125 research outputs found
Tribological investigation of carbon fiber-epoxy composite reinforced by metallic filler layer
334-341This work aims to develop a carbon fiber/epoxy composite reinforced by metal fillers (Copper/Stainless steel) in order to improve the tribological properties. For this, a tribological study has been conducted using a ball-on-disc configuration. The surface of the material has been modified by deposing a layer of metal powder during manufacturing. For a better understanding of the wear mechanisms, the worn surface characteristics have been examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The coefficient of friction and the wear rate under different normal loads have been determined for the filled and unfilled composite. The results obtained revealed an increase of the wear rate with the increase of the applied load. Metallic filled carbon–epoxy showed better wear resistance and friction behaviour under different loads. In fact, microhardness measurement showed that the surface hardness has been greatly influenced by the metal filler. The overall results illustrate the impact of metal powders in the modification of polymer matrix composites surfaces. This method is promising to improve the tribological properties
Analisis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Audit Mutu Internal dan Dokumentasi Penjaminan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi
Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat memberikan nilai lebih bagi perguruan tinggi untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan kemudahan dalam menyimpan informasi. Teknologi tidak hanya menggunakan data sistem informasi secara umum, tetapi juga membantu dalam proses audit internal. Perguruan tinggi dan pendidikan saat ini memerlukan penjamin mutu guna memastikan mutu pendidikan. Penerapan sistem penjaminan mutu yang sudah berjalan memerlukan proses audit internal guna memastikan proses mutu tetap berjalan. Internal audit memiliki peran penting dalam suatu manajemen, dimana pelaksanaan audit internal dilakukan dengan form-form audit dalam bentuk kertas maupun secara elektronik. Sehingga permasalahan di atas membutuhkan alat bantu dengan sedikit melakukan isian dan secara otomatis sistem akan menyalin semua kode yang sama berbasis paper list, mengolah dalam bentuk file presentasi (grafik), analisis data dan lainnya. Auditor dapat menambahkan atau mengurangi data dengan pengisian langsung pada menu klausa pertanyaan. Selain itu, auditor dapat langsung memberikan catatan temuan serta kapan departemen atau unit kerja dapat memberikan tanggapan terhadap temuan itu untuk diselesaikan dari segi manajemen historikal hasil audit yang akurat dan tersaji secara cepat, serta dapat dibandingkan antara hasil audit setiap departemen, setiap klausul maupun atas waktu. Hasil audit juga menyajikan performance setiap departemen dalam bentuk angka (ukuran kuantitatif). Selain itu, perangkat lunak dapat menyajikan record audit per auditor untuk membantu evaluasi, dan meningkatkan kompetensi auditor
Determinants of Undernutrition among Children under Age 5 in the Puntland State of Somalia
The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of nutritional status among children under age 5 (0-59 months) in Puntland. Undernutrition is a global challenge, it does not only adversely affect short‐ and long‐term health and economic well‐being of children but it is also a leading contributor to death and disability globally. Undernutrition short-term effects include mortality and morbidity where long-term effects are that the children do not reach their full developmental potential and would have poor cognitive performance, which in turn has consequences on the country’s economic productivity. Nutritional status of the Somali children in Puntland is relatively poor due to many reasons such as low economic conditions of Somali households, lack of food security and severe drought that has affected the country in recent years and among other factors. This study used data from the Puntland Health and Demographic Survey 2020 which was conducted by the Department of Statistics at Puntland Ministry of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation with technical support from UNFPA Somalia. The analysis used stunting, wasting, and underweight as dependent variables, while the independent variables were children, maternal, and household characteristics. Bivariate and multivariate Logistic regression models were performed to analyze the determinants of nutritional status among the children.
