8 research outputs found

    A role for spindles in the onset of rapid eye movement sleep.

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    Sleep spindle generation classically relies on an interplay between the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN), thalamo-cortical (TC) relay cells and cortico-thalamic (CT) feedback during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Spindles are hypothesized to stabilize sleep, gate sensory processing and consolidate memory. However, the contribution of non-sensory thalamic nuclei in spindle generation and the role of spindles in sleep-state regulation remain unclear. Using multisite thalamic and cortical LFP/unit recordings in freely behaving mice, we show that spike-field coupling within centromedial and anterodorsal (AD) thalamic nuclei is as strong as for TRN during detected spindles. We found that spindle rate significantly increases before the onset of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, but not wakefulness. The latter observation is consistent with our finding that enhancing spontaneous activity of TRN cells or TRN-AD projections using optogenetics increase spindle rate and transitions to REM sleep. Together, our results extend the classical TRN-TC-CT spindle pathway to include non-sensory thalamic nuclei and implicate spindles in the onset of REM sleep

    Rapid fast-delta decay following prolonged wakefulness marks a phase of wake-inertia in NREM sleep.

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    Sleep-wake driven changes in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREM) sleep (NREMS) EEG delta (δ-)power are widely used as proxy for a sleep homeostatic process. Here, we noted frequency increases in δ-waves in sleep-deprived mice, prompting us to re-evaluate how slow-wave characteristics relate to prior sleep-wake history. We identified two classes of δ-waves; one responding to sleep deprivation with high initial power and fast, discontinuous decay during recovery sleep (δ2) and another unrelated to time-spent-awake with slow, linear decay (δ1). Reanalysis of previously published datasets demonstrates that δ-band heterogeneity after sleep deprivation is also present in human subjects. Similar to sleep deprivation, silencing of centromedial thalamus neurons boosted subsequent δ2-waves, specifically. δ2-dynamics paralleled that of temperature, muscle tone, heart rate, and neuronal ON-/OFF-state lengths, all reverting to characteristic NREMS levels within the first recovery hour. Thus, prolonged waking seems to necessitate a physiological recalibration before typical NREMS can be reinstated

    Optogenetic Interrogation of Dopaminergic Modulation of the Multiple Phases of Reward-Seeking Behavior.

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    Phasic activation of dopaminergic neurons is associated with reward-predicting cues and supports learning during behavioral adaptation. While noncontingent activation of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental are (VTA) is sufficient for passive behavioral conditioning, it remains unknown whether the phasic dopaminergic signal is truly reinforcing. In this study, we first targeted the expression of channelrhodopsin-2 to dopaminergic neurons of the VTA and optimized optogenetically evoked dopamine transients. Second, we showed that phasic activation of dopaminergic neurons in freely moving mice causally enhances positive reinforcing actions in a food-seeking operant task. Interestingly, such effect was not found in the absence of food reward. We further found that phasic activation of dopaminergic neurons is sufficient to reactivate previously extinguished food-seeking behavior in the absence of external cues. This was also confirmed using a single-session reversal paradigm. Collectively, these data suggest that activation of dopaminergic neurons facilitates the development of positive reinforcement during reward-seeking and behavioral flexibility

    Photo-triggered Drug Delivery Systems for Neuron-related Applications

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