84 research outputs found


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    Sejak diterbitkannya Instruksi Presiden No. 3/2003 dan UU No 14/2008, lembaga-lembaga pemerintah mulai dari pusat sampai dengan tingkat kabupaten/kota berlomba-lomba menjadi yang terdepan dalam implementasi e-government dan memenuhi keterbukaan informasi kepada public. Pada saat ini pada Kementerian Agama penerapkan e-Governement masih belum terlihat dalam menunjang pekerjaan mereka yang dapat dilihat dari masih kurang dimanfaatkannya sarana e-mail sebagai sarana komunikasi dan website sebagai alat untuk memberikan informasi baik kepada public maupun kepada kalangan internal organisasi. Tampaknya hal ini dikarenakan masih kurangnya budaya organisasi di kementerian. Penelitian ini ingin melihat seberapa besar budaya organisasi mempengaruhi keberhasilan pengembangan e-government dengan metode pengukuran budaya organisasi Luthans (1998), di mana budaya organisasi merupakan norma-norma dan nilainilai yang mengarahkan perilaku anggota organisasi, sehingga budaya organisasi diukur melalui perilaku organisasi melalui dimensi orang, struktur, teknologi, dan lingkungan tempat organisasi beroperasi. Sedangkan e-Government diukur sesuai dengan menurut manfaatnya. Dengan menggunakan model Structural Equation Model (SEM) didapatkan bahwa Budaya Organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keberhasilan pengembangan e-Government dimana yang paling signifikant mempengaruhi adalah dimensi orang dan lingkungan luar


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    ABSTRAKSeiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, maka penggunaan lahan di daerah Indrapuri semakin meningkat. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya peningkatan aktivitas pembangunan dan pertambahan jumlah penduduk. Sehingga kebutuhan penggunaan lahan bangunan semakin meningkat. Penggunaan lahan di suatu wilayah perlu dilakukan penganalisaan, dikarenakan pengalihan fungsi lahan sawah menjadi lahan bangunan yang berlebih memberi dampak menurunnya kualitas pangan pada suatu daerah. Pada penelitian ini meneliti tentang dampak yang akan terjadi pada lahan pertanian terutama sawah, jika terus menerus beralih fungsi menjadi lahan bangunan, penelitian ini didukung dengan remote sensing, agar mempermudah instansi terkait untuk melihat dampaknya secara keseluruhan yang juga telah di aplikasikan pada ArcMap/ArcGis, sehingga di kemudian hari akan membatasi ruang lingkup pengalihan lahan sawah menjadi lahan bangunan.Kata Kunci: Perubahan lahan, Penggunaan lahan, Remote Sensing, dan ArcMap.?ABSTRACTAlong with increased number of populations, that affected to land use in Indrapuri district, this problems affected by increasing building contractions and populations growth. That affected by needs of land use are continued increase. Land use in some regions is must be analyzed, because change-over of rice field to building affected to decreased food quality In Indrapuri district, in this research examine the impact thatcan become to rice field if continuous switch to building, this survey supported by remote sensing to become easier to see the overall impact to rice field and also has been included to ArcMap/ArcGis. So that in the future will limit the scope of the transfer of wetland into building land.Key word: Land change, Land use, Remote Sensing, and ArcMa

    Manajemen Pengelolaan Dana SBSN di Kementerian Agama Tahun 2016-2019

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    The construction of facilities originating from State Sharia Securities (SBSN) funds has made an important contribution to increasing access to services of public interest. Using a qualitative approach , this study shows that the SBSN Fund Management System at the Ministry of Religion has supported the implementation of infrastructure development programs for the provision of religious education services, hajj services, socio-religious services and other religious services. Although it has generally been declared successful in the construction of facilities originating from SBSN funds, the constraints faced remain so that continuous innovation is needed in the construction of SBSN facilities within the Ministry of Religio

    Experimental Analysis of Magnetic Particle Inspection on S355J2 Steel Weld Joints

