1,700 research outputs found

    The military dictatorship revisited on the Brazilian contemporary cinema

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    Este artigo apresenta e analisa um inventário com vinte e cinco filmes contemporâneos que fazem representações sobre a ditadura militar no Brasil. Entre o documental e o ficcional, distintos olhares sobre o período autoritário evidenciam questões polemicas e relevantes, que precisam ser mais profundamente debatidas pela sociedade. A análise geográfica dos filmes em foco contribuem para esta discussão.El artículo presenta y analiza un inventario con veinticinco películas brasileñas contemporáneas que hacen representaciones acerca de dictadura militar en Brasil. Entre el documental y la ficción, distintas miradas sobre el período autoritario denotan cuestiones polémicas y relevantes, que necesitan ser más profundamente debatidas a través de la sociedad. El análisis geográfico de las películas en foco contribuyen para este debate.This paper presents and analyses an inventory by twenty five films which makes representations by the Brazilian military dictatorship. Between the documental and the fictional, different views about the authoritarian period shows relevant and polemic questions, which needs be more deeply discusses by the society. The geographical analyses by the films in focus contribute to the question

    Representations about the woman on the Brazilian contemporary cinema

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    O artigo apresenta e analisa um inventário com vinte e cinco filmes brasileiros contemporâneos que fazem representações sobre a mulher. As elaborações ficcionais sobre a mulher no cinema evidenciam que o seu papel na sociedade tem se modificado. Se em outros tempos do cinema brasileiro o feminino já foi tratado como o sexo frágil, associado à idéia de 181 mulher objeto, submissa ao homem, nos filmes atuais a mulher tem assumido um papel de protagonista nas relações de gênero.El artículo presenta e analiza un inventario con veinticinco películas brasileñas contemporáneos que hacen representaciones acerca de la mujer. Las elaboraciones ficcionales acerca de la mujer en el cine comprueban que su papel en la sociedad hai se alterado. Se en otros tiempos de lo cine brasileño lo femenino fue tratado como o sexo frágil, asociado a la idea de mujer objeto, sumisa a lo hombre, en los películas corrientes la mujer tiene asumido un papel de protagonista en las relaciones de género.The paper presents and analyses an inventory with twenty five Brazilian contemporary movies which makes representations about the woman. The fictional elaboration about the woman on cinema shows that your paper on the society has being changed. If in another times of the Brazilian cinema the female was treated as the fragile sex, associated to the idea of object woman, submitted to the man, on the actual films the woman have assumed a paper of protagonist in the gender relationships

    Processes of transformation in urban development : comparative study of Oporto and Wroclaw

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    Trabalho de investigação desenvolvido na Wrocław University of Technology. Faculty of Architecture. Department of Spatial PlanningTese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Civil - Especialização Planeamento. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    A knowledge management architecture for information technology services delivery

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    Knowledge Management is a scientific area related to the organizational value of knowledge and is understood as a multidisciplinary field of research. Notions and practices are emerging and incorporated in organizations in different areas, as is the case of IT Service Management. Today’s business environment is increasingly unstable, characterized by uncertainties and changes, where technology changes rapidly, competitors multiply, and products and services quickly become obsolete. In this context, management is increasingly focused not only on people management, but on the knowledge they have and how to capture it. An Information System aligned with Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital aims to represent and manage explicitly the different dimensions associated with an organizational competence. If organizations integrate Knowledge Competencies, Knowledge Engineering, Information Systems and Organizational Memories, these will improve the organization's knowledge and subsequently improve the quality of the service provided to users and customers. This research will use Design Science Research methodology to create an artifact to be applied in a case study from an organization aligned with ITIL best practices. This organization is supported by an Intranet and an ERP for laptop repair process. The outcome of this dissertation aims to demonstrate if Knowledge Management improves the IT services delivery

