2,324 research outputs found

    Concentration and conductivity of fountain solutions: a study of the relationship between concentration of materials/electrochemical conductivity of Fountain Solutions and Offset Lithographic Plate Performance

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    The transfer of the image to the substrate in lithographic printing relies very much on the characteristics of the fountain solution. The quality or desensitization potential of the solution has always been determined by measurements of pH ; and by the more recently proposed method of electrochemical conductivity. The purpose of this study was to determine which of these techniques most suitably measured the efficiency of the solution. Since the fountain solutions were always changing during the press run, the response of pH and conductivity to changes in concentration were used as criteria for measuring their suitability. The effect on print quality variables were also used as a criterion. The design of the experiment was such that the concentration/conductivity was artificially changed by addition of sodium chloride and potassium citrate salts as well as gum based concentrate and alcohol. The investigation included the study of the physical and plate performance characteristics of the solutions at different concentrations. Relationships and comparisons were made on the properties of pH, conductivity, density, surface tension, viscosity, print sharpness, resolution, resistance to scum, contrast and the number of fogged patches that printed. Experimental work was conducted under controlled conditions and depended on the assumption that the conductance of the solution will be directly dependent on the concentration (and type) of materials and inversely related to the viscosity of the solutions. The pH was assumed to be independent of concentration and viscosity of the solutions. The results obtained were graphically and statistically analyzed. Equations that will permit the estimation of physical and print qualities were also obtained as a step towards accomplishing the objective of calibrating the fountain solutions . It is concluded that under some conditions conductivity is a more useful measurement technique than pH. The concentration of the components of the solution certainly has effect on print qualities. The significance of the effect is determined by the nature of the materials and the extent of their concentrations. Further results indicated that an organic salt shows more compatibility with the solutions than an inorganic salt. While the results called for modification of the definition of a fountain solution, there was no evidence to reject the experimental model. Although acidic fountain solutions were used, the result on conductivity and pH agreed with previous investigations and conclusions on alkaline fountain solutions

    Los derechos de las mujeres en Nicaragua ¿tienen género?

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    La protección constitucional a la igualdad de oportunidades y de resultados en el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de las mujeres nicaragüenses está expresamente garantizada; también han sido aprobados y ratificados diversos convenios internacionales deConstitutional protection is specifically guaranteed to the equality of opportunities and results in the effective exercise of the rights of Nicaraguan women; there have also been approved and ratified several international agreements of human rights, ev

    Avaliação da ementa, adequação do consumo alimentar e desperdício em creches públicas concessionadas no Brasil

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    Introdução: A garantia de uma alimentação adequada, em seu aspecto quantitativo e qualitativo, éde suma importância para a promoção do crescimento e desenvolvimento das crianças que frequentamcreches.Objectivos: Avaliar qualitativamente as ementas, em termos nutricionais e sensoriais, a adequaçãodo consumo alimentar e o desperdício de alimentos oferecidos às crianças frequentadoras de crechespúblicas de gestão concessionada no município de São Paulo, Brasil.Metodologia: Este estudo é transversal e os dados foram recolhidos nos berçários de quatro creches,que recebiam 200 crianças entre 12 e 36 meses. Cada creche foi avaliada durante três dias, totalizando24 dias e 120 refeições. A qualidade da ementa foi avaliada segundo o método Análise Qualitativadas Preparações de Ementas e o consumo alimentar foi avaliado pelo método de pesagem directa dosalimentos, sendo calculada a adequação segundo recomendações do Programa Nacional de AlimentaçãoEscolar para energia, hidrato de carbono, proteína, gordura, fibra, vitamina A e C, cálcio, ferro esódio. O desperdício de alimentos foi analisado pelo Índice de Resto-Ingestão (IR).Resultados: Os resultados reflectiram que a oferta de hortícolas foi insuficiente em mais de 90%dos dias e, a quantidade de hortícolas folhosas e alimentos ricos em enxofre foi compatível com orecomendado em 62% e 54% dos dias analisados, sendo expressiva a oferta de doces e alimentoscontendo ácidos gordos trans. O consumo de energia, macronutrientes, fibra, vitamina A, cálcio e ferrofoi inferior ao recomendado e o de vitamina C e sódio foi de duas a três vezes superior. O IR varioude 27 a 42% nas creches e de 10 a 49% nos alimentos analisados.Conclusões: Salienta-se a necessidade de revisão das preparações das refeições visando melhorara aceitação pelas crianças, e do planeamento das ementas propostas no que concerne ao aportenutricional e porcionamento per capita estipulados

