4,283 research outputs found

    Tracking human upper-limb movements with sliding mode control type-II fuzzy logic

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    © 2016 IEEE. A knowledge of human upper-limb structure and its mechanical functions are important for developing an exoskeleton. The Sliding Mode Control with Fuzzy Type-II is proposed to control the movements of the human extremity joints. The Lagrange method is used to model the dynamics system of human upper-limb. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller in tracking the desired motion and it is also able to eliminate the chattering problem as well as deal with uncertainties


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran big book berbasis STEAM terhadap kemampuan numerasi pada mata pelajaran matematika peserta didik fase B di SDN Pajagalan III. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan tes yang sesuai dengan indikator kemampuan numerasi. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan uji independent sample t test setelah sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas terhadap instrumen penelitian, serta dilakukan uji normalitas sebagai uji prasyarat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,001<0,05 yang artinya media pembelajaran big book berbasis STEAM berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan numerasi peserta didik


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran big book berbasis STEAM terhadap kemampuan numerasi pada mata pelajaran matematika peserta didik fase B di SDN Pajagalan III. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan tes yang sesuai dengan indikator kemampuan numerasi. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan uji independent sample t test setelah sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas terhadap instrumen penelitian, serta dilakukan uji normalitas sebagai uji prasyarat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,001<0,05 yang artinya media pembelajaran big book berbasis STEAM berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan numerasi peserta didik


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    One of the alternative for fosil replacing is biodisel which is produced from standard material like palm oil and sawit mentah. From the BPPT experiment, excessise biodisel has octan number to the piston machine, free sulfur, and produce a minimum smoke. So that, it is necessary to have methode due to a biodisel productcessary to have methode due to a biodisel production from CPO and jarak oil, in order to make manufacturing process in an eficient way. It is con an eficient way. It is considered that we hnsidered that we have to design biodisel manufacturing technology system continuously, which produced biodisel convertion higher. The experiment uses a standard material from  PT PN VII. A standard material that fulfill the SNI. The result of biodisel redemen comparison analysis,with batch process, and produced 70% in spce, 82% in CPO. The next process from jarak oil produced 89%  and 93% from CPO

    Outcome-selective reinstatement is predominantly context-independent, and associated with c-Fos activation in the posterior dorsomedial striatum.

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    Research from human and animal studies has found that after responding has been successfully reduced following treatment it can return upon exposure to certain contexts. An individual in recovery from alcohol use disorder, for example, might relapse to drinking upon visiting their favourite bar. However, most of these data have been derived from experiments involving a single (active) response, and the context-dependence of returned responding in situations involving choice between multiple actions and outcomes is less well-understood. We thus investigated how outcome-selective reinstatement - a procedure involving choice between two actions and outcomes - was affected by altering the physical context in rats. In Experiment 1, rats were trained over 6 days to press a left lever for one food outcome (pellets or sucrose) and a right lever for the other outcome. Then, rats received an extinction session in either the same context (A) as lever press training, or in a different context (B). Rats were tested immediately (5 min) after extinction in Context A or B such that there were four groups in total: AAA, ABB, ABA, and AAB. Reinstatement testing consisted of one food outcome being delivered 'freely' (i.e. unearned by lever pressing and unsignalled by cues) to the food magazine every 4 min in the following order: Sucrose, Pellet, Pellet, Sucrose. Selective reinstatement was considered intact if pellet delivery increased pressing selectively on the pellet lever, and sucrose delivery selectively increased pressing on the sucrose lever. This result (Reinstated > Nonreinstated) was observed for rats in group AAA and ABB, but not rats in groups ABA and AAB. Experiment 2 was conducted identically, except that rats received two extinction sessions over two days and tested one day later. This time, all groups demonstrated intact outcome-selective reinstatement regardless of context. Analysis of c-Fos expression in several brain regions revealed that only c-Fos expression in the posterior dorsomedial striatum (pDMS) was related to intact reinstatement performance. Overall, these results suggest that outcome-selective reinstatement is predominantly context-independent, and that intact reinstatement is related to neuronal activity in the pDMS

    Implementasi Kunci Otomatis Menggunakan Face Recognition dan Pintu Otomatis Menggunakan Speech Recognition Berbasis Raspberry PI

