74 research outputs found

    Narrativa e memória: o trabalho das quebradeiras de coco da região do Bico do Papagaio em “Raimunda a ‘quebradeira”

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    The documentary “Raimunda, a quebradeira”, directed by Marcelo Silva and released in 2007, told the story of coconut shellers in the Bico do Papagaio region of the state of Tocantins. Among the coconut shellers, the story of Raimunda, who with others began the Interstate Movement of Babassu Coconut Shellers (MIQCB), stood out. The movement had as its main agenda the struggle for the coconut shellers to have access to public and private lands that contained the babassu coconut palm; and for the palm trees not to be cut down. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to analyze and understand in what ways the issues raised in the documentary have been dealt with over the period after the documentary was recorded. It also aims to identify the possible advances and / or setbacks that the region has experienced since the production of the documentary. To do this, the news, reports and other media publications that addressed the Bico do Papagaio region, the shellers and / or Dona Raimunda were considered. In the analysis, references on the communication process, symbols, documentaries and speeches were mobilized. It was found that the production of the documentary gave visibility to the region and the shellers and, at the same time, Dona Raimunda, as a representative, was received by the federal and state governments, and managed to bring different benefits to the local population. It was also found that the movement gradually incorporated other guidelines and flags, such as sustainable development, female leadership, social inequality, among others.O documentário “Raimunda, a quebradeira”, dirigido por Marcelo Silva e lançado em 2007, narrou a história das quebradeiras de coco da região do Bico do Papagaio do Estado do Tocantins. Destacou-se, entre as quebradeiras, a trajetória da Dona Raimunda, que, em conjunto com outras pessoas, deu início ao Movimento Interestadual das Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu (MIQCB). Esse movimento teve como principal pauta a luta para que as quebradeiras de coco pudessem ter acesso às terras públicas e privadas que continham a palmeira do coco babaçu; e para que as palmeiras não fossem derrubadas. Diante disso, objetiva-se com a presente pesquisa, analisar e compreender de quais formas os discursos relacionados às questões que o documentário levantou foram conduzidas ao longo do período posterior a sua gravação. Objetiva-se também identificar os possíveis avanços e/ou retrocessos que a região teve desde a produção do documentário. Para isso, levantou-se notícias, reportagens e outras publicações midiáticas que tematizassem a região do Bico do papagaio, as quebradeiras e/ou a Dona Raimunda. Na análise, mobilizou-se referenciais sobre os processos comunicativos, os símbolos, os documentários e os discursos. Averiguou-se que a produção do documentário conferiu visibilidade à região e às quebradeiras e, ao mesmo tempo, a Dona Raimunda, enquanto representante, foi recebida pelos governos federal e estaduais e conseguiu, junto a eles levar diferentes benefícios para a população local. Verificou-se ainda que o movimento, paulatinamente, incorporou outras pautas e bandeiras, tais como o desenvolvimento sustentável, protagonismo feminino, desigualdade social, entre outras


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    Durante décadas, as mulheres quebradeiras de coco da região do Bico do Papagaio, extremo Norte do Tocantins, mobilizaram-se para transformar a realidade social da região. Defensoras do extrativismo, da agroecologia e da organização comunitária, elas ainda lutam para dar visibilidade à realidade enfrentada no dia a dia durante o trabalho da quebra do coco babaçu neste território. A prática da quebra de coco é ameaçada constantemente por fatores ligados ao agronegócio e o acesso pelos donos das fazendas ou mesmo a baixa competitividade dos produtos oriundos do babaçu.  Isto posto, este artigo traz uma discussão com viés metodológico exploratório construída a partir da literatura e do documentário “Raimunda a Quebradeira”, com foco no extrativismo do babaçu e na participação feminina como marco para as reflexões sobre as dinâmicas das relações sociedade-natureza no Bico do Papagaio - TO.  Assim, entre as reflexões, cabe destacar que, quando envolve mulheres que vivem no campo, as diferenças aumentam significativamente, portanto o processo de empoderamento feminino a partir da figura de Dona Raimunda, uma quebradeira de coco que vem há décadas ajudando a destacar a participação das mulheres na história da região, ajudou a construir um discurso identitário, com consistência e muita força


