18 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Berdasarkan hasil observasi, proses pembelajaran yang digunakan guru cenderung menggunakan metode ceramah dan penugasan dan siswa merasa bosan dan pasif. Sehingga peneliti memilih salah satu model pembelajaran yaitu model think pair share. Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh bentuk pembelajaran think pair share dengan sarana gambar terhadap hasil belajar murid kelas III SDNRangkah I Surabaya. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment design. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data yaitu uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh, hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan perhitungan uji hipotesis sebsar thitung 2,760 > ttabel 1,991. Dari hasil tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa model think pair share dengan media mampu mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: Sarana Gambar, Bentuk Pembelajaran, Hasil Belajar Abstract Based on observations, the learning process used by teachers tends to use lecture and assignment methods and students feel bored and passive. So that researchers choose one of the learning models, namely the think pair share model. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the influence of the learning model think pair share with media images on the learning outcomes of third grade students of SDN Rangkah I Surabaya. The research design used was quasi experiment design. The method used in data collection is validity test, reliability test, normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test. The results showed that there was influence, it was proven by calculating the hypothesis test as tcount 2.760> t table 1.991. From these results it can be said that the think pair share model with the media is able to influence student learning outcomes. Keywords: Media Images, Learning Models, Learning Outcome

    WEJEKA Instan (Solusi Masuk Angin, Pencegah Kanker)

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    Jahe dan kayu secang merupakan rempah-rempah yang telah cukup dikenal luas oleh masyarakat dan tidak sulit dicari. Selain itu, kedua bahan ini memiliki manfaat yang luar biasa bagi tubuh manusia. Jahe mampu meningkatkan aktivitas sel Natural Killer (NK) dalam melisis targetnya (sel tumor dan sel yang terinfeksi virus), meningkatkan aktivitas sel T dan daya tahan limfosit terhadap stres oksidatif. Kayu secang mengandung flavonoid yang memiliki efek antikanker karena kadar antioksidannya yang tinggi. Kombinasi jahe dan kayu secang dalam bentuk minuman akan sangat bermanfaat bagi tubuh manusia. Oleh karena itu, kami akan membuat terobosan baru berupa WEJEKA (Wedang Jahe Kayu Secang) Instan yang praktis, mudah dibuat, dapat dibawa kemanapun dan dengan harga yang terjangkau. Kata kunci: minuman, jahe, kayu secang, anti-kanker, prakti

    Panic-Buying Behaviour During the Covid-19 Outbreak: A Cross-Cultural Psychological Study

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    The Covid-19 outbreak has had a major impact across the globe. Tourism, education, health, and economies are all affected by this pandemic. One major impact on the economic sector is the emergence of ‘panic-buying’. This study examines panic-buying in cross-cultural psychological studies. The researchers conducted a literature review on previous studies related to panic-buying behaviours during both the Covid-19 outbreak and similar scenarios prior to Covid-19. The researchers provide an explanation on how panic-buying behaviour can occur. The researchers also compare panic-buying with similar behaviours such as impulsive and compulsive buying. Keywords: Panic buying, Pandemic, Covid-19, Cross-cultural psychological studie


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    Hiperlipidemia merupakan salah satu kelainan metabolik yang ditunjukkan oleh kadar lemak darah yang tidak normal. Hiperlipidemia dapat menjadi penyebab dari Cardiovascular disease (CVD) atau penyakit kardiovaskular yang merupakan penyebab utama kematian secara global. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan obat antihiperlipidemia secara in silico dari senyawa yang terkandung dalam tanaman anggur (Vitis vinifera L.) dengan reseptor HMG-COA reductase inhibitors dengan kode PDB 3CCZ. Pengujian dilakukan dengan serangkaian proses meliputi pencarian senyawa, analisis ADMETOKS, skrining farmakofor dan  molecular docking menggunakan AutoDockTools-1.5.6. Berdasarkan hasil uji in silico, diperoleh bahwa isorhamnetin yang terkandung dalam tanaman anggur berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi salah satu kandidat obat antihiperlipidemia dengan nilai ikatan energi dan konstanta inhibisi yang rendah yaitu -7.36 dan 4.01 μM yang juga disertai kesamaan interaksi residu asam amino antara standar dan isorhamnetin yang terdapat pada Asn 658 dan Gly 808

