155 research outputs found

    Temporal evolution of an energetic electron population in an inhomogeneous medium: Application to solar hard X-ray bursts

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    Energetic electrons accelerated during solar flares can be studied through the hard X-ray emission they produce when interacting with the solar ambient atmosphere. In the case of the non thermal hard X-ray emission, the instanteous X-ray flux emitted at one point of the atmosphere is related to the instantaneous fast electron spectrum at that point. A hard X-ray source model then requires the understanding of the evolution in space and time of the fast particle distribution. The physical processes involved here are energy losses due to Coulomb collisions and pitch angle scattering due to both collisions and magnetic field gradients

    Submillimeter and X-ray observations of an X Class flare

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    The GOES X1.5 class flare that occurred on August 30,2002 at 1327:30 UT is one of the few events detected so far at submillimeter wavelengths. We present a detailed analysis of this flare combining radio observations from 1.5 to 212 GHz (an upper limit of the flux is also provided at 405 GHz) and X-ray. Although the observations of radio emission up to 212 GHz indicates that relativistic electrons with energies of a few MeV were accelerated, no significant hard X-ray emission was detected by RHESSI above ~ 250 keV. Images at 12--20 and 50--100 keV reveal a very compact, but resolved, source of about ~ 10" x 10". EUV TRACE images show a multi-kernel structure suggesting a complex (multipolar) magnetic topology. During the peak time the radio spectrum shows an extended flatness from ~ 7 to 35 GHz. Modeling the optically thin part of the radio spectrum as gyrosynchrotron emission we obtained the electron spectrum (spectral index delta, instantaneous number of emitting electrons). It is shown that in order to keep the expected X-ray emission from the same emitting electrons below the RHESSI background at 250 keV, a magnetic field above 500 G is necessary. On the other hand, the electron spectrum deduced from radio observations >= 50 GHz is harder than that deduced from ~ 70 - 250 keV X-ray data, meaning that there must exist a breaking energy around a few hundred keV. During the decay of the impulsive phase, a hardening of the X-ray spectrum is observed which is interpreted as a hardening of the electron distribution spectrum produced by the diffusion due to Coulomb collisions of the trapped electrons in a medium with an electron density of n_e ~ 3E10 - 5E10 cm-3.Comment: Accpeted in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 9 Pages, 6 Figures ADDED REFERENCE

    Radio Spectral Evolution of an X-ray Poor Impulsive Solar Flare: Implications for Plasma Heating and Electron Acceleration

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    We present radio and X-ray observations of an impulsive solar flare that was moderately intense in microwaves, yet showed very meager EUV and X-ray emission. The flare occurred on 2001 Oct 24 and was well-observed at radio wavelengths by the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH), the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters (NoRP), and by the Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA). It was also observed in EUV and X-ray wavelength bands by the TRACE, GOES, and Yohkoh satellites. We find that the impulsive onset of the radio emission is progressively delayed with increasing frequency relative to the onset of hard X-ray emission. In contrast, the time of flux density maximum is progressively delayed with decreasing frequency. The decay phase is independent of radio frequency. The simple source morphology and the excellent spectral coverage at radio wavelengths allowed us to employ a nonlinear chi-squared minimization scheme to fit the time series of radio spectra to a source model that accounts for the observed radio emission in terms of gyrosynchrotron radiation from MeV-energy electrons in a relatively dense thermal plasma. We discuss plasma heating and electron acceleration in view of the parametric trends implied by the model fitting. We suggest that stochastic acceleration likely plays a role in accelerating the radio-emitting electrons.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Electron-Electron Bremsstrahlung Emission and the Inference of Electron Flux Spectra in Solar Flares

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    Although both electron-ion and electron-electron bremsstrahlung contribute to the hard X-ray emission from solar flares, the latter is normally ignored. Such an omission is not justified at electron (and photon) energies above 300\sim 300 keV, and inclusion of the additional electron-electron bremsstrahlung in general makes the electron spectrum required to produce a given hard X-ray spectrum steeper at high energies. Unlike electron-ion bremsstrahlung, electron-electron bremsstrahlung cannot produce photons of all energies up to the maximum electron energy involved. The maximum possible photon energy depends on the angle between the direction of the emitting electron and the emitted photon, and this suggests a diagnostic for an upper cutoff energy and/or for the degree of beaming of the accelerated electrons. We analyze the large event of January 17, 2005 observed by RHESSI and show that the upward break around 400 keV in the observed hard X-ray spectrum is naturally accounted for by the inclusion of electron-electron bremsstrahlung. Indeed, the mean source electron spectrum recovered through a regularized inversion of the hard X-ray spectrum, using a cross-section that includes both electron-ion and electron-electron terms, has a relatively constant spectral index δ\delta over the range from electron kinetic energy E=200E = 200 keV to E=1E = 1 MeV. However, the level of detail discernible in the recovered electron spectrum is not sufficient to determine whether or not any upper cutoff energy exists.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    A burst with double radio spectrum observed up to 212 GHz

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    We study a solar flare that occurred on September 10, 2002, in active region NOAA 10105 starting around 14:52 UT and lasting approximately 5 minutes in the radio range. The event was classified as M2.9 in X-rays and 1N in H\alpha. Solar Submillimeter Telescope observations, in addition to microwave data give us a good spectral coverage between 1.415 and 212 GHz. We combine these data with ultraviolet images, hard and soft X-rays observations and full-disk magnetograms. Images obtained from Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imaging data are used to identify the locations of X-ray sources at different energies and to determine the X-ray spectrum, while ultra violet images allow us to characterize the coronal flaring region. The magnetic field evolution of the active region is analyzed using Michelson Doppler Imager magnetograms. The burst is detected at all available radio-frequencies. X-ray images (between 12 keV and 300 keV) reveal two compact sources and 212 GHz data, used to estimate the radio source position, show a single compact source displaced by 25" from one of the hard X-ray footpoints. We model the radio spectra using two homogeneous sources, and combine this analysis with that of hard X-rays to understand the dynamics of the particles. Relativistic particles, observed at radio wavelengths above 50 GHz, have an electron index evolving with the typical soft-hard-soft behaviour.Comment: Submitted to Solar Physics, 20 pages, 8 fugure