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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo construir una perspectiva teórica de Foucault que aclare las posibles relaciones entre la educación superior y la formación de la conciencia crítica, dentro del alcance de la formación del profesorado. Indica una representación de un sujeto en transición de la condición de minoría intelectual a una condición de actor emancipado epistemológicamente. Es cierto que no hay un trabajo específico de Foucault en la universidad, ni siquiera en la educación superior o en la prolongación de sus efectos en la práctica pedagógica de los docentes; solo unas pocas referencias específicas, tales como: Vigiar e Punir (1979), donde analiza el poder disciplinario y cubre las instituciones educativas; sobre educación sexual en History of Sexuality - The will to know (1988) que analiza los mecanismos de una pedagogía en torno a la parresia. Pero nada específicamente sobre la educación superior. Sin embargo, se sabe que la relación conocimiento-poder se ha convertido en una discusión recurrente en Foucault, especialmente con respecto a los espacios para la producción de subjetividades y su relación con los diferentes modos de gobierno. De esta forma, las discusiones del autor sobre las formas de subjetivación y los espacios de poder (verdad, materia) permiten realizar un análisis entre la teoría y la universidad, un lugar donde la relación conocimiento-poder tiene lugar dentro de espacios institucionalizados que materializan estructuras. de poder, donde se producen discursos y regímenes de verdad. En este contexto, pretende observar el alcance de la formación académica como una dimensión formativa de la conciencia crítica, y sus extensiones como la praxis pedagógica del profesor. Considera la conciencia crítica como un elemento importante en la formación académica de los profesionales de la educación, ya que su práctica supone una dimensión formativa en el proceso educativo, al mismo tiempo que se relacionan con las interacciones sociales, las relaciones con las instituciones educativas y sus jerarquías, con sus discursos, sus representaciones y sus regímenes de verdad. Así, se constituye el problema de nuestra investigación que busca responder cómo podemos elaborar una perspectiva teórica de Foucault para una práctica pedagógica emancipadora; de cómo es posible observar esta perspectiva en su práctica pedagógica como dimensión social y política. Con el método teórico-interpretativo, a través de la consulta bibliográfica, la investigación corrobora cómo las discusiones previas sobre una epistemología de la educación superior (Foucault, 1987; Demo, 2004; Sobrinho, 2008) permiten afirmar que la universidad autodetermina su mandato central de acuerdo con las tendencias generales de una temporada determinada. Por lo tanto, la educación académica debe pensarse desde la práctica libertaria del maestro, porque el conocimiento nunca fue solo una cuestión de lógica, sino una cuestión de poder, que debe ser combatida por sujetos políticamente comprometidos y emancipados epistemológicamente. Y esa formación académica, a su vez, debe ser pensada a partir de la práctica libertaria del profesor, y formar "posibles asignaturas", capaces de pensar por sí mismas.   Palabras clave: Educación superior; Profesor; Emancipación epistemológica.    Este trabalho objetiva construir uma perspectiva teórica foucaultiana que esclareça as possíveis relações entre educação superior e a formação da consciência crítica, no âmbito da formação de professores. Indica uma representação de sujeito em passagem da condição de menoridade intelectual para uma condição de ator epistemologicamente emancipado. É verdade que não existe uma obra especifica de Foucault sobre a universidade, ou mesmo sobre a educação superior ou ainda sobre os prolongamentos de seus efeitos na prática pedagógica dos professores; apenas algumas referências pontuais como: Vigiar e Punir (1979) onde analisa o poder disciplinar e percorre as instituições educacionais; sobre a educação sexual em História da Sexualidade - A vontade de saber (1988) que analisa os mecanismos de uma pedagogia em torno da parrésia. Mas nada especificamente sobre a educação superior. Sabe-se, no entanto, que a relação saber-poder se tornou uma discussão recorrente em Foucault, sobretudo no que concerne aos espaços de produção de subjetividades, e da relação destes com os diversos modos de governamentalidade. Dessa forma, as discussões do autor em torno das formas de subjetivação e dos espaços de poder (verdade, sujeito) permite fazer uma análise entre a teoria e a universidade, lugar onde a relação saber-poder se dá dentro de espaços institucionalizados que materializam estruturas de poder, onde são produzidos discursos e regimes de verdade. Neste contexto, pretende observar o alcance da formação acadêmica como dimensão formativa de consciência crítica, e seus prolongamentos como práxis pedagógica do professor. Considera a consciência crítica como elemento importante na formação acadêmica do profissional da educação já que sua prática supõe uma dimensão formativa no processo educacional, no mesmo instante em que se relacionam com as interações sociais, com as relações com as instituições educacionais e suas hierarquias, com seus discursos, suas representações e seus regimes de verdade. Assim se constitui o problema da nossa pesquisa que busca responder de que modo podemos elaborar uma perspectiva teórica foucaultiana para uma prática pedagógica emancipatória; de como é possível observar esta perspectiva em sua prática pedagógica como dimensão social e política. Com o método teórico-interpretativo, mediante consulta bibliográfica, a pesquisa corrobora como as discussões anteriores em torno de uma epistemologia da educação superior (Foucault, 1987; Demo, 2004; Sobrinho, 2008) tornam possível afirmar que a universidade autodetermina seu mandato central de acordo as tendências gerais de uma determinada época. Que, portanto, a formação acadêmica precisa ser pensada a partir da prática libertária do professor, pois o conhecimento nunca foi uma questão somente de lógica, mas uma questão de poder, que precisa ser combatida por sujeitos politicamente engajados e epistemologicamente emancipados. E que a formação acadêmica, por sua vez, precisa ser pensada a partir da prática libertária do professor, e formar “sujeitos possíveis”, capazes de pensar por si mesmos.   Palavras-chave: Ensino Superior; Professor; Emancipação Epistemológica