    Cellulose Microfiber Encapsulated Probiotic: Viability, Acid and Bile Tolerance during Storage at Different Temperature

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    This work aimed to analyze the physicochemical properties of cellulose from OPT used in the fabrication of CMF and evaluate the efficacy of the hydrogel CMF as an encapsulant for L. fermentum InaCC B1295 stored at room temperature and in the refrigerator. The Kjeldahl method was used to evaluate the protein content; the gravimetric method was used to determine OPT's ash, moisture, and fiber contents; the Soxhlet method was used to determine the fat content carbohydrates were computed using the difference method. The levels of holocellulose, lignin, and cellulose were also determined. Viability, acid and bile resistance of strain B1295 were evaluated at various temperatures for 35 days. The most abundant component of OPT fiber was cellulose, followed by hemicellulose and lignin. XRD examination revealed that OPT cellulose has a crystal index of 83.40%. FTIR analysis was used to detect the stretching vibrations of the –OH group on cellulose at 3419.03 cm-1. CMF hydrogel from OPT sustained L. fermentum InaCC B1295 survival for up to 28 days at room and refrigerated temperatures. At acidic conditions and in the presence of bile, the viability of L. fermentum InaCC B1295 was excellent, with a drop in cell population of less than 0.2 log CFU/g over 35 days at room and refrigerated temperatures. CMF obtained from OPT can be used as an encapsulant to maintain viability, acid resistance and bile of probiotics. There is still a need for research into the usage of CMF from OPT in combination with other encapsulants to extend the storage life of L. fermentum InaCC B1295. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-01-08 Full Text: PD


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    Annisa Nur Rahma (1600013032), Ayu Novitasari (1600029243), Azis Guntur (1600028043), Fiana Budi Irawan (1600003107), Galuh Jati Asmara (1600010061), Gyefnita Bunga Annisa (1600023175), Hardiayanti Kusrini (1600003154), Muh. Sukri (1600016004), Sofia Rahmadaniah (1600005030). Artikel “Festival Anak Sholeh Dusun Trukan Tahun 2020” dan Features “ Warna-Warni Dusun Trukan

    Governing systemic and cascading disaster risk in Indonesia: where do we stand and future outlook

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    Purpose This paper aims to identify key factors for a contextualised Systemic Risk Governance (SRG) framework and subsequently explore how systemic risks can be managed and how local institutional mechanisms can be tweaked to deal with the complex Indonesian risk landscape. Design/methodology/approach Using a case study from Palu triple-disasters in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, the authors demonstrate how inland earthquakes in 2018 created cascading secondary hazards, namely tsunamis, liquefactions and landslides, caused unprecedented disasters for the communities and the nation. A qualitative analysis was conducted using the data collected through a long-term observation since 2002. Findings The authors argue that Indonesia has yet to incorporate an SRG approach in its responses to the Palu triple-disasters. Political will is required to adopt more appropriate risk governance modes that promote the systemic risk paradigm. Change needs to occur incrementally through hybrid governance arrangements ranging from formal/informal methods to self- and horizontal and vertical modes of governance deemed more realistic and feasible. The authors recommend that this be done by focusing on productive transition and local transformation. Originality/value There is growing awareness and recognition of the importance of systemic and cascading risks in disaster risk studies. However, there are still gaps between research, policy and practice. The current progress of disaster risk governance is not sufficient to achieve the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030) unless there is an effective governing system in place at the local level that allow actors and institutions to simultaneously manage the interplays of multi-hazards, multi-temporal, multi-dimensions of vulnerabilities and residual risks. This paper contributes to these knowledge gaps

