654 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of dry needling on reducing pain intensity in patients with myofascial pain syndrome: a Meta-analysis

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    AbstractObjectiveTo summarize the literature about the effectiveness of dry needling (DN) on relieving pain and increasing range of motion (ROM) in individuals with myofascial pain syndrome (MPS).MethodsPapers published from January 2000 to January 2013 were identified through an electronic search in the databases MEDLINE, Dialnet, Cochrane Library Plus, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and Spanish Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). The studies included were randomized controlled trials written in English and/or Spanish about the effectiveness of DN on pain and ROM in individuals with MPS.ResultsOut of 19 clinical trials that were potentially relevant, a total of 10 were included in the Meta-analysis. Regarding pain intensity reduction when measured before and immediately after the intervention, DN achieved improvement compared with the placebo treatment [d = − 0.49; 95% CI (− 3.21, 0.42)] and with the control group [d = − 9.13; 95% CI (− 14.70, − 3.56)]. However, other treatments achieved better results on the same variable compared with DN, considering the measurements for pre-treatment and immediately after [d = 2.54; 95% CI (− 0.40, 5.48)], as well as the pre-treatment and after 3-4 weeks [d = 4.23; 95% CI (0.78, 7.68)]. DN showed a significantly increased ROM when measured before the intervention and immediately after, in comparison with the placebo [d = 2.00; 95% CI (1.60, 2.41)]. However, other treatments achieved a significant better result regarding ROM when it was measured before the intervention and immediately after, as compared with DN [d = −1.42; 95% CI (− 1.84, − 0.99)].ConclusionDN was less effective on decreasing pain comparing to the placebo group. Other treatments were more effective than DN on reducing pain after 3-4 weeks. However, on increasing ROM, DN was more effective comparing to that of placebo group, but less than other treatments

    Microfluidic cell sorter with integrated piezoelectric actuator

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    We demonstrate a low-power (<0.1 mW), low-voltage (<10 Vp-p) on-chip piezoelectrically actuated micro-sorter that can deflect single particles and cells at high-speed. With rhodamine in the stream, switching of flow between channels can be visualized at high actuation frequency (~1.7 kHz). The magnitude of the cell deflection can be precisely controlled by the magnitude and waveform of input voltage. Both simulation and experimental results indicate that the drag force imposed on the suspended particle/cell by the instantaneous fluid displacement can alter the trajectory of the particle/cell of any size, shape, and density of interest in a controlled manner. The open-loop E. Coli cell deflection experiment demonstrates that the sorting mechanism can produce a throughput of at least 330 cells/s, with a promise of a significantly higher throughput for an optimized design. To achieve close-loop sorting operation, fluorescence detection, real-time signal processing, and field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) implementation of the control algorithms were developed to perform automated sorting of fluorescent beads. The preliminary results show error-free sorting at a sorting efficiency of ~70%. Since the piezoelectric actuator has an intrinsic response time of 0.1–1 ms and the sorting can be performed under high flowrate (particle speed of ~1–10 cm/s), the system can achieve a throughput of >1,000 particles/s with high purity