    Diet, physical activity, and behavioural interventions for the treatment of overweight or obesity in preschool children up to the age of 6 years (Review)

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    Background Child overweight and obesity has increased globally, and can be associated with short‐ and long‐term health consequences. Objectives To assess the effects of diet, physical activity, and behavioural interventions for the treatment of overweight or obesity in preschool children up to the age of 6 years. Search methods We performed a systematic literature search in the databases Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and LILACS, as well as in the trial registers ClinicalTrials.gov and ICTRP Search Portal. We also checked references of identified trials and systematic reviews. We applied no language restrictions. The date of the last search was March 2015 for all databases. Selection criteria We selected randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of diet, physical activity, and behavioural interventions for treating overweight or obesity in preschool children aged 0 to 6 years. Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently assessed risk of bias, evaluated the overall quality of the evidence using the GRADE instrument, and extracted data following the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. We contacted trial authors for additional information. Main results We included 7 RCTs with a total of 923 participants: 529 randomised to an intervention and 394 to a comparator. The number of participants per trial ranged from 18 to 475. Six trials were parallel RCTs, and one was a cluster RCT. Two trials were three‐arm trials, each comparing two interventions with a control group. The interventions and comparators in the trials varied. We categorised the comparisons into two groups: multicomponent interventions and dietary interventions. The overall quality of the evidence was low or very low, and six trials had a high risk of bias on individual 'Risk of bias' criteria. The children in the included trials were followed up for between six months and three years. In trials comparing a multicomponent intervention with usual care, enhanced usual care, or information control, we found a greater reduction in body mass index (BMI) z score in the intervention groups at the end of the intervention (6 to 12 months): mean difference (MD) ‐0.3 units (95% confidence interval (CI) ‐0.4 to ‐0.2); P < 0.00001; 210 participants; 4 trials; low‐quality evidence, at 12 to 18 months' follow‐up: MD ‐0.4 units (95% CI ‐0.6 to ‐0.2); P = 0.0001; 202 participants; 4 trials; low‐quality evidence, and at 2 years' follow‐up: MD ‐0.3 units (95% CI ‐0.4 to ‐0.1); 96 participants; 1 trial; low‐quality evidence. One trial stated that no adverse events were reported; the other trials did not report on adverse events. Three trials reported health‐related quality of life and found improvements in some, but not all, aspects. Other outcomes, such as behaviour change and parent‐child relationship, were inconsistently measured. One three‐arm trial of very low‐quality evidence comparing two types of diet with control found that both the dairy‐rich diet (BMI z score change MD ‐0.1 units (95% CI ‐0.11 to ‐0.09); P < 0.0001; 59 participants) and energy‐restricted diet (BMI z score change MD ‐0.1 units (95% CI ‐0.11 to ‐0.09); P < 0.0001; 57 participants) resulted in greater reduction in BMI than the comparator at the end of the intervention period, but only the dairy‐rich diet maintained this at 36 months' follow‐up (BMI z score change in MD ‐0.7 units (95% CI ‐0.71 to ‐0.69); P < 0.0001; 52 participants). The energy‐restricted diet had a worse BMI outcome than control at this follow‐up (BMI z score change MD 0.1 units (95% CI 0.09 to 0.11); P < 0.0001; 47 participants). There was no substantial difference in mean daily energy expenditure between groups. Health‐related quality of life, adverse effects, participant views, and parenting were not measured. No trial reported on all‐cause mortality, morbidity, or socioeconomic effects. All results should be interpreted cautiously due to their low quality and heterogeneous interventions and comparators. Authors' conclusions Muticomponent interventions appear to be an effective treatment option for overweight or obese preschool children up to the age of 6 years. However, the current evidence is limited, and most trials had a high risk of bias. Most trials did not measure adverse events. We have identified four ongoing trials that we will include in future updates of this review. The role of dietary interventions is more equivocal, with one trial suggesting that dairy interventions may be effective in the longer term, but not energy‐restricted diets. This trial also had a high risk of bias