    Physicochemical property of oil palm leaves and utilization of cellulose microfiber as probiotic encapsulant

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    Pato U, Ayu DF, Riftyan E, Restuhadi F, Pawenang WT, Firdaus R, Rahma A, Surono IS, Jaswir I. 2021. Physicochemical property of oil palm leaves and utilization of cellulose microfiber as probiotic encapsulant. Biodiversitas 22: 2937-2944. The vast land of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) in Indonesia has a huge potential for oil palm solid waste, which can be used for various human needs. The physiochemical analysis performed was proximate analysis and fiber content, FTIR and X-ray diffraction analysis, an in vitro test on viability and resistance to acid and bile during storage at room and refrigerated temperatures. The main content of oil palm leaves was carbohydrates, especially fiber and followed by ash, protein, and fat. Fiber from oil palm leaves is mainly composed of lignin followed by cellulose and hemicellulose. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the crystal index of cellulose from oil palm leaves was 10.1%. FTIR analysis showed that the enormous absorption value, which was the stretching vibrations of the -OH group ranging from 2919.17 to 2914.82 cm-1 . Cellulose microfiber from oil palm leaves maintained the viability of L. fermentum InaCC B 1295 for up to 28 d of storage at room and refrigerated temperatures. The survival of strain B1295 at low pH and presence of bile was very high, characterized by a decrease in the number of cells by less than 0.5 log CFU/mL during storage of 35 d at room and refrigerated temperatures. Therefore, Cellulose microfiber from oil palm leaves has the potential to be used as an encapsulant for probiotics

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Keterampilan Praktis Masyarakat pada Bidang Pertanian dan Peternakan di Dusun Rawagede Desa Tugu Utara Kecamatan Cisarua

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    Kegiatan pertanian dan peternakan merupakan kegiatan utama yang dilakukan masyarakat pedesaan yang dijadikan sebagai mata pencaharian, sebagian lahan pemukiman di Dusun Rawagede telah dimanfaatkan untuk pertanian dan peternakan oleh masyarakat. Selain bekerja sebagai buruh lepas di sektor perkebunan teh, masyarakat Rawagede juga melakukan budidaya pada komoditas lain, seperti komoditas kopi, ternak sapi, dan ternak domba. Dusun Rawagede memiliki kelompok tani yang dinamakan Lestari Maju Bersama, kelompok tani ini memiliki anggota sebanyak 38 orang. Agar kegiatan pertanian dan peternakan dapat berkembang, maka diperlukan upaya dengan melakukan pelatihan praktis terkait bidang pertanian dan peternakan. Kegiatan ini perlu dilakukan mengingat minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat terkait keterampilan praktis di bidang pertanian dan peternakan. Program pelatihan yang diberikan adalah pelatihan pemangkasan kopi, pembuatan silase, dan teknik budidaya rumput pakchong. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan secara offline oleh Kelompok Rawagede Site dalam kegiatan Sixth University Initiative Japan Indonesia Service Learning Program Indonesia (SUIJI-SLP Indonesia) tahun 2023 pada 28 Februari – 8 Maret 2023. Pelatihan pemangkasan kopi, pembuatan silase, dan teknik budidaya rumput pakchong dilakukan dengan menggunakan peralatan dan bahan yang mudah ditemukan agar masyarakat dapat melakukan kegiatan pertanian dan peternakan dengan mandiri. Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan bagi para petani dan peternak di Dusun Rawagede menunjukkan hasil yang positif, seiring dengan peningkatan pemahaman mereka tentang teknik pemangkasan kopi, pembuatan silase, dan budidaya rumput pakchong. Kedepannya, diharapkan terdapat kegiatan serupa yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan petani dan peternak terkait keterampilan praktis lainnya di Dusun Rawagede, Desa Tugu Utara, Kecamatan Cisarua