    A dual function of SnRK2 kinases in the regulation of SnRK1 and plant growth

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    [EN] Adverse environmental conditions trigger responses in plants that promote stress tolerance and survival at the expense of growth(1). However, little is known of how stress signalling pathways interact with each other and with growth regulatory components to balance growth and stress responses. Here, we show that plant growth is largely regulated by the interplay between the evolutionarily conserved energy-sensing SNF1-related protein kinase 1 (SnRK1) protein kinase and the abscisic acid (ABA) phytohormone pathway. While SnRK2 kinases are main drivers of ABA-triggered stress responses, we uncover an unexpected growth-promoting function of these kinases in the absence of ABA as repressors of SnRK1. Sequestration of SnRK1 by SnRK2-containing complexes inhibits SnRK1 signalling, thereby allowing target of rapamycin (TOR) activity and growth under optimal conditions. On the other hand, these complexes are essential for releasing and activating SnRK1 in response to ABA, leading to the inhibition of TOR and growth under stress. This dual regulation of SnRK1 by SnRK2 kinases couples growth control with environmental factors typical for the terrestrial habitat and is likely to have been critical for the water-to-land transition of plants.We thank J.-K. Zhu for the snrk2 mutants, M. Bennett for the SnRK2.2-GFP line, C. Koncz for the SnRK1-GFP line, X. Li for the SnRK2.3-FLAG OE line, J. Schroeder for the GFP-His-FLAG and SnRK2.6-His-FLAG OE lines, C. Mackintosh for the TPS5 antibody and the Nottingham Arabidopsis stock centre for T-DNA mutant seeds. The IGC Plant Facility (Vera Nunes) is thanked for excellent plant care. This work was supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the R&D Units UIDB/04551/2020 (GREEN-IT-Bioresources for Sustainability) and UID/MAR/04292/2019, FCT project nos. PTDC/BIA-PLA/7143/2014, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028128 and PTDC/BIA-BID/32347/2017, and FCT fellowships/contract nos. SFRH/BD/122736/2016 (M.A.), SFRH/BPD/109336/2015 (A.C.), PD/BD/150239/2019 (D.R.B.), and IF/00804/2013 (E.B.G.). Work in P.L.R.'s laboratory was funded by MCIU grant no. BIO2017-82503-R. C.M. thanks the LabEx Paris Saclay Plant Sciences-SPS (ANR-10-LABX-040-SPS) for support. B.B.P. was funded by Programa VALi+d GVA APOSTD/2017/039. This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 867426-ABA-GrowthBalance-H2020-WF-2018-2020/H2020-WF-01-2018, awarded to B.B.P.). This work is dedicated to the memory of our beloved friend and colleague Americo Rodrigues.Belda-Palazón, B.; Adamo, M.; Valerio, C.; Ferreira, LJ.; Confraria, A.; Reis-Barata, D.; Rodrigues, A.... (2020). A dual function of SnRK2 kinases in the regulation of SnRK1 and plant growth. Nature Plants (Online). 6(11):1345-1353. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-020-00778-wS13451353611Huot, B., Yao, J., Montgomery, B. L. & He, S. Y. Growth-defense tradeoffs in plants: a balancing act to optimize fitness. Mol. Plant 7, 1267–1287 (2014).Baena-Gonzalez, E., Rolland, F., Thevelein, J. M. & Sheen, J. A central integrator of transcription networks in plant stress and energy signalling. Nature 448, 938–942 (2007).Baena-Gonzalez, E. & Sheen, J. Convergent energy and stress signaling. Trends Plant Sci. 13, 474–482 (2008).Nukarinen, E. et al. Quantitative phosphoproteomics reveals the role of the AMPK plant ortholog SnRK1 as a metabolic master regulator under energy deprivation. Sci. Rep. 6, 31697 (2016).Rodrigues, A. et al. ABI1 and PP2CA phosphatases are negative regulators of Snf1-related protein kinase1 signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25, 3871–3884 (2013).Nakashima, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. & Shinozaki, K. 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SnRK1A-interacting negative regulators modulate the nutrient starvation signaling sensor SnRK1 in source-sink communication in cereal seedlings under abiotic stress. Plant Cell 26, 808–27 (2014).Lu, C. A. et al. The SnRK1A protein kinase plays a key role in sugar signaling during germination and seedling growth of rice. Plant Cell 19, 2484–2499 (2007).Radchuk, R. et al. Sucrose non-fermenting kinase 1 (SnRK1) coordinates metabolic and hormonal signals during pea cotyledon growth and differentiation. Plant J. 61, 324–338 (2010).Radchuk, R., Radchuk, V., Weschke, W., Borisjuk, L. & Weber, H. Repressing the expression of the SUCROSE NONFERMENTING-1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE gene in pea embryo causes pleiotropic defects of maturation similar to an abscisic acid-insensitive phenotype. Plant Physiol. 