37 research outputs found

    Local Wisdom of Pesantren as Core Value in Building an Islamic Education Organizational Culture in Indonesia

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    This research aims to investigate and interpret the pesantren's local wisdom, which contains a set of value systems. It is used as social capital in building the organizational culture of Islamic education. Therefore, this study employed a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques were interviews and observation to gain an in-depth understanding. This study found that there was some construction of pesantren local wisdom values: a) the local wisdom of the pesantren is a representation of universal values originating from the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, the habitualization of these values is used as the basis for various management of pesantren education, b) internalization of the values of local wisdom is believed to be able to generate positive energy in the form of encouragement the formation of ethical behavior for each individual in the organization, such as honesty, commitment, discipline, independence, and responsibility, c) internalization of the local wisdom values of Islamic boarding schools is believed to be able to increase performance productivity. Thus, it can be used as the basis for Islamic education and corporate organization, towards an organization oriented towards religious and moral values and creating an influential organizational culture


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    Fatwas as a result of human thought use the main legal sources, but can be categorized into ijtihad, because the process of determining fatwas is done through methods determined by the science of ushul fiqh. In judicial practice in Indonesia, fatwas can be included as legal experts' opinions. Fatwa is a legal opinion or opinion on Islamic law on considerations that can be taken from legal sources as legal considerations for judges to give decisions. Fatwas are issued by Islamic scholars or jurisprudents who are able to raise the problem of needs that require basic answers on the basis of the law about activities or activities that can be religious or non-religious in nature. Fatwa becomes one of the sessions in Islamic law to provide answers and solutions to problems raised by the people. While the Muslims at the time of the fatwa as a reference in contradiction and behavior. The position of the fatwa among the general public, is like the argument among the mujtahids (al-Fatwa fi Haqqil 'Ami kal Adillah fi Haqqil Mujtahid), that is, the placement of the fatwa in the construction of Islamic law that asks for the proposition of the mujtahid. The position of fatwa in the construction of Islamic law becomes the legal basis for an act or activity which is good in nature muamalah. The classic fatwa that was transferred (ikhtiyariah) or a choice that is not legally binding.However, associating morals with mustafti or someone who requests a fatwa. This is reinforced through the theory of acceptance of Islamic law, which is the basis of the obligation of every Muslim to approve and comply with Islamic law, the source of which is fatwa, both from philosophical, juridical, and sociological sources

    Potensi Pengembangan Wisata Syariah di Kecamatan Pantai Lunci Kabupaten Sukamara

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    Semakin berkembangnya wisata berbasis syariah di beberapa wilayah yang memiliki destinasi wisata yang mendukung dan mayoritas berpenduduk muslim, serta semakin meningkatnya pengelolaan wisata syariah. Penelitian ini difokuskan dalam dua rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) Apakah rencana strategis pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Sukamara memiliki prioritas dalam pembangunan daerah wisata; (2) Bagaimana potensi pengembangan wisata berbasis syariah di Kecamatan Pantai Lunci. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu yuridis empiris dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, adapun teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) Rencana strategis pemerintah Kabupaten Sukamara memiliki prioritas dalam pembangunan daerah wisata karena hal tersebut merupakan bagian dari kebijakan pemerintah daerah yang dimuat dalam rencana pembangunan jangka menengah daerah Kabupaten Sukamara serta adanya peran dari Dinas Kepemudaan Olahraga dan Kepariwisataan serta kelompok sadar wisata. (2) Potensi wisata di Kecamatan Pantai Lunci cukup berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi wisata syariah, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari masyarakat yang memahami terkait wisata syariah, mayoritas penduduknya muslim, fasilitas ibadahnya tersedia dan mudah ditemukan, produk-produk yang disajikan adalah produk halal, serta masyarakat mendukung untuk pengembangan wisata syariah. Ditinjau dari maslahah bahwa potensi pengembangan wisata syariah dapat menolak kemudaratan dalam rangka untuk menjaga dan memelihara maqashid al-syari’ah (tujuan-tujuan syariat)

    Interkoneksi Nilai-Nilai Huma Betang Kalimantan Tengah dengan Pancasila

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    Huma betang  is a typical traditional house inhabited by Dayak people. The life intertwined from the residents of the Betang Huma is safe, peaceful and warmly in  differences. This research is a qualitative research with an empirical and normative approach focusing on the philosophy of Huma betang  and its relationship to Pancasila. This study reveals that Pancasila can be seen from the foundation of life of Central Kalimantan people, namely Garing Hatungku Tungket Langit, isen mulang, Hupungkal Lingu Nalatai Hapangajan Karendem Malempang, dan Belom Bahadat. If it is seen from the relationships and its interrelations, there is an interconnection of the Huma betang  values of the Central Kalimantan Dayak people with the Pancasila philosophy  with the spirit of togetherness in difference of Unity in Diversity in the life of the nation and state.</div

    Copyright on Computer Software Products in Palangka Raya City (Positive Legal Perspective and Sharia Economic Law)

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    The widespread use and sale of pirated software products to the public in Palangka Raya City, who have the potential to commit copyright infringement, motivates this research. The use and sale of software products without permission from the creator/copyright holder is piracy and an act of copyright infringement under the Copyright Law and the MUI Fatwa. This study discusses the forms and constraints in controlling Copyright on computer software products and Islamic views on the practice of buying and selling pirated computer software products. The researcher uses a statutory and conceptual approach in this sociological, juridical research. The data collection techniques in this study used literature and field studies with descriptive-analytical methods. The practice of buying and selling computer software products is legal in Islam's view. However, suppose you practice buying and selling using illegal (pirated) computer software products. In that case, the sale and purchase are considered harmful, and the law is forbidden or prohibited in Islam. The existence of free song download sites on electronic media has the potential to infringe on Copyright. I gave authors the exclusive right to use themselves and may prohibit other people without their permission from using their work primarily for commercial purposes. Free download sites that do not have permission and do not provide royalties to classify creators as copyright infringement based on the Copyright Law and ITE Law provisions. The method used in this research is legal research, which is included in empirical research. Based on the research results, the law enforcement process has not run optimally. Public legal awareness of Copyright, which is still low, and technological advances

    Motives for khat use and abstinence in Yemen - a gender perspective

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Khat consumption is widespread in Yemeni society and causes problems both in economic development and public health. Preventive measures have been largely unsuccessful and the cultivation continues to proliferate. The gender-specific motives for khat use and abstinence were studied to create a toe-hold for more specific interventions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a quota sample with equal numbers of males, females, abstainers and consumers, 320 subjects were interviewed on their specific opinions about khat and its impact on subjective and public health, and on social and community functioning. Strata were compared in their acceptance and denial of opinions. Notions that could predict abstinence status or gender were identified with multivariate logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Male khat users had a strong identification with khat use, while females were more ambivalent. The notion that khat consumption is a bad habit (odds ratio (OR) 3.4; p < 0.001) and consumers are malnuorished (OR 2.2; p = 0.046) were associated with female gender among khat users. Among the females worries about health impact (OR 3.2; p = 0.040) and loss of esteem in the family (OR 3.1; p = 0.048) when using khat predicted abstinence. Male abstainers opposed khat users in the belief that khat is the cause of social problems (OR 5.1, p < 0.001). Logistic regression reached an accuracy of 75 and 73% for the prediction of abstinence and 71% for gender among consumers. (All models p < 0.001.)</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Distinct beliefs allow a differentiation between males, females, khat users and abstainers when targeting preventive measures. In accordance to their specific values female khat users are most ambivalent towards their habit. Positive opinions scored lower than expected in the consumers. This finding creates a strong toe-hold for gender-specific public health interventions.</p

    Khat use as risk factor for psychotic disorders: A cross-sectional and case-control study in Somalia

