action with religiosity as its additional construct in the model, this paper is aimed at examining factors influence the intention of investors to opt Islamic investment schemes in Malaysia Islamic capital markets. As many as 120 questionnaires were collected from market players in Bursa Malaysia using online survey. Afterwards, the data collected were analyzed using structural equation model to reveal the relationship of variables tested in the proposed model. The result shows that religiosity and subjective norms appeared to be the significant factors affecting intention to choose Islamic investment schemes in Malaysia Islamic capital markets. Interestingly, despite its significant role shown in previous studies, this study has shown insignificant level of the attitude in predicting the intention behavior. The managerial implications are discussed in this paper. Keywords: Investors’ behavior, Islamic investment, Bursa Malaysi

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Tematik-integratif Berbasis Sosiokultural Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran tematikintegratifberbasis sosiokultural dengan tema indahnya kebersamaan yang layak danefektif bagi peserta didik kelas IV SDN Pujokusuman 1 Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian iniadalah penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R & D). Tahap penelitianpengembangan ini mengacu pada model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang telahdielaborasi oleh Sukmadinata menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu: (1) studi pendahuluan, (2)pengembangan, dan (3) pengujian dan sosialisasi. Subjek uji pendahuluan adalah tigaorang validator ahli dan satu orang validator praktisi. Subjek uji utama adalah pesertadidik kelas IV B SDN Pujokusuman 1 Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 29 peserta didik. Hasilpenelitian pada uji terbatas adalah produk silabus, RPP, media pembelajaran, bahan ajar,dan tes hasil belajar menurut validator ahli dan validator praktisi adalah layak untukdigunakan, dibuktikan dengan rerata skor Aiken's V untuk masing-masing perangkatpembelajaran yang mendekati 1, Uji efektivitas menggunakan desain eksperimen beforeafterdengan data hasil pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan.Signifikansi yang dihasilkan dari perhitungan SPSS menunjukkan angka 0,0001 ≤ 0,05.Kegiatan guru sebelum dan ketika menggunakan perangkat yang dikembangkanmengalami peningkatan sebesar 34,26%. Kegiatan peserta didik sebelum dan ketikaditerapkan perangkat yang dikembangkan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 38,89

    Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi pembelajaran selama pandemi virus covid-19 dilaksanakan secara daring sehingga mengakibatkan kurangnya motivasi anak dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, untuk mengatasi masalah motivasi tersebut perlu adanya suatu tindakan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar Kelas II-A SD Negeri 3 Pandean tahun 2020/2021 menggunakan metode pembelajaran blended learning. Subjek penelitian yang dikenai tindakan adalah siswa Kelas II-A dengan siswa yang berjumlah 27 siswa, subjek pelaku tindakan yaitu peserta didik. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi dan wawancara, Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dengan menggunakan teknik penelitian tindakan kelas. Hasil penelitian pra siklus menunjukkan bahwa hasil rata-rata motivasi siswa sebesar 26,85%, sedangkan pada siklus I memperoleh persentase 63,88% dan meningkat lagi menjadi 80,55% pada siklus II. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model blended learning dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada materi pengukuran berat benda pada siswa Kelas II-A di SDN 3 Pandea

    Factors Influence Intention to Opt for Islamic Investment Schemes Among Market Players

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    Employing theory of reasoned action with religiosity as its additional construct in the model, this paper is aimed at examining factors influence the intention of investors to opt Islamic investment schemes in Malaysia Islamic capital markets. As many as 120 questionnaires were collected from market players in Bursa Malaysia using online survey. Afterwards, the data collected were analyzed using structural equation model to reveal the relationship of variables tested in the proposed model. The result shows that religiosity and subjective norms appeared to be the significant factors affecting intention to choose Islamic investment schemes in Malaysia Islamic capital markets. Interestingly, despite its significant role shown in previous studies, this study has shown insignificant level of the attitude in predicting the intention behavior. The managerial implications are discussed in this paper

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Tematik- Integratif Berbasis Sosiokultural Bagi Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to produce the integrated thematic learning media based on sosiocultural on the themeof “indahnya kebersamaan” that is eligible effective for the fourth grade students of SDN Pujokusuman1 Yogyakarta. This study was a research and development (R & D) based on Borg and Gall modelsthat was ellaborated by Sukmadinata into three groups: (1) preliminary studies, (2) development, and(3) testing and socializaton. The subjects of limited test are three expert validators and one personpracticioner validator. The subjects of main test are 29 fourth grade students of SDN Pujokusuman 1Yogyakarta. The research finding reveals that the learning instruments in terms of the learning mediaaccording to the experts are feasible to use, indicated by a mean score of Aiken's V for each learninginstrument that is approaching 1, in other words the learning instruments have a very high validity andare feasible for use. Effectiveness testing that used before-after experimental design with the pre-testand post-test result shows a significant difference. The significance resulting from the calculation ofSPSS shows the number 0.0001 less than or equal with 0.05. Teacher activities before and when using the products increasedby 34.25%. Students activities before and when the products were applied increased by 38.89%


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    ABSTRACTThe present study will investigate the effect of implementing USSR (Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading) program at national plus school Ananda Islamic School. Iinterview and field observation was designed for data collection. To succeed the program, the students freely choose the storybook they like and they would be given special time at school to read during the program. The teacher will show a role model and a value of reading by joining the program of reading books with a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere and lack of pressure. This study will use an observation log, questionnaire surveys, and semi-structured interviews. 20 students were observed during USSR program within 4 weeks including a survey and 5 students will be taken as a sample through purposive sampling method.Keywords: EFL Learning, Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR), Reading achievement, Reading Comprehensio
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