140, 263–278 (2006).Tsai, A. Y. & Gazzarrini, S. AKIN10 and FUSCA3 interact to control lateral organ development and phase transitions in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 69, 809–821 (2012).Tsai, A. Y. & Gazzarrini, S. Trehalose-6-phosphate and SnRK1 kinases in plant development and signaling: the emerging picture. Front. Plant Sci. 5, 119 (2014).Zhang, Y. et al. Arabidopsis sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase-1 and calcium-dependent protein kinase phosphorylate conserved target sites in ABA response element binding proteins. Ann. Appl. Biol. 153, 401–409 (2008).Ramon, M. et al. Default activation and nuclear translocation of the plant cellular energy sensor SnRK1 regulate metabolic stress responses and development. Plant Cell 31, 1614–1632 (2019).Lopez-Molina, L., Mongrand, S. & Chua, N. H. A postgermination developmental arrest checkpoint is mediated by abscisic acid and requires the ABI5 transcription factor in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 98, 4782–4787 (2001).Garcia, D. & Shaw, R. J. AMPK: mechanisms of cellular energy sensing and restoration of metabolic balance. Mol. Cell 66, 789–800 (2017).Dobrenel, T. et al. The Arabidopsis TOR kinase specifically regulates the expression of nuclear genes coding for plastidic ribosomal proteins and the phosphorylation of the cytosolic ribosomal protein S6. Front. Plant Sci. 7, 1611 (2016).Wang, P. et al. Reciprocal regulation of the TOR kinase and ABA receptor balances plant growth and stress response. Mol. Cell 69, 100–112 e106 (2018).Van Leene, J. et al. Capturing the phosphorylation and protein interaction landscape of the plant TOR kinase. Nat. Plants 5, 316–327 (2019).Dietrich, D. et al. Root hydrotropism is controlled via a cortex-specific growth mechanism. Nat. Plants 3, 17057 (2017).Wu, Q. et al. Ubiquitin ligases RGLG1 and RGLG5 regulate abscisic acid signaling by controlling the turnover of phosphatase PP2CA. Plant Cell 28, 2178–2196 (2016).Belin, C. et al. Identification of features regulating OST1 kinase activity and OST1 function in guard cells. Plant Physiol. 141, 1316–1327 (2006).Fujii, H. & Zhu, J. K. Arabidopsis mutant deficient in 3 abscisic acid-activated protein kinases reveals critical roles in growth, reproduction, and stress. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 106, 8380–8385 (2009).Fujita, Y. et al. Three SnRK2 protein kinases are the main positive regulators of abscisic acid signaling in response to water stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 50, 2123–2132 (2009).Nakashima, K. et al. Three Arabidopsis SnRK2 protein kinases, SRK2D/SnRK2.2, SRK2E/SnRK2.6/OST1 and SRK2I/SnRK2.3, involved in ABA signaling are essential for the control of seed development and dormancy. Plant Cell Physiol. 50, 1345–1363 (2009).Fujii, H. et al. In vitro reconstitution of an abscisic acid signalling pathway. Nature 462, 660–664 (2009).Shen, W., Reyes, M. I. & Hanley-Bowdoin, L. Arabidopsis protein kinases GRIK1 and GRIK2 specifically activate SnRK1 by phosphorylating its activation loop. Plant Physiol. 150, 996–1005 (2009).Cheng, C. et al. SCFAtPP2-B11 modulates ABA signaling by facilitating SnRK2.3 degradation in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet. 13, e1006947 (2017).Harthill, J. E. et al. Phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding of Arabidopsis trehalose-phosphate synthase 5 in response to 2-deoxyglucose. Plant J. 47, 211–223 (2006).Song, Y. et al. Identification of novel interactors and potential phosphorylation substrates of GsSnRK1 from wild soybean (Glycine soja). Plant Cell Environ. 42, 145–157 (2018).Wang, X., Du, Y. & Yu, D. Trehalose phosphate synthase 5-dependent trehalose metabolism modulates basal defense responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 61, 509–527 (2019).Broeckx, T., Hulsmans, S. & Rolland, F. The plant energy sensor: evolutionary conservation and divergence of SnRK1 structure, regulation, and function. J. Exp. Bot. 67, 6215–6252 (2016).Wang, Y. et al. AKINbeta1, a subunit of SnRK1, regulates organic acid metabolism and acts as a global modulator of genes involved in carbon, lipid, and nitrogen metabolism. J. Exp. Bot. 71, 1010–1028 (2020).Yoshida, T. et al. The role of abscisic acid signaling in maintaining the metabolic balance required for Arabidopsis growth under nonstress conditions. Plant Cell 31, 84–105 (2019).Zheng, Z. et al. The protein kinase SnRK2.6 mediates the regulation of sucrose metabolism and plant growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 153, 99–113 (2010).Cutler, S. R., Rodriguez, P. L., Finkelstein, R. R. & Abrams, S. R. Abscisic acid: emergence of a core signaling network. Annu Rev. Plant Biol. 61, 651–679 (2010).Kravchenko, A. et al. Mutations in the Arabidopsis Lst8 and Raptor genes encoding partners of the TOR complex, or inhibition of TOR activity decrease abscisic acid (ABA) synthesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 467, 992–997 (2015).Salem, M. A., Li, Y., Wiszniewski, A. & Giavalisco, P. Regulatory-associated protein of TOR (RAPTOR) alters the hormonal and metabolic composition of Arabidopsis seeds, controlling seed morphology, viability and germination potential. Plant J. 92, 525–545 (2017).Bakshi, A. et al. Ectopic expression of Arabidopsis target of rapamycin (AtTOR) improves water-use efficiency and yield potential in rice. Sci. Rep. 7, 42835 (2017).De Smet, I. et al. An abscisic acid-sensitive checkpoint in lateral root development of Arabidopsis. Plant J. 33, 543–555 (2003).Hrabak, E. M. et al. The Arabidopsis CDPK-SnRK superfamily of protein kinases. Plant Physiol. 132, 666–680 (2003).Hauser, F., Waadt, R. & Schroeder, J. I. Evolution of abscisic acid synthesis and signaling mechanisms. Curr. Biol. 21, R346–R355 (2011).Umezawa, T. et al. Molecular basis of the core regulatory network in ABA responses: sensing, signaling and transport. Plant Cell Physiol. 51, 1821–1839 (2010)

