437 research outputs found

    Theorizing Actor Interactions Shaping Innovation in Digital Infrastructures: The Case of Residential Internet Development in Belarus

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    This paper focuses on how digital innovation develops in ecologies of distributed heterogeneous actors with contesting logics, diverse technologies, and various forms of orchestrations. Drawing on the insights from emerging theories of digital innovation augmented by an institutional logics perspective, we examine a case study of how residential internet infrastructure was shaped over 20 years by the interplay of self-organized residential communities, corporate internet service providers (ISPs), and a state ISP. Our analysis of this case leads to the identification of four types of interactions that shape the trajectories of digital infrastructure development beyond direct actor interplays and competitive or collaborative relationships. We label these interactions symbiotic generative, symbiotic mutualistic, parasitic complementary, and parasitic competitive and explain the processes and conditions of their development and their innovation outcomes. Drawing on these findings, we develop a model of symbiotic and parasitic interactions shaping digital infrastructure development and identify key characteristics of the ecologies where these emerge. The case study and the model that emerged aim to contribute to the growing field of research on complex and nonlinear paths of digital innovation development constituted by the dynamics of its distributed agency. The article concludes by highlighting avenues for future research

    When IT Evolves Beyond Community Needs: Coevolution of Bottom-Up IT Innovation and Communities

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    This paper examines how innovative uses of IT artifacts and their repurposing to fulfill emerging or unsatisfied user needs (bottom-up innovation, BUI) develop in community settings. Based on a longitudinal analysis of “HomeNets,” communities that developed residential internet access in Belarus over a 20-year period, we illustrate that the development of community BUI is driven not only by the needs of the innovating members but also by the interplay between the innovating members’ community context and technology and the interplay between the BUI technology and context. We demonstrate how these dynamics trigger community BUI development that goes beyond the needs and expectations of the innovating actors and impacts community evolution and long-term survival. Based on our findings, we develop a model of community BUI development. We discuss the theoretical implications of our findings, highlighting the role of technology and context in community BUI and its processual unfolding beyond the needs and intentions of the innovating members

    1H-Benzotriazol-1-yl 4-{(E)-[4-(dimethylamino) phenyl]diazenyl}benzoate

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    The title compound, C21H18N6O2, was obtained as a by-product of a reaction between (E)-4-(4-dimethyl­amino­phenyl­azo)benzoic acid and 2-amino-4-(2-pyrid­yl)-6-(6-pyrid­yl)-1,3,5-triazine, which has a very low solubility, under peptidic coupling conditions, using THF as solvent. The condensation reaction occurred between 1-hy­droxy­benzotriazole and (E)-4-(4-dimethyl­amino­phenyl­azo)benzoic acid. The dihedral angle between the benzene rings in the (E)-diphenyl­diazene fragment is 10.92 (13)° and that between the benzotriazole mean plane and the central benzene ring is 80.57 (7)°. In the crystal, [[pi]] - [[pi]] stacking [centroid-centroid distances = 3.823 (2) and 3.863 (2) Å] of similar fragments generates mol­ecular layers parallel to (0-12). The crystal packing also features weak C-H [...] N hydrogen bonds involving N atoms of the benzotriazole ring

    Practical book on biology

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    УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ ПОСОБИЯПРАКТИКУМЫБИОЛОГИЯИНОСТРАННЫЕ СТУДЕНТЫДОВУЗОВСКАЯ ПОДГОТОВКАКЛЕТКИРАЗМНОЖЕНИЕНАСЛЕДСТВЕННОСТЬИЗМЕНЧИВОСТЬ ГЕНЕТИЧЕСКАЯВИРУСЫБАКТЕРИИВОДОРОСЛИЛИШАЙНИКИГРИБЫРАСТЕНИЯЖИВОТНЫЕЧЕЛОВЕКА РАЗВИТИЕМОРФОГЕНЕЗВ практикуме рассматриваются сущность жизни, уровни организации живого, биология и физиология клетки, размножение организмов, индивидуальное развитие, наследственность и изменчивость, вирусы, бактерии, водоросли, лишайники, грибы, растения, животные, особенности строения и физиологии человека. Пособие включает 34 темы практических и 5 итоговых занятий. Каждое практическое занятие состоит из вводной части материала, цели занятия, вопросов, основных понятий и терминов для подготовки к занятию, 20 тестов для проверки уровня знаний по теме, литературы для подготовки и материалов для выполнения практической работы. Итоговые занятия включают цель, вопросы для подготовки, литературу и материалы для выполнения практической работы

    Representation of Communicative and Pragmatic Frame ‘Intellect’ In English, German and Russian Paremiological World Pictures

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    The purpose of the study is to conduct a cognitively-comparative analysis of the representation of the communicative-pragmatic frame intellect (Russianум, German Klugheit) objectified in proverbs of English and Russian languages, which, being a reflection of the world view of a particular ethnic group, are a conventional way of expressing stereotypes of the people.The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of stereotypical assessments of the intellectual abilities of an individual as a representative of a particular society, through the study of paremias containing the nomination of the intellect – foolishness binome in the English, German and Russian paremiological view of the world.The article bears the result of the study of 1243 proverbial units – 412 English, 433 German and 398 Russian proverbs and sayings. As a result, universal and unique stereotypical representations of the value and the availability of knowledge and intelligence were revealed; the relationship between the level of mental abilities and behavior, luck; dependence of intelligence on alcohol, age, wealth and happiness.In addition, a correlation was determined between related (English and German) and unrelated (Russian) languages, which, in turn, facilitates the process of cognitive learning of the languages studied. Consequently, the article contributes to solving the problems of intercultural communication.

    Coordinating openness to diversity and contesting contributions in online communities

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    This paper studies the processes and mechanisms that enable online communities to coordinate and transform contesting contributions from multiple heterogeneous members with distinct visions and knowledge into productive outputs. Our research studies the OpenStreetMap communities of Belarus and Portugal, building on the analysis of 100 arguable cases at the community forums, chats, and mail lists; 30 in-depth interviews; and 16 hours of ethnographic observations of offline community meetings. The results reveal that online communities tend to self-organizes into groups with diverse ecosystem of IT tools and contribution mechanisms. Such groups engage in a conflicting interplay, which generates constructive processes within and between groups, enabling these to transform contesting contributions into a variety of productive outputs. Based on our findings, we develop a process model of transforming contesting contributions into productive outputs within online communities and discuss the implications of these findings for research on openness and online communities

    Research of the pre-launch powered lubrication device of major parts of the engine D-240

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    In the publication, the issues have been considered concerning combustion engine start wear of mobile machines in case of outside storage in the conditions of low environmental temperature. Based on the analysis of existing methods and constructions of powered lubrication devices for contact surfaces of engines, a design of a combined device has been suggested which unites the functions of hydraulic and heat accumulators. On the basis of the elaborated design, preparatory tests have been conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-start oil circulation in the engine D-240, as well as the effectiveness rate of thermoinsulation and the heating device of the hydraulic accumulator. The findings of the survey have shown that the pre-start powered lubrication device for major parts of the engine is effective