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the prevalence of khat-induced psychotic disorders in East African countries, where the chewing of khat leaves is common. Its main psycho-active component cathinone produces effects similar to those of amphetamine. We aimed to explore the prevalence of psychotic disorders among the general population and the association between khat use and psychotic symptoms. METHODS: In an epidemiological household assessment in the city of Hargeisa, North-West Somalia, trained local interviewers screened 4,854 randomly selected persons from among the general population for disability due to severe mental problems. The identified cases were interviewed based on a structured interview and compared to healthy matched controls. Psychotic symptoms were assessed using the items of the WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview and quantified with the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale. Statistical testing included Student's t-test and ANOVA. RESULTS: Local interviewers found that rates of severe disability due to mental disorders were 8.4% among males (above the age of 12) and differed according to war experiences (no war experience: 3.2%; civilian war survivors: 8.0%; ex-combatants: 15.9%). The clinical interview verified that in 83% of positive screening cases psychotic symptoms were the most prominent manifestations of psychiatric illness. On average, cases with psychotic symptoms had started to use khat earlier in life than matched controls and had been using khat 8.6 years before positive symptoms emerged. In most cases with psychotic symptoms, a pattern of binge use (> two 'bundles' per day) preceded the onset of psychotic symptoms, in contrast to controls of the same age. We found significant correlations between variables of khat consumption and clinical scales (0.35 to 0.50; p < 0.05), and between the age of onset of khat chewing and symptom onset (0.70; p <0.001). CONCLUSION: Evidence indicates a relationship between the consumption of khat and the onset of psychotic symptoms among the male population, whereby not the khat intake per se but rather early onset and excessive khat chewing seemed to be related to psychotic symptoms. The khat problem must be addressed by means other than prohibition, given the widespread use and its role in Somali culture

    Marital Property within the Marriage Law: A Debate on Legal Position and Actual Applications

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    This paper presents a debate on the legal posistion of marital property and its application. It begins with examining the legal position of marital property and the application of the UUP and KHI for Muslims. It also pays attention to a discussion of whether the position of marital property needs to be declared in a marriage agreement or comes into effect automatically in every marriage. It ends with examining various actual applications in resolving a legal dispute over the marital property in the Indonesian Religious Courts. As qualitative research, this study adopts a socio-historical approach. Data were taken from such regulations on the marital property as the UUP and KHI, official documents released by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia. The data were also collected from books and reputable journals. Based on the socio-historical analysis, it could be concluded that the legal position of marital property distribution has been regulated in the UUP and KHI coming into force nationally. Under this legal framework, the property acquired during a marriage belongs to both spouses. In practice, however, the spousal rights to share the property ownership becomes broken in two situations, i.e., when the husband and wife agree to include the formulation of the distribution of marital property in their marriage agreement, and when one of them files a lawsuit for the marital property by either litigation or non-litigation. Decisions based on the qualitative contributions have turned out to be more dominant in the history of settling disputes over marital property in Indonesia.[Artikel ini membahas perdebatan posisi hukum dari harta bersama beserta penerapannya. Pembahasan diawali dari posisi hukum harta bersama dan penerapannya didalam UU Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI). Hal ini juga dibahas apakah perlu dicantumkan dalam perjanjian nikah atau otomatis menjadi bagian dari setiap pernikahan. Selain itu artikel ini juga membahas beberapa penerapan dalam penyelesaian kasus hukum harta bersama di Peradilan Agama. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan sosio-historis dan tidak hanya menggunakan rujukan dari buku serta jurnal ilmiah, tetapi juga dari dokumen resmi peraturan perundangan dalam UU Perkawinan, KHI serta Mahkamah Agung. Dalam tulisan ini disimpulkan bahwa harta bersama sudah mempunyai posisi legal dalam UU Perkawinan dan KHI serta diterapkan secara nasional. Dalam logika hukum ini, harta yang didapatkan selama pernikahan menjadi milik bersama. Dalam praktiknya, hak keduanya akan terbagi jika berada di dua kondisi, pertama ketika suami dan istri memasukkan formasi pembagian sendiri dalam perjanjian pernikahan dan kedua ketika salah satu dari pasangan tersebut mengajukan gugatan harta kekayaan baik lewat pengadilan atau tidak. Keputusan yang berdasarkan kontribusi kualitatif ternyata lebih dominan dalam sejarah penyelesaian perselisihan harta bersama di Indonesia.