    Interventions for treating children and adolescents with overweight and obesity:An overview of Cochrane reviews

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    Children and adolescents with overweight and obesity are a global health concern. This is an integrative overview of six Cochrane systematic reviews, providing an up-to-date synthesis of the evidence examining interventions for the treatment of children and adolescents with overweight or obesity. The data extraction and quality assessments for each review were conducted by one author and checked by a second. The six high quality reviews provide evidence on the effectiveness of behaviour changing interventions conducted in children <6 years (7 trials), 6-11 years (70 trials), adolescents 12-17 years (44 trials) and interventions that target only parents of children aged 5-11 years (20 trials); in addition to interventions examining surgery (1 trial) and drugs (21 trials). Most of the evidence was derived from high-income countries and published in the last two decades. Collectively, the evidence suggests that multi-component behaviour changing interventions may be beneficial in achieving small reductions in body weight status in children of all ages, with low adverse event occurrence were reported. More research is required to understand which specific intervention components are most effective and in whom, and how best to maintain intervention effects. Evidence from surgical and drug interventions was too limited to make inferences about use and safety, and adverse events were a serious consideration

    Diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions for the treatment of overweight or obese adolescents aged 12 to 17 years

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    Adolescent overweight and obesity has increased globally, and can be associated with short- and long-term health consequences. Modifying known dietary and behavioural risk factors through behaviour changing interventions (BCI) may help to reduce childhood overweight and obesity. This is an update of a review published in 2009. To assess the effects of diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions for the treatment of overweight or obese adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. We performed a systematic literature search in: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS, and the trial registers ClinicalTrials.gov and ICTRP Search Portal. We checked references of identified studies and systematic reviews. There were no language restrictions. The date of the last search was July 2016 for all databases. We selected randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions for treating overweight or obesity in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. Two review authors independently assessed risk of bias, evaluated the overall quality of the evidence using the GRADE instrument and extracted data following the guidelines of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. We contacted trial authors for additional information. We included 44 completed RCTs (4781 participants) and 50 ongoing studies. The number of participants in each trial varied (10 to 521) as did the length of follow-up (6 to 24 months). Participants ages ranged from 12 to 17.5 years in all trials that reported mean age at baseline. Most of the trials used a multidisciplinary intervention with a combination of diet, physical activity and behavioural components. The content and duration of the intervention, its delivery and the comparators varied across trials. The studies contributing most information to outcomes of weight and body mass index (BMI) were from studies at a low risk of bias, but studies with a high risk of bias provided data on adverse events and quality of life.The mean difference (MD) of the change in BMI at the longest follow-up period in favour of BCI was -1.18 kg/m(2) (95% confidence interval (CI) -1.67 to -0.69); 2774 participants; 28 trials; low quality evidence. BCI lowered the change in BMI z score by -0.13 units (95% CI -0.21 to -0.05); 2399 participants; 20 trials; low quality evidence. BCI lowered body weight by -3.67 kg (95% CI -5.21 to -2.13); 1993 participants; 20 trials; moderate quality evidence. The effect on weight measures persisted in trials with 18 to 24 months' follow-up for both BMI (MD -1.49 kg/m(2) (95% CI -2.56 to -0.41); 760 participants; 6 trials and BMI z score MD -0.34 (95% CI -0.66 to -0.02); 602 participants; 5 trials).There were subgroup differences showing larger effects for both BMI and BMI z score in studies comparing interventions with no intervention/wait list control or usual care, compared with those testing concomitant interventions delivered to both the intervention and control group. There were no subgroup differences between interventions with and without parental involvement or by intervention type or setting (health care, community, school) or mode of delivery (individual versus group).The rate of adverse events in intervention and control groups was unclear with only five trials reporting harms, and of these, details were provided in only one (low quality evidence). None of the included studies reported on all-cause mortality, morbidity or socioeconomic effects.BCIs at the longest follow-up moderately improved adolescent's health-related quality of life (standardised mean difference 0.44 ((95% CI 0.09 to 0.79); P = 0.01; 972 participants; 7 trials; 8 comparisons; low quality of evidence) but not self-esteem.Trials were inconsistent in how they measured dietary intake, dietary behaviours, physical activity and behaviour. We found low quality evidence that multidisciplinary interventions involving a combination of diet, physical activity and behavioural components reduce measures of BMI and moderate quality evidence that they reduce weight in overweight or obese adolescents, mainly when compared with no treatment or waiting list controls. Inconsistent results, risk of bias or indirectness of outcome measures used mean that the evidence should be interpreted with caution. We have identified a large number of ongoing trials (50) which we will include in future updates of this review