    R&D investment in new product development within the technology sector

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    Through the fast growing globalization, the consumption of technology is showing a massive increase year after year. Since the beginning of this millennium, the number of people using all kinds of technology products is being spreading through all around the world. The consumers unsustainable needs for new and better technology products are the reason to the product life cycle decrease. In order to have a competitive product, companies have to focus their resources to new product development process by investing in research and development. This dissertation was made with the purpose to understand the technology companies growth when investing in research and development. There are different technology sectors where the companies growth effects are different when they invest in research and development. Also, depending on the companies profitability, the research and development investment may have more or less effect in their growth. Consequently, the propose of this dissertation is to understand how the research and development investment has effect in the technology companies growth. In order to accomplish equitable results, we analyzed a few financial variables such as the asset growth, the return on assets and the return on equity. To achieve accomplish the study results, it was conducted a linear regression model and a quantile regression model to analyze the variables relations. This study shows which type of companies can accomplish higher results when investing in research and development. It also estimate a general positive effect from the research and development investment.Através do rápido crescimento da globalização, o consumo da tecnologia tem apresentado ano após ano um forte crescimento. Desde o início do milénio, que o número de pessoas a utilizarem produtos tecnológicos tem vindo a aumentar por todo o mundo. A insustentável necessidade por novos e melhores produtos tecnológicos tem originado uma redução do ciclo de vida do produto. Com o objectivo de possuírem um produto competitivo, é crucial às empresas focarem os recursos no processo de desenvolvimento de novos produtos através do investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Esta dissertação foi elaborado com o propósito de perceber o crescimento das empresas tecnológicas quando estas investem em pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Dependendo dos vários sectores tecnológicos, o crescimento das empresas varia quando estas investem em pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Além disso, o efeito apresentado no crescimento das empresas quando investem em pesquisa e desenvolvimento depende da sua rentabilidade. Consequentemente, esta dissertação tem como objectivo perceber o efeito do investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento no crescimento nas empresas tecnológicas. Afim de atingir resultados fiáveis, analisámos algumas variáveis financeiras nomeadamente o crescimento dos activos, o retorno sobre os activos e o retorno sobre o património. Para atingir os resultados pretendidos, foi executado o modelo de regressão linear e o modelo de regressão de quantílica com o propósito de analisar a relação entre as variáveis. Este estudo apresenta que tipo de empresas conseguem atingir melhores resultados dependendo no investimento efectuado em pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Além disso, estima ainda que no geral existe um efeito positivo quando se investe em pesquisa e desenvolvimento

    Arquitetura multi-câmara e multi-algoritmo para perceção visual a bordo do ATLASCAR2

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    Road detection is a crucial concern in Autonomous Navigation and Driving Assistance. Despite the multiple existing algorithms to detect the road, the literature does not offer a single effective algorithm for all situations. A global more robust set-up would count on multiple distinct algorithms running in parallel, or even from multiple cameras. Then, all these algorithms’ outputs should be merged or combined to produce a more robust and informed detection of the road lane, so that it works in more situations than each algorithm by itself. This dissertation integrated in the ATLAS-CAR2 project, developed at the University of Aveiro, proposes a ROS-based architecture to manage and combine multiple sources of lane detection algorithms ranging from the algorithms that return the spatial localization of the road lane lines and those whose results are the navigable zone represented as a polygon. The architecture is fully scalable and has proved to be a valuable tool to test and parametrise individual algorithms. The combination of the algorithms’ results used in this work uses a confidence based merging of individual detections.A deteção de estradas é uma questão crucial na Navegação Autónoma e na Assistência à Condução. Apesar de os múltiplos algoritmos existentes para detetar a estrada, a literatura não oferece um único algoritmo eficaz para todas as situações. Uma configuração global mais robusta incorporaria vários algoritmos distintos e executados em paralelo, ou mesmo baseado em múltiplas câmaras. Então, todos os resultados destes algoritmos devem ser fundidos ou combinados para produzir uma deteção mais robusta e informada da via da estrada, para que funcione em mais situações do que cada algoritmo funcionando individualmente. Esta dissertação integrada no projeto ATLASCAR2, desenvolvido na Universidade de Aveiro, propõe uma arquitetura baseada em ROS para gerir e combinar múltiplas fontes de algoritmos de deteção de vias da estrada, desde algoritmos que devolvem a localização espacial da faixa de rodagem até àqueles cujos resultados são a zona navegável representada como um polı́gono. A arquitetura é totalmente escalável e provou ser uma ferramenta valiosa para testar e parametrizar algoritmos individuais. A combinação dos resultados dos algoritmos utilizados neste trabalho utiliza uma combinação de deteções individuais baseada na confiança.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Real-time collaborative editing of OutSystems DSL models

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    Real-time collaborative editing systems are common nowadays, and their advantages are widely recognized. Examples of such systems include Google Docs, ShareLaTeX, among others. This thesis aims to adopt this paradigm in a software development environment. The OutSystems visual language lends itself very appropriate to this kind of collaboration, since the visual code enables a natural flow of knowledge between developers regarding the developed code. Furthermore, communication and coordination are simplified. This proposal explores the field of collaboration on a very structured and rigid model, where collaboration is made through the copy-modify-merge paradigm, in which a developer gets its own private copy from the shared repository, modifies it in isolation and later uploads his changes to be merged with modifications concurrently produced by other developers. To this end, we designed and implemented an extension to the OutSystems Platform, in order to enable real-time collaborative editing. The solution guarantees consistency among the artefacts distributed across several developers working on the same project. We believe that it is possible to achieve a much more intense collaboration over the same models with a low negative impact on the individual productivity of each developer

    The impact of national and international observers in democratic elections: a randomized control trial from the Mozambican elections of 2009

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsMozambique’s national elections in 2009 were paired with national and international monitoring programs, characterized by a randomized allocation. By assessing the impact of the observers on election outcomes we see evidence of electoral fraud. Moreover, na-tional fixed observers were found to be highly capable of deterring fraud and a relation between observers and voters’ behaviour was found. National and international have dif-ferent effects on outcomes and we attribute this fact to the different impact on voters’ and voting table staff’s behaviour