111 research outputs found

    Chiral symmetry breaking in confining theories and asymptotic limits of operator product expansion

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    The pattern of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking (CSB) in confining background fields is analyzed. It is explicitly demonstrated how to get the inverse square root large proper time asymptotic of the operator product expansion which is needed for CSB.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages; minor revision

    Опыт и возможности применения космических систем дистанционного зондирования Земли для прогнозирования золоторудного оруденения на труднодоступных территориях на примере Полярного Урала

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    The questions of the using of domestic and foreign spacecraft (SC), as well as Earth remote sensing (ERS) equipment for search and predication of gold mineralization on the example of the promising and difficult to approach areas of the Polar and the Northern Urals are discussed in the article. The solution of this problem is showed on the example of the prospective areas of the Arctic and the Northern Urals based on analysis of Landsat 7 multispectral images. Hidden structures (arc, annular, and radial) were detected with help of analyses of Landsat 7 imagery. Hidden structures determine the position of gold mineralization of the Toupugol-Hanmeyshorskogo (the Novogodnenskoe ore field, the Polar Urals) and the Turinsko-Auerbahovskogo (the Auerbachovskoe ore field, the Northern Urals) ore regions. The decision of this problem is given on the example of the promising territory of the Polar Urals with the use foreign SC the Landsat 7. Comparative analysis of the existing SC of ERS has been carried out, this target information has in the public domain. The onboard equipment installed on domestic spacecraft and the information obtained with use onboard equipment meets the existing requirements. These requirements are placed to onboard equipment to solve the problem of search and predication mineralization. At the same time, the capabilities of the deployed domestic orbital grouping of SC of ERS transcend the capabilities of SC of ERS the Landsat 7. Opportunity of obtaining geospatial information with the use of pseudospacecrafts is being considered. These have several advantages over SC and unmanned aerial vehicles.В представленной статье рассматриваются вопросы применения отечественных и иностранных космических аппаратов (КА), а также их аппаратуры дистанционного зондирования Земли (ДЗЗ) для поиска и прогнозирования золоторудного оруденения на труднодоступных территориях. Приведен пример решения этой задачи на перспективных территориях Полярного и Северного Урала. По материалам многозональной космической съемки аппаратом Landsat 7 выявлены крупные кольцевые, дуговые и радиальные структуры, определяющие позицию золоторудного оруденения Тоупугол-Ханмейшорского (Новогодненское рудное поле, Полярный Урал) и Турьинско-Ауэрбаховского (Ауэрбаховское рудное поле, Северный Урал) рудных районов. Проведен сравнительный анализ существующих КА ДЗЗ, целевая информация о которых имеется в открытом доступе. Показано, что бортовая аппаратура, установленная на отечественных КА, и получаемая с ее помощью информация отвечают существующим требованиям, предъявляемым к ним для решения задачи поиска и прогнозирования оруденения. При этом возможности развернутой отечественной орбитальной группировки КА ДЗЗ превосходят возможности КА ДЗЗ Landsat 7. Рассматривается возможность получения геопространственной информации с использованием нового вида летательных аппаратов - псевдокосмических аппаратов (ПКА), обладающих рядом преимуществ как перед КА, так и перед беспилотными летательными аппаратами (БПЛА)

    Relativistic Two-Body Processes in Axial-Charge Transitions

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    We study the contribution of two-body meson-exchange processes to axial charge transitions for nuclei in the lead, tin and oxygen regions. We conduct calculations in the Dirac-Hartree (the Walecka model) and the relativistic Hartree (where the full one-nucleon-loop effects are included) approximations. We present results indicating that one- and two-body processes enhance the matrix elements of the axial-charge operator by some (100+-20)% in all three regions studied. This agrees well with the fit of eighteen first-forbidden beta-decay transitions conducted by Warburton in the lead region. We also discuss some sensitivities present in the calculation.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX format, 5 PostScript figures available on reques

    Thermodynamics of the Stockmayer fluid in an applied field

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    The thermodynamic properties of the Stockmayer fluid in an applied field are studied using theory and computer simulation. Theoretical expressions for the second and third virial coefficients are obtained in terms of the dipolar coupling constant (, measuring the strength of dipolar interactions as compared to thermal energy) and dipole-field interaction energy (α, being proportional to the applied field strength). These expressions are tested against numerical results obtained by Mayer sampling calculations. The expression for the second virial coefficient contains terms up to λ4, and is found to be accurate over realistic ranges of dipole moment and temperature, and over the entire range of the applied field strength (from zero to infinity). The corresponding expression for the third virial coefficient is truncated at λ3, and is not very accurate: higher order terms are very difficult to calculate. The virial coefficients are incorporated in to a thermodynamic theory based on a logarithmic representation of the Helmholtz free energy. This theory is designed to retain the input virial coefficients, and account for some higher order terms in the sense of a resummation. The compressibility factor is obtained from the theory and compared to results from molecular dynamics simulations with a typical value λ = 1. Despite the mathematical approximations of the virial coefficients, the theory captures the effects of the applied field very well. Finally, the vapour-liquid critical parameters are determined from the theory, and compared to published simulation results; the agreement between the theory and simulations is good. © 2015 Taylor & Francis

    A molecular dynamics study on the equilibrium magnetization properties and structure of ferrofluids

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    We investigate in detail the initial susceptibility, magnetization curves, and microstructure of ferrofluids in various concentration and particle dipole moment ranges by means of molecular dynamics simulations. We use the Ewald summation for the long-range dipolar interactions, take explicitly into account the translational and rotational degrees of freedom, coupled to a Langevin thermostat. When the dipolar interaction energy is comparable with the thermal energy, the simulation results on the magnetization properties agree with the theoretical predictions very well. For stronger dipolar couplings, however, we find systematic deviations from the theoretical curves. We analyze in detail the observed microstructure of the fluids under different conditions. The formation of clusters is found to enhance the magnetization at weak fields and thus leads to a larger initial susceptibility. The influence of the particle aggregation is isolated by studying ferro-solids, which consist of magnetic dipoles frozen in at random locations but which are free to rotate. Due to the artificial suppression of clusters in ferro-solids the observed susceptibility is considerably lowered when compared to ferrofluids.Comment: 33 pages including 12 figures, requires RevTex

    Structure and mechanical properties of multilayer coatings (TiAlCrY)N/ZrN

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    Multiperiodic nitride coatings (TiAlCrY)N/ZrN with different layer thicknesses are formed by vacuum-arc evaporation in a nitrogen atmosphere (0.2…0.6 Pa) of two targets, TiAlCrY and Zr. The targets were located along one straight line at equal distances from the perpendicular axis on which the substrates were placed. The rotation of the axis with the substrates was carried out either continuously or with a fixed delay at the evaporators. The duration of the process was chosen so that the total thickness of the coating (total thickness of the bilayers) was 10…11 μm. The effect of nitrogen pressure and modulation period on the structural-phase state, elemental composition, and mechanical properties of multilayer coatings has been studied. An increase in the partial pressure of nitrogen and, consequently, its content in the coating leads to an increase in hardness. Reducing the thickness of the layers in the coatings increases the adhesive strength of the coatings and does not have a significant effect on the microstresses in the coating.Багатоперіодичні нітридні покриття (TiAlCrY)N/ZrN з різною товщиною прошарків сформовані вакуумно-дуговим випаровуванням в азоті (0,2…0,6 Па) двох мішеней – TiAlCrY і Zr. Мішені розташовували на одній прямій на рівних відстанях від перпендикулярної осі, на якій кріпилися підкладинки. Обертання осі з підкладинками здійснювали або безперервно, або з фіксованою затримкою у випарників. Тривалість процесу вибирали так, щоб загальна товщина покриття (сумарна товщина подвійних прошарків) становила 10…11 мкм. Проаналізовано вплив тиску азоту і періоду модуляції на структурнофазовий стан, елементний склад і механічні властивості багатошарових покриттів. Збільшення парціального тиску азоту і внаслідок цього його вмісту в покритті призводить до збільшення твердості. Зменшення товщини шарів у покриттях збільшує адгезійну міцність покриттів та істотно не впливає на мікронапруження в покритті.Многопериодичные нитридные покрытия (TiAlCrY)N/ZrN с различной толщиной слоев сформированы вакуумно-дуговым испарением в среде азота (0,2…0,6 Па) двух мишеней – TiAlCrY и Zr. Мишени располагали вдоль одной прямой на равных расстояниях от перпендикулярной оси, на которой располагали подложки. Вращение оси с подложками осуществляли либо непрерывно, либо с фиксированной задержкой у испарителей. Длительность процесса выбирали так, чтобы общая толщина покрытия (суммарная толщина бислоев) составляла 10…11 мкм. Проанализировано влияние давления азота и периода модуляции на структурно-фазовое состояние, элементный состав и механические свойства многослойных покрытий. Увеличение парциального давления азота и вследствие этого – его содержания в покрытии приводит к увеличению твердости. Уменьшение толщины слоев в покрытиях увеличивает адгезионную прочность покрытий и не оказывает существенного влияния на микронапряжения в покрытии

    Non-perturbative results for the luminosity and area distances

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    The notion of luminosity distance is most often defined in purely FLRW (Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker) cosmological spacetimes, or small perturbations thereof. However, the abstract notion of luminosity distance is actually much more robust than this, and can be defined non-perturbatively in almost arbitrary spacetimes. Some quite general results are already known, in terms of dAobserver/d\u3a9source, the cross-sectional area per unit solid angle of a null geodesic spray emitted from some source and subsequently detected by some observer. We shall reformulate these results in terms of a suitably normalized null geodesic affine parameter and the van Vleck determinant, \u394vV. The contribution due to the null geodesic affine parameter is effectively the inverse square law for luminosity, and the van Vleck determinant can be viewed as providing a measure of deviations from the inverse square law. This formulation is closely related to the so-called Jacobi determinant, but the van Vleck determinant has somewhat nicer analytic properties and wider and deeper theoretical base in the general relativity, quantum physics, and quantum field theory communities. In the current article we shall concentrate on non-perturbative results, leaving near-FLRW perturbative investigation for future work

    Magnetization and dimerization profiles of the cut two-leg spin ladder and spin-1 chain

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    The physical properties of the edge states of the cut two-leg spin ladder are investigated by means of the bosonization approach. By carefully treating boundary conditions, we derive the existence of spin-1/2 edge states in the spin ladder with a ferromagnetic rung exchange and for the open spin-1 Heisenberg chain. In contrast, such states are absent in the antiferromagnetic rung coupling case. The approach, based on a mapping onto decoupled semi-infinite off-critical Ising models, allows us to compute several physical quantities of interest. In particular, we determine the magnetization and dimerization profiles of the cut two-leg spin ladder and of the open biquadratic spin-1 chain in the vicinity of the SU(2)2_2 WZNW critical point.Comment: RevTeX 4, no figure, 26 page

    Long-range Angular Correlations On The Near And Away Side In P-pb Collisions At √snn=5.02 Tev

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    Experimental progress in positronium laser physics

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