    CSR Instruments: A Systematic Overview Evaluation for the German CSR Forum and Bertelsmann Foundation

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    This study was conceived in the context of a project course on CSR instruments and modelled on a real case. The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) had tendered a report that would provide an overview of the existing classification tools used to evaluate CSR performance. The report is part of the National Strategy on Corporate Social Responsibility, the CSR action plan of the German government. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is the lead ministry responsible for implementing the National Strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility. The Action Plan for CSR was decided by the federal cabinet on October 6th, 2010. According to the Action Plan, CSR measures include a company’s contributions to voluntarily participate and include social responsibility into their business plan. The inclusion of a company’s key stakeholders is an integral part of CSR. The goal was not only to provide an overview of the principle and international agreements but also to classify existing instruments from different stakeholders’ perspectives. For this, students analysed 58 CSR instruments for which they developed a diverse set of evaluation criteria. Moreover, they tested their assumptions about key stakeholders’ interests in a small workshop interviewing representatives of trade unions, chambers of commerce, consumer groups as well NGOs. The result is a very impressive piece of work as it presents new insight in a largely under-researched field. The report was presented to the working group on evaluation of the federal CSR forum in Berlin on June 6th, 2012 where it received a lot of praise by the participants. I hope it will be used in the professional world

    Diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions for the treatment of overweight or obese children from the age of 6 to 11 years

