68 research outputs found

    Total Factor Productivity in the Malaysian Resource-Based Industries

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    This paper will focus on the issues of total factor productivity growth (TFPG) for both 3 and 5-digit level and the performance of resource-based industries (RBIs) in Malaysia for the period 1981-1997. By using the neoclassical Cobb-Douglas production function and traditional growth accounting methodology (Solow-residual) with time discrete Tornqvist weighted value share index, the TFPG estimation for both classifications shows an interesting pattern in terms of sign and fundamental composition. The development of RBIs during the period under study is mostly input driven (moving towards a capital intensive industry), where supply effect of unskilled labour assimilates to the underlying value added growth over time.Resource based industry in Malaysia; total factor productivity


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    Irigasi pipa dipilih sebagai salah satu solusi untuk metode irigasi pada daerah berpasir karena tingkat efisiensi penyaluran air yang tinggi.  Masalah yang muncul pada sistem irigasi perpipaan ialah kondisi pipa seperti pipa bocor atau kehilangan energi yang begitu besar. Salah satu cara untuk mengevaluasi kondisi pipa yang digunakan dalam sistem irigasi yang sudah digunakan bertahun-tahun ialah membandingkan nilai koefisien gesek pipa yang sudah digunakan dengan nilai koefisien gesek menggunakan grafik moody. Pada penelitian ini, pipa dilapangan dipecah menjadi lima segmen, R-B, R-F, R-C. R-D dan R-H, tiap segmen menyalurkan air dari sumber ke tiap pipa sekunder, tiap segmen dilakukan simulasi menggunakan bantuan program dengan debit tertentu selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan nilai f atau nilai gesek pipa berdasarkan nilai kehilangan energi yang terjadi pada tiap segmen pipa. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan  Nilai f pipa hasil simulasi adalah Pipa 1 ø8 Inch= 0,025, Pipa 2 ø6 Inch = 0,025,  Pipa 3 ø4 Inch=0,022, Pipa 4  ø3Inch =0,022. Nilai f pipa teori berdasarkan Grafik Moody  adalah : Pipa 1 ø8 Inch= 0,020, Pipa 2 ø6 Inch = 0,018,  Pipa 3 ø4 Inch=0,018, Pipa 4  ø3Inch =0,020. Kondisi pipa dilapangan masih baik, berdasarkan nilai koefisien gesek


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    As higher education institutions strictly follow health protocols due to the COVID-19 pandemic, moving of classes including the closing of libraries is a way of helping the government to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus. To that effect, libraries have also responded to the challenging needs in the educational system. In the Western Mindanao State University library where online services are offered, where the purpose of this study attempted to look into the challenges and opportunities faced by its stakeholders and the extent of satisfaction. The quantitative-qualitative research design employing a descriptive survey method was used. In the selection of respondents, systematic random sampling was also employed, and the five (5) point Likert-type questionnaire checklist was utilized. While a purposive sampling was also employed to library personnel. A total of 384 respondents coming from the students, faculty administrative personnel/staff, and library personnel were utilized. Based on the findings, OLC or the Online Library Cart facilitated by a social media platform was a big help to educators and learners in the academic community. The challenges and opportunities have also brought in the delivery of online services’ operation. The low internet connectivity and lack of personnel competency in the online delivery, among others were considered as challenges. In attaining quality library service, increase in the acquisition of e-resources, upgrading of personnel’s skills as well as strengthening the culture of partnership and collaboration are major factors to create an avenue to improve library services, the online delivery, in particular. The overall mean of 4.74 revealed a high level of satisfaction result from the three groups of respondents, implying that WMSU library online services are very much effective and functioning excellently. It is, therefore, concluded that online services offered by the WMSU Library should be sustained not only to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic but also to support the challenging needs of blended learning education in Western Mindanao


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    Grand Kenjeran Residence is a mega project which has a lot of access and facilities at East Surabaya district. Related to the development’s location, East Surabaya District had peat and swamp like soil which has high land subsidence and prone to be flooded. Based on that condition, a drainage system is required to draining the rainwater towards existing drainage system. Zero Delta Q Policy is a “flood caution” concept by applying flood’s runoff restrictions as a result of the development, which the difference between before and after runoff debit has to be zero. Based on the analyzing report, there are some chsnnel precast available to use for Drainage System 1 : Box Culvert size 200x150x100 cm ; Box Culvert size 120x120x100 cm ; Uditch + Cover size 50x50x120 cm and Drainage System 2 : Box Culvert size 120x150x100 cm; Box Culvert size 100x100x100 cm ; Uditch + Cover size 40x50x120 cm. Fulfilling the “Zero Delta Q” concept, the design of boezem had volume of 7.182,47 m3 which is larger than the requirements at 7.181,925 m3 and floodgates on drainage system


