12 research outputs found

    Graph-based simulated annealing: a hybrid approach to stochastic modeling of complex microstructures

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    A stochastic model is proposed for the efficient simulation of complex three-dimensional microstructures consisting of two different phases. The model is based on a hybrid approach, where in a first step a graph model is developed using ideas from stochastic geometry. Subsequently, the microstructure model is built by applying simulated annealing to the graph model. As an example of application, the model is fitted to a tomographic image describing the microstructure of electrodes in Li-ion batteries. The goodness of model fit is validated by comparing morphological characteristics of experimental and simulated data

    In-situ X-ray computed tomography characterisation of 3D fracture evolution and image-based numerical homogenisation of concrete

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    In-situ micro X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) tests of concrete cubes under progressive compressive loading were carried out to study 3D fracture evolution. Both direct segmentation of the tomography and digital volume correlation (DVC) mapping of the displacement field were used to characterise the fracture evolution. Realistic XCT-image based finite element (FE) models under periodic boundaries were built for asymptotic homogenisation of elastic properties of the concrete cube with Young’s moduli of cement and aggregates measured by micro-indentation tests. It is found that the elastic moduli obtained from the DVC analysis and the FE homogenisation are comparable and both within the Reuss-Voigt theoretical bounds, and these advanced techniques (in-situ XCT, DVC, micro-indentation and image-based simulations) offer highly-accurate, complementary functionalities for both qualitative understanding of complex 3D damage and fracture evolution and quantitative evaluation of key material properties of concrete

    Investigating the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of simulant “lava-like” fuel containing materials from the Chernobyl reactor unit 4 meltdown

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    Decommissioning of the damaged Chernobyl nuclear reactor Unit 4 is a top priority for the global community. Before such operations begin, it is crucial to understand the behaviour of the hazardous materials formed during the accident. Since those materials formed under extreme and mostly unquantified conditions, modelling alone is insufficient to accurately predict their physical, chemical and, predominantly, mechanical behaviour. Meanwhile, knowledge of the mechanical characteristics of those materials, such as their strength, is a priority before robotic systems are employed for retrieval and the force expected from them to be exerted is one of the key design questions. In this paper we target to measurement of the standard mechanical properties of the materials formed during the accident by testing small-scale, low radioactivity simulants. A combined methodology using Hertzian indentation, synchrotron X-ray tomography and digital volume correlation (DVC), was adopted to estimate the mechanical properties. Displacement fields around the Hertzian indentation, performed in-situ in a synchrotron, were measured by analysing tomograms with DVC. The load applied during the indentation, combined with full-field displacement measured by DVC was used to estimate the mechanical properties, such as Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of these hazardous materials

    Photonic Analog-To-Digital Conversion Using the Robust Symmetrical Number System

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    PatentEmbodiments in accordance With the invention alloW for direct digitization of Wideband RF signals Without the need for doWn conversion or the use of mixers. In one embodiment, a preprocessed input analog signal is applied to three Wide band Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZI), e.g., modulators, to amplitude modulate a continuous Wave laser signal. A photodetector is used at the output of each interferometer to convert the amplitude modulated optical signal into an elec trical signal. This is followed by an ampli?er and a loW-pass ?lter (LPF) to increase the signal level and to reduce the noise. A small ml- comparator bank at the output of each LPF is clocked at the sampling frequency and encodes the electrical signal from each detector into a thermometer code that rep resents an integer value Within the modulus. A ?eld program mable gate array (FPGA) then combines the thermometer code from each comparator bank in order to generate a more convenient 6-bit binary representation, i.e., a digital output