463 research outputs found
La lectura de "El sueño del celta" como novela histórica
Algo que me llamó la atención de la novela El sueño del celta fue que el autor no
se basara en algún personaje hispanoamericano o que la obra no estuviera ambientada en
Hispanoamérica, rasgo característico de Vargas Llosa.
El afán por averiguar más detalles de esta obra, sobre todo, el interés sobre la
veracidad del argumento y sus personajes, fue lo que me llevó a plantearme hacer el
Trabajo de Fin de Grado sobre esta magnífica novela.Departamento de Literatura Española y Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura ComparadaGrado en Español: Lengua y Literatur
Observability analysis and optimal sensor placement in stereo radar odometry
© 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Localization is the key perceptual process closing the loop of autonomous navigation, allowing self-driving vehicles to operate in a deliberate way. To ensure robust localization, autonomous vehicles have to implement redundant estimation processes, ideally independent in terms of the underlying physics behind sensing principles. This paper presents a stereo radar odometry system, which can be used as such a redundant system, complementary to other odometry estimation processes, providing robustness for long-term operability. The presented work is novel with respect to previously published methods in that it contains: (i) a detailed formulation of the Doppler error and its associated uncertainty; (ii) an observability analysis that gives the minimal conditions to infer a 2D twist from radar readings; and (iii) a numerical analysis for optimal vehicle sensor placement. Experimental results are also detailed that validate the theoretical insights.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Estudio del comportamiento de la Glutamato Deshidrogenasa en diferentes poblaciones mitocondriales del cerebro de rata
Tesis doctoral, Univ. Complutense, 1981.Sección Deptal. de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (Farmacia)Fac. de FarmaciaTRUEProQuestpu
Emakume noblea Behe Erdi Aroko Euskal Herrian: Juana de Butrón Mújica
42 p. -- Bibliogr.: p. 39-42Juana de Butrónek (1400-1469), Lope García de Salazar-en emaztea, bere semearen etorkizunaren alde borrokatu zuen, senarraren aurka. Familia zatituko zuten liskarrak aztertuko ditut, izan ere, oinordekotza arazoak egon ziren eta elkar egindako lehen maiorazkotik 1451an, arazo asko agertuko dira. Juana andreak, Bizkaiko ohitura tradizionalak jarraituz, bere seme nagusiaren alde jokatu zuen. Istorio berezi eta konplexu honetan, emakume honek izandako protagonismo aktiboa plazaratuko dut, zeinak 1469.urtean bere kabuz maiorazkoa egin zuen, Loperen nahien kontra
Improvement of scanning tunneling microscopy resolution with H-sensitized tips
Recent scanning tunneling hydrogen microscopy (STHM) experiments on PTCDA (perylene-3,4,9,10- tetracarboxylic-3,4,9,10-dianhydride)/Au(111) have shown unprecedented intramolecular and intermolecular spatial resolution. The origin of this resolution is studied using an accurate STHM theoretical simulation technique that includes a detailed description of the electronic structure of both the tip and sample. Our results show that H2 molecules are dissociated on the Au tip; the adsorbed H atoms change the density of states at the Fermi level (EF) of the tip, increasing its p-orbital character and reducing the s-orbital contribution. Also, due to the interaction with the H-decorated tip, EF is shifted to the middle of the PTCDA lowest unoccupied molecular orbital peak, increasing dramatically the density of states of the sample at EF. These effects give rise to the enhanced STHM resolutionThis work is supported by Spanish MICIIN under Contract No. FIS2010-16046, the CAM under Contract No. S2009/MAT-1467, and the European Project MINOTOR (Grant No. FP7-NMP-228424). J. I. M. acknowledges funding from Spanish MICINN through Juan
de la Cierva Program, E. A. the financial support by Consejería de Educación de la CAM, FSE, and European Project MINOTOR, and C. G. the CSIC JA
Acquisition of educational values at the Real Madrid Foundation’s social-sports schools
The objective of this study was to analyse the impact of the educational programme of the Real Madrid Foundation (RMF) on the acquisition of educational values at social-sports football and basketball schools among children aged between 12 and 16 years in Italy, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom. The most significant results showed that: (a) between the 20–21 and 21–22 seasons, there were statistically significant increases in personal and team success, self-fulfilment, personal and group superiority, health and physical fitness, and peaceful behaviour; and (b) the increase in variables being studied was different according to the country analysed in such a way that: in the per-sonal and team success dimension there was a rise in the United Kingdom and Italy; in self-fulfilment there was an increase in the United Kingdom; in the personal and group superiority dimension there was a rise in Italy and Romania; in the health and physical fitness dimension there was an increase in social-sports schools in the United Kingdom and Italy; in the peaceful behaviour dimension there was a rise in social-sports schools in the United Kingdom and a drop in social-sports schools in Romania. There were very significant improvements in the majority of dimensions and countries, although the development of the various dimensions is different and specific to every one of the distinct countries, meaning that it is necessary to keep adapting the educational programme of the Real Madrid Foundation in line with the sociocultural characteristics of each of the countries in which it is implemented
Unificación de comunicaciones entre el vehículo y la central empleando el protocolo IPv6
Las arquitecturas de comunicación presentes actualmente en el campo de la gestión de flotas, hacen uso de diversas conexiones para tratar con los diferentes tipos de comunicaciones que se establecen entre los vehículos y la central, ya sea para transmitir voz, datos o para enviar y recibir faxes. En un intento de solucionar esta situación, el proyecto DAMA estudia la mejor manera de centralizar todas estas comunicaciones en un dispositivo de bajo coste, que actúe como único punto de acceso entre el mundo exterior y el vehículo, utilizando en cada momento la mejor red de acceso disponible. La utilización del protocolo IPV6, y más concretamente el servicio de movilidad a nivel de red que éste proporciona (MIPv6), junto con las técnicas de movilidad a nivel de aplicación proporcionadas por el protocolo de señalización SIP, son los pilares básicos en los que se basa la solución propuesta por DAMA
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