17 research outputs found

    CaractĂ©risation physico-chimiques des noix et de l’huile des premiers cocotiers (Cocos nucifera L.) PB 121 issus de la culture in vitro d’embryon zygotique plantĂ©s en CĂŽte d’Ivoire

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    Le prĂ©sent travail vise Ă  Ă©valuer les caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimiques de noix et de l’huile d’amande  des premiers cocotiers PB 121 issus de la culture in vitro. Les observations ont Ă©tĂ© faites sur des noix de troisstades de maturitĂ© puis comparĂ©es avec celles des cocotiers PB 121 plantĂ©s ordinairement (PB 121 O). Il en ressort que les masses des noix PB 121 O sont significativement supĂ©rieures Ă  celles issues de culture in vitro (PB 121 V), pendant que celles d’amande sont moins Ă©levĂ©es. Les teneurs en huiles augmentent gĂ©nĂ©ralement au cours de la maturation jusqu’au rang 25 Ă  70,80% chez PB 121 O et 69,78% chez PB 121 V. Elles baissent ensuite respectivement jusqu’à 65,44% et 64,78%. Les indices d’acide et d’iode sont moins Ă©levĂ©s chez les PB 121 V avec respectivement au rang 24 sont de 5,33 et 33,00% puis 5,89 et 39,98% chez PB 121 O. Les indices de saponification de PB 121 V sont supĂ©rieurs Ă  ceux de PB 121 O. L'acide laurique reprĂ©sente l’acide gras le plus abondant des huiles Ă©tudiĂ©es. L’huile d’amande de PB 121 V qui est plus stable et moins acide est plus appropriĂ©e en savonnerie.Mots clĂ©s : Cocotier, in vitro, amande, huile

    Apport des techniques gĂ©ospatiales pour l’analyse de la productivitĂ© des aquifĂšres fissurĂ©s de la rĂ©gion de Dioulatiedougou (Nord-Ouest de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    L’approvisionnement en eau potable demeure une prĂ©occupation majeure pour les populations en CĂŽte d’Ivoire du fait de la mauvaise exploitation et gestion des donnĂ©es disponibles. La satisfaction d’un tel besoin passe par l’existence d’informations dĂ©taillĂ©es, fiables et bien organisĂ©es sur la qualitĂ© et l’environnement de ces eaux souterraines. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’élaborer un outil d’aide Ă  dĂ©cision permettant le suivi et l’optimisation de la productivitĂ© des forages Ă  partir d’analyses gĂ©ospatiales. La dĂ©marche adoptĂ©e est celle d’une gĂ©odatabase qui nĂ©cessite une compilation de donnĂ©es sĂ©mantique et gĂ©ographique basĂ©es sur un modĂšle relationnel et qui utilise les techniques de spatialisation et de gĂ©ostatistique. Le rĂ©sultat de ce travail est une interface conviviale qui facilite la consultation et la saisie de donnĂ©es sur les forages rĂ©alisĂ©s. Les analyses spatiale et statistique effectuĂ©es montrent que les dĂ©bits des forages rĂ©alisĂ©s oscillent entre 0,0 et15m3/h avec une moyenne de 3,95 m3/h. Les classes de dĂ©bits faibles, moyens et forts reprĂ©sentent 73,33% des dĂ©bits des forages de cette localitĂ©. Les relations entre la productivitĂ© et la gĂ©ologie ont montrĂ© que ce sont les granites à biotite et les gneiss qui fournissent les meilleurs dĂ©bits. Ils possĂšdent en effet, le plus grand nombre d’arrivĂ©e d’eau. Cette gĂ©odatabase met Ă  la disposition des gestionnaires des outils d'analyse et d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision pour la planification et l’évaluation des forages.Mots clĂ©s : ModĂ©lisation des donnĂ©es, gĂ©odatabase, gĂ©ostatistique, forages, DioulatiĂ©dougou, CĂŽte d’Ivoir

    ModĂ©lisation du comportement hydrologique du bassin versant du Boubo en milieu tropical humide de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire par l’application du modĂšle hydrologique distribuĂ© CEQUEAU