    A balance of positive and negative regulators determines the pace of the segmentation clock

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    Somitogenesis is regulated by a molecular oscillator that drives dynamic gene expression within the pre-somitic mesoderm. Previous mathematical models of the somitogenesis clock that invoke the mechanism of delayed negative feedback predict that its oscillation period depends on the sum of delays inherent to negative-feedback loops and inhibitor half-lives. We develop a mathematical model that explores the possibility that positive feedback also plays a role in determining the period of clock oscillations. The model predicts that increasing the half-life of the positive regulator, Notch intracellular domain (NICD), can lead to elevated NICD levels and an increase in the oscillation period. To test this hypothesis, we investigate a phenotype induced by various small molecule inhibitors in which the clock is slowed. We observe elevated levels and a prolonged half-life of NICD. Reducing NICD production rescues these effects. These data provide the first indication that tight control of the turnover of positive as well as negative regulators of the clock determines its periodicity. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.05842.00

    Adaptation of High-Growth Influenza H5N1 Vaccine Virus in Vero Cells: Implications for Pandemic Preparedness

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    Current egg-based influenza vaccine production technology can't promptly meet the global demand during an influenza pandemic as shown in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. Moreover, its manufacturing capacity would be vulnerable during pandemics caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. Therefore, vaccine production using mammalian cell technology is becoming attractive. Current influenza H5N1 vaccine strain (NIBRG-14), a reassortant virus between A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) virus and egg-adapted high-growth A/PR/8/1934 virus, could grow efficiently in eggs and MDCK cells but not Vero cells which is the most popular cell line for manufacturing human vaccines. After serial passages and plaque purifications of the NIBRG-14 vaccine virus in Vero cells, one high-growth virus strain (Vero-15) was generated and can grow over 108 TCID50/ml. In conclusion, one high-growth H5N1 vaccine virus was generated in Vero cells, which can be used to manufacture influenza H5N1 vaccines and prepare reassortant vaccine viruses for other influenza A subtypes

    Measurement of the top quark mass using the matrix element technique in dilepton final states

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    We present a measurement of the top quark mass in pp¯ collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The data were collected by the D0 experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.7  fb−1. The matrix element technique is applied to tt¯ events in the final state containing leptons (electrons or muons) with high transverse momenta and at least two jets. The calibration of the jet energy scale determined in the lepton+jets final state of tt¯ decays is applied to jet energies. This correction provides a substantial reduction in systematic uncertainties. We obtain a top quark mass of mt=173.93±1.84  GeV

