1,305 research outputs found

    Money and Real Fluctuations: Calibrating a Cash in Advance Model for the Chilean Economy

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    In this paper we assess the ability of a cash-in-advance model to replicate the behavior of the macroeconomic variables of the Chilean economy for quarterly data spanning between Q1:1986 and Q1:2000. The monetary models that we studied are able to replicate the phase shift and correlation with GDP of many macroeconomics variables such as consumption, price level and productivity. However, there are some other variables in which the model fails; namely money and capital stock. Introducing an "erratic" monetary growth rate improves the ability of the model to replicate the behavior of consumption. A sensitivity analysis shows that the main determinant of output volatility is the standard deviation of technology shock. Other deep parameters do not have an important quantitative effect on the cyclical behaviour of the macroeconomic variables.monetary fluctuations; real business cycles; general equilibrium

    Breeding Perennial Warm-Season Grasses for the Subtropical Belt in South America

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    Perennial warm-season grasses share several agronomic characteristics, such as marked seasonal growth, cold susceptibility and photoperiod sensitivity. Breeding efforts in South America have been focused on attempting to improved cool-season growth, cold tolerance and also adaptation to the alternation of flooding and drought periods. Warm-season grasses also have in common that most of them are polyploid and some have very low fertility. Apomixis is also a common trait among these species. For polyploid species with limited seed yield, which commonly have stolons or rhizomes, F1 hybrids are created and released as cultivars. Acroceras macrum and Hemarthria altissima will be used as examples. For polyploid species without seed fertility issues, such as Setaria sphacelta, recurrent phenotypic selection (RPS) is used to generate improved populations adapted to these transition zones. For polyploid and apomitic species, such as Paspalum spp. and Brachiara spp., several breeding approaches are now available. The generation of F1 apomictic hybrids is currently used. It has been recently observed that the efficiency of this breeding method can be improved if the genetic distance among parents is considered. There is also new information indicating the great potential of using apomixis-linked molecular markers for the early identification of apomictic hybrids. Population-breeding approaches, such as RPS and selection based on combining ability, can also be used to assess the generation of superior apomictic hybrids. Finally, the challenge of breeding perennial warm-season grasses for the subtropics mainly relates to improving adaptation to extreme conditions (cold winters and warm summers and alternation of flooding and drought), developing specific breeding techniques for polyploid or apomictic species

    Left-dislocation revisited

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    This is a revised and much expanded version of a paper presented for the XVIII AEDEAN Conference (Alcalá de Henares, December 1994)The aim of this paper is to provide syntactic evidence that left-dislocated NPs (LDs) do not belong inside the structure of the sentences with which they are usually associated. It is argued here that the relationship between LDs and these sentences is merely a semantic one of co-reference and that, therefore, no formal, structural liaison exists between them. The analysis that contemplates the left-dislocated constituent as a sister of a lower clausal node inside the highest S node is consequently abandoned in favour of a discourse-oriented interpretation. According to this, left-dislocation is best seen as involving structurally independent co-referential units in discourse

    On the structure of We boys, us girls and the like

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    El papel de la experiencia en el procesamiento sintáctico: una visión crítica desde la lingüística