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    L’étude du comportement hydrologique du bassin versant du Boubo a nĂ©cessitĂ© l’intĂ©gration dans le modĂšle CEQUEAU d'une base de donnĂ©es constituĂ©e de donnĂ©es matricielles (paramĂštres d'altitude et d'occupation du sol), vectorielle (hydrographie, limite du bassin versant, localisation des stations hydromĂ©tĂ©orologiques) et des tables associĂ©es comprenant les donnĂ©es gĂ©ographiques. La discrĂ©tisation spatiale de la surface du bassin versant (5900 kmÂČ) a conduit Ă  100 mailles carrĂ©es de 10 km de cĂŽtĂ© chacun et 188 mailles partielles.  Le calibrage du modĂšle sur la pĂ©riode (1983-1987) et sa validation sur les pĂ©riodes (1992-1996, 1997-2001 et 1992-2001) ont permis de reconstituer les dĂ©bits moyens journaliers Ă©coulĂ©s avec des coefficients de Nash variant de 0,74 Ă  0,85 et le coefficient de corrĂ©lation variant de 0,89 Ă  0,92. La simulation des diffĂ©rents Ă©tats de surface indique que les changements phytogĂ©ographiques opĂ©rĂ©s sur le bassin ont eu pour consĂ©quence la rĂ©duction de la lame d’eau Ă©vapotranspirĂ©e et infiltrĂ©e et l'augmentation de la lames d'eau ruisselĂ©e.Mots-clĂ©s: modĂ©lisation, chalandise, CEQUEAU, Boubo, comportement hydrologique. Modelling of the hydrological behavior of the watershed of the Boubo in Middle tropical moist, CĂŽte d'Ivoire by the application of the model hydrological CEQUEAU distributedBoubo catchment of this hydrological behaviour study required integration in model CEQUEAU of a data base made up of matric data (parameters of altitude and occupation of the ground), vectorial (hydrographic, limiting network of catchment area, localization of the hydrometeorological stations) and of the tables assignees associated with the geographical data. The grid of this catchment surface (5900 kmÂČ) led to 100 square meshs of 10 km side each one and 188 partial meshs. The calibration of the model over the period (1983-1987) and its validation over the periods (1992-1996, 1997-2001 and 1992-2001) made it possible to reconstitute the daily medium flows with coefficients of varying Nash from 0,74 to 0,85 and the coefficient of correlation varying from 0,89 to 0,92. The phytogeographical changes operated on the basin had as a consequence of reduction evaporation and infiltrated water blades and to increase the streamed blades.Keywords: modelling, catchment, CEQUEAU, Boubo, hydrological behaviour

    Myostimulating effect of Sesamum radiatum aqueous leaf extract in isolated guinea-pig Tainia caeci contractile activity

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    This study was carried to examine the effects of the aqueous leaf extract of Sesamum radiatum,a laxative plant on the contractile activity of Taenia caeci, an intestinal smooth muscle. Strips of Taenia caeci were rapidly removed from guinea-pig and were suspended between two L-shaped stainless steel hooks in a 10 ml organ bath with Mac Ewen solution. The isometric contractile force of the Taenia caeci strips were recorded by using a strain gauge. S. radiatum aqueous leaf extract (ESera) is a spasmogenic substance. This myostimulant effect is characterized by the increase of the rhythm and the amplitude of isolated guinea-pig Taenia caeci smooth muscle in normal solution and by the development of contracture in modified solution and in solution without calcium. A similar effect was observed with ACh which caused a graded increase of the contractile activity of Taenia caeci. The effects induced by ESera and ACh were reversed in the presence of atropine. The spasmogenic effect induced by ESera could justify partially the use of S. radiatum as laxative in traditional medicine.Key words: Sesamum radiatum, acetylcholine, Taenia caeci, contractile activitydoi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v8i4.

    A Trial of Early Antiretrovirals and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy in Africa

