2,610 research outputs found

    Evaluation of total and non-fatty ether extract in feeds and cattle feces using two analytical methods

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    AbstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate ether extract (EE) concentrations, pigments, and wax in forages (n=14), concentrates (n=23), and cattle feces (n=100) using extraction methods recommended by Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC; method 920.39) and American Oil Chemist's Society (AOCS; method Am 5-04). The EE contents were compared by adjusting a linear regression model for each sample type. For the feces and forage samples, the EE contents produced by the AOCS method were greater (P<0.05) compared to those obtained using the AOAC method. No differences between methods were observed in EE content of concentrates (P>0.05). Concentration of vegetable pigments and wax were evaluated by using analysis for variance. Vegetable pigments were lower (P<0.05) in the post-extraction residues using the AOCS method, than the AOAC method, indicating greater participation of vegetable pigments in the EE. No differences were observed between the methods in wax concentration of the post-extraction residues (P>0.05). The quantification method of the EE content that is recommended by AOCS is not suggested for analyses of forage and feces of ruminants because it possibly increases the removal of non-fatty material, mostly pigments, in comparison to the method recommended by AOAC

    Methods to determine the quality of acid oils and fatty acid distillates used in animal feeding

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    Acid oils and fatty acid distillates are by-products from the refining of edible oils and fats. They are used as feed ingredients, but their highly variable composition sometimes affects the productive parameters of the animals. Thus, their quality control and standardization are necessary. The official methods recommended for crude and refined fats and oils must be modified to give reliable results when applied to acid oils and fatty acid distillates. This article summarizes the drawbacks that were encountered during the setup of the analytical methods and how were they overcome by adapting the methods to these type of fat samples. Some methods such as the determinations of fatty acid composition, tocopherol and tocotrienol content, unsaponifiable matter, acidity and peroxide value had to be minimally adapted. However, others such as the determinations of moisture and volatile matter, insoluble impurities, lipid classes and p-anisidine value showed important drawbacks that required a more significant adaptation. ¿ All the analytical methods have been successfully applied to acid oils and fatty acid distillates. ¿ A detailed description of the sample preparation for analysis and applied analytical methods is provided as a compendium of methods in the supplementary material. ¿ These methods will be extremely useful to improve the quality control of these heterogeneous feed ingredients

    Effect of extraction methods on yield, oxidative value, phytosterols and antioxidant content of cocoa butter

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    Cocoa beans are rich in numbers of beneficial bioactive compounds such as phenolics and phytosterols, which benefits to human being. The suitable extraction method is needed to produce high quality and quantity of cocoa butter and other bioactive compounds. There are many extraction method to extract these compounds such as Soxhlet extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, ultrasound extraction method and others. The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the different extraction methods producing high yields of cocoa butter, lower oxidative value, stable phytosterols and antioxidant content. The cocoa beans were subjected to different extraction methods such as Soxhlet extraction (SE), Ultrasonic extraction method (USE), Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) and Supercritical carbon dioxide with co-solvent (SCO2-Ethanol). Cocoa butter extracted using SCO2-Ethanol has significantly (p<0.05) obtained highest cocoa butter yield (37.05%) and phytosterols content (6441 μg/g of extract) compared to SE (28.87% and 4960 μg/g of extract), SCO2 (31.32% and 5492 μg/g of extract) and USE (34.81% and 5106 μg/g of extract). Meanwhile, the oxidative value of SCO2-Ethanol was significantly (p<0.05) obtained lowest value compared to other extraction methods. Extraction method are crucial in cocoa industry to minimise the cost during processing, obtain maximum extraction yield and preserve the bioactive compounds thus will improve the value of cocoa butter improve the value of cocoa butter

    Frying performance of soybean oils with reduced linolenate content and methods to monitor deteriorative changes

