407 research outputs found

    Degeneracy in exotic gravitational lensing

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    We present three different theoretically foreseen, but unusual, astrophysical situations where the gravitational lens equation ends up being the same, thus producing a degeneracy problem. These situations are (a) the case of gravitational lensing by exotic stresses (matter violating the weak energy condition and thus having a negative mass, particular cases of wormholes solutions can be used as an example), (b) scalar field gravitational lensing (i.e. when considering the appearance of a scalar charge in the lensing scenario), and (c) gravitational lensing in closed universes (with antipodes).The reasons that lead to this degeneracy in the lens equations, the possibility of actually encountering it in the real universe, and eventually the ways to break it, are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Modern Physics Letters


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    The aim of the work – to improve the effectiveness and quality of young doctors training, by using new methods of education. The main body. When forming a future doctor, as a competitive professional, it is important to use different dimensions, technics and forms of tuition. First of all, it is necessary to teach a student how to think clinically, analyse and apply acquired skills in clinical practice, broad student’s world view. One of possible ways of achieving all this is carrying round tables with different topics. During the preparations to round table students obtain habits of working with science literature and skills to use various educational and scientific resources. Preparation to public speech and speech itself requires usage of analytical thinking, skills to select the main thing, to construct the report logically, predict possible questions and be ready to provide scientifically proven answers. Conclusion. Therefore, using round table as a form of education, allows not only to form and extend clinical thought of future doctor more effective, but improves skills of working with scientifical medical literature, ability to communicate with patients and audience, competence to guide the educating work among the patients, to promote the direct care.Мета роботи – підвищити ефективність та якість підготовки майбутніх лікарів, використовуючи нові методи навчання. Основна частина. Формуючи майбутнього лікаря як конкурентоспроможного спеціаліста, слід використовувати різні напрямки, методи та форми навчання. В першу чергу, необхідно навчити студента мислити клінічно, аналізувати та використовувати набуті знання в клінічній роботі, розширити його світогляд. Одним із засобів цього досягнути є проведення круглих столів за різною тематикою. Під час підготовки до проведення цього заходу в студентів формуються навички та звички роботи з науковою літературою, вміння користуватися різними освітніми та науковими ресурсами. Підготовка до публічного виступу і сам виступ вимагають використання аналітичного мислення, вміння вибрати найголовніше, логічно побудувати доповідь, передбачити можливі запитання та бути готовим дати науково обґрунтовані відповіді на них. Висновок. Використання такої форми навчання, як круглий стіл, дозволяє не тільки більш ефективно формувати та поглиблювати клінічне мислення майбутнього лікаря, удосконалювати навички та вміння працювати з науковою медичною літературою, спілкуватися з пацієнтами, працювати з аудиторією, але й проводити просвітницьку діяльність серед пацієнтів, сприяючи покращенню лікувального процесу

    Assessment of Varieties of Spring Barley of Selection of Omsk Agrarian Research Center for Adaptivity of Mass of 1000 Grains

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    Considering climatic factors and production demands, selection for increased productivity and adaptability to local climatic factors is currently relevant. To create new varieties of barley with the listed factors, a promising source material with improved adaptive qualities is required. One of the leading structural elements that determine the productivity of a variety is the mass of 1000 grains. Objective: to assess the adaptability of spring barley varieties from the selection of the Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center in terms of the mass of 1000 grains. The object of research was 11 varieties of spring barley breeding Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center. Based on this indicator, the following adaptability parameters were calculated: the indicator of the size of the grain size, the coefficient of variation, the coefficient and ecovalent of ecological plasticity, the relative stability of the trait and homeostaticity. The final assessment was carried out according to the sum of ranks obtained by each applied method, given that rank 1 is higher. The average weight of 1000 grains of barley varieties, breeding of the Omsk ANC, was 45.7 g in membranous and 40.9 g in huskless. According to the results of adaptability studies, stable varieties were identified that are poorly responsive to changes in cultivation conditions and better adapted to medium and low levels of agriculture: Omsky 95, Gift of Siberia and Omsk huskless 2 (the sum of ranks ranged from 22.0 to 29.0). Varieties Sibirsky Avant-garde, Sasha, Omsky 91, Omskyhuskless 1 and Omsky 90 (sum of ranks from 38.0 to 51.0) are classified as plastic ones – the change in grain size of these varieties is fully consistent with the change in growing conditions. Strong responsiveness to changing conditions was found in varieties Omsky 96, Omsky 100 and Omsky 99 (the sum of ranks varies from 59.0 to 63.0) – these varieties belong to the intensive group, which means less adaptability to adverse conditions