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    BACKGROUND: In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated tuberculosis is high. We conducted a trial with a 2-by-2 factorial design to assess the benefits of early antiretroviral therapy (ART), 6-month isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT), or both among HIV-infected adults with high CD4+ cell counts in Ivory Coast. METHODS: We included participants who had HIV type 1 infection and a CD4+ count of less than 800 cells per cubic millimeter and who met no criteria for starting ART according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: deferred ART (ART initiation according to WHO criteria), deferred ART plus IPT, early ART (immediate ART initiation), or early ART plus IPT. The primary end point was a composite of diseases included in the case definition of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), non-AIDS-defining cancer, non-AIDS-defining invasive bacterial disease, or death from any cause at 30 months. We used Cox proportional models to compare outcomes between the deferred-ART and early-ART strategies and between the IPT and no-IPT strategies. RESULTS: A total of 2056 patients (41% with a baseline CD4+ count of ≄500 cells per cubic millimeter) were followed for 4757 patient-years. A total of 204 primary end-point events were observed (3.8 events per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.3 to 4.4), including 68 in patients with a baseline CD4+ count of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter (3.2 events per 100 person-years; 95% CI, 2.4 to 4.0). Tuberculosis and invasive bacterial diseases accounted for 42% and 27% of primary end-point events, respectively. The risk of death or severe HIV-related illness was lower with early ART than with deferred ART (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.76; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≄500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.94) and lower with IPT than with no IPT (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.88; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≄500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.36 to 1.01). The 30-month probability of grade 3 or 4 adverse events did not differ significantly among the strategies. CONCLUSIONS: In this African country, immediate ART and 6 months of IPT independently led to lower rates of severe illness than did deferred ART and no IPT, both overall and among patients with CD4+ counts of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter. (Funded by the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis; TEMPRANO ANRS 12136 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00495651.)

    Antispasmodic and vasodilator activities of Morinda citrifolia root extract are mediated through blockade of voltage dependent calcium channels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Morinda citrifolia </it>(Noni) is an edible plant with wide range of medicinal uses. It occurs exclusively in tropical climate zone from India through Southeast Asia and Australia to Eastern Polynesia and Hawaii. The objective of this study was to explore the possible mode(s) of action for its antispasmodic, vasodilator and cardio-suppressant effects to rationalize its medicinal use in gut and cardiovascular disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Isolated tissue preparations such as, rabbit jejunum, rat and rabbit aorta and guinea pig atria were used to test the antispasmodic and cardiovascular relaxant effects and the possible mode of action(s) of the 70% aqueous-ethanolic extract of <it>Morinda citrifolia </it>roots (Mc.Cr).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Mc.Cr produced a concentration-dependent relaxation of spontaneous and high K<sup>+ </sup>induced contractions in isolated rabbit jejunum preparations. It also caused right ward shift in the concentration response curves of Ca<sup>++</sup>, similar to that of verapamil. In guinea-pig right atria, Mc.Cr caused inhibition of both atrial force and rate of spontaneous contractions. In rabbit thoracic aortic preparations, Mc.Cr also suppressed contractions induced by phenylephrine (1.0 ÎŒM) in normal- Ca<sup>++ </sup>and Ca<sup>++</sup>-free Kerb's solutions and by high K<sup>+</sup>, similar to that of verapamil. In rat thoracic aortic preparations, Mc.Cr also relaxed the phenylephrine (1.0 ÎŒM)-induced contractions. The vasodilatory responses were not altered in the presence of L-NAME (0.1 mM) or atropine (1.0 ÎŒM) and removal of endothelium.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that the spasmolytic and vasodilator effects of Mc.Cr root extract are mediated possibly through blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels and release of intracellular calcium, which may explain the medicinal use of <it>Morinda citrifolia </it>in diarrhea and hypertension. However, more detailed studies are required to assess the safety and efficacy of this plant.</p

    Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight et Arn (Mimosaceae) hydro-alcoholic extract action on the contractility of tracheal smooth muscle isolated from guinea-pig

