76 research outputs found

    Recognizing emotional state of user based on learning method and conceptual memories

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    With the increased use of computers, electronic devices and human interaction with computer in the broad spectrum of human life, the role of controlling emotions and increasing positive emotional states becomes more prominent. If a user's negative emotions increase, his/her efficiency will decrease greatly as well. Research has shown that colors are to be considered as one of the most influential basic functions in sight, identification, interpretation, perception and senses. It can be said that colors have impact on individuals' emotional states and can change them. In this paper, by learning the reactions of users with different personality types against each color, communication between the user's emotional states and personality and colors were modeled for the variable "emotional control". For the sake of learning, we used a memory-based system with the user’s interface color changing in accordance with the positive and negative experiences of users with different personalities. The end result of comparison of the testing methods demonstrated the superiority of memory-based learning in all three parameters of emotional control, enhancement of positive emotional states and reduction of negative emotional states. Moreover, the accuracy of memory- based learning method was almost 70 percent

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Salbutamol Sulphate and Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Formulations

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    امكن تطوير طريقة يسيرة وحساسة لتقدير كبريتات السالبيوتامول وايزوكسوبرين هيدروكلوريد بشكلهما النقي وفي مستحضراتهما الصيدلانية, استندت الطريقة على مبدأ اكسدة المركبين الدوائيين بزيادة محسوبة من العامل المؤكسد N- بروموسكسينميد في وسط حامض الهيدروكلوريك وادخال غير المتفاعل من العامل المؤكسد في تفاعل اكسدة صبغة ايفانز الزرقاء المضافة بكمية ثابتة مؤديا الى قصر لونها الازرق وقياس المتبقي من الصبغة عند الطول الموجي 600 نانوميتر, اذ وجد ان امتصاص الصبغه المتبقية يزداد خطيا مع زيادة تركيز المركبين الدوائيين ضمن مدى التراكيز 1-12 و 1-11 مايكروغرام/مللتر بامتصاصية مولارية 4.21×410 و 2.58×410 لتر .مول-1.سم-1 لكل من كبريتات السالبيوتامول وايزوكسوبرين هيدروكلوريد على التوالي. طبقت الطريقة بنجاح على المستحضرات الصيدلانية للمركبين الدوائيين وكانت نتائجها متوافقة مع نتائج طريقة الاضافة القياسية مما يدل على ان الطريقة ذات دقة وصلاحية تطبيق تحليلي جيدة.A simple, sensitive and accurate spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of salbutamol sulphate (SAB) and isoxsuprine hydrochloride (ISX) in pure and pharmaceutical dosage. The method involved oxidation of (SAB) and (ISX) with a known excess of N-bromosuccinamid in acidic medium, and subsequent occupation of unreacted oxidant in decolorization of Evans blue dye (EB). This, in the presence of SAB or ISX was rectilinear over the ranges 1.0-12.0, 1.0-11.0 µg/mL, with molar absorptivity 4.21×104 and 2.58×104 l.mol-1.cm-1 respectively. The developed method had been successfully applied for the determination of the studied drugs in their pharmaceutical dosage resulting in a good agreement with certified value and standard addition procedure

    Spatial planning, urban governance and the economic context: The case of 'Mehr' housing plan, Iran

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    With the increasing concentration of population and economic activities in metropolitan regions, dwelling shortages and housing quality have become critical issues in urban management. Town plans considering social, economic, political, and cultural features of local communities have been developed with the aim of supporting housing, especially in emerging economies. In Iran, the 'Mehr Housing' Plan has been considered as one of the most relevant strategies for social housing since the 2000s. However, the acceptance of 'Mehr Housing' plans at the community scale has been rather low, reflecting the fact that it is a top-down, non-participatory policy. The present study investigates the most important factors affecting social acceptance of 'Mehr Housing' plans by interviewing 45 experts through a structured questionnaire that evaluated multiple analyses' dimensions of housing and urban planning in Iran. Results showed that six dimensions (physical, institutional-managerial, economic, socio-cultural, legal, and locational) had contributed to social dissatisfaction with 'Mehr Housing' local initiatives. In particular, socio-cultural and legal dimensions were demonstrated to have a large impact on local communities' dissatisfaction

    Non-syndromic cleft palate: Association analysis on three gene polymorphisms of the folate pathway in Asian and Italian populations

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    Periconceptional folic acid supplementation can reduce the risk of inborn malformations, including orofacial clefts. Polymorphisms of MTHFR, TCN2, and CBS folate-related genes seem to modulate the risk of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) in some populations. CL/P and cleft palate only (CPO) are different malformations that share several features and possibly etiological causes. In the present investigation, we conducted a family-based, candidate gene association study of non-syndromic CPO. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms, namely, rs1801133 of MTHFR, rs1801198 of TCN2, and rs4920037 of CBS, were investigated in a sample that included 129 Italian and 65 Asian families. No evidence of association between the three genotyped polymorphisms and CPO was found in the Italian and Asian cases, indeed the transmission disequilibrium test did not detect any asymmetry of transmission of alleles. This investigation, although with some limitation, further supports that CL/P and CPO diverge in their genetic background

    Conservation status of marine biodiversity of the Western Indian Ocean

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    The Western Indian Ocean is comprised of productive and highly diverse marine ecosystems that are rich sources of food security, livelihoods, and natural wonder. The ecological services that species provide are vital to the productivity of these ecosystems and healthy biodiversity is essential for the continued support of economies and local users. The stability of these valuable resources, however, is being eroded by growing threats to marine life from overexploitation, habitat degradation and climate change, all of which are causing serious reductions in marine ecosystem services and the ability of these ecosystems to support human communities. Quantifying the impacts of these threats and understanding the conservation status of the region’s marine biodiversity is a critical step in applying informed management and conservation measures to mitigate loss and retain the ecological value of these systems. This report highlights trends in research needs for species in the region, including priorities for fundamental biological and ecological research and quantifying trends in the populations of species. The assessments and analyses submitted in this report should inform conservation decision-making processes and will be valuable to policymakers, natural resource managers, environmental planners and NGOs

    A systematic review of non-hormonal treatments of vasomotor symptoms in climacteric and cancer patients

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    Performance of Broilers Supplemented With Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) Powder

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    This study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary supplementation of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) on the performance of broiler chicks. 500 Ross broiler chicks were divided into 5 treatment groups of 4 replications in a completely randomized design format. The diets were ISO-caloric and ISO-nitrogenous ones and contained 1.5, 3, 4.5, and 6 g/kg of peppermint powder. At start, growing, and end periods, the effects of peppermint powder on average daily weight gain, feed conversation ratio, and mortality rate were studied. The results of the present study showed that over a production period of 42 days peppermint had a significant effect on average daily weight gain and feed conversation ratio when compared with the control group (P <.05). The level of 4.5 g/kg had the highest average daily weight gain (52.78 g), and control treatment with 46.98 g had the least average daily weight gain among different levels of peppermint. The level of 4.5 g/kg and 6 g/kg of peppermint had the least mortality compared to control treatment during training period (P <.05). From this experiment, we can conclude that treatment with 4.5 g/kg peppermint powder has better performance and carcass characteristics in broilers