78 research outputs found
Whisking with robots from rat vibrissae to biomimetic technology for active touch
This article summarizes some of the key features of the rat vibrissal system, including the actively controlled sweeping movements of the vibrissae known as whisking, and reviews the past and ongoing research aimed at replicating some of this functionality in biomimetic robots
Empirically inspired simulated electro-mechanical model of the rat mystacial follicle-sinus complex
In whiskered animals, activity is evoked in the primary sensory afferent cells (trigeminal nerve) by mechanical stimulation of the whiskers. In some cell populations this activity is correlated well with continuous stimulus parameters such as whisker deflection magnitude, but in others it is observed to represent events such as whisker-stimulator contact or detachment. The transduction process is mediated by the mechanics of the whisker shaft and follicle-sinus complex (FSC), and the mechanics and electro-chemistry of mechanoreceptors within the FSC. An understanding of this transduction process and the nature of the primary neural codes generated is crucial for understanding more central sensory processing in the thalamus and cortex. However, the details of the peripheral processing are currently poorly understood. To overcome this deficiency in our knowledge, we constructed a simulated electro-mechanical model of the whisker-FSC-mechanoreceptor system in the rat and tested it against a variety of data drawn from the literature. The agreement was good enough to suggest that the model captures many of the key features of the peripheral whisker system in the rat
The Emergence of Action Sequences from Spatial Attention: Insight from Rodent-Like Robots
Animal behaviour is rich, varied, and smoothly integrated. One plausible model of its generation is that behavioural sub-systems compete to command effectors. In small terrestrial mammals, many behaviours are underpinned by foveation, since important effectors (teeth, tongue) are co-located with foveal sensors (microvibrissae, lips, nose), suggesting a central role for foveal selection and foveation in generating behaviour. This, along with research on primate visual attention, inspires an alternative hypothesis, that integrated behaviour can be understood as sequences of foveations with selection being amongst foveation targets based on their salience. Here, we investigate control architectures for a biomimetic robot equipped with a rodent-like vibrissal tactile sensing system, explicitly comparing a salience map model for action guidance with an earlier model implementing behaviour selection. Both architectures generate life-like action sequences, but in the salience map version higher-level behaviours are an emergent consequence of following a shifting focus of attention
Perception of simple stimuli using sparse data from a tactile whisker array
We introduce a new multi-element sensory array built from tactile whiskers and modelled on the mammalian whisker sensory system. The new array adds, over previous designs, an actuated degree of freedom corresponding approximately to the mobility of the mystacial pad of the animal. We also report on its performance in a preliminary test of simultaneous identification and localisation of simple stimuli (spheres and a plane). The sensory processing system uses prior knowledge of the set of possible stimuli to generate percepts of the form and location of extensive stimuli from sparse and highly localised sensory data. Our results suggest that the additional degree of freedom has the potential to offer a benefit to perception accuracy for this type of sensor. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Causes of breakage and disruption in a homogeniser
Many authors have written in the past regarding the exact causes of breakage and disruption in a high pressure homogeniser, but there has been little agreement. This paper investigates some of the most likely causes of the rupture of the walls of unicellular organisms and offers suggestions obtained from various papers and work carried out
The robot vibrissal system: Understanding mammalian sensorimotor co-ordination through biomimetics
Chapter 10 The Robot Vibrissal System: Understanding Mammalian Sensorimotor Co-ordination Through Biomimetics Tony J. Prescott, Ben Mitchinson, Nathan F. Lepora, Stuart P. Wilson, Sean R. Anderson, John Porrill, Paul Dean, Charles ..
Central Santa Catarina coastal dunefields chronology and their relation to relative sea level and climatic changes
During the past decades, there have been contrarian explanations for the formation and stabilization of coastal dunefields: while many authors believe the dunes formation would be enhanced by falling sea level, others argue that a rising or stable sea level context would be favorable. For Brazilian coastal dunefields, the second hypothesis seems to be more consistent with the luminescence ages found so far; however, most of these data were obtained without using the SAR protocol. Another point of concern is the role of climate change in the aeolian system, which is still not very clear. The aim of this paper is to try to clarify these two questions. To this end, five coastal dunefields were selected in central Santa Catarina coast. The remote sensing and dating results allowed the discrimination and mapping of at least four aeolian generations. Their age distribution in relation to the global curve of relative sea level variation during the Late Pleistocene allows us to suggest that the formation of Aeolian dunefields in the coastal context is supported by stable relative sea level. However, relative sea level is not the only determinant for the formation and preservation of the aeolian coastal dunes. Evidences of climatic control indicate that the initiation of dunefields would be favored by periods of less humidity while their stabilization would occur preferably during the periods of rain intensification, connected to monsoon activity
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