    Questões fundamentais no ensino de OTD: 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    Nesta dissertação apresentam-se algumas questões fundamentais no ensino do tema Organização e Tratamento de Dados (OTD) no segundo ciclo do Ensino Básico. Foram trabalhadas diversas tarefas com uma turma do 6º ano de escolaridade e com o principal objetivo de identificar e analisar dificuldades e constrangimentos evidenciados por alunos ao longo da aplicação de conceitos da unidade de ensino OTD ao nível de quatro tópicos: conceitos estatísticos (dados e variáveis); representações em tabelas; representações em gráficos e cálculo de medidas. O trabalho desenvolve-se ao longo de três partes: a primeira faz um breve enquadramento histórico dos conceitos de Estatística nos conteúdos curriculares da disciplina de Matemática; a segunda parte apresenta o contexto teórico de alguns conceitos estatísticos; a parte final apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido, em sala de aula, com os alunos e respetiva análise e conclusões. A realização deste trabalho evidenciou algumas dificuldades reveladas pelos alunos, deste nível de ensino, na compreensão de conceitos e procedimentos de Estatística. Os resultados sugerem que os alunos enfrentam dificuldades em diferentes conceitos estatísticos, no entanto, estas dificuldades não se verificam na compreensão dos conceitos e sua definição, mas ao nível da compreensão e interpretação das propriedades dos conceitos, relacionando-os e aplicando-os em diferentes situações.This dissertation presents some fundamental questions in the teaching of the Organization and Data Treatment (OTD) theme, in the second cycle of Basic Education. With a 6th grade class, several tasks were done with the main goal of identifying and analyzing the difficulties and constraints evidenced by the students during the application of concepts of the OTD teaching unit at the level of four topics: statistical concepts (data and variables); representations in tables; representations in graphs and calculation of measures. The development of this work was split in three parts: in the first part a brief historical framework of the concept of statistics in the curricular contents of the discipline of Mathematics is made; the second part presents the theoretical context of some statistical concepts; and lastly, the work developed in the classroom with the students is presented, alongside with some analysis and conclusions. This work proved that the students from this level of teaching reveal several struggles in the understanding of concepts and procedures of Statistics. However, these difficulties do not occur in the understanding of the concepts or their definitions, but in the understanding/ interpretation of the properties of the concepts, as well as relating and applying them on different situations.Mestrado em Matemática para Professore

    Prevalence of flu-like syndrome in healthcare workers in Brazil: a national study, 2020

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of reported symptoms of flu-like syndrome (FS) among HCW and compare HCW and non-HCW on the chance of reporting these symptoms, this study analyzed data of a population-based survey conducted in Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis was performed with self-reported data from the Brazilian National Household Sample Survey (PNAD Covid-19) from May 2020. The authors analyzed a probability sample of 125,179 workers, aged 18 to 65, with monthly income lower than US$ 3 500. The variable HCW or non-HCW was the covariate of interest and having reported FS symptoms or not was the outcome variable. Authors tested interactions of HCW with other covariates. A logit model – when controlling for sociodemographic, employment, and geographic characteristics – investigated the chance of HCW reporting FS compared to non-HCW. RESULTS: HCW have a significant effect (odds ratio of 1.369) on reporting FS symptoms when compared to non-HCW. HCW account for 4.17% of the sample, with a higher frequency of FS (3.38%) than observed for non-HCW (2.43%). Female, non-white and older individuals had higher chance to report FS. CONCLUSIONS: The HCW had a higher chance of reporting symptoms than non-HCW aged over 18 years in the labor force. These results emphasize guidelines for preventive measures to reduce workplace exposures in the healthcare facilities. The prevalence is disproportionately affecting HCW women and HCW non-whites. In the regions North and Northeast the steeper progression is consistent with the hypothesis of socioeconomic factors, and it explains the greater prevalence in HCW and non-HCW living in those territories

    Drystone walls in the Algarve, Portugal. Characterization and interconnection with the geology and lithology

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    Drystone walls can be frequently observed along the Algarve, south region of Portugal, performing both support and property division. This region is also known by its geological diversity and, consequently, lithology, which are intimately related to the orography. The combination of all these factors allowed the proliferation of this traditional drystone walls during the last centuries, and they represent not only an important element of the landscape, but also a perspective of the social, economic and technical bases of Algarve’s heritage. This article intends to present this diversity and the relationship between its various facets. In order to achieve the objectives, several field surveys were carried out to different geological zones, with the intention of gathering information related to the natural material used and its construction technique, as well as interaction with local inhabitants. These visits were supported by bibliographic and “Web-graphic” research, to substantiate the hypotheses. Based on the data results it is possible to identify a close interconnection between the geology and wall structure typology, since they are made with the natural rock fragments (raw material) found nearby. However, its function is more related to the orogeny and lithology, the latter defining also the type of agricultural culture. The study is enriched by the enormous diversity of rock types, although the Algarve is a relatively small region. The main limitations found during the development of the study are related to the physical access to the walls and the interviews with the locals. These constrictions were due to the lack of land maintenance, allowing vegetation to growth naturally, invading and covering the walls, and also due to the pandemic situation brought by the COVID-19 virus, which interdict the interaction between persons and also the travels. Despite the restrictions mentioned, the fieldtrips gave enough data to support the correlation between the geology, lithology and the raw material used on the drystone walls, as well as their relation to the terraces that proliferate in specific areas of Algarve. In view of the scarcity of bibliographic elements associated with this subject, in the studied territory, the elaboration of documents that allow the identification, characterization, geo-location and dissemination of the object of study, is considered as an asset for this theme. Finally, the study aims to alert and counter the tendency to abandon this type of heritage, valuing it and making it known.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dor nas costas em adultos residentes em territórios quilombolas, Bahia

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze the factors associated with back pain in adults who live in quilombola territories. METHODS A population-based survey was performed on quilombola communities of Vitória da Conquista, state of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil. The sample (n = 750) was established via a raffle of residences. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate sociodemographics and employment characteristics, lifestyle, and health conditions. The outcome was analyzed as a dichotomous variable (Poisson regression). RESULTS The prevalence of back pain was of 39.3%. Age ≥ 30 years and being a smoker were associated with the outcome. The employment status was not related to back pain. CONCLUSIONS The survey identified a high prevalence of back pain in adults. It is suggested to support the restructuring of the local public service in order to outline programs and access to healthy practices, assistance, diagnosis, and treatment of spine problems.OBJETIVO Analisar os fatores associados à dor nas costas em adultos residentes em territórios quilombolas. MÉTODOS Inquérito de base populacional foi realizado em 2011 em comunidades quilombolas de Vitória da Conquista, estado da Bahia, Brasil. A amostra (n = 750) foi estabelecida por meio de sorteio de domicílios. Entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizadas para investigar características sociodemográficas e de emprego, hábitos de vida e estado de saúde. O desfecho foi analisado como variável dicotômica (regressão de Poisson). RESULTADOS A prevalência de dor nas costas foi 39,3%. Idade ≥ 30 anos e ser fumante foram associados ao desfecho. A situação de emprego não se associou à dor nas costas. CONCLUSÕES O inquérito identificou alta prevalência de dor nas costas em adultos. Sugere-se apoiar a (re)estruturação dos serviços públicos locais, a fim de delinear programas e acesso dos adultos quilombolas às práticas saudáveis, à assistência, ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento dos problemas da coluna vertebral

    Estrategias para el desarrollo sostenible del recurso hídrico en la ciudad de Santa Marta

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    Establecer un diagnóstico general y plantear alternativas que sirvan de base para la búsqueda de soluciones al problema del agua en el Distrito de Santa Marta, Departamento del Magdalena. Razón por la cual se orienta: Conocer, profundizar y divulgar en la problemática asociada al recurso hídrico el problema del agua a nivel regional. Integrar. Evaluar las diferentes alternativas de solución planteadas sectorialmente por las entidades de competencia, desde diferentes tópicos. Orientar la gestión recomendando alternativas de solución a las entidades de competencia, tendiente a un manejo y enfoque integral del recurso hídrico dentro de los términos del " Desarrollo Sostenible ", como son: Protección de cuencas, acuíferos y demás reservorios hídricos y un mejoramiento en la eficiencia en el uso y el aprovechamiento de recursos y la generación de una conciencia racional de uso y de manejo por parte de las comunidades de las fuentes de agua. Estructurar e implementar un programa de capacitación y concientización a la población para utilizar el agua en forma racional. Establecer la demanda potencial y efectiva del servicio. Determinar la capacidad instalada. Se planteó como Problema : Actualmente en el Distrito Turístico y Cultural de Santa Marta se presenta, un mal uso y aprovechamiento del recurso hídrico desde el punto de vista económico, ambiental y social por constituir uno de los servicios más importantes que requiere la región para su desarrollo. Para el caso que nos ocupa en razón a la poca información y estudios existentes en Santa Marta, refleja la poca importancia que se ha presentado al tema del agua, por ello se considera que se debe analizar objetivamente la situación actual, así como sugerir ideas necesarias para un mejor aprovechamiento y utilización de los recursos disponibles, lo cual incide en el desarrollo económico de la región