48 research outputs found


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    On the example of treating a patient with osteoarthritis, chondromatosis and the flexion-extension contracture of elbow the authors show the effectiveness of arthroscopic treatment. In the treatment of this disease the authors recommend the minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery for elimination of intra-articular pathology, combined with early postoperative rehabilitation, which provides a good functional outcome in the short term.На примере лечения пациента, страдающего остеоартрозом и хондроматозом локтевого сустава, а также развившейся вследствие этого сгибательно-разгибательной контрактурой, показана эффективность артроскопического лечения. При лечении данной патологии авторы рекомендуют выполнение артроскопии как малоинвазивного хирургического вмешательства, позволяющего устранить внутрисуставную патологию. В сочетании с ранней послеоперационной реабилитацией этот метод обеспечивает хороший функциональный результат в короткие сроки

    Применение обогащенной тромбоцитами плазмы для стимуляции биопластических процессов после артроскопической реконструкции передней крестообразной связки коленного сустава (обзор литературы)

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    Based on the analysis of the scientific publications, the authors analyzed the possibilities and effectiveness of platelet- rich plasma (PRP) application as a stimulator of engraftment and biological transformation of tendinous autografts and allografts after arthroscopic reconstruction of knee anterior cruciate ligament. The topic of impossibility of spontaneous recovery of torn anterior cruciate ligament of knee, and describe the staging of biological incorporation of tendinous transplant in a bone wall was discussed. The authors presented methods and techniques of accelerating engraftment of free tendinous graft into bone channels described in the literature and the difference of terms of remodeling the autografts and allografts. The effect of different techniques of sterilization and preservation of tendinous allografts on the change of their biological properties was disclosed.На основании анализа научных публикаций проанализированы возможности и эффективность применения обогащенной тромбоцитами плазмы как стимулятора процессов приживления и биологической трансформации сухожильных ауто- и аллотрансплантатов после артроскопической реконструкции передней крестообразной связки коленного сустава. Обсуждается вопрос о невозможности самопроизвольного восстановления передней крестообразной связки после ее разрыва, описывается стадийность биологической инкорпорации сухожильного трансплантата в стенку костного канала. Освещаются описанные в литературе методики и способы ускорения процессов приживления свободного сухожильного трансплантата в костных каналах, а также разница сроков ремоделирования ауто- и аллотрансплантатов. Показано влияние разных способов стерилизации и консервации аллосухожилий на изменение их биологических свойств

    Anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensates and completely integrable dynamical systems

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    A Gaussian ansatz for the wave function of two-dimensional harmonically trapped anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensates is shown to lead, via a variational procedure, to a coupled system of two second-order, nonlinear ordinary differential equations. This dynamical system is shown to be in the general class of Ermakov systems. Complete integrability of the resulting Ermakov system is proven. Using the exact solution, collapse of the condensate is analyzed in detail. Time-dependence of the trapping potential is allowed

    The trans-ancestral genomic architecture of glycemic traits

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    Glycemic traits are used to diagnose and monitor type 2 diabetes and cardiometabolic health. To date, most genetic studies of glycemic traits have focused on individuals of European ancestry. Here we aggregated genome-wide association studies comprising up to 281,416 individuals without diabetes (30% non-European ancestry) for whom fasting glucose, 2-h glucose after an oral glucose challenge, glycated hemoglobin and fasting insulin data were available. Trans-ancestry and single-ancestry meta-analyses identified 242 loci (99 novel; P < 5 x 10(-8)), 80% of which had no significant evidence of between-ancestry heterogeneity. Analyses restricted to individuals of European ancestry with equivalent sample size would have led to 24 fewer new loci. Compared with single-ancestry analyses, equivalent-sized trans-ancestry fine-mapping reduced the number of estimated variants in 99% credible sets by a median of 37.5%. Genomic-feature, gene-expression and gene-set analyses revealed distinct biological signatures for each trait, highlighting different underlying biological pathways. Our results increase our understanding of diabetes pathophysiology by using trans-ancestry studies for improved power and resolution.A trans-ancestry meta-analysis of GWAS of glycemic traits in up to 281,416 individuals identifies 99 novel loci, of which one quarter was found due to the multi-ancestry approach, which also improves fine-mapping of credible variant sets.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Novel Loci for Adiponectin Levels and Their Influence on Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Traits : A Multi-Ethnic Meta-Analysis of 45,891 Individuals

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    J. Kaprio, S. Ripatti ja M.-L. Lokki työryhmien jäseniä.Peer reviewe

    Ground penetrating radars application for soil-pyroclastic cover survey of the south-eastern zone of Matua Island, the Kurile Islands

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    Matua is a volcanic island located in the central part of the Kurile-Kamchatka island arc. Its greater north-western part is occupied by the edifice of Sarychev Peak Volcano, which is one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuriles. The south-eastern part of the island is an ancient abrasion-accumulative terrace, which base is formed by weakly dislocated Pliocene-Eopleistocene volcanic-aqueous complexes overlapped with marine deposits and solid soil-pyroclastic cover. Besides, Matua Island is an area with a unique anthropogenic landscape shaped by the Japan army as a result of the construction of elaborated military fortifications in the first half of the 20th century. The paper provides the results of GPR investigation of the soil-pyroclastic cover on Matua Island. The survey included detection of hidden posterns, large-scale cavities and a GPR inspecting of fortifications areas. The results of GPR sounding are compared to geological profile data, which provide records for the explosive activity on the island over the period late Pleistocene to Holocene

    Сберегательная тактика при неполных поврежденияхпередней крестообразной связки коленного сустава

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    The data about 376 patients with the partial acute (61,4%) and old (38,6%) injuries of knee anterior crucial ligament in which we didn't resort to its reconstruction were analyzed. Two variants of the policy were assessed: the resection of stump or the injured part of the ligament and non-intervention in anterior crucial ligament. Basic factors influencing the choice of the variant of treatment were detected. The analysis of the results of the clinical and biomechanical assessment of the outcomes of treatment with the use of the methods of mathematical statistics testifies that saving policy at the incomplete injuries of anterior crucial ligament gives persistent positive effect.Проанализированы данные о 376 пострадавших с парциальными свежими (61,4%) и застарелыми (38,6%) повреждениями передней крестообразной связки (ПКС) коленного сустава, у которых не прибегали к ее реконструкции. Оценены два варианта тактики: резекция культи или поврежденной части связки и невмешательство на ПКС. Выявлены основные факторы, влияющие на выбор варианта лечения. Анализ результатов клинической и биомеханической оценки исходов лечения с применением методов математической статистики свидетельствует о том, что сберегательная тактика при частичных травмах ПКС дает стойкий положительный эффект