1,981 research outputs found

    D-brane Instantons on the T^6/Z_3 orientifold

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    We give a detailed microscopic derivation of gauge and stringy instanton generated superpotentials for gauge theories living on D3-branes at Z_3-orientifold singularities. Gauge instantons are generated by D(-1)-branes and lead to Affleck, Dine and Seiberg (ADS) like superpotentials in the effective N=1 gauge theories with three generations of bifundamental and anti/symmetric matter. Stringy instanton effects are generated by Euclidean ED3-branes wrapping four-cycles on T^6/\Z_3. They give rise to Majorana masses in one case and non-renormalizable superpotentials for the other cases. Finally we determine the conditions under which ADS like superpotentials are generated in N=1 gauge theories with adjoints, fundamentals, symmetric and antisymmetric chiral matter.Comment: 31 pages, no figure

    The open story of the magnetic fluxes

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    We discuss the effects of oblique internal magnetic fields on the spectrum of type I superstrings compactified on tori. In particular we derive general formulae for the magnetic shifts and multiplicities of open strings connecting D9-branes with arbitrary magnetic fluxes. We discuss the flux induced potential and offer an interpretation of the stabilization of R-R moduli associated to deformations of the complex structure of T^6 in terms of non-derivative mixing with NS-NS moduli. Finally we briefly comment on how to extract other low energy couplings and generalize our results to toroidal orbifolds and other configurations governed by rational conformal field theories on the worldsheet.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX, References adde

    Il trattamento con onde d’urto focali della sindrome miofasciale del quadrato dei lombi

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    Introduzione: La sindrome miofasciale del muscolo quadrato dei lombi rappresenta una causa di lombalgia cronica spesso misconosciuta nella pratica clinica quotidiana. Il trigger point (MTrP) \ue8 un\u2019area nodulare di millimetrica contrattura muscolare riconoscibile alla palpazione e in grado di evocare dolore riferito in caratteristiche zone d\u2019irradiazione. Nella sua fisiopatologia \ue8 coinvolta una riduzione dell\u2019apporto di ossigeno ematico a livello del tessuto muscolare. Recentemente \ue8 stato osservato che le onde d\u2019urto sono in grado di indurre, a livello muscolare, un immediato aumento della produzione locale di ossido nitrico con successiva vasodilatazione e stimolazione della neoangogenesi locale. L'effetto vascolare delle onde d\u2019urto e l'origine ischemica del trigger point sono alla base del razionale dell\u2019impiego di questa tecnologia nel trattamento della lombalgia da attivazione di trigger point miofasciali. In questo studio ci siamo proposti di valutare l'efficacia e la tollerabilit\ue0 delle onde d'urto focali nel trattamento della lombalgia da attivazione di trigger point miofasciali del muscolo quadrato dei lombi. Materiali e metodi: Quasi-experimental uncontrolled before-after study svolto tra Marzo 2012 e Dicembre 2013 presso l\u2019U. O. di Riabilitazione Specialistica dell\u2019A. O. San Paolo di Milano. Sono stati reclutati 47 pazienti (19 femmine e 28 maschi), con un\u2019et\ue0 compresa tra i 23 e i 67 anni, affetti da lombalgia da attivazione di trigger point miofasciali del muscolo quadrato dei lombi. La terapia con onde d\u2019urto \ue8 stata somministrata a livello del trigger point superiore del m. quadrato dei lombi in 3 sedute distanziate l\u2019una dall\u2019altra da un intervallo di 7-11 giorni. E\u2019 stata eseguita un\u2019attenta valutazione clinica prima del trattamento (T1), dopo la terza seduta (T2) e a un mese circa dall\u2019ultima seduta (26-35 giorni) (T3). Le valutazioni comprendevano: raccolta anamnestica, esame obiettivo volto all\u2019individuazione di trigger point attivi a livello del muscolo quadrato dei lombi e somministrazione di: questionario Roland-Morris e Oswestry Disability Index, VAS. Per la terapia \ue8 stato utilizzato un generatore di onde d\u2019urto focali di tipo elettro-idraulico con area focale di 40,7 mm2@ -6 dB e di 86,7 mm2 @ 5MPa. Sono stati erogati a seduta 400 colpi (parametri: densit\ue0 di flusso: 0,14 mJ/mm2, energia totale: 3,4 mJ @ -6db e 5,6 mJ @ 5Mpa) profondit\ue0: 1-4 cm, frequenza: 4Hz) per seduta. Colpi totali 1200, pari a circa un'energia totale di 6,72 J @ 5MPa. Per l\u2019analisi statistica, vista la natura dei dati (ranghi) si \ue8 fatto ricorso al test non parametrico di Friedman. Risultati: Le valutazioni (espresse con la mediana dei punteggi ottenuti) a T1, T2 e T3 mostrano un miglioramento statisticamente significativo: Roland-Morris: T1 (8), T2 (7), T3 (3), p-value 0,002. Oswestry Disability Index: T1 (10), T2 (8), T3 (5), p-value 0,001. VAS: T1 (5), T2(4), T3 (2), p-value 0,02. Conclusioni: I risultati confermano una statisticamente significativa diminuzione del dolore lombare e della disabilit\ue0 nei pazienti affetti da lombalgia da attivazione di trigger point miofasciali del muscolo quadrato dei lombi trattati con onde d'urto focali. Questa tecnica, dunque, si pu\uf2 proporre come valida alternativa terapeutica in questo tipo di sindromi miofasciali

    The XMM/BeppoSAX observation of Mkn 841

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    Mkn 841 has been observed simultaneously by XMM and BeppoSAX in January 2001. Due to operational contingency, the 30ks XMM observation was split into two parts, separated by about 15 hours. We first report the presence of a narrow iron line which appears to be rapidly variable between the two pointings, requiring a non-standard interpretation. We then focus on the analysis of the broad band (0.3-200 keV) continuum using the XMM/EPIC, RGS and SAX/PDS data. The Mkn 841 spectrum is well fitted by a comptonization model in a geometry more photon-fed than a simple slab geometry above a passive disk. It presents a relatively large reflection (R>2) which does not agree with an apparently weak iron line. It also show the presence of a strong soft excess wellfitted by a comptonized spectrum in a cool plasma, suggesting the presence of a multi-temperature corona.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Proc. of the meeting: "The Restless High-Energy Universe" (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in 't Zand, and R.A.M.J. Wijers Ed

    Wrapped Magnetized Branes: Two Alternative Descriptions?

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    We discuss two inequivalent ways for describing magnetized D-branes wrapped N times on a torus T^2. The first one is based on a non-abelian gauge bundle U(N), while the second one is obtained by means of a Narain T-duality transformation acting on a theory with non-magnetized branes. We construct in both descriptions the boundary state and the open string vertices and show that they give rise to different string amplitudes. In particular, the description based on the gauge bundle has open string vertex operators with momentum dependent Chan-Paton factors.Comment: 60 pages, LaTe

    Gauge thresholds in the presence of oblique magnetic fluxes

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    We compute the one-loop partition function and analyze the conditions for tadpole cancellation in type I theories compactified on tori in the presence of internal oblique magnetic fields. We check open - closed string channel duality and discuss the effect of T-duality. We address the issue of the quantum consistency of the toroidal model with stabilized moduli recently proposed by Antoniadis and Maillard (AM). We then pass to describe the computation of one-loop threshold corrections to the gauge couplings in models of this kind. Finally we briefly comment on coupling unification and dilaton stabilization in phenomenologically more viable modelsComment: 34 pages, 2 figures; references added, major changes to the discussion of the model proposed by Antoniadis and Maillar

    Itinerarios culturales. El camino del agua: “El Canal Zanjón en el Oasis Norte”

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    El territorio mendocino está estructurado sobre la base de dos culturas, la del desierto o secano y la del agua u oasis; el presente trabajo enfoca la cultura del agua como la generadora de un Modelo Patrimonial de Territorio, sustento de los oasis productivos que se localizan, vinculan y desarrollan en las cuencas de los principales ríos provinciales generando Paisajes Culturales diversos

    Orientifolding the conifold

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    In this paper we study the N=1 supersymmetric field theories realized on the world-volume of type IIB D3-branes sitting at orientifolds of non-orbifold singularities (conifold and generalizations). Several chiral models belong to this family of theories. These field theories have a T-dual realization in terms of type IIA configurations of relatively rotated NS fivebranes, D4-branes and orientifold six-planes, with a compact x6x^6 direction, along which the D4-branes have finite extent. We compute the spectrum on the D3-branes directly in the type IIB picture and match the resulting field theories with those obtained in the type IIA setup, thus providing a non-trivial check of this T-duality. Since the usual techniques to compute the spectrum of the model and check the cancellation of tadpoles, cannot be applied to the case orientifolds of non-orbifold singularities, we use a different approach, and construct the models by partially blowing-up orientifolds of C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2) and C^3/(Z_2 x Z_3) orbifolds.Comment: 52 pages, Latex 7 eps figure
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