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Dichrostachys cinerea </it>(L.) Wight et Arn. (Mimosaceae) is largely used in ethno-medically across Africa, and mainly employed for the treatment of asthma in Ivory Coast and Gabon. The paper analyses the relaxation induced by the methanolic extract of <it>D. cinerea </it>(Edici) in the guinea-pig trachea preparations (GPTPs). Purpose: This study aimed to bring out the scientific basis to the use of this plant leading to the validation of this phytomedicine.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>The aorta obtained from guinea-pigs was immediately placed in a Mac Ewen solution. Experiments were performed in preparations suspended between two L-shaped stainless steel hooks in a 10 ml organ bath containing Mac Ewen solution. The isometric contractile force of the aorta strips of guinea-pig were recorded by using a strain gauge. The different drugs were directly administered into the organ bath and the magnitude of GPTPs was evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Phytochemical analysis of the methanolic extract of Dichrostachys <it>cinerea </it>(Edici) using chemical methods revealed the presence of flavenoids, tannins, sterols, triterpenes and polyphenols. Pharmacological studies performed in GPTPs show that of <it>Dichrostachys cinerea </it>(0.1 mg/ml - 2 mg/ml) evoked a broncho-constriction in GPTPs. Whereas, at concentration up to 2 mg/ml, Edici induced a significant dose-dependent relaxation in the GPTPs. KCl-, ACh- or histamine-evoked contractions of isolated trachea was significantly inhibited by increasing concentrations of Edici (3.5-10 mg/ml). Edici (10 mg/ml) as well as promethazine (0.25 mg/ml) significantly inhibited contractions induced by increasing concentrations of histamine (1×10<sup>-7</sup>-1×10<sup>-4</sup>mg/ml). In the presence of atropine at a concentration of 10<sup>-6</sup>mg/ml, contractile response curve (CRC) evoked by ACh (1×10<sup>-5</sup>-1×10<sup>-2 </sup>mg/ml) was significantly abolished in concentration-dependent manner. Edici did not significantly reduced ACh evoked contraction (10<sup>-5</sup>-10<sup>-2</sup>mg/ml).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These observations suggest that Edici could act through two mechanisms: firstly by activation of ÎČ-adrenergic or histaminergic receptors; and secondly muscarinic receptors may not be greatly involved, that justifying the use of the extract in traditional Medicine in Africa.</p

    Microarray analysis revealed different gene expression patterns in HepG2 cells treated with low and high concentrations of the extracts of Anacardium occidentale shoots

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    In this study, the effects of low and high concentrations of the Anacardium occidentale shoot extracts on gene expression in liver HepG2 cells were investigated. From MTT assays, the concentration of the shoot extracts that maintained 50% cell viability (IC50) was 1.7 mg/ml. Cell viability was kept above 90% at both 0.4 mg/ml and 0.6 mg/ml of the extracts. The three concentrations were subsequently used for the gene expression analysis using Affymetrix Human Genome 1.0 S.T arrays. The microarray data were validated using real-time qRT–PCR. A total of 246, 696 and 4503 genes were significantly regulated (P < 0.01) by at least 1.5-fold in response to 0.4, 0.6 and 1.7 mg/ml of the extracts, respectively. Mutually regulated genes in response to the three concentrations included CDKN3, LOC100289612, DHFR, VRK1, CDC6, AURKB and GABRE. Genes like CYP24A1, BRCA1, AURKA, CDC2, CDK2, CDK4 and INSR were significantly regulated at 0.6 mg/ml and 1.7 mg but not at 0.4 mg/ml. However, the expression of genes including LGR5, IGFBP3, RB1, IDE, LDLR, MTTP, APOB, MTIX, SOD2 and SOD3 were exclusively regulated at the IC50 concentration. In conclusion, low concentrations of the extracts were able to significantly regulate a sizable number of genes. The type of genes that were expressed was highly dependent on the concentration of the extracts used

    Aboveground forest biomass varies across continents, ecological zones and successional stages: refined IPCC default values for tropical and subtropical forests

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    For monitoring and reporting forest carbon stocks and fluxes, many countries in the tropics and subtropics rely on default values of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventories. Default IPCC forest AGB values originated from 2006, and are relatively crude estimates of average values per continent and ecological zone. The 2006 default values were based on limited plot data available at the time, methods for their derivation were not fully clear, and no distinction between successional stages was made. As part of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for GHG Inventories, we updated the default AGB values for tropical and subtropical forests based on AGB data from >25 000 plots in natural forests and a global AGB map where no plot data were available. We calculated refined AGB default values per continent, ecological zone, and successional stage, and provided a measure of uncertainty. AGB in tropical and subtropical forests varies by an order of magnitude across continents, ecological zones, and successional stage. Our refined default values generally reflect the climatic gradients in the tropics, with more AGB in wetter areas. AGB is generally higher in old-growth than in secondary forests, and higher in older secondary (regrowth >20 years old and degraded/logged forests) than in young secondary forests (â©œ20 years old). While refined default values for tropical old-growth forest are largely similar to the previous 2006 default values, the new default values are 4.0–7.7-fold lower for young secondary forests. Thus, the refined values will strongly alter estimated carbon stocks and fluxes, and emphasize the critical importance of old-growth forest conservation. We provide a reproducible approach to facilitate future refinements and encourage targeted efforts to establish permanent plots in areas with data gaps