The study showed a significant association between children’s nutritional status and most of the explanatory variables under study. Place of residence, gender of household head, wealth index, source of drinking water, source of energy for cooking, toilet facility, mother’s age, marital status, education, breastfeeding, ANC visits, BMI, work status, child’s sex, child’s age, birth order and size at birth have significant associations with children’s nutrition status. The study found that most variables in child, maternal, and household characteristics were significantly associated with stunting and wasting among children under age five. Based on these findings, the research recommends that a multi-sectoral approach is needed to address undernutrition in Puntland state. Combined nutrition programmes from different sectors in line with National Development Plans (NDP) need to be designed to address the underlying causes of acute and chronic malnutrition
Studi Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Energi Terbarukan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Sebagai Pengembangan Usaha Koperasi Unit Desa dan Nilai Sosial Masyarakat
Tempat pelelangan ikan yang selanjutnya disebut dengan TPI merupakan tempat bagi nelayan untuk melakukan aktivitas perdagangan hasil tangkapan ikan. Tempat pelelangan ikan perlu didukung sarana dan prasarana yang memadai agar aktivitas perdagangan dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Kondisi sarana dan prasarana yang tidak memadai di TPI Jongor, Kota Tegal disebabkan oleh kurang optimalnya kondisi penerangan yang memunculkan isu permasalahan terhadap nilai sosial dan pengembangan aspek ekonomi di lingkungan masyarakat. Seiring dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mendorong penggunaan energi baru dan terbarukan, dihadirkan inovasi untuk menjawab tantangan dari permasalahan di TPI Jongor, Kota Tegal tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis potensi panel surya sebagai sumber daya energi terbarukan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Maret sampai dengan Juli 2022. Penelitian ini menggabungkan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk mengetahui dampak terhadap pengembangan aspek ekonomi dan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengetahui dampak pada nilai sosial. Data dikumpulkan dari data primer dan sekunder yang diolah berdasarkan pengamatan langsung di lapangan dengan penggunaan metode anuitas dan Likert. Responden adalah masyarakat sekitar TPI Jongor yang berjumlah 30 orang. Selanjutnya, dalam penelitian dihadirkan produk skema perkreditan sebagai alternatif pengembangan energi terbarukan untuk masyarakat sekitar dari koperasi unit desa yang merupakan lembaga untuk memberikan sarana dan prasarana pertumbuhan nilai ekonomi untuk lingkungan sekitar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perubahan faktor yang mendukung peningkatan penilaian ekonomi dan perubahan nilai sosial serta hasil penelitian yang menghadirkan produk layanan baru yang diajukan kepada koperasi unit desa untuk dapat diterapkan pada masyarakat sekitar atau anggotanya. Title: Study of The Utilization of Renewable Energy Resources in Fish Auction Market As Business Development of Village Cooperative and Community Social ValuesFish Auction Houses (TPI) is a means for the trading activities of fishermen in selling their fish catches. TPI needs to be supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure so that trading activities can run smoothly. The condition of inadequate facilities and infrastructure in TPI Jongor Tegal City due to the suboptimal lighting conditions raises the issue of problems with social value and development of economic aspect in the community. Along with the government’s policy to encourage the use of new and renewable energy, it presents innovations to answer the challenges of the problems in the Jongor TPI in Tegal City. The study looked at the use of technology to the utilization of renewable energy resources. The study was conducted from April to August 2022. The research uses a combined type of research with a quantitative approach to determine the impact on development of economics aspect and a qualitative approach to determine the impact on social value. The data were collected from primary and secondary data processed based on direct observations in the field and the use of annuity and likert methods. In the study, respondents from the community around TPI Jongor were observed as many as 35 respondentsFurthermore, the research presents credit scheme products as an alternative to the development of renewable energy for the surrounding community from the Village Unit Cooperative which is an institution to provide facilities and infrastructure for the growth of economic value for the surrounding environment. The results of the study showed changes in factors that supported the improvement of economic assessments and changes in social values and the results of the study presented new service products submitted to the village Unit cooperative to be applied to the surrounding community or its members
Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Keberadaan Peternakan Ayam Ras Petelur di Dusun Passau Timur Desa Bukit Samang Kecamatan Sendana Kabupaten Majene
Peternakan Ayam Ras Petelur di Dusun Passau Timur Desa Bukit Samang Kecamatan Sendana, Kabupaten Majene. menunjukkan adanya isu di sekitar lingkungan peternakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan peternakan ayam ras petelur di Dusun Passau Timur Desa Bukit Samang Kecamatan Sendana, Kabupaten Majene. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 01 Juli sampai 01 Agustus 2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif yang menggambarkan suatu fenomena, dalam hal ini persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan peternakan ayam ras petelur. Populasi sebanyak 220 orang dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 37 orang yang ditentukan berdasarkan rumus Slovin, teknik pengambilan sampelnya dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan peternakan ayam ras petelur di Dusun Passau Timur Desa Bukit Samang Kecamatan Sendana, Kabupaten Majene adalah sebagian besar merasa tidak terganggu dengan adanya peternakan ayam ras petelur
Sawah merupakan media atau sarana untuk memproduksi padi. Sawah yang subur akan menghasilkan padi yang baik. Indonesia termasuk Negara agraris yang sebagian wilayahnya adalah pertanian, yang dapat memproduksi padi lebih banyak. Namun, karena adanya pembangunan pabrik atau bangunan lainnya di lahan pertanian, menyebabkan produksi pertanian kian berkurang.