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    Linguists with an interest in psycholinguistic research on the processing of language often feel concerned that psycholinguistic experiments truly reflect important aspects of the nature of language and not artefactual dimensions of the methodologies used in them. In this paper I intend to argue that one of the main theories of language comprehension, Tuning, is flawed precisely because the theory has virtually no connection with the world of linguistics. If my view is correct, information about language obtained within the Tuning paradigm is therefore unlikely to reflect truly significant aspects of the nature of language. Tuning is premised on the role played by frequency in many cognitive domains, including the processing of language. It claims that ambiguous sentences are processed initially by preferring more frequent syntactic trees over less frequent ones. A prerequisite to the verificability of the theory is that its corpus analyses be wellfounded. Another is that the theory spell out precisely what counts as a segment subject to frequency effects. I intend to argue that these two prerequisites are not adequately controlled by the proponents of the modelAlgunos lingüistas interesados en la investigación realizada sobre el procesamiento lingüístico suelen expresar su preocupación de que los experimentos psicolingüísticos reflejen verdaderamente aspectos importantes de la naturaleza de la facultad lingüística humana, y no sesgos incontrolados de las metodologías con las que se realizan. En este artículo pretendo defender la tesis de que una de las principales teorías de procesamiento lingüístico, Tuning, está fundada sobre bases teóricas endebles, precisamente porque apenas goza de conexión alguna con el mundo de la lingüística. De ser esto cierto, es poco probable que la información sobre la facultad del lenguaje que proceda de dicho paradigma investigador arroje un conocimiento de aspectos verdaderamente significativos sobre la naturaleza del lenguaje humano. Tuning enfatiza el papel de hecho desempeñado por la frecuencia en la formación de hábitos pertenecientes a diversos dominios cognitivos, entre los que figura el procesamiento lingüístico. Mantiene que las oraciones ambiguas se procesan en un primer barrido a través de un sesgo o predilección por los árboles sintácticos más frecuentes. Un primer prerrequisito para la verificabilidad de la teoría es que sus análisis de corpus sean fiables. Otro segundo prerrequisito es que la teoría explicite de modo preciso qué segmentos sintácticos concretos están sujetos a recuentos de frecuencia. Es mi intención demostrar que estos dos prerrequisitos no están suficientemente controlados por los defensores del modeloThis research was funded by the Fund for Scientific Research of the Autonomous Government of Galicia (grant number PGIDT01PXI20401PR)S


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    La problemática del agua potable ha sido un tema crucial que debe ser atendido por las autoridades en conjunto con la sociedad, puesto que se ven afectados los intereses sociales, políticos y ambientales. El otorgarle autonomía plena al órgano encargado de administrar el sistema hidráulico de la Ciudad de México, permitirá un manejo eficaz de los recursos que le son encomendados. Aunado a ello, si se respalda la descentralización mediante la Gestión Integral de los Recursos Hídricos (GIRH) coadyuvará a la efectividad en su gestión técnica y financiera. En el Distrito Federal, el sistema de agua potable, drenaje, alcantarillado y disposición de aguas residuales está a cargo del órgano desconcentrado denominado, Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México (SACM), el cual, se encuentra sectorizado a la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente del Distrito Federal, además de estar sujeto a la Tesorería para el cobro de tarifas y de la Secretaría de Obras Públicas para la construcción de obra hidráulica. Estas tarifas por el cobro del suministro de agua potable, son autorizadas por la Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal (ALDF) a propuesta del Jefe de Gobierno. El SACM, encargado de la distribución de agua potable, cuenta con un sistema hídrico de 50 años de antigüedad, fugas de enorme magnitud y tuberías dañadas, lo cual, da como resultado un desperdicio de agua potable que representa 40% de ésta. En la Ciudad de México, se han provocado daños al medio ambiente, puesto que al no haber agua ya en los mantos acuíferos de esa ciudad, ha sido necesario extraerla fuera de su territorio, afectando fuertemente a los ecosistemas. La infraestructura hidráulica existente dentro de la Ciudad de México se encuentra deteriorada, sin embargo, el presupuesto asignado al SACM, esta etiquetado, impidiéndole invertir en las necesidades prioritarias de la sociedad

    Marco de Buenas Prácticas para la Iniciación y Planeación en Gestión de Proyectos de viviendas de interés social en Corvivienda, Cartagena de Indias D.T y C

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    This research contributes to the solution of the evaluation of the management of projects in the Housing Fund for Social Interest and District Urban Reform (Corvivienda), of the city of Cartagena de Indias D.T. and C., determining the level of use and application of techniques and tools in the processes of initiation and planning of projects, identifying their strengths and weaknesses that serve as a starting point for the subsequent improvement of the construction of social housing in managing your projects. It is stated that one of the possible reasons for the non-compliance with the goals in the construction of affordable housing in the programs of the municipal administration of Cartagena de Indias, and a high rate of failed projects in Corvivienda, is due to the low level of application of good practices in project management. Finally, a didactic guide is prepared of the main recommendations to improve the initiation and planning processes of their projects, based on the deficiencies of the project management processes detected in the findings and based on the literary revie

    Elaboración de embutido cárnico curado sellado al vacío con pomasa de manzana (Malus domestica) y su valoración nutricional y sensorial

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    The research was to compare 4 treatments with different percentages of vegetable fiber added, replacing animal fat, determining objectives, to use apple pomade as source of fiber in replace to meat sausage pork fat, assessment of nutritional recovery as fiber, fats, sugars and phenols; sensory attributes acceptability evaluate the presence of coliform bacteria, the sausage of pork including pomade apple (Malus domestica). The treatments were evaluated according to the goals set during the days 2, 15 and 30, to be processed, the results of nutritional analyzes showed differences in treatments with higher content of pomace, increasing the amount of fiber and mainly by decreasing the content fat. Regarding perceived by trained panelists thirteen observed differences in evaluating sensory attributes such as texture and acceptability of processed sausages when as much pomade apple was used. The results of microbiological analyzes met the requirements of the sanitary regulation of food Chile. The addition until 3% of apple pomade exhibited a higher score on the acceptability of the product.La investigación consistió en comparar 4 tratamientos con diferentes porcentajes de fibra vegetal adicionada, en reemplazo de la grasa animal, determinando como objetivos, utilizar pomasa de manzana como fuente de fibra y reemplazo de grasa animal en embutidos de cerdo, valorización nutricional; fibra, grasas, azucares y fenoles; atributos sensoriales y aceptabilidad; presencia de bacterias coliformes, del embutido de carne de cerdo con inclusión de pomasa de manzana (Malus domestica). Los tratamientos fueron evaluados según los objetivos planteados durante los días 2, 15 y 30, de ser elaborados, los resultados obtenidos en los análisis nutricionales demostraron diferencias en los tratamientos con mayor contenido de pomasa, aumentando la cantidad de fibra y disminuyendo principalmente el contenido de grasa. En relación con lo percibido por los trece panelistas entrenados, se observaron diferencias al evaluar atributos sensoriales como la textura y la aceptabilidad de los embutidos elaborados, cuando se utilizó la mayor cantidad de pomasa de manzana. Los resultados de los análisis microbiológicos cumplieron con lo exigido por el reglamento sanitario de los alimentos de Chile. La adición de hasta un 3% de pomasa de manzana fue sensorialmente aceptada en el producto

    Primeiro estudo parasitológico em rã com garras Africano (Xenopus laevis, Anfibia) no Chile

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    Introduced species can arrive into new territories with parasites; however, these species are expected to face lower parasite richness than in their original regions. Both introduced hosts and parasites can affect native fauna. Since their release into the wild in Chile following laboratory use, Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 has widely spread throughout central Chile. The only pathogen described on the host is the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Longcore, Pessier, Nichols, 1999; thus, this is the first parasitological study of this species in Chile. In 10 localities in central Chile, 179 specimens of X. laevis were captured and examined for parasites in the gastrointestinal tube, cavities, lungs, liver, and skin. Only nine specimens of the genus Contracaecum Railliet, Henry, 1912 were found in six specimens of X. laevis from a private dam in La Patagua. It is likely that these parasites originated from species of native birds. This is the first record of Contracaecum sp. in Chilean amphibians.Espécies exóticas podem se introduzir em um novo território com seus parasitas, porém nesses casos, a riqueza parasitária seria menor. Contudo, hospedeiros exóticos e seus parasitas associados podem afetar a fauna nativa. Depois de ser dispensado do uso em laboratórios e solto em ambientes naturais, Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 tem se espalhado massivamente no Chile central. O único patógeno descrito para este anuro é o fungo Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Longcore, Pessier, Nichols, 1999. O presente estudo constitui a primeira pesquisa parasitológica realizada nesta espécie de rã introduzida no Chile. Em 10 localidades do Chile central, foram capturados 179 espécimes de X. laevis que foram examinadas em busca de parasitos dentro tubo digestivo, cavidades corporais, pulmões, fígado e pele. Nove espécimes do gênero Contracaecum Railliet, Henry, 1912 foram encontrados em seis espécimes de X. laevis de uma barragem em La Patagua. É provável que a origem destes parasitas sejam espécies de aves nativas. Este é o primeiro relato de Contracaecum sp. em anuros do Chile.Fil: Castillo, Cristóbal. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Lobos, Gabriel. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: González Acuña, Daniel. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Moreno, Lucila. Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanografía; ChileFil: Gonzalez, Cynthya Elizabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Landaeta-Aqueveque, Carlos. Universidad de Concepción; Chil

    Sobre la raza

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