    Yellow fever control in Cameroon: Where are we now and where are we going?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cameroon is one of 12 African countries that bear most of the global burden of yellow fever. In 2002 the country developed a five-year strategic plan for yellow fever control, which included strategies for prevention as well as rapid detection and response to outbreaks when they occur. We have used data collected by the national Expanded Programme on Immunisation to assess the progress made and challenges faced during the first four years of implementing the plan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In January 2003, case-based surveillance of suspected yellow fever cases was instituted in the whole country. A year later, yellow fever immunisation at nine months of age (the same age as routine measles immunisation) was introduced. Supplementary immunisation activities (SIAs), both preventive and in response to outbreaks, also formed an integral part of the yellow fever control plan. Each level of the national health system makes a synthesis of its activities and sends this to the next higher level at defined regular intervals; monthly for routine data and daily for SIAs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From 2004 to 2006 the national routine yellow fever vaccination coverage rose from 58.7% to 72.2%. In addition, the country achieved parity between yellow fever and measles vaccination coverage in 2005 and has since maintained this performance level. The number of suspected yellow fever cases in the country increased from 156 in 2003 to 859 in 2006, and the proportion of districts that reported at least one suspected yellow fever case per year increased from 31.4% to 68.2%, respectively. Blood specimens were collected from all suspected cases (within 14 days of onset of symptoms) and tested at a central laboratory for yellow fever IgM antibodies; leading to confirmation of yellow fever outbreaks in the health districts of Bafia, Méri and Ntui in 2003, Ngaoundéré Rural in 2004, Yoko in 2005 and Messamena in 2006. Owing to constraints in rapidly mobilising the necessary resources, reactive SIAs were only conducted in Bafia and Méri several months after confirmation of the outbreak. In both districts, a total of 60,083 people (representing 88.2% of the 68,103 targeted) were vaccinated. Owing to the same constraints, SIAs were not conducted promptly in response to the outbreaks in Ntui, Ngaoundéré Rural, Yoko and Messamena. However, these four and two other health districts at high risk of yellow fever outbreaks (i.e. Maroua Urban and Ngaoundéré Urban) conducted preventive SIAs in November 2006, vaccinating a total of 752,195 people (92.8% of target population). In both the reactive and preventive SIAs, the mean wastage rates for vaccines and injection material were less than 5% and there was no report of a serious adverse event following immunisation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Amidst other competing health priorities, over the past four years Cameroon has successfully planned and implemented evidence-based strategies for preventing yellow fever outbreaks and for detecting and responding to the outbreaks when they occur. In order to sustain these initial successes, the country will have to attain and sustain high routine vaccination coverage in each successive birth cohort in every district. This would require fostering and sustaining high-level political commitment, improving the planning and monitoring of immunisation services at all levels, adequate community mobilisation, and efficient coordination of current and future immunisation partners.</p

    A randomised phase II study of weekly paclitaxel or vinorelbine in combination with cisplatin against inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer previously untreated

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    [[abstract]]Phase II studies have suggested that weekly paclitaxel has a higher response rate and better toxicity profile than the conventional schedule of once every 3 or 4 weeks. Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of weekly paclitaxel plus cisplatin (PC) vs vinorelbine plus cisplatin (VC) in chemonaive non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. From October 2000 to May 2002, 140 patients were enrolled. The treatment dose was P 66 mg m(-2) intravenous infusion (im.) on days 1, 8, and 15, and C 60 mg m(-2) i.v. on day 15, or V 23 mg m(-2) i.V. on days 1, 8, and 15, and C 60 mg m(-2) i.v. on day 15, every 4 weeks. In all, 28 1 cycles of PC and 307 cycles of VC were given to the patients in the PC and VC arms, respectively. There were 26 partial responses and one complete response (overall 38.6%) in the PC arm, and no complete responses, but 27 partial responses (overall 38.6%) in the VC arm. Myelosuppression was more common in the VC arm (P<0.001). Peripheral neuropathy and myalgia were significantly more common in the PC arm (P<0.001). The median time to disease progression was 6 months in the PC arm and 8.4 months in the VC arm (P=0.0344). The median survival time was 11.7 months in the PC arm and 15.4 months in the VC arm (P = 0.297). We concluded that weekly PC is not suggested for NSCLC patients due to the relatively shorter progression-free survival and more common nonhaematological toxicities

    The impact of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on HIV epidemics in Africa and India: A simulation study

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    Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a promising new HIV prevention method, especially for women. An urgent demand for implementation of PrEP is expected at the moment efficacy has been demonstrated in clinical trials. We explored the long-term impact of PrEP on HIV transmission in different HIV epidemics. Methodology/Principal Findings: We used a mathematical model that distinguishes the general population, sex workers and their clients. PrEP scenarios varying in effectiveness, coverage and target group were modeled in the epidemiological settings of Botswana, Nyanza Province in Kenya, and Southern India. We also studied the effect of condom addition or condom substitution during PrEP use. Main outcome was number of HIV infections averted over ten years of PrEP use. PrEP strategies with high effectiveness and high coverage can have a substantial impact in African settings. In Southern India, by contrast, the number of averted HIV infections in different PrEP scenarios would be much lower. The impact of PrEP may be strongly diminished or even reversed by behavioral disinhibition, especially in scenarios with low coverage and low effectiveness. However, additional condom use during low coverage and low effective PrEP doubled the amount of averted HIV infections. Conclusions/Significance: The public health impact of PrEP can be substantial. However, this impact may be diminished, or even reversed, by changes in risk behavior. Implementation of PrEP strategies should therefore come on top of current condom campaigns, not as a substitution