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    This research was conceived to create a picture of the Library Automation System of Academic Libraries in Zamboanga City. The study was premised on null hypotheses which were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The quantitative research design employing descriptive survey method was used. In the selection of respondents, the systematic random sampling was also employed and the five (5) point likert-type questionnaire-checklist was utilized. The findings revealed that the extent of library automation system in terms of: Administration and Staffing: Facilities, and Services of the (3) three Higher Education Institutions (HEls) involved was found that it is moderately implemented. However, HEIs from public institution showed undesirable results in some areas compared to HEIs from private institution, where the library automation system has been helpful in facilitating loaning services in a multicultural level of clientele. The significant differences among institutions do exist in the library services offered showing that the respondents have their own library services needed to satisfy their needs. It also shows that Academic Libraries are for technological advancement using different library automation systems for different reasons to facilitate library transactions. However, the posited null hypothesis is accepted where all average responses are from 3.40 to 4.19 criteria, implying that whatever ethnic profile respondents belong (multicultural clientele), their responses were similar and were rated within the satisfactory criteria. Therefore, multicultural clientele is not a factor of having poor utilization in the transformation of library services using the Library Automation System. Based on the findings, the full implementation of the library automation system, upgrading of library technology tools and e-resources, creating a functional and interactive library web page, and designing innovative library programs using social media tools to support the educational system with diverse clientele were recommended.

    The effects of foreign R&D and triadic patent propensity on developing economies efficiency and convergence

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    This research relies on the theory of endogenous growth, where the role of foreign imported capital and triadic patent propensity is assumed to endogenously determine the growth process of a group of 36 developing and emerging economies for the years 1990-2010. Our results confirm the monotonicity hypothesis from both foreign imported technology and triadic patent propensity toward technical efficiency improvement with no indication of pure TFP growth. The results indicate that initial foreign capital and initial triadic patent propensity only minimally improve the technical efficiency change for a small number of economies with nearly halve of the sample deviating from the convergence point