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    NDT (Non-Destructive Test) is a form of testing carried out on materials or objects without causing permanent damage to these materials or objects. This study aims to determine the NDT Magnetic Particle Inspection testing process that is carried out and find out the results of the inspection of S355 J2 steel specimens with the NDT Magnetic Particle Inspection test method as the basis for determining the GMAW Welder Qualification. Welding of S355 J2 Steel is performed by a certified welder using GMAW welding using a single V-butt joint at an angle of 30 degrees. NDT Visual Test and Magnetic Particle Inspection are carried out during material testing. Data & output shows welder PT. INKA qualified with the standards set by the company, namely AWS D1.1 and ASTME E 709. So the Welder can be allowed to work on a Project because it is considered to have met the required Welder qualification standards

    Propuesta metodológica de Test fisioterapéuticos para detectar lesiones ligamentosas de rodillas en deportistas de 20 a 25 años que practican Crossfit

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    The idea of this research arises during the practical activity of physical-sports attention to Crossfit athletes who present injuries and the theoretical limitations for their treatment. Its objective lies in the development of a methodology to diagnose ligamentous knee injuries, in athletes between 20 and 25 years old, who practice Crossfit, in the City of Milagro, Ecuador for use during the Covid-19 pandemic stage. Investigation methods and techniques such as analysis-synthesis, systemic-structural-functional, documentary analysis, survey, control test and evaluation to the diagnosis of injuries in Crossfit athletes.La idea de esta investigación surge durante la actividad práctica de atención físico-deportiva a atletas de Crossfit que presentan lesiones y de las limitaciones teóricas para su tratamiento. Su objetivo radica en la elaboración de una metodología para diagnosticar lesiones ligamentosas de rodillas, en deportistas de 20 a 25 años, que practican Crossfit, en la Ciudad de Milagro, Ecuador para su utilización durante la etapa de pandemia Covid-19. Se emplearon para la investigaciónlos métodos y técnicas tales como análisis-síntesis, sistémico-estructural-funcional, análisis documental, encuesta, entrevista, test de control y evaluación para el diagnóstico de las lesiones en los atletas de Crossfit

    The Prediction Number of Smear Acid Resistant Bacteria on Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Infection Disease at Madiun City in 2021 to 2025

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Bacillus. The disease spreads in the air when people contract TB bacteria, such as coughing or sneezing. The lack of ability to anticipate the incidence of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB in Madiun City is affected by the time and number of events that have not been appropriately foreseen. There is no map of regional vulnerability based on the time of occurrence. Hence, the incidence of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB in Madiun city increases, determined by the total number of cases in 6 health centers, seven hospitals, and one prison. In 2015, there were 174 cases, then in 2019, 706 cases. The objective of this study is to predict the number of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB suffering in 2021-2025 based on gender, health centers, and prisons in Madiun City and the overall incidence of cases in 2015-2019 is then foreseen in 2021 to 2025. This type of research is descriptive study research by employing Eviews with the ARIMA method. The population and samples in the study were all data of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB case encompassing the sex of patients during 2015-2019 in Madiun City. The study aimed to predict the incidence of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB in 2021-2025. The results of this study revealed the projection of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB cases based on gender, health centers, hospitals, and prisons in Madiun City from 2020-2025, which experienced an increasing trend with the number of 933, 992, 1063, 1120, 1190 incidences respectively. This study is recommended for relevant agencies or health services to perform preventive efforts by involving trained policymakers and Health Cadis, particularly in preventing TB disease and reducing the high rate of predicting positive pulmonary TB smear incidences in the future.Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Bacillus. The disease spreads in the air when people contract TB bacteria, such as coughing or sneezing. The lack of ability to anticipate the incidence of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB in Madiun City is affected by the time and number of events that have not been appropriately foreseen. There is no map of regional vulnerability based on the time of occurrence. Hence, the incidence of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB in Madiun city increases, determined by the total number of cases in 6 health centers, seven hospitals, and one prison. In 2015, there were 174 cases, then in 2019, 706 cases. The objective of this study is to predict the number of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB suffering in 2021-2025 based on gender, health centers, and prisons in Madiun City and the overall incidence of cases in 2015-2019 is then foreseen in 2021 to 2025. This type of research is descriptive study research by employing Eviews with the ARIMA method. The population and samples in the study were all data of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB case encompassing the sex of patients during 2015-2019 in Madiun City. The study aimed to predict the incidence of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB in 2021-2025. The results of this study revealed the projection of Acid Resistant Bacteria Positive Pulmonary TB cases based on gender, health centers, hospitals, and prisons in Madiun City from 2020-2025, which experienced an increasing trend with the number of 933, 992, 1063, 1120, 1190 incidences respectively. This study is recommended for relevant agencies or health services to perform preventive efforts by involving trained policymakers and Health Cadis, particularly in preventing TB disease and reducing the high rate of predicting positive pulmonary TB smear incidences in the future

