30 research outputs found

    Гнойный гидраденит. Часть I

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    Until recently, the pathogenesis of purulent hidradenitis was a little- and sporadically studied issue, which invariably created difficulties in the therapeutic treatment of this disease. Its often severe recurrency rate, high incidence and the lack of effective treatment have predetermined the urgency of the problem and raised the scientific and practical interest in this field among the scientists worldwide. Recent data indicate a significant role of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMP) and the activation of congenital immunity, associated with Th17 lymphocytes, in the development of inflammatory disease. Likewise, the violation of the transmission of the cellular Notch signaling pathway plays an important role in the development of purulent hidradenitis. До недавнего времени патогенез гнойного гидраденита являлся малоизученной и нерешенной проблемой, что неизменно создавало трудности в терапии этого заболевания. Зачастую тяжелое рецидивирующее течение, высокая частота встречаемости и отсутствие эффективного лечения предопределили актуальность проблемы и обусловили научно-практический интерес ученых всего мира в этой области. Последние данные свидетельствуют о существенной роли в развитии заболевания воспалительных молекул DAMP и активации врожденного иммунитета, связанного с Тh17-лимфоцитами. Немаловажную роль в развитии гнойного гидраденита также играет нарушение передачи клеточного сигнала Notch-пути.

    Гнойный гидраденит. Часть II

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    Purulent hydradenitis is a chronic relapsing disease that affects 4% of the population, caused by uncontrolled growth of hair follicle and apocrine gland cells, which leads to the development of autoimmune and then septic inflammation. The provoking factors are obesity, smoking, formation of apocrine glands in the body. The variety of subordinates of Suppurative hydradenitis, differences in the prognosis and course of the disease, as well as the need to manage patients with this pathology in the surgical department, determine the standardization of the therapeutic algorithm and the objectification of the degree of clinical response to the therapy using scoring scales.Гнойный гидраденит — хроническое рецидивирующее заболевание, поражающее 4% населения, причиной которого является неконтролируемый рост клеток волосяного фолликула и апокриновой железы, что приводит к развитию аутоиммунного, а затем септического воспаления. Провоцирующими факторами являются ожирение, курение, формирование апокриновых желез в организме. Многообразие субтипов гнойного гидраденита, различия в прогнозе и течении заболевания, а также необходимость ведения пациентов с данной патологией в хирургическом отделении обусловливают стандартизацию терапевтического алгоритма и объективизацию степени клинического ответа на проводимую терапию с помощью оценочных шкал

    Study of doubly strange systems using stored antiprotons

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    Bound nuclear systems with two units of strangeness are still poorly known despite their importance for many strong interaction phenomena. Stored antiprotons beams in the GeV range represent an unparalleled factory for various hyperon-antihyperon pairs. Their outstanding large production probability in antiproton collisions will open the floodgates for a series of new studies of systems which contain two or even more units of strangeness at the P‾ANDA experiment at FAIR. For the first time, high resolution γ-spectroscopy of doubly strange ΛΛ-hypernuclei will be performed, thus complementing measurements of ground state decays of ΛΛ-hypernuclei at J-PARC or possible decays of particle unstable hypernuclei in heavy ion reactions. High resolution spectroscopy of multistrange Ξ−-atoms will be feasible and even the production of Ω−-atoms will be within reach. The latter might open the door to the |S|=3 world in strangeness nuclear physics, by the study of the hadronic Ω−-nucleus interaction. For the first time it will be possible to study the behavior of Ξ‾+ in nuclear systems under well controlled conditions

    Результаты коронарного шунтирования артерий с протяженными атеросклеротическими изменениями

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    Background: In multi-vessel atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, coronary artery bypass grafting remains the method of choice and allows for the best possible revascularization and maximal continuity of the results. Conduit functioning to a large extent depends on the coronary artery (CA) diameter and on the severity of atheromatous involvement and anatomic abnormalities of its walls. However, there is no consensus on what minimal diameter and extent of CA lesions could provide robust long-term results of bypass surgery. Consequently, surgical strategy for bypass grafting in diffuse coronary involvement and small vessel diameters has not been clearly defned.Aim: To perform a comparative analysis of the bypass grafts functioning depending on CA anatomy and methods of revascularization.Materials and methods: The study included 98 patients, who, irrespective of their clinical condition, had a control coronary angiography (CAG) with shuntography (SHG) between 6 months to 5 years after they had undergone direct myocardial revascularization by coronary artery bypass grafting. In total, 215 anastomoses were assessed. The bypassed CAs were divided into two groups according to their diameters and into two subgroups depending on the severity of the coronary vasculature involvement. When bypassing an artery with diffuse involvement, angioplastic anastomoses were done in 52.5% of the cases. Long-term graft functioning was assessed by shuntography.Results: Conduit functioning after bypassing of CA 1.5 mm in diameter and with local CA narrowing did not depend on the graft type and was 95.1% for the internal thoracic artery (ITA) grafts and 90.1% for the great saphenous vein (GSV) grafts. With diffuse lesions, these values decreased to 68.4% for ITA and 69.1% for GSV (р 0.05). Long-term revascularization results for coronary arteries with a diameter of ≤ 1.5 mm were signifcantly lower for all types of conduits: with local stenosis, 78.6% ITA and 68.4% GSV grafts were patent, whereas in diffuse coronary bed involvement, 50 and 33.3%, respectively (р 0.05). After placement of an angioplastic anastomosis to the CA with diffuse lesions, 79.3% of the ITA and 69.2% of the GSV grafts were functioning, whereas after the use of the standard technique, such were 55.6 and 40%, respectively (р 0.05).Conclusion: Bypass grafting of CA with local lesions and 1.5 mm in diameter, the graft type has not signifcant impact on its long-term functioning. In diffuse CA involvement, angioplastic anastomoses should be used.Актуальность. При многососудистом атеросклеротическом поражении коронарного русла методом выбора остается операция коронарного шунтирования, позволяющая достигнуть полноты реваскуляризации и максимальной долгосрочности результатов. Функциональная состоятельность кондуитов во многом определяется диаметром коронарной артерии (КА) и выраженностью атероматозного поражения анатомических изменений ее стенки. Однако нет единого мнения о том, какими должны быть минимальный диаметр и степень изменения КА для обеспечения надежного отдаленного результата шунтирования. Соответственно, не определена хирургическая тактика коронарного шунтирования артерий с диффузным поражением венечного русла и малым диаметром.Цель – сравнительный анализ функционального состояния шунтов в зависимости от анатомического состояния КА и методов их реваскуляризации.Материал и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 98 пациентов, которым независимо от клинического состояния в сроки от 6 месяцев до 5 лет после операции прямой реваскуляризации миокарда методом коронарного шунтирования выполнена повторная коронароангиография и шунтография. Всего было изучено 215 анастомозов. Шунтированные КА были разделены на 2 группы по диаметру и 2 подгруппы в зависимости от тяжести поражения коронарного русла. При шунтировании артерии с диффузным поражением коронарного русла в 52,5% выполнялись ангиопластические анастомозы. Функциональную состоятельность шунтов в отдаленном периоде оценивали с помощью шунтографии.Результаты. Функциональная состоятельность кондуитов при шунтировании КА диаметром 1,5 мм и локальном сужении КА не зависела от типа шунта и отмечена в 95,1% для внутренней грудной артерии (ВГА) и 90,1% для большой подкожной вены (БПВ); в случае диффузного поражения этот показатель снижался до 68,4% для ВГА и 69,1% для БПВ (р 0,05). Отдаленные результаты реваскуляризации КА диаметром ≤ 1,5 мм были значительно хуже для всех типов кондуитов: при локальном сужении состоятельными были 78,6% шунтов ВГА и 68,4% БПВ, при наличии выраженных изменений коронарного русла – 50 и 33,3% соответственно (р 0,05). При выполнении ангиопластического анастомоза к артериям с диффузным поражением функциональная состоятельность кондуитов из ВГА составила 79,3%, из БПВ – 69,2% (р 0,05), тогда как при стандартной методике – 55,6 и 40% соответственно (р 0,05).Заключение. При шунтировании КА с локальным поражением и диаметром 1,5 мм тип шунта не имеет определяющего влияния на отдаленные результаты его состоятельности. В случае диффузных изменений КА следует использовать ангиопластические анастомозы

    Plasma methionine depletion and pharmacokinetic properties in mice of methionine γ-lyase from Citrobacter freundii, Clostridium tetani and Clostridium sporogenes

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    PK studies were carried out after a single i.v. administration of 500 and 1000 U/kg by measuring of MGL activity in plasma samples. L-methionine concentration was measured by mass spectrometry. After single i.v. injection of 500 U/kg the circulating T1/2 of enzymes in mice varies from 73 to 123 min. The AUC0-tinf values determined for MGL 500 U/kg from C. freundii, C. tetani and C. sporogenes are 8.21 ± 0.28, 9.04 ± 0.33 and 13.88 ± 0.39 U/(ml × h), respectively. Comparison of PK parameters of three MGL sources in the dose of 500 U/kg indicated the MGL C. sporogenes to have better PK parameters: clearance 0.83(95%CI: 0.779–0.871) – was lower than C. tetanii 1.27(95%CI: 1.18–1.36) and C. freundii 1.39(95%CI: 1.30–1.49). Mice plasma methionine decreased to undetectable level 10 min after MGL 1000 U/kg injection. After MGL C. sporogenes 500 U/kg injection plasma methionine level completely omitted after 10 min till 6 h, assuming the sustainability of negligible levels of methionine ( < 5 μM) in plasma of mice for about 6 h. The recovery of methionine concentration showed the advantageous efficiency of MGL from C. sporogenes: 95% 0.010–0.022 vs 0.023–0.061 for MGL C. freundii and 0.036–0.056 for MGL C. tetani. There are no significant differences between methionine cleavage after MGL C. tetani and MGL C. sporogenes i.v. injection at all doses. MGL from C. sporogenes may be considered as promising enzyme for further investigation as potential anticancer agent. © 2017 Elsevier Masson SA

