25 research outputs found

    Gigantomastia and Macroprolactinemia Responding to Cabergoline Treatment: A Case Report and Minireview of the Literature

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    Background. Macroprolactinemia is defined as predominance of high molecular weight prolactin forms in the circulation. Although macroprolactin is considered as a biologically inactive molecule, some authorities suggest treatment in symptomatic cases. Gigantomastia is defined as excess breast tissue and most cases in the literature were treated by surgical intervention. Case. A 44-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic with gigantomastia and galactorrhea. The patient had a demand for surgical therapy. In laboratory examination, she had hyperprolactinemia and macroprolactinemia. Pituitary imaging revealed 6 mm microadenoma in right side of the hypophysis. Since she was symptomatic, cabergolin treatment was started. Macroprolactin became negative, breast circumference decreased significantly, and galactorrhea resolved after treatment. Conclusion. Gigantomastia might be the presenting symptom in patients with macroprolactinemia. In these patients medical treatment with cabergoline may be used initially as an alternative to surgical approach

    Evaluation of Postural Parathyroid Hormone Change in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism

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    Purpose. In the present study, we aimed to investigate postural change of PTH in normal individuals and in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). Methods. Twenty-two patients with PHPT and nine healthy controls were enrolled. Following 12 h of fast, patients stayed in recumbent position for an hour and PTH and total Ca measurements were performed at the 45th and 60th minutes of resting. Afterwards, the patients resumed an upright posture for an hour and again blood samples were taken at the 45th and 60th minutes of standing. Results. In the PHPT group, mean PTH was calculated as 153.9 pg/mL in the recumbent position while it was 206.3 during upright position (Δ change was 47.7) (P<0.001). In the control group mean serum PTH was measured as 41.2 pg/mL in the recumbent position while it was 44.8 pg/mL in the upright position (Δ change was 1.7) (P=0.11). In both groups, serum Ca was higher in the upright position compared to the recumbent position (P<0.001). Conclusion. Postural change of serum PTH is significant only in PHPT group. Postural PTH test may give a clue to the clinician when the diagnosis of PHPT is equivocal


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    Amaç: Akut gastroenteritler, hastaneye başvuru yakınmaları arasında sıklıkla yer almakta ve tedavilerdeki gelişmelere rağmen yüksek mortalite ve morbidite oranları ile seyretmeye devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Çocuk Acil polikliniğine akut ishal yakınması ile başvuran çocuk olguların başvuru özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Çocuk Acil polikliniğine akut ishal yakınması ile başvuran 541 olgu [291 (%53,8) erkek] retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastalar yaş, cinsiyet, dehidratasyon varlığı ve derecesi, tedavi şekli ve süresi, komplikasyonların varlığı açısından araştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların başvuru anındaki yaşı ortalama 4,7 ± 4,1 yıl (1 ay-16 yaş, ortanca: 3 yaş) idi. Otuzüç hasta (%6) kanlı dışkılama, 508 hasta sulu dışkılama yakınması ile başvurdu. İshal süresi ortalama 2,0 ± 1,6 gün (min:1- maks: 9 gün), günde yapılan dışkı sayısı ise ortalama 5,2 ± 2,9 (min: 3- maks:15) idi. Hastaların % 70'inde (383 hasta) kusma yakınması da mevcuttu. Hastaların 206'sı (%38,4) hastaneye başvurmadan önce antibiyotik kullanmaya başlamıştı. Hastaların %84'ünde (450 hasta) dehidratasyon yok iken, %16'sında (91 hasta) değişik derecelerde dehidratasyon mevcuttu. Onsekiz hasta (%3,3) hastaneye yatırıldı. Yatış nedenleri elektrolit imbalansı, ağır dehidratasyon ve asidoz, ağır kusma, konvulzyon geçirme ve ailenin sosyal endikasyonu idi. Dehidratasyonu olan hastalara oral veya parenteral yolla rehidratasyon tedavisi verildi. Akut ishal yakınması ile başvuran hastalar arasında kaybedilen hasta olmadı. Sonuç: Çocuklarda akut gastroenteritlerin büyük çoğunluğunu viral gastroenteritler oluşturmaktadır. İshal tedavisinin en önemli komponenti dehidratasyonun tespiti ve tedavisidir. Bu nedenle tüm hastalarda biyokimyasal incelemeler yapılmamalı, antibiyotik tedavisi gerektirecek özellikleri olmayan hastalara ampirik antibiyotik tedavisi başlanmamalıdır. Objective: Diarrhea is a frequent symptom at hospital admission, and acute gastroenteritis is a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality, despite improvements in therapy. In this study, we aimed to evaluate patients who were seen at Dokuz Eylül University Hospital's Pediatric Emergency Department with complaint of diarrhea. Eylül University Hospital's Pediatric Emergency Department with complaint of diarrhea were retrospectively evaluated. Age and gender of patients, presence and severity of dehydration, type and duration of therapy and complications were screened. Results: The mean age of patients was 4.7 ± 4.1 years (range: 1 month-16 year, median: 3 years). Thirty three (6%) and 508 patients had bloody or watery stools, respectively. The mean duration of diarrhea was 2.0 ± 1.6 days (range:1- 9 days) and, number of stool per day was 5.2 ± 2.9 (range: 3-15). Seventy per cent (383) of patients also had vomiting. Antibiotics had already been started in 208 patients (38.4%) at the time of the hospital visit. While there was no sign of dehydration in 84% of patients (450 patients), 16% of patients had dehydration with varying severity. Eighteen patients (3.3%) required hospitalization. Electrolyte imbalance, severe dehydration and acidosis, severe vomiting, convulsions and social conditions were the reasons of hospitalization. Dehydrated patients were rehydrated with both oral and parenteral routes. No death occured among the patients. Conclusion: Viral etiologies are the major cause of acute gastroenteritis in children. Detection and therapy of dehydration are the most important components of gastroenteritis management. Therefore, biochemical investigations should not be made routinely in all of the patients and empirical antibiotic therapy should not be started without clear indications

    Usage Of Underground Space For 3D Cadastre Purposes And Related Problems In Turkey

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    Modern cities have been trying to meet their needs for space by using not only surface structures but also by considering subsurface space use. It is also anticipated that without planning of underground spaces for supporting surface city life in the years and generations to come, there will be serious and unavoidable problems with growing populations. The current Turkish cadastral system, including land right registrations, has been trying to meet users' needs in all aspects since 1924. Today Turkey's national cadastre services are carried out by the General Directorate of Land Titles and Cadastre (TKGM). The Cadastre Law, Number 3402, was approved in 1985 to eliminate problems by gathering all existing cadastral regulations under one law and also to produce 3D cadastral bases to include underground spaces and determine their legal status in Turkey. Although the mandate for 3D cadastre works is described and explained by the laws, until now the bases have been created in 2D and the reality is that legal gaps and deficiencies presently exist in them. In this study, the usage of underground spaces for the current cadastral system in Turkey was briefly evaluated, the concept of 3D cadastral data is examined and the need for using subsurface and 3D cadastre in addition to the traditional 2D register system, related problems and registration are mentioned with specific examples, but without focusing on a specific model.PubMedWoSScopu

    Gigantomastia and Macroprolactinemia Responding to Cabergoline Treatment: A Case Report and Minireview of the Literature

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    Background. Macroprolactinemia is defined as predominance of high molecular weight prolactin forms in the circulation. Although macroprolactin is considered as a biologically inactive molecule, some authorities suggest treatment in symptomatic cases. Gigantomastia is defined as excess breast tissue and most cases in the literature were treated by surgical intervention. Case. A 44-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic with gigantomastia and galactorrhea. The patient had a demand for surgical therapy. In laboratory examination, she had hyperprolactinemia and macroprolactinemia. Pituitary imaging revealed 6 mm microadenoma in right side of the hypophysis. Since she was symptomatic, cabergolin treatment was started. Macroprolactin became negative, breast circumference decreased significantly, and galactorrhea resolved after treatment. Conclusion. Gigantomastia might be the presenting symptom in patients with macroprolactinemia. In these patients medical treatment with cabergoline may be used initially as an alternative to surgical approach

    Evaluation of preoperative ultrasonographic and biochemical features of patients with aggressive parathyroid disease: is there a reliable predictive marker?

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    ABSTRACT Objective Parathyroid cancer (PC) represents < 1% of cases of PHPT. Tumors demonstrating atypical histopathologic features and don’t fulfill criteria for carcinoma are classified as atypical adenomas (APA). The purpose of this study was to determine a biochemical or ultrasonographic feature that can predict aggressive disease requiring more extensive surgery and closer follow-up. Subjects and methods Twenty eight patients operated for PHPT and diagnosed with atypical adenoma (23 patients) or carcinoma (5 patients) were enrolled in this study. The control group consisted of 102 patients operated between the same dates and diagnosed with classical PA. Classical adenomas, atypical adenomas, and carcinomas were compared according to their biochemical and ultrasonographic parameters. Results Serum Ca levels were significantly higher in the PC group compared with the APA and classical PA groups. Serum median PTH, Serum ALP and UCa was significantly higher in the APA and carcinoma groups compared to the classical PA group. ROC analysis was made to determine the best cut off values for predicting aggressive disease were 12.45 mg/dL, 265.05 pg/mL, 154.5 IU/l, 348.5 mg/day and 21.5 mm for Ca, PTH, ALP, UCa and the adenoma diameter, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that serum Ca, ALP and isoechoic/cystic appearance were independent predictors for aggressive disease. Conclusion Preoperatively high PTH, ALP, and UCa levels and large lesions with isoechoic or cystic appearances may be predictive of atypical adenoma or carcinoma in patients being evaluated for PHPT. In such cases, surgeons may prefer en bloc parathyroidectomy to minimally invasive surgery

    The Effect of Lidocaine and Amiodarone on Prevention of Ventricular Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

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    Objective: Ventricular fibrillation is common after aortic declamping in patients undergoing open heart surgery. This situation has a negative impact on morbidity and mortality. The aim of this prospective study was to compare the effect of administering lidocaine versus amiodarone before aortic declamping during elective coronary bypass grafting, paying close attention to when the initial effect of amiodarone sets in

    Serum Levels of Epidermal Growth Factor, Transforming Growth Factor, and c-erbB2 in Ovarian Cancer

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    Objective: This study aimed to investigate serum levels of epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha), and c-erbB2 in patients with ovarian cancer