    Comparison of 30 THz impulsive burst time development to microwaves, H-alpha, EUV, and GOES soft X-rays

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    The recent discovery of impulsive solar burst emission in the 30 THz band is raising new interpretation challenges. One event associated with a GOES M2 class flare has been observed simultaneously in microwaves, H-alpha, EUV, and soft X-ray bands. Although these new observations confirm some features found in the two prior known events, they exhibit time profile structure discrepancies between 30 THz, microwaves, and hard X-rays (as inferred from the Neupert effect). These results suggest a more complex relationship between 30 THz emission and radiation produced at other wavelength ranges. The multiple frequency emissions in the impulsive phase are likely to be produced at a common flaring site lower in the chromosphere. The 30 THz burst emission may be either part of a nonthermal radiation mechanism or due to the rapid thermal response to a beam of high-energy particles bombarding the dense solar atmosphere.Comment: accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Particle Acceleration in Multiple Dissipation Regions

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    The sharp magnetic discontinuities which naturally appear in solar magnetic flux tubes driven by turbulent photospheric motions are associated with intense currents. \citet{Par83} proposed that these currents can become unstable to a variety of microscopic processes, with the net result of dramatically enhanced resistivity and heating (nanoflares). The electric fields associated with such ``hot spots'' are also expected to enhance particle acceleration. We test this hypothesis by exact relativistic orbit simulations in strong random phase magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence which is forming localized super-Dreicer Ohm electric fields (EΩ/EDE_\Omega/E_D = 102...10510^2 ... 10^5) occurring in 2..15 % of the volume. It is found that these fields indeed yield a large amplification of acceleration of electrons and ions, and can effectively overcome the injection problem. We suggest in this article that nanoflare heating will be associated with sporadic particle acceleration.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in ApJ

    Multi-wavelength analysis of high energy electrons in solar flares: a case study of August 20, 2002 flare

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    A multi-wavelength spatial and temporal analysis of solar high energy electrons is conducted using the August 20, 2002 flare of an unusually flat (gamma=1.8) hard X-ray spectrum. The flare is studied using RHESSI, Halpha, radio, TRACE, and MDI observations with advanced methods and techniques never previously applied in the solar flare context. A new method to account for X-ray Compton backscattering in the photosphere (photospheric albedo) has been used to deduce the primary X-ray flare spectra. The mean electron flux distribution has been analysed using both forward fitting and model independent inversion methods of spectral analysis. We show that the contribution of the photospheric albedo to the photon spectrum modifies the calculated mean electron flux distribution, mainly at energies below 100 keV. The positions of the Halpha emission and hard X-ray sources with respect to the current-free extrapolation of the MDI photospheric magnetic field and the characteristics of the radio emission provide evidence of the closed geometry of the magnetic field structure and the flare process in low altitude magnetic loops. In agreement with the predictions of some solar flare models, the hard X-ray sources are located on the external edges of the Halpha emission and show chromospheric plasma heated by the non-thermal electrons. The fast changes of Halpha intensities are located not only inside the hard X-ray sources, as expected if they are the signatures of the chromospheric response to the electron bombardment, but also away from them.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Solar Physic

    Origin of the submillimeter radio emission during the time-extended phase of a solar flare

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    Solar flares observed in the 200-400 GHz radio domain may exhibit a slowly varying and time-extended component which follows a short (few minutes) impulsive phase and which lasts for a few tens of minutes to more than one hour. The few examples discussed in the literature indicate that such long-lasting submillimeter emission is most likely thermal bremsstrahlung. We present a detailed analysis of the time-extended phase of the 2003 October 27 (M6.7) flare, combining 1-345 GHz total-flux radio measurements with X-ray, EUV, and H{\alpha} observations. We find that the time-extended radio emission is, as expected, radiated by thermal bremsstrahlung. Up to 230 GHz, it is entirely produced in the corona by hot and cool materials at 7-16 MK and 1-3 MK, respectively. At 345 GHz, there is an additional contribution from chromospheric material at a few 10^4 K. These results, which may also apply to other millimeter-submillimeter radio events, are not consistent with the expectations from standard semi-empirical models of the chromosphere and transition region during flares, which predict observable radio emission from the chromosphere at all frequencies where the corona is transparent.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Spatial analysis of solar type III events associated with narrow band spikes at metric wavelengths

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    The spatial association of narrow band metric radio spikes with type III bursts is analyzed. The analysis addresses the question of a possible causal relation between the spike emission and the acceleration of the energetic electrons causing the type III burst. The spikes are identified by the Phoenix-2 spectrometer (ETH Zurich) from survey solar observations in the frequency range from 220 MHz to 530 MHz. Simultaneous spatial information was provided by the Nancay Radioheliograph (NRH) at several frequencies. Five events were selected showing spikes at one or two and type III bursts at two or more Nancay frequencies. The 3-dimensional geometry of the single events has been reconstructed by applying different coronal density models. As a working hypothesis it is assumed that emission at the plasma frequency or its harmonic is the responsible radiation process for the spikes as well as for the type III bursts. It has been found that the spike source location is consistent with the backward extrapolation of the trajectory of the type III bursts, tracing a magnetic field line. In one of the analyzed events, type III bursts with two different trajectories originating from the same spike source could be identified. These findings support the hypothesis that narrow band metric spikes are closely related to the acceleration region.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure