5 research outputs found

    Gölköy yöresi (Ordu, KD Türkiye) Eosen yaşlı I-tipi şoşonitik plütonların mineral kimyası, tüm-kayaç jeokimyası ve petrolojisi

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    Doğu Pontidler Orojenik Kuşağı’nda (KD Türkiye), farklı boyut ve bileşimlere sahip Eosen yaşlı ortaç-felsik plütonlar yaygın olarak yüzeyleme vermektedir. Bunlardan, Eriko Tepe ve Göl Tepe Plütonları yaklaşık KB-GD ve D-B uzanımlı olup, Üst Kretase ve /veya Eosen volkanik ve sedimanter kayaçlar içerisine yerleşmiştir. Petrografik olarak; incelenen plütonlar, ince-orta taneli monzonit, monzodiyorit ve yer yer kuvars monzonit bileşimlidir. İncelenen Plütonlara ait kayaçlar, plajiyoklas (An35-67), K-feldispat (Or61-96), kuvars, klinopiroksen (Wo28-49En35-51Fs10-25), biyotit (Mg#: 0.53-0.73) ± hornblend (Mg#: 0.65-0.82), Fe-Ti oksit içermekte olup, monzonitik, poikilitik, pertitik, nadiren antirapakivi ve grafik doku gösterirler. Mineral termobarometre hesaplamaları, plütonların orta-sığ kabuk derinliklerindeki P-T koşullarında kristallendiğini ifade etmektedir. Petrokimyasal olarak; incelenen monzonitik plütonlar çarpışma sonrası, I-tipi, metalümin (A/CNK=0.76-0.93) ve şoşonitik karakterlidirler. Tüm-kayaç ana oksit ve iz element değişimleri, monzonitik plütonların gelişiminde fraksiyonel kristallenmenin önemli rol oynadığına işaret etmektedir. İncelenen plütonların ilksel mantoya normalize iz element diyagramları, birbirine benzer büyük iyon yarıçaplı litofil element, Th, Ce zenginleşmesi ve negatif Nb ve Ti anomalileri göstermektedir. Ayrıca, kondrite normalize nadir toprak element dağılımları, orta derecede zenginleşmiş konkav şekilli (LaN/LuN=9.3-12.6) ve negatif Eu anomalisi (EuN/Eu*=0.69-0.84) göstermekte olup, plütonların gelişimlerinde plajiyoklas ve klinopiroksen ± hornblend ayrımlaşmasını yansıtmaktadır. Elde edilen tüm jeokimyasal verilere göre, incelenen monzonitik plütonların çarpışma sonrası ortamda oluştukları ve zenginleşmiş litosferik manto ergiyiklerinden türeyen ana magmalardan itibaren geliştikleri ileri sürülebilir

    Stratigraphy, mineralogy and depositional environment of the evaporite unit in the Askale (Erzurum) sub-basin, Eastern Anatolia (Turkey)

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    The study area is situated in the Askale sub-basin where the Early-Middle Miocene aged Askale Formation was deposited in a shallow marine to lagoonal environment, and consists of interstratifications of clastic sediments, carbonates and evaporites. The successions of the Askale Formation can be divided into four main members interfingering with one another both vertically and laterally, and composed of the sandstone-mudstone-limestone member, the evaporite member, the gravelstone-sandstone-mudstone intercalations and the limestone member. The evaporite unit comprises of secondary gypsum lithofacies formed by hydration of precursor anhydrite, anhydrite, gypsum-bearing limestone and claystone in the form of wedges and lenses. Massive, nodular, nodular-banded, laminated and laminated-banded gpysum lithofacieses in addition to chicken-wire and rare entrolithic structures were described, indicating a sabhka or a shallow water depositional environment. Alabastrine and porphyblastic textures of gypsum were identified within the all lithofacieses with abundant amount of anhydrite relics. Additionally, saponite and illite/smectite, calcite and dolomite, celestite, epsomite were also observed. Successions of the Askale Formation were deposited in stable subtropical climatic conditions within rapidly subsiding sub-basin resulted in conversion of sub-basin to shallow platform and even in lagoon environment. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Geochemistry of Miocene evaporites from the Askale (Erzurum, Eastern Turkey) area: constraints for paleo-environment

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    The Askale sub basin hosts Early Miocene evaporites intercalated with clastic sediments and carbonates. Gypsum and anhydrite rich evaporite samples are characterized by high CaO and SO4 contents, and low Na2O, K2O, MgO, and B contents. The Sr contents are 228 = 13100 ppm in evaporite samples, 169 = 992 ppm in claystone, 181 = 60090 ppm in marl, and 15150 ppm in limestone. All the samples are also characterized by enrichment in light rare earth elements (REE) with La-N/Lu-N = 0.667 4.243 and have variable Ce-N / Ce* (0.823 - 1.353) ratios. Measured Eu-N/Eu* values of the samples display strong and variable negative and positive Eu anomalies. 834SCDT and 818O values of gypsum and anhydrite samples have wide ranges from 21.30 parts per thousand to 25.62 %o, and 11.5 parts per thousand to 19.1 parts per thousand, respectively. Most of these values are heavier than expected Miocene marine gypsum composition and may be resulted from reduction and oxidation reactions of sulfide species in brines. Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios range from 0.707475 (Delta(SW) = -169.8) to 0.708175 (Delta(SW) = -99.8), close to and / or slightly lower than an Early Miocene marine isotopic composition. Petrochemical and isotopic data indicate that the Askale basin evaporites developed in subtropical conditions via multiple marine transgressions onto a shallow platform or lagoonal environment

    Evolution of K-rich magmas derived from a net veined lithospheric mantle in an ongoing extensional setting: Geochronology and geochemistry of Eocene and Miocene volcanic rocks from Eastern Pontides (Turkey)

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