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    Background: Child and adolescent overweight and obesity has increased globally, and can be associated with significant short- and longterm health consequences. This is an update of a Cochrane Review published first in 2003, and updated previously in 2009. However, the update has now been split into six reviews addressing different childhood obesity treatments at different ages. Objectives: To assess the effects of diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions (behaviour-changing interventions) for the treatment of overweight or obese children aged 6 to 11 years. Search methods: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS as well as trial registers ClinicalTrials.gov and RsdI1401 Diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions for the treatment of overweight or obese children from th... 2 / 499 ICTRP Search Portal. We checked references of studies and systematic reviews. We did not apply any language restrictions. The date of the last search was July 2016 for all databases. Selection criteria: We selected randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of diet, physical activity, and behavioural interventions (behaviour-changing interventions) for treating overweight or obese children aged 6 to 11 years, with a minimum of six months' follow-up. We excluded interventions that specifically dealt with the treatment of eating disorders or type 2 diabetes, or included participants with a secondary or syndromic cause of obesity. Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently screened references, extracted data, assessed risk of bias, and evaluated the quality of the evidence using the GRADE instrument. We contacted study authors for additional information. We carried out metaanalyses according to the statistical guidelines in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Main results: We included 70 RCTs with a total of 8461 participants randomised to either the intervention or control groups. The number of participants per trial ranged from 16 to 686. Fifty-five trials compared a behaviour-changing intervention with no treatment/usual care control and 15 evaluated the effectiveness of adding an additional component to a behaviour-changing intervention. Sixty-four trials were parallel RCTs, and four were cluster RCTs. Sixty-four trials were multicomponent, two were diet only and four were physical activity only interventions. Ten trials had more than two arms. The overall quality of the evidence was low or very low and 62 trials had a high risk of bias for at least one criterion. Total duration of trials ranged from six months to three years. The median age of participants was 10 years old and the median BMI z score was 2.2. Primary analyses demonstrated that behaviour-changing interventions compared to no treatment/usual care control at longest follow-up reduced BMI, BMI z score and weight. Mean difference (MD) in BMI was -0.53 kg/m2 (95% confidence interval (CI) -0.82 to -0.24); P < 0.00001; 24 trials; 2785 participants; low-quality evidence. MD in BMI z score was -0.06 units (95% CI -0.10 to -0.02); P = 0.001; 37 trials; 4019 participants; low-quality evidence and MD in weight was -1.45 kg (95% CI -1.88 to -1.02); P < 0.00001; 17 trials; 1774 participants; low-quality evidence. Thirty-one trials reported on serious adverse events, with 29 trials reporting zero occurrences RR 0.57 (95% CI 0.17 to 1.93); P = 0.37; 4/2105 participants in the behaviour-changing intervention groups compared with 7/1991 participants in the comparator groups). Few trials reported health-related quality of life or behaviour change outcomes, and none of the analyses demonstrated a substantial difference in these outcomes between intervention and control. In two trials reporting on minutes per day of TV viewing, a small reduction of 6.6 minutes per day (95% CI -12.88 to -0.31), P = 0.04; 2 trials; 55 participants) was found in favour of the intervention. No trials reported on all-cause mortality, morbidity or socioeconomic effects, and few trials reported on participant views; none of which could be meta-analysed. As the meta-analyses revealed substantial heterogeneity, we conducted subgroup analyses to examine the impact of type of comparator, type of intervention, risk of attrition bias, setting, duration of post-intervention follow-up period, parental involvement and baseline BMI z score. No subgroup effects were shown for any of the subgroups on any of the outcomes. Some data indicated that a reduction in BMI immediately post-intervention was no longer evident at follow-up at less than six months, which has to be investigated in further trials. Authors' conclusions: Multi-component behaviour-changing interventions that incorporate diet, physical activity and behaviour change may be beneficial in achieving small, short-term reductions in BMI, BMI z score and weight in children aged 6 to 11 years. The evidence suggests a very low occurrence of adverse events. The quality of the evidence was low or very low. The heterogeneity observed across all outcomes was not explained by subgrouping. Further research is required of behaviourchanging interventions in lower income countries and in children from different ethnic groups; also on the impact of behaviour-changing interventions on health-related quality of life and comorbidities. The sustainability of reduction in BMI/BMI z score and weight is a key consideration and there is a need for longer-term follow-up and further research on the most appropriate forms of post-intervention maintenance in order to ensure intervention benefits are sustained over the longer term

    A quasi-experimental mixed-method pilot study to check the efficacy of the “SOUND” active and passive music-based intervention on mental wellbeing and residual cognition of older people with dementia and dementia professionals’ burnout: a research protocol

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    PurposeThe SOUND method offers an innovative blended intervention based on music circle-activities and cognitive stimulation approaches which was co-designed by musicians, health professionals, older people with dementia, family caregivers and researchers, for its application in dementia settings. The purpose of the paper is to describe the detailed procedure of the quasi-experimental pilot study.MethodThe experimental phase of SOUND uses a mixed-method design encompassing qualitative and quantitative observations, cognitive testing, self-report and interviewer-assisted questionnaires to investigate the effectiveness of the intervention for 45 people with dementia and 45 professionals (15 in every study country: Italy, Portugal, Romania).ResultsThe pilot study will be the first implementation of the SOUND intervention aiming to investigate the feasibility and preliminary effects of the method.ConclusionThe novelty of SOUND is its multicomponent method, including the most evidenced features for improving the wellbeing of participants