    Sistem Kontrol Robot Pemadam Kebakaran Nirawak Dengan Pengatur Sembur Berlogika Fuzzy

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    Pemakaian listrik yang meningkat seiring dengan tingginya proliferisasi barang-barang elektronik saat ini juga disertai dengan meningkatnya jumlah angka kebakaran yang diakibatkan oleh kerusakan barang-barang elektronik. Dengan semakin tingginya intensitas kebakaran dan untuk mengurangi korban dalam menanggulangi kebakaran, maka robot mobil yang dirancang khusus untuk memadamkan kebakaran dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan ini dengan menggantikan peran manusia, dengan ditambah sistem cerdas logika fuzzy. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 2 buah sensor, yakni sensor api dan sensor asap MQ2 dan dilakukan pengujian menggunakan semprotan air dengan logika fuzzy dan untuk melihat kemampuan robot mobil dalam mendeteksi adanya kebakaran dan semprotan air untuk memadamkan api dengan pengatur sembur yang variabelnya nya disesuaikan dengan jarak sumber api. Metoda penelitian dilakukan dengan cara kuantitatif, mengandalkan data yang diperoleh peneliti dari tes dan percobaan . Pengujian dilakukan dengan memvariasikan sumber api dan asap dengan jarak antara 10-100cm dan sudut letak api dari 0º-90º dan 0º-180º.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan kekuatan tekanan air rata-rata berkisar di tiga level, yaitu mati-pelan tanpa nilai setpoint awal. Dengan rata rata bacaan tekanan air oleh sensor sebesar 0,27 Bar untuk rentang jarak 0-56cm dan 0,91 Bar untuk rentang jarak 57-100cm

    Gini Ratio Prediction by Estimating the Components Based on the Ybarra-Lohr Model Small Area Estimation with Estimated Sampling Variance

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    Gini ratio is one of the tools used to measure income inequality, so it is necessary to know the value of Gini ratio to a smaller regional level such as a subdistrict. According to Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), the components of the Gini ratio are the average per capita expenditure and the relative frequency of households for each expenditure class in the subdistrict. Per capita expenditure data available through SUSENAS is designed to obtain national statistics down to the district level so that estimates are made for the level of subdistrict expenditure classes. Direct estimation for a small sample can cause significant standard errors therefore Small Area Estimation (SAE) with Logarithm Transformation is used to estimate the average per capita expenditure for each subdistrict expenditure class in Depok City 2020. The Ybarra-Lohr area-level model was used because of the availability of auxiliary data with measurement error. Previously, the sampling variance required for estimating the average per capita expenditure was estimated by comparing several estimation methods. As sampling variance estimation method, probability distribution produces an estimate of the average per capita expenditure with the smallest RRMSE, with a random effect variance and goodness of Ybarra-Lohr model are  = 0.686 and = 0.929. The best result of the average per capita expenditure estimation for each expenditure class is used to obtain Gini ratio for each subdistrict in Depok City 2020