    Ferrocene-containing tri- and tetranuclear cyclic copper(i) and silver(i) pyrazolates

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    New tri- and tetranuclear macrocyclic silver(i) and copper(i) 3-ferrocenyl-5-(trifluoromethyl)pyrazolates were prepared: [{(3-((η5-C5H4)Fe(η5-C5H5))-5-(CF3)-Pz}M]3 (M = Cu (1), Ag (2)) and [{(3-((η5-C5H4)Fe(η5-C5H5))-5-(CF3)-Pz}Cu]4 (3). The structures of compounds were established by X-ray diffraction analysis. In the crystalline state, a planar trinuclear silver-containing macrocycliс pyrazolate and a saddle-shaped tetranuclear copper-containing macrocycle are formed. The introduction of a bulky substituent, ferrocene, into the pyrazole ligand results in complete shielding of the acidic metal sites, which precludes the coordination of base molecules. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Plasma methionine depletion and pharmacokinetic properties in mice of methionine γ-lyase from Citrobacter freundii, Clostridium tetani and Clostridium sporogenes

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    PK studies were carried out after a single i.v. administration of 500 and 1000 U/kg by measuring of MGL activity in plasma samples. L-methionine concentration was measured by mass spectrometry. After single i.v. injection of 500 U/kg the circulating T1/2 of enzymes in mice varies from 73 to 123 min. The AUC0-tinf values determined for MGL 500 U/kg from C. freundii, C. tetani and C. sporogenes are 8.21 ± 0.28, 9.04 ± 0.33 and 13.88 ± 0.39 U/(ml × h), respectively. Comparison of PK parameters of three MGL sources in the dose of 500 U/kg indicated the MGL C. sporogenes to have better PK parameters: clearance 0.83(95%CI: 0.779–0.871) – was lower than C. tetanii 1.27(95%CI: 1.18–1.36) and C. freundii 1.39(95%CI: 1.30–1.49). Mice plasma methionine decreased to undetectable level 10 min after MGL 1000 U/kg injection. After MGL C. sporogenes 500 U/kg injection plasma methionine level completely omitted after 10 min till 6 h, assuming the sustainability of negligible levels of methionine ( < 5 μM) in plasma of mice for about 6 h. The recovery of methionine concentration showed the advantageous efficiency of MGL from C. sporogenes: 95% 0.010–0.022 vs 0.023–0.061 for MGL C. freundii and 0.036–0.056 for MGL C. tetani. There are no significant differences between methionine cleavage after MGL C. tetani and MGL C. sporogenes i.v. injection at all doses. MGL from C. sporogenes may be considered as promising enzyme for further investigation as potential anticancer agent. © 2017 Elsevier Masson SA

    Ferrocene-containing tri- and tetranuclear cyclic copper(i) and silver(i) pyrazolates

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    New tri- and tetranuclear macrocyclic silver(i) and copper(i) 3-ferrocenyl-5-(trifluoromethyl)pyrazolates were prepared: [{(3-((η5-C5H4)Fe(η5-C5H5))-5-(CF3)-Pz}M]3 (M = Cu (1), Ag (2)) and [{(3-((η5-C5H4)Fe(η5-C5H5))-5-(CF3)-Pz}Cu]4 (3). The structures of compounds were established by X-ray diffraction analysis. In the crystalline state, a planar trinuclear silver-containing macrocycliс pyrazolate and a saddle-shaped tetranuclear copper-containing macrocycle are formed. The introduction of a bulky substituent, ferrocene, into the pyrazole ligand results in complete shielding of the acidic metal sites, which precludes the coordination of base molecules. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Distributed On-board Computer System Prototype

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    Abstract: According to the project №2323 «The development of the prototype of distributed fault tolerant on board computing system for satellite control system and the complex of scientific equipment» of the International Scientific and Technical Center the work on development of software and hardware parts of mentioned prototype is carrying out in the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS and the Space Research Institute of RAS together with the Fraunhofer institute Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik (FIRST, Berlin, Germany) develop software and hardware parts for the prototype. The preprint describes the project’s hardware part implemented by now. Analysis of requirements to the on-board control complex is adduced. Block structure and composition of small spacecraft base complex are considered. Architecture and block-scheme of on-board computing system are defined.Note: Research direction:Theoretical and applied problems of mechanic