780 research outputs found

    Correlation between endometrial dating of luteal phase days 6 and 10 of the same menstrual cycle

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    CONTEXT: Endometrial maturation, important in the diagnosis of infertile couples, has been evaluated since 1950 using the Noyes criteria. Nevertheless, there is no consensus regarding the most suitable period of the luteal phase for performing the biopsy. OBJETIVE: This study evaluated the correlation between the histological dating of two endometrial biopsies performed in the same menstrual cycle, on luteal phase days six and ten.DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: Human Reproduction Division of the Federal University of São Paulo, referral center. PATIENTS:Twenty-five women complaining of infertility had their menstrual cycles monitored by ultrasound and LH plasma levels, to obtain evidence of ovulation. PROCEDURES: Endometrial biopsies were performed on luteal phase days LH+6 and LH+10 (luteal phase day 1 = LH+1 = the day that follows LH peak). Dating was done according to morphometric criteria, in which an endometrium sample is considered out of phase if the minimum maturation delay is one day. On day LH+6, blood was drawn for plasma progesterone level determination. RESULTS: All patients had an ovulatory cycle (mean LH peak: 47.4 U/L; mean follicular diameter on LH peak day: 18.9 mm; mean endometrial thickness on LH peak day: 10.3 mm; mean plasma progesterone level on day LH+6: 14.4 ng/ml). 14 patients had both biopsies in phase; 5 patients had out of phase biopsies only on day LH+6; 3 had out of phase biopsies only on day LH+10 and 3 patients had out of phase biopsies on both days. McNemar's test showed no statistical difference between these data (p>33.36%). CONCLUSIONS: The correlation found between the endometrial datings suggests that biopsies performed on either of these two days are suitable for evaluation of endometrial maturation.CONTEXTO: A verificação da maturidade endometrial, elemento diagnóstico necessário na avaliação do casal com queixa de infertilidade, vem sendo feita desde 1950 através do critério de datação histológica de Noyes. No entanto, não existe um consenso em relação ao período da fase lútea mais adequado para a colheita. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a correlação entre as datações histológicas de duas amostras de endométrio colhidas nos dias 6 e 10 da fase lútea de um mesmo ciclo menstrual. LOCAL: Setor de Reprodução Humana da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo prospectivo. Constou da comparação entre duas datações de endométrio num mesmo ciclo menstrual. PARTICIPANTES: 25 pacientes com queixa de infertilidade tiveram um ciclo menstrual monitorizado por ultra-sonografia e medida plasmática de LH, para demonstração de ovulação. PROCEDIMENTO: Biópsias de endométrio foram feitas nos dias LH+6 e LH+10 da fase lútea, considerando-se o dia seguinte ao do pico de LH como LH+1. A datação foi feita de acordo com critério morfométrico, considerando-se o endométrio como fora de fase, se o atraso de maturação mínimo fosse de um dia. No dia LH+6 foi feita dosagem de progesterona plasmática. RESULTADOS: Todas as pacientes apresentaram ciclos ovulatórios (média dos valores de pico de LH: 47,3 U/L; média dos diâmetros foliculares no dia do pico de LH: 18,9 mm; média das espessuras do endométrio no dia do pico de LH: 10,3 mm; média das concentrações de progesterona plasmática no dia LH+6: 14,4 ng/ml.). Em 14 pacientes, as duas biópsias estavam em fase. Houve atraso de maturação apenas no dia LH+6 em cinco pacientes; apenas no dia LH+10 em três pacientes e, nos dois dias, em três pacientes. Não houve diferença estatística entre esses valores (teste de McNemar, p=33,36%). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que a colheita do endométrio em qualquer dos dias (sexto ou décimo) da fase lútea fornece resultados semelhantes em relação à maturidade endometrial.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Brazilian montane rainforest expansion induced by Heinrich Stadial 1 event

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    The origin of modern disjunct plant distributions in the Brazilian Highlands with strong floristic affinities to distant montane rainforests of isolated mountaintops in the northeast and northern Amazonia and the Guyana Shield remains unknown. We tested the hypothesis that these unexplained biogeographical patterns reflect former ecosystem rearrangements sustained by widespread plant migrations possibly due to climatic patterns that are very dissimilar from present-day conditions. To address this issue, we mapped the presence of the montane arboreal taxa Araucaria, Podocarpus, Drimys, Hedyosmum, Ilex, Myrsine, Symplocos, and Weinmannia, and cool-adapted plants in the families Myrtaceae, Ericaceae, and Arecaceae (palms) in 29 palynological records during Heinrich Stadial 1 Event, encompassing a latitudinal range of 30°S to 0°S. In addition, Principal Component Analysis and Species Distribution Modelling were used to represent past and modern habitat suitability for Podocarpus and Araucaria. The data reveals two long-distance patterns of plant migration connecting south/southeast to northeastern Brazil and Amazonia with a third short route extending from one of them. Their paleofloristic compositions suggest a climatic scenario of abundant rainfall and relative lower continental surface temperatures, possibly intensified by the effects of polar air incursions forming cold fronts into the Brazilian Highlands. Although these taxa are sensitive to changes in temperature, the combined pollen and speleothems proxy data indicate that this montane rainforest expansion during Heinrich Stadial 1 Event was triggered mainly by a less seasonal rainfall regime from the subtropics to the equatorial region.This work was funded by FAPESP research grant 2015/50683-2 to P.E. De Oliveira, VULPES Project, Belmount Forum

    Rhodolith Beds Are Major CaCO3 Bio-Factories in the Tropical South West Atlantic

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    Rhodoliths are nodules of non-geniculate coralline algae that occur in shallow waters (<150 m depth) subjected to episodic disturbance. Rhodolith beds stand with kelp beds, seagrass meadows, and coralline algal reefs as one of the world's four largest macrophyte-dominated benthic communities. Geographic distribution of rhodolith beds is discontinuous, with large concentrations off Japan, Australia and the Gulf of California, as well as in the Mediterranean, North Atlantic, eastern Caribbean and Brazil. Although there are major gaps in terms of seabed habitat mapping, the largest rhodolith beds are purported to occur off Brazil, where these communities are recorded across a wide latitudinal range (2°N - 27°S). To quantify their extent, we carried out an inter-reefal seabed habitat survey on the Abrolhos Shelf (16°50′ - 19°45′S) off eastern Brazil, and confirmed the most expansive and contiguous rhodolith bed in the world, covering about 20,900 km2. Distribution, extent, composition and structure of this bed were assessed with side scan sonar, remotely operated vehicles, and SCUBA. The mean rate of CaCO3 production was estimated from in situ growth assays at 1.07 kg m−2 yr−1, with a total production rate of 0.025 Gt yr−1, comparable to those of the world's largest biogenic CaCO3 deposits. These gigantic rhodolith beds, of areal extent equivalent to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, are a critical, yet poorly understood component of the tropical South Atlantic Ocean. Based on the relatively high vulnerability of coralline algae to ocean acidification, these beds are likely to experience a profound restructuring in the coming decades