    Improvement of radiopurity level of enriched 116^{116}CdWO4_4 and ZnWO4_4 crystal scintillators by recrystallization

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    As low as possible radioactive contamination of a detector plays a crucial role to improve sensitivity of a double beta decay experiment. The radioactive contamination of a sample of 116^{116}CdWO4_4 crystal scintillator by thorium was reduced by a factor 10\approx 10, down to the level 0.01 mBq/kg (228^{228}Th), by exploiting the recrystallization procedure. The total alpha activity of uranium and thorium daughters was reduced by a factor 3\approx 3, down to 1.6 mBq/kg. No change in the specific activity (the total α\alpha activity and 228^{228}Th) was observed in a sample of ZnWO4_4 crystal produced by recrystallization after removing 0.4\approx 0.4 mm surface layer of the crystal.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures and 2 table

    Triple-combined hypolipidaemic therapy in familial hypercholesterolaemia: clinical cases

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    Background. The prevalence of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (HeFH) comprises 1 per 250 people. The risk of premature cardiovascular disease (CVD) is 20 times higher in HeFH patients among the general population. CVD develops in HeFH patients under 20 years of age, and they usually do not survive to 30 years. Therefore, the primary treatment track here is correction of dyslipidaemia to prevent atherosclerosis progression and CVD. Clinical Case Descriptions. The article describes the clinical cases of familial dyslipidaemia in 47-yo patient M. and his 75-yo mother P. The patient had a visit related to blood pressure (BP) surges up to 140/90 mm Hg. In history: acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in maternal grandfather at 50 years and own uncle at 32 years. The patient’s cardiovascular risk factors: male gender, dyslipidaemia (total cholesterol (TC) 15.8 mmol/L), overweight (body mass index 29.9 kg/m2), familial history of young CVD, sedentary lifestyle (employed as manager), psychological and socioeconomic factors (work-related stress pressure), resting heart rate 88 beats/min. The patient was immediately ordered a combined hypolipidaemic therapy including rosuvastatin 20 mg, ezetimibe 10 mg, telmisartan 40 mg once daily for blood pressure correction. In 1-month therapy, cholesterol dropped to 4.4 mmol/L, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol – to 2.2, but triglycerides remained high at 3.9 mmol/L. Fenofi brate added to therapy at 145 mg 1 time. Another 1-month therapy allowed the overall reduction of TC to 3.7, LDL cholesterol to 1.9, triglycerides to 2.17 and high-density lipoproteins to 1.19 mmol/L. Past 3 months, a further drop was observed in triglycerides to 1.7 mmol/L. Hence, a triple hypolipidaemic therapy facilitated the target LDL and triglyceride values without involving expensive medications like PCSK9 blockers. The patient’s mother also achieved the target basic lipidogram owing to a triple lipid-lowering therapy.Conclusion. The case is of interest to exemplify a successful triple lipid-lowering therapy in patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia

    Formation, accumulation and development of human capital in the modern conditions

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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to identify trends in the formation of human capital. Design/Methodology/Approach: The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of labor economics, human capital and management. Historical, statistical, economic and social sources of information were used to approach the subject under modern conditions. Findings: It was revealed that in the rural and urban areas the reproduction of human resources is carried out at various rates. The demographic factors influencing the reproduction of labor resources in the Russian Federation were analyzed. Practical implications: The authors substantiated the conclusions that the existence of problems in the development of rural territories is the result of the insufficient effectiveness of the measures taken by state authorities in the agrarian sphere. Originality/Value: Recommendations were made to improve the efficiency of social and economic policy in rural areas, including an increase in government subsidies to social infrastructure facilities, including feldsher-obstetric items, objects of pre-school and school education and culture.peer-reviewe