    Analisa Hidrolika Sistem Irigasi Perpipaan

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    Agropolitan Poncokusumo berada di Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang menggunakan irigasi perpipaan untuk mengairi tanaman sayur dan buah seluas 670 ha. Penggunaan irigasi perpipaan untuk efisiensi penggunaan air dan pemanfaatan air hingga lahan terjauh.. Setelah beroperasi selama tiga tahun terjadi kehilangan energi di jaringan irigasi tersebut. Kehilangan energi mempengaruhi kinerja irigasi yang ada. Saat ini belum diketahui penyebab kehilangan energi serta letak permasalahan yang diperkirakan menyebabkan kehilangan energi. Sehingga perlu adanya penelitian untuk melihat kondisi pipa setelah beroperasi selama tiga tahun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah analisa kondisi pipa setelah beroperasi selama tiga tahun dengan membandingkan nilai koefisien gesek pipa (f) simulasi dengan teori. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan pada jaringan pipa yang ada. Jaringan pipa yang ada dibagi menjadi 5 rangkaian, tiap rangkaian akan mengalirkan air dari reservoir ke satu titik pengambilan dengan melewati satu hingga tiga pipa dengan diameter berbeda. Menggunakan data elevasi, debit lapangan, diameter pipa, dan panjang pipa. Tiap rangkaian dilakukan simulasi dengan tiga variasi ketinggian air di reservoir. Hasil simulasi akan diketahui besar tekanan yang tersisa diujung pengambilan. Dari output tersebut kemudian dilakukan perhitungan kehilangan energi pada tiap rangkaian. Dari nilai kehilangan energi dilakukan perhitungan analitik untuk mendapatkan Nilai f simulasi. Nilai f simulasi dibandingkan dengan f teori yang didapat dengan rumus Blasius dan Grafik Moody. Jika selisih nilai lebih dari 10% maka kondisi pipa bermasalah, jika kurang dari 10% maka kondisi pipa masih baik. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan besar kehilangan energi pada masing-masing rangkaian tiga variasi ketinggian air di reservoir, Yaitu : Rangkaian R-B = 0,02 m dengan debit 2,5 l/dtk, Rangkaian R-C= 5,89 m dengan debit 14,5 l/dtk. Rangkaian R-F= 3,09 m dengan debit 12 l/dtk, Rangkaian R-H=7,5 m dengan debit 4 l/dtk, Rangkaian R-D = 6,82 m dengan debit 9 l/dtk. Nilai f hasil simulasi pada lima rangkaian pipa mendapatkan nilai f simulasi adalah Pipa 1 ø8 Inch = 0,019, pipa 2 ø6 Inch = 0,019, Pipa 3 ø3 Inch = 0,022, Pipa 4 ø4 Inch = 0,019. Nilai f teori menurut Rumus Blasius adalah Pipa 1 ø8Inch = 0,020, pipa 2 ø6Inch = 0,018, Pipa 3 ø3 Inch = 0,020, Pipa 4 ø4 Inch = 0,017. Menurut Grafik Moody adalah Pipa 1 ø8 Inch = 0,020, pipa 2 ø6 Inch = 0,018, Pipa 3 ø3 Inch = 0,020, Pipa 4 ø4 Inch = 0,018.Selisih f simulasi dan f teori kurang dari 10%. Dari nilai selisih antara f teori dan simulasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan jika kondisi pipa masih baik setelah beroperasi selama tiga tahun, dan pipa tidak perlu dilakukan pergantian karena masih kondisi bagus. ======================================================================================== Poncokusumo Agropolitan is located in Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency using piping irrigation to irrigate 670 ha of vegetables and fruits. The use of piping irrigation is for the efficiency of the use of water and the utilization of water to the farest land. In addition, the condition of soil in Poncokusumo is sandy, so when using open irrigation, the water will absorb so that water will not come to the farest land. After operating for three years, there is an head loss in the irrigation network. Head loss affects existing irrigation performance. Currently, the cause of head loss and the problem estimated to cause head loss are unknown. Therefore it is necessary to research to see the condition of the pipe after operating for three years. The purpose of this research is pipeline condition analysis after three years operation by comparing the coefficient of friction pipe (f) simulation with theory. In this research will be analyzed on existing pipelines. The existing pipe network is divided into 5 pipeline, each series will drain the water from the reservoir to a single point of retrieval by passing through one to three pipes of different diameter. This uses elevation data, field debit, pipe diameter, and pipe length. Each series is simulated with three variations of water level in the reservoir. In the simulation results, it will be known the amount of pressure remaining at the end of the retrieval. From the output, the calculation of the head loss in each pipeline will be carried out. From the head loss value, it will find the value of f simulation. The value of f simulation is compared with the f theory obtained by the formula of Blasius and Moody Graph. If the difference in value is more than 10%, then the condition of the pipe is problematic, if less than 10% then the condition of pipe is still good. From the results of the research, it obtains the amount of head loss in each series of three water height variations in the reservoir, they are: Pipeline R-B = 0.02 m with with 2,5 l/s discharge, Pipeline R-C = 5,01 m with 14,5 l/s discharge, Pipeline R-F = 2.82 m with 12 l/s discharge, Pipeline R-H = 6.21 m with 4 l/s discharge, Pipeline R-D = 5.8 m with 9 l/s discharge. The value of f simulation in five pipe networks obtaining the value of f simulation is Pipe 1 ø8 Inch = 0.019, Pipe 2 ø6 Inch = 0.018, Pipe 3 ø3 Inch = 0.022, Pipe 4 ø4 Inch = 0.019. The f theoretical value according to Blasius Formula is Pipe 1 ø8 Inch = 0.020, Pipe 2 ø6 Inch = 0.018, Pipe 3 ø3 Inch = 0.020, Pipe 4 ø4 Inch = 0.017. According to Moody Graph is Pipe 1 ø8 Inch = 0.020, pipe 2 ø6 Inch = 0.018, Pipe 3 ø3 Inch = 0.020, Pipe 4 ø4 Inch = 0.018. Dispute of f simulation and f theory is less than 10%. Of these values, it can be concluded if the pipe condition is still good after operating for three years. There is no need to change the pipes

    ¿Es suficiente el crecimiento económico para paliar la pobreza?: Experiencia en Malasia

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    Malaysia’s success story has been highlighted by the remarkable social transformation and poverty reduction accompanying rapid economic growth. Some three decades ago, more than half of the population was poor, the number of illiterates was high, and the average person could only hope to live until the age of 48. The proportion of poor people is currently down to 5.6 percent, 90 percent of adults are literate, and life expectancy is up to 68 years. Although Malaysia’s population has increased from approximately 10 million in the 1960s to about 28 million in 2010, the number of poor people has dropped significantly during this period. This paper attempts to determine the empirical relationship and importance of growth for poverty reduction in Malaysia. The results show that growth explains much, but not all, about the evolution of poverty. Economic growth is necessary but not sufficient for poverty reduction, especially if the objective is rapid and sustained poverty reduction. This study proposes that if a policy’s objective is focused on poverty alleviation, poverty reduction as well as economic growth should be simultaneously taken into account as the final targetLa historia del éxito de Malasia se ha visto evidenciada por la sorprendente transformación social y la disminución de la pobreza que han acompañado al rápido crecimiento económico. Hace unos treinta años, más de la mitad de la población era pobre, las tasas de analfabetismo elevadas y el ciudadano medio sólo podía esperar llegar a los 48 años. La proporción de población pobre actualmente se ha reducido al 5,6 por ciento, el 90 por ciento de los adultos cuenta con una educación y la esperanza de vida alcanza los 68 años. Aunque la población de Malasia se ha visto aumentada de los aproximadamente 10 millones en los años 60 a los 28 millones registrados en 2010, el número de ciudadanos pobres ha decaído de forma significativa durante este periodo. Este artículo pretende determinar la relación empírica y la importancia del crecimiento en la mitigación de la pobreza en Malasia. Los resultados demuestran que el crecimiento tiene mucho que decir, aunque no todo, en la evolución de la pobreza. El crecimiento económico resulta necesario, aunque no suficiente, para paliar la pobreza, sobre todo si el objetivo es una reducción rápida y sostenida. Este estudio propone que, si el objetivo de una política se centra en paliar la pobreza, tanto la reducción de la misma como el crecimiento económico acabarán siendo parte simultáneamente del objetivo fina


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    Kebutuhan air irigasi perlu diketahui karena merupakan salah satu tahap penting yang diperlukan dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan sistem irigasi. tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kebutuhan air irigasi untuk mendapatkan prediksi nilai kebutuhan air irigasi maksimum dan minimum pada Daerah Irigasi Mondokan/Slumbung, sehingga ketersediaan air dapat dimanfaatkan secara benar yakni seefisien dan seefektif mungkin agar produktivitas pertanian dapat meningkat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sawah irigasi teknis seluas 190 ha Dari hasil perhitungan kebutuhan air irigasi maksimum didapat sebesar 1,167 lt/dt/ha untuk kebutuhan air minimum didapat sebesar 0,035 l/dt/ha, dari perhitungan kebutuhan air irigasi tidak sebanding dengan ketersediaan air yang ada. Perhitungan kebutuhan air irigasi untuk pola tanam Padi-Padi-Palawija, ketersediaan air yang ada pada masa tanam II pada bulan Mei s/d Agustus ke 1 dan pada masa tanam III bulan Agustus ke 2 dan bulan Oktober tidak mencukupi hal ini di karenakan kebutuhan air disawah pada bulan Mei ke 1 sebesar 0,176 m3/dt sedangkan air yang tersedia pada intake hanya sebesar 0,131 m3/dt. Alternatif lain agar air yang tersedia bisa mencukupi untuk kebutuhan air di sawah diantaranya, digunakan sistem pembagian air yaitu menggunakan sistem golongan. untuk Daerah Irigasi Mondokan/Slumbung dibagi menjadi 2 golongan. Perhitungan debit rencana diperoleh Q=100% (pembagian air secara terus-menerus) sebesar 306.44 l/dt/ha dan untuk Q=50% (1 golongan dialiri 1 golongan ditutup) sebesar 153,2 l/dt/ha dengan pembagian jam rotasi pada periode I selama 3 hari 16 jam dan untuk periode II 3 hari 8 jam

    Analisis Kebutuhan Sumur Resapan Dalam Rangka Konservasi Air di Wilayah Perumahan Perumnas Made Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Perumnas Made kabupaten Lamongan di kenal sebagai salah satu daerah yang sering dilanda banjir ketika musim penghujan datang dan kekeringan ketika musim kemarau datang. Dengan perkembangan yang sangat pesat, yang meliputi jumlah penduduk dan ekonomi dari wilayah urban metropolitan Gerbang kertosusila. Salah satu faktor yang mendatangkan bencana alam di area yang mereka tempati adalah yang akan kurangnya kesadaran mengenai menjaga lingkungan sekitar. Karena itu sangat penting melaksanakan konservasi air dalam rangka menjaga kelestarian lingkunan terutama air bersih. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan jumlah dan titik sumur resapan yang di perlukan di wilayah perumnas Made. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data hujan selama periode 10 tahun terakhir dan survey dengan alat ukur dan GPS. Berdasarkan data dari survei tersebut kemudian akan dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode analisa faktor. Kemudian hasil dari perhitungan tersebut dapat di tentukan kebutuhan sumur resapan di Perumahan Perumas Made yang diperoleh sumur dengan diameter 1,2 m dengan kedalaman 1,5 m, lalu didapatkan hasil debit banjir rencana terbesar yang terjadi pada kala ulang 10 tahun yaitudengan debit 1,442  dan debit air limbah rumah tangga sebesar 0,939  pada periode kala ulang 10 tahun. Kata Kunci: Perumnas Made, Konservasi Air, Sumur Resapan