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    The performance during frying of three expeller-pressed physically refined soybean oils with different contents of linolenic acid (ULL, 1.5%; LL, 2.6%; control, 5.2%) was tested. French fries were fried in a commercial-like setting for 6 hr/day during 23 consecutive days. There were no significant differences in color or in polar material content. The amount of conjugated dienoic acids was higher in the control than in both ULL and LL oils throughout the frying process. Free fatty acid levels were not different among the oils until day 14, after which ULL was higher than the control for the remainder of frying. There were no differences in painty, buttery, and potato flavors, but the control had higher sensory scores for rancid flavor. NIR spectroscopy calibrations were developed to determine free fatty acids, conjugated dienes and total polar materials as methods to reduce time and chemical waste in frying oil quality determinations

    NIR Calibrations for Soybean Seeds and Soy Food Composition Analysis: Total Carbohydrates, Oil, Proteins and Water Contents

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    Conventional chemical analysis techniques are expensive, time consuming, and often destructive. The non-invasive Near Infrared (NIR) technology was introduced over the last decades for wide-scale, inexpensive chemical analysis of food and crop seed composition (see Williams and Norris, 1987; Wilcox and Cavins, 1995; Buning and Diller, 2000 for reviews of the NIR technique development stage prior to 1998, when Diode Arrays were introduced to NIR). NIR spectroscopic measurements obey Lambert and Beer&#x2019;s law, and quantitative measurements can be successfully made with high speed and ease of operation. NIR has been used in a great variety of food applications. General applications of products analyzed come from all sectors of the food industry including meats, grains, and dairy products (Shadow, 1998)

    NIR Calibrations for Soybean Seeds and Soy Food Composition Analysis: Total Carbohydrates, Oil, Proteins and Water Contents [v.2]

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    Conventional chemical analysis techniques are expensive, time consuming, and often destructive. The non-invasive Near Infrared (NIR) technology was introduced over the last decades for wide-scale, inexpensive chemical analysis of food and crop seed composition (see Williams and Norris, 1987; Wilcox and Cavins, 1995; Buning and Diller, 2000 for reviews of the NIR technique development stage prior to 1998, when Diode Arrays were introduced to NIR). NIR spectroscopic measurements obey Lambert and Beer&#x2019;s law, and quantitative measurements can be successfully made with high speed and ease of operation. NIR has been used in a great variety of food applications. General applications of products analyzed come from all sectors of the food industry including meats, grains, and dairy products (Shadow, 1998).&#xd;&#xa;Novel NIR calibrations for rapid, reliable and accurate composition analysis of a variety of several soy based foods and bulk soybean seeds were developed and validated in a six-year collaborative project with a large number of different samples (N &#x3e;~12, 000). The availability of such calibrations is important for establishing NIR as a secondary method for composition analysis of foods and soybeans both in applications and fundamental research

    Extraction and characterization of radish seed oils using different methods

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    Purpose: To evaluate the impact of three different extraction methods on oil yield, physicochemical properties and bioactive ingredients of radish seeds.Methods: Radish seed oil was prepared by traditional solvent extraction (SE), supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SCE) and sub-critical propane extraction (SPE). The yield, physicochemical properties, fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of the oil extracts were compared. The contents of tocopherol and sulforaphene in the oils were also determined.Results: The oil yield obtained by SPE, SE, SCE were 33.69, 27.17 and 24.10 %, respectively. There were no significant differences in physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of oils extracted by the three methods. However, SCE oil had the best oxidative stability, and highest contents of vitamin E and sulforaphene, followed by oils from SPE and SEConclusion: SCE is highly selective for tocopherol and sulforaphene, which could explain its high oil oxidative stability. These results suggest that of the three extraction methods, SCE is best suited for preparing medicinal radish seed oil.Keywords: Radish seed oil, Different extraction methods, Fatty acid composition, Tocopherol, Sulforaphen

    Enzymatic Degumming of Ray Liver Oil Using Phospholipase A1: Efficiency, Yield and Effect on Physicochemical Parameters