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    The aim of the work – to recreate and analyze the main stages in the department establishment, to highlight the main areas of educational and scientific activities.   The main body. The Department of Endocrinology – one of the first in Ukraine as a separate unit – was established in 1978 on the basis of the Lviv Regional Endocrinology Dispensary; was led by Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Ya. I. Tomashevskyi. Scientific school created by him studied conditions of hormonal regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis during formation of diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland pathology, autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome. Under the direction of Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor O. O. Serhiiko, who led the department from 1999 to 2013, studies on metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus were conducted. In 2014 the head of the department became Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A. M. Urbanovych, her scientific research is related to pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases during diabetes mellitus and obesity, the role of adipose tissue hormones in the development of endocrinopathies. Together with the department team she continues and creatively develops the scientific, pedagogical and clinical traditions of the Lviv Endocrinological School. The activity is analyzed and the main achievements of the department are presented at the present stage. Conclusions. An analysis of the historical experience of the establishment and development of the department of endocrinology showed the existence of a long tradition of formation of the teaching staff, the professional training of doctors-endocrinologists, the unity and constant interrelation of all types of activities in the formation of this category of specialists.Мета роботи – відтворити й проаналізувати основні етапи становлення кафедри, висвітлити основні напрямки педагогічної та наукової діяльності. Основна частина. Кафедра ендокринології – одна з перших в Україні як окремий підрозділ – була створена 1978 року на базі Львівського обласного ендокринологічного диспансеру; її очолив доктор медичних наук, професор Я. І. Томашевський. Головним напрямом створеної ним наукової школи стали дослідження станів гормональної регуляції процесів гліколізу та глюконеогенезу на етапах формування цукрового діабету, патології щитоподібної залози, автоімунного поліендокринного синдрому. Під керівництвом доктора медичних наук, професора О. О. Сергієнка, який завідував кафедрою з 1999 до 2013 року, здійснювалися дослідження порушень метаболізму при цукровому діабеті. У 2014 році кафедру очолила доктор медичних наук, доцент А. М. Урбанович, її наукові дослідження стосуються патогенезу серцево-судинних захворювань при цукровому діабеті та ожирінні, ролі гормонів жирової тканини у розвитку ендокринопатій. Проаналізована діяльність та наведені основні досягнення кафедри на сучасному етапі. Висновок. Аналіз історичного досвіду становлення і розвитку кафедри ендокринології засвідчив існування тривалої традиції формування професорсько-викладацького колективу, фахової підготовки лікарів-ендокринологів, єдності та постійного взаємозв’язку всіх видів діяльності у становленні цієї категорії спеціалістів

    M31 Pixel Lensing PLAN Campaign: MACHO Lensing and Self Lensing Signals

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    We present the final analysis of the observational campaign carried out by the PLAN (Pixel Lensing Andromeda) collaboration to detect a dark matter signal in form of MACHOs through the microlensing effect. The campaign consists of about 1 month/year observations carried out during 4 years (2007-2010) at the 1.5m Cassini telescope in Loiano ("Astronomical Observatory of BOLOGNA", OAB) plus 10 days of data taken in 2010 at the 2m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) monitoring the central part of M31 (two fields of about 13'x12.6'). We establish a fully automated pipeline for the search and the characterization of microlensing flux variations: as a result we detect 3 microlensing candidates. We evaluate the expected signal through a full Monte Carlo simulation of the experiment completed by an analysis of the detection efficiency of our pipeline. We consider both "self lensing" and "MACHO lensing" lens populations, given by M31 stars and dark matter halo MACHOs, in the M31 and the Milky Way (MW), respectively. The total number of events is compatible with the expected self-lensing rate. Specifically, we evaluate an expected signal of about 2 self-lensing events. As for MACHO lensing, for full 0.5 (0.01) solar mass MACHO halos, our prediction is for about 4 (7) events. The comparatively small number of expected MACHO versus self lensing events, together with the small number statistics at disposal, do not enable us to put strong constraints on that population. Rather, the hypothesis, suggested by a previous analysis, on the MACHO nature of OAB-07-N2, one of the microlensing candidates, translates into a sizeable lower limit for the halo mass fraction in form of the would be MACHO population, f, of about 15% for 0.5 solar mass MACHOs.Comment: ApJ accepted, 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Low-Temperature Mobility of Surface Electrons and Ripplon-Phonon Interaction in Liquid Helium

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    The low-temperature dc mobility of the two-dimensional electron system localized above the surface of superfluid helium is determined by the slowest stage of the longitudinal momentum transfer to the bulk liquid, namely, by the interaction of surface and volume excitations of liquid helium, which rapidly decreases with temperature. Thus, the temperature dependence of the low-frequency mobility is \mu_{dc} = 8.4x10^{-11}n_e T^{-20/3} cm^4 K^{20/3}/(V s), where n_e is the surface electron density. The relation T^{20/3}E_\perp^{-3} << 2x10^{-7} between the pressing electric field (in kV/cm) and temperature (in K) and the value \omega < 10^8 T^5 K^{-5}s^{-1} of the driving-field frequency have been obtained, at which the above effect can be observed. In particular, E_\perp = 1 kV/cm corresponds to T < 70 mK and \omega/2\pi < 30 Hz.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur