73 research outputs found

    Neuronal Profilin Isoforms Are Addressed by Different Signalling Pathways

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    Profilins are prominent regulators of actin dynamics. While most mammalian cells express only one profilin, two isoforms, PFN1 and PFN2a are present in the CNS. To challenge the hypothesis that the expression of two profilin isoforms is linked to the complex shape of neurons and to the activity-dependent structural plasticity, we analysed how PFN1 and PFN2a respond to changes of neuronal activity. Simultaneous labelling of rodent embryonic neurons with isoform-specific monoclonal antibodies revealed both isoforms in the same synapse. Immunoelectron microscopy on brain sections demonstrated both profilins in synapses of the mature rodent cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. Both isoforms were significantly more abundant in postsynaptic than in presynaptic structures. Immunofluorescence showed PFN2a associated with gephyrin clusters of the postsynaptic active zone in inhibitory synapses of embryonic neurons. When cultures were stimulated in order to change their activity level, active synapses that were identified by the uptake of synaptotagmin antibodies, displayed significantly higher amounts of both isoforms than non-stimulated controls. Specific inhibition of NMDA receptors by the antagonist APV in cultured rat hippocampal neurons resulted in a decrease of PFN2a but left PFN1 unaffected. Stimulation by the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), on the other hand, led to a significant increase in both synaptic PFN1 and PFN2a. Analogous results were obtained for neuronal nuclei: both isoforms were localized in the same nucleus, and their levels rose significantly in response to KCl stimulation, whereas BDNF caused here a higher increase in PFN1 than in PFN2a. Our results strongly support the notion of an isoform specific role for profilins as regulators of actin dynamics in different signalling pathways, in excitatory as well as in inhibitory synapses. Furthermore, they suggest a functional role for both profilins in neuronal nuclei

    Synapse Clusters Are Preferentially Formed by Synapses with Large Recycling Pool Sizes

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    Synapses are distributed heterogeneously in neural networks. The relationship between the spatial arrangement of synapses and an individual synapse's structural and functional features remains to be elucidated. Here, we examined the influence of the number of adjacent synapses on individual synaptic recycling pool sizes. When measuring the discharge of the styryl dye FM1–43 from electrically stimulated synapses in rat hippocampal tissue cultures, a strong positive correlation between the number of neighbouring synapses and recycling vesicle pool sizes was observed. Accordingly, vesicle-rich synapses were found to preferentially reside next to neighbours with large recycling pool sizes. Although these synapses with large recycling pool sizes were rare, they were densely arranged and thus exhibited a high amount of release per volume. To consolidate these findings, functional terminals were marked by live-cell antibody staining with anti-synaptotagmin-1-cypHer or overexpression of synaptopHluorin. Analysis of synapse distributions in these systems confirmed the results obtained with FM 1–43. Our findings support the idea that clustering of synapses with large recycling pool sizes is a distinct developmental feature of newly formed neural networks and may contribute to functional plasticity

    Amyloid Precursor Protein Is Trafficked and Secreted via Synaptic Vesicles

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    A large body of evidence has implicated amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its proteolytic derivatives as key players in the physiological context of neuronal synaptogenesis and synapse maintenance, as well as in the pathology of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Although APP processing and release are known to occur in response to neuronal stimulation, the exact mechanism by which APP reaches the neuronal surface is unclear. We now demonstrate that a small but relevant number of synaptic vesicles contain APP, which can be released during neuronal activity, and most likely represent the major exocytic pathway of APP. This novel finding leads us to propose a revised model of presynaptic APP trafficking that reconciles existing knowledge on APP with our present understanding of vesicular release and recycling

    Possibilities of using superconductivity

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    Nadprzewodnictwo, odkryte w 1911 roku przez Kamerling Onnesa, może znaleźć liczne zastosowania. W Katedrze Elektrotechniki prowadzone są prace teoretyczne i eksperymentalne nad wykorzystaniem tego zjawiska. W niniejszym artykule zostaną one krótko zaprezentowane.Superconductivity, discovered in 1911 by Kamerling Onnes, can be use in many practical applications. In Department of Electrical Engineering, basic and applied research are been conducting for utilization this effect, what is presented in this article

    Application of electrodynamic drum separator to electronic wastes separation

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    Statyczne pola elektryczne są wykorzystywane m.in. w procesach technologicznych, takich jak separacja elektryczna. Separacja elektrodynamiczna jest procesem rozdzielania dwóch lub większej ilości faz stałych, zróżnicowanych pod względem właściwości fizycznych, siłami pola elektrycznego. Zaletą separacji elektrodynamicznej jest możliwość uzyskania rozdziału poszczególnych składników na sucho, co eliminuje szereg operacji, takich jak: zagęszczanie, odwadnianie, hydrotransport, dosuszanie. Czynności te zwiększają energochłonność i koszty procesu separacji. Efektywność wzbogacania zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak: właściwości elektryczne składników nadawy, uziarnienie nadawy, prędkości wirowania bębna, natężenie pola elektrycznego w przestrzeni roboczej separatora, konfiguracji elektrod czy warunków otoczenia. W artykule przedstawiono działanie wysokonapięciowego separatora bębnowego. Dokonano analizy rozkładu pola elektrycznego przestrzeni roboczej separatora oraz sił działających na cząstki o właściwościach dielektrycznych i przewodzących, przedstawiono także tory ruchu naelektryzowanych cząstek. Wykonano laboratoryjne badania separacji odpadów elektronicznych w dwóch klasach ziarnowych: 0–0,25 mm i 0,25–0,5 mm. Zaobserwowano, że w wyniku selektywnego ładowania cząstek rozdzielają się one według zdolności powierzchniowego elektryzowania się, co pozwala uzyskać selektywny rozdział składników tworzących tzw. śmieci elektroniczne. Zastosowanie elektrodynamicznego separatora bębnowego pozwala rozdzielić pierwiastki, takie jak Ti, Cu, Fe, Pb, Sn od tworzyw sztucznych znajdujących się w odpadach elektronicznych.Static electric fields are used, among others, in technological processes such as electric separation. Electrodynamic separation is a process of separating two or more solid phases of various physical properties by electric field forces. The advantage of electrodynamic separation is possibility of obtaining separation of individual components in dry conditions. This eliminates many operations such as thickening, dewatering, hydrotransportation, additional drying which cause higher energy consumption and higher separation process costs. Efficiency of beneficiation depends on many factors such as: electric properties of feed components, feed particle size distribution, drum rotary speed, electric field intensity in working space of separator, configuration of electrodes or surrounding conditions. The paper presents the working of high-voltage drum separator. The analysis of electric field distribution in separator working space was done. Additionally, distribution of forces acting on particles of dielectric and conductive properties was examined, trajectories of charged particles movement were presented too. The laboratory investigations of electronic wastes were performed in two particle fractions: 0.25–0.5 mm and 0–0.25 mm. It was observed that as a result of selective charging of particles they separate according to surface ability to electrifying what allows to obtain selective separation of components being so-called electronic wastes. The application of electrodynamic drum separator allows to separate such elements as Ti, Cu, Fe, Pb, Sn from plastics occurring in electronic wastes
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