637 research outputs found

    Fifth Nordic Benthological Meeting, May 9-12. 2004, Lærdal, Norway. Programme and Abstracts

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    Årsliste 2004The Fifth Nordic Benthological Meeting was held in Lærdal at the Norwegian Wild Salmon Centre from May 9-12, 2004, and for the first time in Norway. This report gives the program for the meeting, the list of participants and abstracts for the invited and contributed papers togheter with abstracts for the posters presented.Lærdal kommune

    Caveats with estimating natural mortality rates in stock assessment models using age aggregated catch data and abundance indices

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    We consider the challenge in estimating the natural mortality, M, in a standard statistical fish stock assessment model based on time series of catch- and abundance-at-age data. Though anecdotal evidence and empirical experience lend support to the fact that this parameter may be difficult to estimate, the current literature lacks a theoretical justification. We first discuss the estimatability of a time-invariant M theoretically and present necessary conditions for a constant M to be identifiable. We then investigate the practical usefulness of this by estimating M from simulated data based on models fitted to 19 fish stocks. Using the same data sets, we next explore several model formulations of time varying M, with a pre-specified mean value. Cross validation is used to assess the prediction performance of the candidate models. Our results show that a time-invariant M can be estimated with reasonable precision for a few stocks with long time series and typically high values of the true M. For most stocks, however, the estimation uncertainty of M is very large. For time-varying M, we find that accounting for variability across age and time using a simple model significantly improves the performance compared to a time-invariant M. No significant improvement is obtained by using complex models, such as, those with time dependencies in variability around mean values of M.publishedVersio

    A Functional Implementation of a Multiway Dataflow Constraint System Library

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    Masteroppgave i Programvareutvikling samarbeid med HVLPROG399MAMN-PRO

    Sovereign Risk Indices and Bayesian Theory Averaging

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    In economic applications, model averaging has found principal use examining the validity of various theories related to observed heterogeneity in outcomes such as growth, development, and trade.Though often easy to articulate, these theories are imperfectly captured quantitatively. A number of different proxies are often collected for a given theory and the uneven nature of this collection requires care when employing model averaging. Furthermore, if valid, these theories ought to be relevant outside of any single narrowly focused outcome equation. We propose a methodology which treats theories as represented by latent indices, these latent processes controlled by model averaging on the proxy level. To achieve generalizability of the theory index our framework assumes a collection of outcome equations. We accommodate a flexible set of generalized additive models, enabling non-Gaussian outcomes to be included. Furthermore, selection of relevant theories also occurs on the outcome level, allowing for theories to be differentially valid. Our focus is on creating a set of theory-based indices directed at understanding a country's potential risk of macroeconomic collapse. These Sovereign Risk Indices are calibrated across a set of different "collapse" criteria, including default on sovereign debt, heightened potential for high unemployment or inflation and dramatic swings in foreign exchange values. The goal of this exercise is to render a portable set of country/year theory indices which can find more general use in the research community

    Introduction du cocotier dans les systèmes culturaux de la Moyenne Côte-d'Ivoire : analyse d'une opération de développement de 1976 à 1980

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    Kontrollundersøkelsene i Follavassdraget i 1988 viste at forurensningssituasjonen er stabil. Påbyggingen av slamdammen i 1988 har hittil ikke ført til noen endringer av betydning i tilførslene fra deponeringsområdet. Avgangsdeponeringen foregår fortsatt tilfredstillende. Tungmetalltilførslene fra Folldal sentrum er som tidligere år betydelige og sterkt varierende i løpet av året.Folldal Verk A/

    Kundeforhold i regnskapsførerbransjen

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    Formålet med masterutredningen var å få bedre innsikt i, og forståelse av, kundeforhold i leverandør-kunderelasjoner. Utredningen bygger på 17 dybdeintervjuer av regnskapsførere og kunder av regnskapsførere. Kundebedriftene forteller om hva som er viktig i deres forhold til regnskapsfører og om hvilke forventninger de har til hverandre. Regnskapsførerne forteller også om forventninger i relasjonen, samt hvordan de håndterer ulike kundeforhold. Med dette tar studien sikte på å undersøke hvorfor og hvordan kundeforhold varierer, samt avdekke hvilke forventninger partene har til hverandre. I tillegg blir det undersøkt om forventningene kan påvirkes, samt hvilke konsekvenser brudd på disse forventningene vil ha for kundeforholdet

    Testing av fysisk form på Krigsskolen : en studie av Krigskolens eksamen i Fysisk Fostring og de fysiske krav som stilles til soldaten i strid

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    Bachelor i militære studier; ledelse og landmak