124 research outputs found

    Error-Correcting Tournaments

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    We present a family of pairwise tournaments reducing kk-class classification to binary classification. These reductions are provably robust against a constant fraction of binary errors. The results improve on the PECOC construction \cite{SECOC} with an exponential improvement in computation, from O(k)O(k) to O(log⁥2k)O(\log_2 k), and the removal of a square root in the regret dependence, matching the best possible computation and regret up to a constant.Comment: Minor wording improvement

    Efficient Feature Selection and Multiclass Classification with Integrated Instance and Model Based Learning

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    Multiclass classification and feature (variable) selections are commonly encountered in many biological and medical applications. However, extending binary classification approaches to multiclass problems is not trivial. Instance-based methods such as the K nearest neighbor (KNN) can naturally extend to multiclass problems and usually perform well with unbalanced data, but suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Their performance is degraded when applied to high dimensional data. On the other hand, model-based methods such as logistic regression require the decomposition of the multiclass problem into several binary problems with one-vs.-one or one-vs.-rest schemes. Even though they can be applied to high dimensional data with L1 or Lp penalized methods, such approaches can only select independent features and the features selected with different binary problems are usually different. They also produce unbalanced classification problems with one vs. the rest scheme even if the original multiclass problem is balanced

    CSNL: A cost-sensitive non-linear decision tree algorithm

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    This article presents a new decision tree learning algorithm called CSNL that induces Cost-Sensitive Non-Linear decision trees. The algorithm is based on the hypothesis that nonlinear decision nodes provide a better basis than axis-parallel decision nodes and utilizes discriminant analysis to construct nonlinear decision trees that take account of costs of misclassification. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by applying it to seventeen datasets and the results are compared with those obtained by two well known cost-sensitive algorithms, ICET and MetaCost, which generate multiple trees to obtain some of the best results to date. The results show that CSNL performs at least as well, if not better than these algorithms, in more than twelve of the datasets and is considerably faster. The use of bagging with CSNL further enhances its performance showing the significant benefits of using nonlinear decision nodes. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by applying it to seventeen data sets and the results are compared with those obtained by two well known cost-sensitive algorithms, ICET and MetaCost, which generate multiple trees to obtain some of the best results to date. The results show that CSNL performs at least as well, if not better than these algorithms, in more than twelve of the data sets and is considerably faster. The use of bagging with CSNL further enhances its performance showing the significant benefits of using non-linear decision nodes

    Hierarchical Novelty Detection

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    Max-Margin Dictionary Learning for Multiclass Image Categorization

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    Abstract. Visual dictionary learning and base (binary) classifier train-ing are two basic problems for the recently most popular image cate-gorization framework, which is based on the bag-of-visual-terms (BOV) models and multiclass SVM classifiers. In this paper, we study new algo-rithms to improve performance of this framework from these two aspects. Typically SVM classifiers are trained with dictionaries fixed, and as a re-sult the traditional loss function can only be minimized with respect to hyperplane parameters (w and b). We propose a novel loss function for a binary classifier, which links the hinge-loss term with dictionary learning. By doing so, we can further optimize the loss function with respect to the dictionary parameters. Thus, this framework is able to further increase margins of binary classifiers, and consequently decrease the error bound of the aggregated classifier. On two benchmark dataset

    Assessing hippocampal functional reserve in temporal lobe epilepsy:A multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data

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    Assessing the functional reserve of key memory structures in the medial temporal lobes (MTL) of pre-surgical patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) remains a challenge. Conventional functional MRI (fMRI) memory paradigms have yet to fully convince of their ability to confidently assess the risk of a post-surgical amnesia. An alternative fMRI analysis method, multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA), focuses on the patterns of activity across voxels in specific brain regions that are associated with individual memory traces. This method makes it possible to investigate whether the hippocampus and related structures contralateral to any proposed surgery are capable of laying down and representing specific memories. Here we used MVPA-fMRI to assess the functional integrity of the hippocampi and MTL in patients with long-standing medically refractory TLE associated with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Patients were exposed to movie clips of everyday events prior to scanning, which they subsequently recalled during high-resolution fMRI. MTL structures were delineated and pattern classifiers were trained to learn the patterns of brain activity across voxels associated with each memory. Predictable patterns of activity across voxels associated with specific memories could be detected in MTL structures, including the hippocampus, on the side contralateral to the HS, indicating their functional viability. By contrast, no discernible memory representations were apparent in the sclerotic hippocampus, but adjacent MTL regions contained detectable information about the memories. These findings suggest that MVPA in fMRI memory studies of TLE can indicate hippocampal functional reserve and may be useful to predict the effects of hippocampal resection in individual patients

    A short sequence for the iterative synthesis of fused polyethers

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    A simple and efficient four‐step sequence for the synthesis of fused polyether arrays has been developed. Cyclic ethers are installed by sequential alkynyl ether formation, carbocupration, ring‐closing metathesis and hydroboration with acidic workup. Crucially, the alkene required for the subsequent ring formation by ring‐closing metathesis is present in the substrate but is masked in the form of a vinylic silane, which prevents competitive metathesis of the side chain. Generation of the reactive alkene from the unreactive vinylic silane is accomplished by hydroboration and subsequent acid‐mediated Peterson elimination of the intermediate hydroxysilane