Perhitungan luas area tanaman padi dilakukan dengan melakukan overlay antara peta hasil klasifikasi dengan peta hasil NDVI pada citra Landsat 8. Sedangkan untuk menghitung produksinya dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ubinan seperti yang dilakukan oleh BPS dan Dinas Pertanian.
Luas area tanaman padi di Kota Pekalongan yaitu sebesar 664,96 hektar dengan nilai luas terbesar berada di Kecamatan Pekalongan Selatan yaitu sebesar 425,33 hektar dan luas terkecil berada di Kecamatan Pekalongan Barat yaitu sebesar 16,86 hektar. Sedangkan nilai produksi padinya diperkirakan mencapai 4443,05 ton gabah dengan produksi terbesar berada di Kecamatan Pekalongan Selatan yaitu sebesar 2841,92 ton dan produksi terkecil berada di Kecamatan Pekalongan Barat yaitu sebesar 112,65 ton.
Kata Kunci : Sawah, citra Landsat 8, Luas area tanaman padi, Produksi padi
Paddy field is a media or means to produce rice. The fertile paddy field will produce good rice. Indonesia is an agrarian country which is most of the territory is agriculture that can produce rice in the high scale. However, due to the construction of factory or other building on the farmland, causing the agricultural production is diminished.
The calculation for the area of paddy crop is done by overlaying between the map's result of the classification with the map's result of NDVI on the citra landsat 8. Whereas, for counting the production is done by using ubinan method as performed by the BPS and the Department of Agriculture.
The farmland paddy's area in Pekalongan in the amount of 664,96 hectares with the largest area is in the sub district of south Pekalongan in the amount of 425,33 hectares and the smallest area is in the sub district of south Pekalongan in the amount of 16,86 hectares. While the value of paddy production is estimated at 4443,05 tons of unhulled rice with the largest production in the Sub district of South Pekalongan in the amount of 2841,92 tons and the smallest production located in the sub district of West Pekalongan in the amount of 112,65 tons.
Keywords: paddy, Citra Landsat 8, The area of paddy crop, paddy production
Digistar 6-Based Planetarium as an Educational Media for Learning about the Sun Position Using a Horizontal Coordinate System
A good understanding of the labeling of the positions of celestial bodies, including the Sun, in a horizontal coordinate system, is absolutely necessary as a basis for understanding astronomy and astrophysics. The existence of media that can be used to provide simulations of the celestial sphere and its coordinate system is very important to support the learning process. Through this quantitative descriptive statistical research with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, it can be shown that the use of Digistar 6-Based Planetarium as an educational medium can improve students' understanding of the position of the Sun in a horizontal coordinate system. The increase in understanding was marked by an increase in the average percentage of correct answers from pretest to posttest by 32.89%, an increase in the percentage of minimum and maximum correct answers by 54% and 60%, respectively, and an increase in the number of passes in the PAP version by 53.34%
Digistar 6-Based Planetarium as an Educational Media for Learning about the Sun Position Using a Horizontal Coordinate System
A good understanding of the labeling of the positions of celestial bodies, including the Sun, in a horizontal coordinate system, is absolutely necessary as a basis for understanding astronomy and astrophysics. The existence of media that can be used to provide simulations of the celestial sphere and its coordinate system is very important to support the learning process. Through this quantitative descriptive statistical research with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, it can be shown that the use of Digistar 6-Based Planetarium as an educational medium can improve students' understanding of the position of the Sun in a horizontal coordinate system. The increase in understanding was marked by an increase in the average percentage of correct answers from pretest to posttest by 32.89%, an increase in the percentage of minimum and maximum correct answers by 54% and 60%, respectively, and an increase in the number of passes in the PAP version by 53.34%
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