752 research outputs found

    Some features of cultivating different Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. forms in vitro

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    Received: June 9th, 2021 ; Accepted: November 8th, 2021 ; Published: November 15th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] angustifolium (L.) Scop. characterized by a wide range of economically useful properties. White-flowered form of Ch. angustifolium (L.) Scop. Is extremely rare in nature. At the same time, it is promising as a source of biologically active substances and as a highly decorative plant. The optimal way to reproduce this form is clonal micropropagation. Methods for obtaining Ch. angustifolium in vitro were developed, as well as the optimal selection timing of starting material for micropropagation was determined. In addition, the effect of a mineral composition of nutrient medium and plant growth regulators on the regeneration of microshoots was studied. The highest values of morphometric parameters were achieved on MS medium (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) supplemented with 0.5 mg L-1 BAP. The multiplication factor of the lilac–flowered form was 8.4 ± 0.2, of the white-flowered form - 9.2 ± 0.6. Comparative analysis of morphometric parameters during cultivation of Ch. angustifolium showed no significant difference between the lilac-flowered and white-flowered forms. The effect of antioxidants on the growth and development of regenerants has been shown. The most optimal nutrient medium for clonal micropropagation of the lilac-flowered form was MS medium (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) containing 0.5 mg L-1 of BAP, 50 mg L-1 of ascorbic acid and 50 mg L-1 of citric acids and for micropropagation of the white–flowered form it was the medium, containing 100 mg L-1 PVP

    The modern view on the problem of the surgical treatment of patients with pathology of the pancreas accompanied by obstructive jaundice

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    Catedra de chirurgie nr.2, Curs de chirurgie pediatrică, Universitatea Națională de Medicină, Odessa, Ucraina, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Rezultatele tratamentului chirurgical la pacienții cu patologie pancreatică pe un fundal de icter mecanic depind nu numai de cauza bolii de bază, dar de asemenea de diagnosticul oportun, durata icterului și volumul tratamentului chirurgical realizat. Scopul studiului a fost îmbunătățirea rezultatelor tratamentului chirurgical al pacienților cu sindrom de icter mecanic prin crearea unei metode de diagnostic diferențiat al patologiei de bază, cu determinarea ulterioară a volumului intervenției chirurgicale. Material și metode: Pe parcursul perioadei 2010-2015 în Clinica noastră au fost supuși tratamentului chirurgical 114 pacienți cu sindrom de icter mecanic. Algoritmul de diagnostic a inclus obigatoriu ultrasonografia, CT, MRI, FEGDS și ERCP. În unele cazuri a fost efectuată analiza genetică pentru prezența unor tipuri de mutații genice specifice. Evident pentru leziunile maligne ale pancreasului cefalic au fost verificați marcherii specifici oncogenici (CEA, CA 19-9). Cancerul de pancreas a fost confirmat la 42 (36,8%) pacienți, diferite forme de pancreatită cronică a fost găsite la 72 (63,2%) pacienți. Rezultate: Decompresia asistată laparoscopic sau cu ghidaj ultrasonografic a arborelui biliar a fost efectuată la 96 (84,2%) pacienți. La 17 pacienți cu pancreatită cronică s-a efectuat intervenție chirurgicală economă – procedeul Beger în volumul Bernese. La pacienții rămași (55) s-a efectuat rezecția pancreatoduodenală (RPD) prin metode proprii. RPD pentru cancer s-a efectuat la 42 pacienți, 7 pacienți au decedat. Rata de mortalitate a constituit 6.1%.The results of surgical treatment of patients with pathology of the pancreas on a background of jaundice is not only due to the nature of the underlying disease, but also its timely diagnosis, length of jaundice and volume of performed surgery. The aim of the study was to improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with obstructive jaundice syndrome by creating a new approach to the differential diagnostics of underlying disease with subsequent determining of the surgical intervention volume. Materials and methods_ From 2010 to 2015 in our clinic the surgical treatment of 114 patients with the obstructive jaundice syndrome was performed. The diagnostic algorithm includes the mandatory implementation of ultrasound, CT, MRI, FEGDS,ERCP. In certain cases, a genetic analysis for the presence of type-specific gene mutations was carried out. Obviously, for malignant lesions of the head of the pancreas verification of specific oncomarkers (CEA, CA 19-9) levels were estimated. Pancreatic cancer was verified in 42 (36.8%) patients, different forms of chronic pancreatitis were found in 72 (63.2%) patients. Results_ Ultrasound-guided or laparoscopy-assisted decompression of the biliary tree was performed in 96 (84.2%) patients. In17 patients with chronic pancreatitis sparing surgery in the volume of Bernese type of Beger’s procedure was done. In the rest patients (55) pancreatico-duodenal resection (PDR) by own methods was performed. PDR for cancer is performed in 42patients, 7 patients died. The mortality rate was 6.1%

    Микробиом кишечника и метаболизм лекарственных соединений

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    The human physiology textbooks traditionally consider the intestine as a metabolically active organ, with its activity primarily associated with the production of numerous digestive enzymes. The development of molecular analysis technologies has significantly detailized this picture, primarily by decoding the metabolic potential of the intestinal microbiota. Data from numerous metagenomic studies indicate that the number of eukaryotic and bacterial cells in the human body is comparable - about 3.0×1013, while the number of genes in the intestinal metagenome is one hundred times greater than in the human genome. Obviously, the gut microbiota exhibits both direct and indirect effects on the metabolism of drugs and xenobiotics, that can affect their effectiveness and toxicity. Orally administrated xenobiotics have been found to be metabolized by intestinal microbial enzymes before being absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood flow. The metabolic reactions performed by the gut microbiota greatly differ from the metabolic reactions of the liver, providing modification of drugs by acetylation, deacetylation, decarboxylation, dehydroxylation, demethylation, dehalogenation, etc. Despite the metabolism of xenobiotics by microbial enzymes of the intestine is rather known, information about the specific microflora mediating each metabolic reaction is still limited, mainly by the lack of an adequate model of the intestinal microbial community to allow the accumulation of experimental data for the creation of computational models. Currently, studies of drug metabolism use microfluidic chips, reproducing functions of various organs and tissues, such as the liver, kidney, lungs and intestine, as in vitro models in the form of 2D and 3D cell cultures. Supplementation of such systems with the microbial community will allow to get as close as possible to in vitro modeling of complicated biological processes in the interests of pharmacological research and the accumulation of data for constructing computational models.В курсе физиологии человека кишечник традиционно рассматривают как метаболически активный орган, деятельность которого связывают в первую очередь с продукцией многочисленных пищеварительных ферментов. Развитие технологий молекулярного анализа позволило существенно детализировать эту картину, в первую очередь за счет расшифровки метаболического потенциала кишечной микробиоты. Данные многочисленных метагеномных исследований свидетельствуют, что количество эукариотических и бактериальных клеток в организме человека сопоставимо – около 3.0х1013, при этом количество генов в метагеноме кишечника в сто раз больше, чем в геноме человека. Очевидно, что микробиота кишечника оказывает как прямое, так и опосредованное влияние на метаболизм лекарственных препаратов и ксенобиотиков, что может сказаться на их эффективности и токсичности. Обнаружено, что ксенобиотики, вводимые перорально, могут метаболизироваться кишечными микробными ферментами еще до всасывания из желудочно-кишечного тракта в кровь. Метаболические реакции, выполняемые микробиотой кишечника, значительно отличаются от метаболических реакций печени, обеспечивая модификацию лекарственных препаратов путем ацетилирования, деацетилирования, декарбоксилирования, дегидроксилирования, деметилирования, дегалогенирования и др. Несмотря на то, что метаболизм ксенобиотиков микробными ферментами кишечника до некоторой степени известен, информация о конкретной микрофлоре, опосредующей каждую метаболическую реакцию, всё ещё ограничена, в первую очередь, отсутствием адекватной модели микробного сообщества кишечника, позволяющей накапливать экспериментальные данные для построения вычислительных моделей. Сегодня в исследовании метаболизма лекарственных средств применяют микрофлюидные чипы, на которых функции различных органов и тканей, таких как печень, почки, легкие и кишечник, воспроизводятся в виде in vitro моделей в форме 2D и 3D клеточных культур. Дополнение таких систем микробным сообществом позволит максимально приблизиться к моделированию in vitro сложных биологических процессов в интересах фармакологических исследований и накопления данных для построения вычислительных моделей

    On initial conditions for the Hot Big Bang

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    We analyse the process of reheating the Universe in the electroweak theory where the Higgs field plays a role of the inflaton. We estimate the maximal temperature of the Universe and fix the initial conditions for radiation-dominated phase of the Universe expansion in the framework of the Standard Model (SM) and of the nuMSM -- the minimal extension of the SM by three right-handed singlet fermions. We show that the inflationary epoch is followed by a matter dominated stage related to the Higgs field oscillations. We investigate the energy transfer from Higgs-inflaton to the SM particles and show that the radiation dominated phase of the Universe expansion starts at temperature T_r~(3-15)*10^{13} GeV, where the upper bound depends on the Higgs boson mass. We estimate the production rate of singlet fermions at preheating and find that their concentrations at T_r are negligibly small. This suggests that the sterile neutrino Dark Matter (DM) production and baryogenesis in the nuMSM with Higgs-driven inflation are low energy phenomena, having nothing to do with inflation. We study then a modification of the nuMSM, adding to its Lagrangian higher dimensional operators suppressed by the Planck scale. The role of these operators in Higgs-driven inflation is clarified. We find that these operators do not contribute to the production of Warm Dark Matter (WDM) and to baryogenesis. We also demonstrate that the sterile neutrino with mass exceeding 100 keV (a Cold Dark Matter (CDM) candidate) can be created during the reheating stage of the Universe in necessary amounts. We argue that the mass of DM sterile neutrino should not exceed few MeV in order not to overclose the Universe.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figures. Journal version accepted in JCA


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    The paper considers a three flowengine with controlled air bypass in the third flow. Its characteristics are studied by methods of mathematical modeling. The values of air changes in the third flow are determined, under which the engine has the best economy in different rating

    Pinning down the kaon form factors in K^+ -> mu^+ nu_mu gamma decay

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    We find that the normal muon polarization in the decay K->mu nu_mu gamma is very sensitive to the values of the kaon vector F_V and axial-vector F_A form factors. It is shown that the ongoing KEK-E246 experiment can definitely determine the signs of the sum of the form factors if their difference is fixed from other considerations. This method can also verify the form factor values and signs obtained from the K^+ -> l^+ nu_l e^+ e^- decays. A new experiment with sensitivity to the normal and transverse muon polarizations of about 10^-4 will provide a unique possibility to determine the F_V and F_A values with a few percent accuracy.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 2 figures. Minor corrections made for the journal version of the pape

    Photon-axion conversion in intergalactic magnetic fields and cosmological consequences

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    Photon-axion conversion induced by intergalactic magnetic fields causes an apparent dimming of distant sources, notably of cosmic standard candles such as supernovae of type Ia (SNe Ia). We review the impact of this mechanism on the luminosity-redshift relation of SNe Ia, on the dispersion of quasar spectra, and on the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background. The original idea of explaining the apparent dimming of distant SNe Ia without cosmic acceleration is strongly constrained by these arguments. However, the cosmic equation of state extracted from the SN Ia luminosity-redshift relation remains sensitive to this mechanism. For example, it can mimic phantom energy.Comment: (14 pages, 9 eps figures) Contribution to appear in a volume of Lecture Notes in Physics (Springer-Verlag) on Axion

    Exploring arrival directions of UHECRs with the Yakutsk array

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    The data on arrival directions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) detected with the Yakutsk array are analyzed. The work is induced by the recent claim of the Pierre Auger collaboration for the significant correlation found between UHECRs and positions of nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) on the celestial sphere; and no correlation the HiRes collaboration stands for. Conflicting data of four giant arrays concern possible extragalactic sources of UHECRs and appeal to the profound analysis and to the future data from the Telescope Array/Northern Auger Observatory.Comment: Presented at CRIS 2008, September 15-18, Malfa, Ital

    Search for Heavy Neutrino in K->mu nu_h(nu_h-> nu gamma) Decay at ISTRA+ Setup

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    Heavy neutrino nu_h with m_h < 300MeV/c^2 can be effectively searched for in kaon decays. We put upper limits on mixing matrix element |U_mu_h}|^2 for radiatively decaying nu_h from K->mu nu_h (nu_h -> nu gamma) decay chain in the following parameter region: 30MeV/c^2 < m_h < 80MeV/c^2; 10^{-11}sec < tau_h < 10^{-9}sec. For the whole region |U_{mu h}|^2 < 5 x 10^{-5} for Majorana type of nu_h and | U_{\mu h}|^2 < 8 x 10^{-5} for the Dirac case.Comment: Published in Phys. Lett.