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    Home Automation merupakan sistem yang mempermudah perkerjaan manusia yang menggunakan teknologi sehingga memberikan rasa nyaman dan hidup yang lebih mudah. Banyak metode yang digunakan pada home automatin dalam hal kunci dan pintu rumah tetapi belum bisa mengatasi orang disabilitas misalnya orang yang tidak memiliki tangan atau tidak dapat menggerakkan tangan serta masalah lain pada kunci saat ini bila tiba-tiba kunci rumah hilang dan mengakibatkan pemilik rumah tidak dapat masuk rumah. Pada tugas akhir ini, diimplementasi kunci otomatis menggunakan face recognition dengan metode eigenface dan pintu otomatis menggunakan speech recognition dengan metode hidden markov model (HMM) berbasis Raspberry PI untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Beberapa user melakukan uji coba sistem ini memiliki logat yang berbeda-beda. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada sistem buka pintu, pintu dan kunci dapat terbuka pada jarak 0,3 sampai 0,7 meter dengan rata-rata akurasi sebesar 67,2% dan response time sebesar 7,87 detik Sedangkan pada rata-rata akurasi pada kondisi terbaik sebesar 90,0% dan rata-rata response time sebesar 7,74 detik. Sistem keamanan buka pintu sangat baik karena berhasil menolak semua user yang tidak tersimpan di database. Untuk sistem tutup pintu, pintu dan kunci dapat tertutup pada jarak 0,3 sampai 0,7 meter dengan rata-rata akurasi sebesar 55,3% dan rata-rata response time 4,99 detik. Sedangkan rata-rata akurasi pada kondisi terbaik sebesar 70,0% dan rata-rata response time sebesar 4,93 detik. Akurasi yang didapatkan sangat dipengaruhi oleh jarak, sudut, intensitas cahaya, intensitas suara dan logat, sedangkan response time sangat dipengaruhi oleh jarak, intensitas suara, logat dan kecepatan user mengatakan perintah suara setelah suara beep serta metode speech recognition yang digunakan

    Prarancangan Pabrik Dibutyl Phthalate Dari Phthalic Anhydride Dan N-Butanol Dengan Katalis Asam Sulfat Kapasitas 12.500 Ton/Tahun

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    Pabrik dibutyl phthalate dengan bahan baku phthalic anhydride dan n-butanol direncanakan berdiri di kawasan industri Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan kapasitas produksi 12.500 ton/tahun pada tahun 2018. Pembuatan dibutyl phthalate dilakukan dengan proses esterifikasi dengan katalis asam sulfat pada reaktor alir berpengaduk adiabatic nonisothermal. Reaksi berlangsung pada fase cair irreversible dan eksotermis. Pada suhu 140oC dan tekanan 1atm. Kebutuhan phthalic anhydride untuk pabrik ini sebanyak 1001,062 kg/jam dan n-butanol sebanyak 1.123,839 kg/jam. Produk berupa dibutyl phthalate sebanyak 1.578,283 kg/jam dan air sebanyak 103,407 kg/jam. Utilitas pendukung proses meliputi penyrdiaan air sebanyak 3.048,222 kg/jam yang diperoleh dari air sungai Brantas, kebutuhan steam sebanyak 1.611,958 kg/jam, yang diperoleh dari boiler dengan bahan bakarbatu bara sebanyak 222,769 kg/jam, dan kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari PLN dan generator sebesar 60 kW dengan kebutuhan bahan bakar sebanyak 12,144 kg/jam. Pabrik direncanakan beroprasi selama 330 hari pertahun dengan jumlah karyawan 163 orang, modal tetap sebesar Rp 99.105.458.205,44 pertahun. Modal kerja sebesar Rp 214.150.396.665,74 pertahun. Setelah dipotong pajak keuntungan mencapai Rp 24.440.684.182,77 pertahun. Percent return on investment (ROI) sebelum pajak sebesar 11,39% dan sesudah pajak sebesar 8,35%. Pay out time (POT) sebelum pajak sebesar 2,21 tahun dan setelah pajak 2,89 tahun. Break event point (BEP) sebesar 43,69%, shut down point (SDP) sebesar 27,70%, internal rate of return (IRR) berdasarkan discounted cash flow (DCF) sebesar 20,91%. Berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa ROI, POT, BEP, SDP dan IRR untuk pabrik beresiko rendah perhitungannya memenuhi standar maka pabrik dibutyl phthalate ini layak unuk didirika

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Pada SD Negeri Lambaro Angan

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    : Style or manner of a school principal in his capacity as leader largely determine success in improving teacher performance under his leadership. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on (1) the principal's leadership style in improving labor discipline, (2) the principal's leadership style to motivate the work of teachers, (3) the principal's leadership style in increasing responsibilities and (4) constraints faced by principals in improving teacher performance. By using a qualitative approach, data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentary studies, research subjects principals, and teachers, the data analysis techniques with qualitative analysis. This study shows that (1) the principal's leadership style instructive apply (telling) in improving discipline, (2) applying the principal consultative leadership style (selling) in improving work motivation of teachers, (3) the principal's leadership style apply discretionary (delegating) in improving the teacher's responsibility, and (4) the obstacles faced by the school principal that the decline in teacher discipline, teacher performance lack of motivation, and low sense of responsibility in the learning of teachers. It is recommended that the principals can implement a better leadership style or varied so that the desired goal can be achieved with good and maximum

    Perhitungan Pressure Drop dan Kapasitas Udara Pada Pneumatic Conveying Fly Ash di PT Petrokimia Gresik

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    Sistem udara bertekanan merupakan suatu sistem yang berfungsi untuk menyediakan kebutuhan udara bertekanan pada suatu sistem baik itu untuk kebutuhan industri maupun kebutuhan bidang lain.Pada instalasi sistem udara bertekanan yang digunakan oleh PT Petrokimia Gresik di Fly Ash Pneumatic Conveying System digunaan untuk mensuplai abu terbang atau fly ash yang merupakan produk sisa pembakaran dari batu bara pada boiler PLTU di Petrokimia Gresik. Kebutuhan udara bertekanan di Unit Batu Bara PT Petrokimia Gresik dipenuhi oleh kompresor jenis oil injected screw dan beberapa peralatan penunjang seperti air receiver,air dryer,dan pressure vessel.Mengingat pentingnya peningkatan kualitas dan penyesuaian kebutuhan pada sistem udara bertekanan ini maka perlu dilakukan perhitungan ulang pada sistem udara bertekanan pada fly ash pneumatic conveying system di PT Petrokimia Gresik. Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan kapasitas udara yang dibutuhkan sebesar 98 ft3/min, laju aliran massa material sebesar 13.6325 ton/jam, dan kerugian tekanan yang terjadi sebesar 4511.32 Pa.. ====================================================================================== Compressed air system is a system that supply the need of compressed air for industrial use or another application.In the installation of compressed air system used by PT Petrokmia Gresik in Fly ash pneumatic conveying system,the fly ash is the by product of the coal combustion in the PT Petrkimia Gresik Power plant boiler that need to be trasferre into the Ash Silo. The need of compressed air in Coal unit of PT Petrokimia Gresik is fullfilled by oil injeceted screw compressor and some other supporting equipment such as air receiver,air dryer,and pressure vessel.Considering the importance of quality and the need of compressed air in this plant,then it needs to be done the racalculation on the Requirement of compressed air PT Petrokimia Gresik.. From the result of calculation, the capacity of compressor air generated by 98 ft3/min, mass flow rate is 13.6325 ton/jam, and the pressure loss is 4511.32 Pa

    Comparison of Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Decision Tree C4.5 for Hospital Readmission Diabetes Patients using HbA1c Measurement

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    Diabetes is a metabolic disorder disease in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot use insulin produced effectively. The HbA1c examination, which measures the average glucose level of patients during the last 2-3 months, has become an important step to determine the condition of diabetic patients. Knowledge of the patient's condition can help medical staff to predict the possibility of patient readmissions, namely the occurrence of a patient requiring hospitalization services back at the hospital. The ability to predict patient readmissions will ultimately help the hospital to calculate and manage the quality of patient care. This study compares the performance of the Naïve Bayes method and C4.5 Decision Tree in predicting readmissions of diabetic patients, especially patients who have undergone HbA1c examination. As part of this study we also compare the performance of the classification model from a number of scenarios involving a combination of preprocessing methods, namely Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) and Wrapper feature selection method, with both classification techniques. The scenario of C4.5 method combined with SMOTE and feature selection method produces the best performance in classifying readmissions of diabetic patients with an accuracy value of 82.74 %, precision value of 87.1 %, and recall value of 82.7 %