75 research outputs found

    Investigation of particle radiation and its effect on NO prediction in a pilot-scale facility for both air and oxy-coal combustion

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    Radiation heat transfer plays an important role in pulverised coal combustion, influencing the overall combustion efficiency, pollutant formation and flame ignition and propagation. In this paper, the radiation properties of the particles as well as gas property models on the overall influence of the prediction of the formation of NOx pollutants in a pulverised coal combustion have been investigated. The non-grey weighted sum of grey gases (WSGG) model has been employed to calculate the radiation of the gas phase coupled with the radiation interaction from the particulate phase. The Mie theory, as well as constant or linear models, have been employed to describe the particle radiative properties. The prediction results, calculated from the data from a 250 kW pilot scale combustion test facility (CTF), are compared against experimental measurements under air-fired condition and a range of oxyfuel conditions. The results show that the choice of radiation solution can have a considerable impact on the radiative heat transfer results, in which the Mie theory shows a significant improvement in the incident wall heat flux compared to the constant or linear models. Also, the more accurate solution employed for radiation of gases and particles considerably improves the NOx prediction in the flame region

    The Sigma 13 (10-14) twin in alpha-Al2O3: A model for a general grain boundary

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    The atomistic structure and energetics of the Sigma 13 (10-14)[1-210] symmetrical tilt grain boundary in alpha-Al2O3 are studied by first-principles calculations based on the local-density-functional theory with a mixed-basis pseudopotential method. Three configurations, stable with respect to intergranular cleavage, are identified: one Al-terminated glide-mirror twin boundary, and two O-terminated twin boundaries, with glide-mirror and two-fold screw-rotation symmetries, respectively. Their relative energetics as a function of axial grain separation are described, and the local electronic structure and bonding are analysed. The Al-terminated variant is predicted to be the most stable one, confirming previous empirical calculations, but in contrast with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy observations on high-purity diffusion-bonded bicrystals, which resulted in an O-terminated structure. An explanation of this discrepancy is proposed, based on the different relative energetics of the internal interfaces with respect to the free surfaces

    Escaping from cycles through a glass transition

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    A random walk is performed over a disordered media composed of NN sites random and uniformly distributed inside a dd-dimensional hypercube. The walker cannot remain in the same site and hops to one of its nn neighboring sites with a transition probability that depends on the distance DD between sites according to a cost function E(D)E(D). The stochasticity level is parametrized by a formal temperature TT. In the case T=0T = 0, the walk is deterministic and ergodicity is broken: the phase space is divided in a O(N){\cal O}(N) number of attractor basins of two-cycles that trap the walker. For d=1d = 1, analytic results indicate the existence of a glass transition at T1=1/2T_1 = 1/2 as N→∞N \to \infty. Below T1T_1, the average trapping time in two-cycles diverges and out-of-equilibrium behavior appears. Similar glass transitions occur in higher dimensions choosing a proper cost function. We also present some results for the statistics of distances for Poisson spatial point processes.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Ductile-Phase Toughening of Brazed Joints

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    A heat treatment is presented that uses ductile-phase toughening to mitigate the effect of brittle intermetallics in a Ni-based braze alloy. The fracture resistance has been enhanced by creating a microstructure containing elongated ductile γ-(Ni) domains that align, preferentially, across the joint. The development of this beneficial microstructure is based on an understanding of the transient dissolution, isothermal solidification, and coarsening phenomena. Due to slow kinetics, the elimination of intermetallics by diffusion is avoided in favor of ductile domain formation through solidification control. The toughening has been attributed to a combination of bridging and process zone dissipation, enabled by the ductile phase

    How To Find Charm in Nuclear Collisions at RHIC and LHC

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    Measurements of dilepton production from charm decay and Drell-Yan processes respectively probe the gluon and sea quark distributions in hadronic collisions. In nucleus-nucleus collisions, these hard scattering processes constitute a `background' to thermal contributions from the hot matter produced by the collision. To determine the magnitude and behavior of this background, we calculate the hard scattering contribution to dilepton production in nuclear collisions at RHIC and LHC at next to leading order in perturbative QCD. Invariant mass, rapidity and transverse momentum distributions are presented. We compare these results to optimistic hydrodynamic estimates of the thermal dilepton production. We find that charm production from hard scattering is by far the dominant contribution. Experiments therefore can measure the gluon distribution in the nuclear target and projectile and, consequently, can provide new information on gluon shadowing. We then illustrate how experimental cuts on the rapidity gap between the leptons can aid in reducing the charm background, thereby enhancing thermal information.Comment: 32 pages, latex, 19 figure

    Security of Multi-frame DICOM Images Using XOR Encryption Approach

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    AbstractTransferring medical images using networks is subjected to a wide variety of security risks. Hence, there is a need of a robust and secure mechanism to exchange medical images over the Internet. The Digital Image and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) standard provides attributes for the header data confidentiality but not for the pixel image data. In this paper, a simple and effective encryption approach for pixel data is provided for multi-frame DICOM medical images. The main goal of the proposed approach is to reduce the encryption and decryption time of these images, using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) where only one image is encrypted and XOR cipher for encrypting the remaining multi-frame DICOM images. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using computational time, normalized correlation, entropy, Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) and histogram analysis. The results show that the proposed approach can reduce the encryption and decryption time and is able to ensure image confidentiality

    An evaluation of musculoskeletal discomfort experience by radiographers performing mammography

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:6109.576(36) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    New insights into the structure and evolution of the Isle of Wight monocline

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    High quality seismic reflection data acquired during hydrocarbon exploration activities provide evidence for the subsurface structure and evolution of one of England's most well known structures at outcrop: the Isle of Wight Monocline. It is generally seen as a major northerly verging monoclinal structure linked to the Purbeck Monocline to the west. The Isle of Wight Monocline is the result of the interplay between two inverted east–west trending, southerly dipping and overlapping down-to-the-south major syndepositional normal faults that were active during Triassic and Jurassic times: the Needles and Sandown faults. The area between the two faults tips forms an easterly-dipping relay ramp, down which sequences of all ages thicken. Both of these major normal faults were inverted during Cenozoic (Miocene: Alpine) compressional events, folding the overlying post-rift sequences of early Cretaceous to early Cenozoic (Palaeogene) age. Interpretation of the seismic reflection data suggest that previously unknown high angle, down-to-the-north reverse faults cut the northern limbs of both anticlines forming the composite monocline and are likely to come to crop in the steeply-dipping Chalk and/or the drift-covered Cenozoic sequences. Their identification marked a period of discussions and testing of the model by detailed field mapping. The existence and location of such faulting was proved through an iterative process with the result that a reverse fault zone is now mapped along the northern limb of the northern Sandown Anticline section of the Monocline. The main reverse faults on the Brighstone and Sandown anticlines result in up to circa 550 m of displacement at top Chalk level. It is thought that a series of smaller footwall short-cut faults affect the Cenozoic strata to the north of the main reverse fault, producing up-faulted sections of flatter-lying Cenozoic strata. Reverse displacements and the severity of folding on the inverted faults decreases on each fault segment in a complementary fashion in the area of the relay ramp as one fault takes up the movement at the expense of the other. The swing in strike of the Chalk in the area of shallowly dipping strata between Calbourne and Garstons is a result of deformation of the post-rift sequences across the relay ramp established between the overlapping fault tips of the Needles and Sandown faults and the interaction of the folds developed at the tips of the reverse faults

    Examining the case for the use of the Tertiary as a formal period or informal unit

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    The ‘Tertiary’, omitted from IUGS-approved timescales since 1989, is still in common use. With the recent re-instatement of the Quaternary as a formal unit, the question arises as to whether the Tertiary too should be reinstated as a formal period, with the ‘Paleogene’ and ‘Neogene’ being downgraded to sub-periods. This paper presents arguments for and against this proposal, stemming from discussions by members of the Geological Society Stratigraphy Commission. It is intended to stimulate discussion of the topic in the wider community
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