59 research outputs found

    Постать Тараса Шевченка в рецепції Ліни Костенко

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    У статті розглядається поетика творення Ліною Костенко образу Кобзаря крізь призму власного "я", через пережиті відчуття поета-шістдесятника, що своєю проекцією нагадують душевні терзання великого поета.В статье рассмотрена поэтика создания Линой Костенко образа Тараса Шевченко сквозь призму собственного "я", через пережитые ощущения поэта-шестидесятника, своей проекцией напоминающие душевные терзания великого поэта.The article deals with the problem of the poetics creation by Lina Kostenko Taras Shevchenko’ image through a prism her own mind, through sensations of the poet-sixtier, by the projection reminding sincere torments the great poet is considered

    Behavioural adaptation of Coquillettidia (Coquillettidia) richiardii larvae to underwater life: environmental cues governing plant-insect interaction

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    International audienceDensely overgrown pre-alpine permanent aquatic habitats are overrun by the mosquito Coquillettidia (Coquillettidia) richiardii (Ficalbi) (Diptera: Culicidae). The invasive potential of this insect depends on the ability of its larvae to survive on the roots of emergent aquatic macrophytes. In order to characterize this particular ecological niche, which is out of reach for a direct investigation, environmental factors likely to influence the interaction between larvae and host plant roots were investigated using a simplified laboratory microcosm. Environmental light and oxygen concentrations appeared to be the main factors influencing larval attachment, a dark anoxic environment being significantly more favourable. Carbon dioxide produced by the root system of the host plant appeared to be an attractive cue for larval attachment. Knowledge of the hierarchy of these environmental factors may enable us to better understand the ecological traits of larval C. richiardii in deep water. With regard to their management, new ecological data are required to develop a long-term control strategy against Coquillettidia mosquitoes

    The uses of whiteness: what sociologists working on Europe can draw from US research on whiteness

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    Whiteness studies are trans-disciplinary, but here the focus is principally on sociology and social history. Firstly, I identify, elucidate and synthesize the major ways in which whiteness in this literature has hitherto been problematized, to provide a sociological view of the multidisciplinary work so far. Five interpretations are identified; whiteness as absence, as content, as a set of norms, as resources and as a contingent hierarchy. Secondly, I make some proposals regarding the whiteness problematic’s degree of pertinence to European settings, with a brief discussion of the Irish case. Finally, I argue that whiteness is useful if conceptualized in a way that sets it within the parameters of studies of racism