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    Crude oils have components such as metals, pigments, phospholipids and waxes, which alter its physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics. These components are commonly removed during the refining process by physicochemical methods. In recent decades, the oil industry has desired the development of biotechnological processes to replace traditional methods. In this paper the enzymatic degumming of ray liver oil is presented as an alternative innovative, sustainable and process to chemical degumming. The traditional process was performed using citric acid, while the enzymatic process was performed using the enzyme phospholipase A1 as degumming agent. Both treatments were performed in a batch thermostated reactor. The efficiency of the enzyme process, assessed by removing phosphorus percentage content, was significantly higher compared to the traditional treatment, (54.70% and 81.31% respectively). The quality characteristics of crude and degummed oils was determined by acidity, peroxide, p-anisidine and TOTOX indexes, beyond moisture, fatty acids contents, color and density. The fatty acid profile was rich in polyunsaturated omega-3 ratio in all the samples analyzed. Quality parameters evaluated were slightly modified by both degumming processes, highlighting a favorable change in the color and appearance of the oil obtained by the process carried out with enzymes. The obtained results suggest that the enzymatic process produces significant improved quality and nutritional values, with better attempt fish oil characteristics for use in the pharmaceutical and functional foodsFil: Lamas, Daniela Lorena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Subsede Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Massa, Agueda Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Subsede Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero; Argentin

    Evaluation Of The Quality Of Pet Foods Using Fast Techniques And Official Methods [avaliação Da Qualidade De Rações Utilizando Métodos Rápidos E Métodos Oficiais]

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    This paper was designed to evaluate the rancidity of 18 pet food samples using the Diamed FATS kits and official AOCS methods for the quantification of free fatty acids, peroxide value and concentrations of malonaldehyde and alkenal in the lipid extracted. Although expiration dates have passed, the samples presented good quality evidencing little oxidative rancidity. The results of this study suggest that the Brazilian pet food market is replete with products of excellent quality due to the competitiveness of this market sector.28SUPPL.223230(2004) Herbário, , http://www.herbario.com.br/bot/agri/alipet.htm, ALIMENTOS PARA BICHOS DE ESTIMAÇÃO, sept. 16th, 2002. See, November 1stAOCS. Official methods and recommended practices of the American Oil Chemists' Society. Champaign: American Oil Chemists' Society, 2004Belitz, H.D., Grosch, W., (1999) Food Chemistry, , 2nd edition. 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    This study was conducted to assess the impact of oil extraction from kernel palm by two methods of extraction they are, mechanical press and solvent (hexane) extraction. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of extraction methods on physical chemistry properties of palm Elaeisguineensis kernel oil. Methods were used for extracting oil from palm kernel according to the method of Mandal and Lee, moreover physical chemistry analysis for oils was conducted by AOAC and AOCS methods. These results showed significant differences (P<0.05) of the extraction method between five physical chemistry parameters. In these results number of saponification, peroxide, and iodine of oil that was extracted by hexane, while density was extracted mechanically and the results showed significant difference with the standards of FAO and WHO. The results showed that the number of each parameter from solvent (hexane) and mechanical press are Saponification 194.29±0.20 mgKOH/g and 215.74±1.29 mgKOH/g, Peroxide 3.72±0.25 mgKOH/g and 3.39±0.31 mgKOH/g, Iodine 18.28±0.13 mgKOH/g and 22.8±0.23 mgKOH/g, Density 0.87±0.01 g/cm3 and 0.91±0.00 g/cm3, Viscosity 27.66±1.15 mm2/s and 40.66±2.08 mm2/s, FFA 1.33±0.17% and 1.83±0.04%, respectively. The color of the oil were clear yellow by hexane extract and brown by mechanical extract. These results showed that the extraction methods of palm kernel oil by hexane is better than mechanical extraction.Keywords: Palm kernel oil, Extraction, physic-chemical propertie