156 research outputs found


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    Objectives: To identify the pharmacists' perception on their role, barriers to implement clinical pharmacy services (CPSs), and importance of clinical pharmacy education (CPE) to improve CPSs in Indonesian hospitals. Methods: A predetermined questionnaire was distributed to pharmacists (n=49) in Haji Adam Malik, Pirngadi, Haji, and Columbia Hospitals and staffs of Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sumatera Utara, Indonesia for the two-month period in 2012. The participants were asked to choose answering yes or no for the importance of CPSs, poor to excellent for the current CPSs, not agree to strongly agree for the usefulness and target of CPE, way and whom to deliver it, rank priority-based topic of CPE, and choose the appropriate size, frequency, and duration of the CPE. The participants' responses were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 19, Chicago, IL, USA). Results: Mean age of the participants was 48.38 ± 10.66 (years) with working experience of 17.50±9.06 (years). Most of them (82%) were female. The majority of them (79.2%) graduated pharmacy degree. Pharmacists (44.9%) argued that their understanding on clinical pharmacy (CP) was still fair. Nearly half of the participants (44.9%) revealed that CPSs in these hospitals were poor. Most of them declared that CPE was important to improve their knowledge and healthcare. Conclusions: This study confirms that knowledge of pharmacists on CP as well as CPSs in Indonesian hospitals still need improvement through CPE to optimize health services

    Simultaneous determination of isoniazid and pyrazinamide in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography

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    Purpose: To develop and validate a new high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the simultaneous determination of isoniazid (INH) and pyrazinamide (PZA) in plasma.Methods: A 150 ÎĽL aliquot of plasma was mixed with 75 ÎĽL of 10 % trichloroacetic acid containing 100 mg/L of acetanilide as the internal standard (IS). After vortex mixing and centrifugation, 100 ÎĽL of the supernatant was reacted with 20 ÎĽL of 0.1 % trans-cinnamaldehyde for 10 min, and then 40 ÎĽL of 1M ammonium acetate was added. Finally, 20 ÎĽL was injected into the HPLC system. HPLC analysis was performed on reversed phase C18 column. The initial composition of the mobile phase was 4 % acetonitrile, and 96 % of 20 mM 1-hexane sulfonic acid (PH 2.7) delivered at a flow rate 1 mL/min.Results: All calibration curves were linear (r2 > 0.997). The method was accurate, and relative error (RE) was < 4.5 % for both drugs. Intra-day and inter-day precision was good for both drugs, with the highest relative standard deviation (RSD) being 8.51 %. The lower limit of quantification was 0.60 mg/L for isoniazid and 3.00 mg/L for pyrazinamide.Conclusion: The method proposed here is precise, accurate, fast, simple and suitable for therapeutic drug monitoring of INH and PZA simultaneously.Keywords: HPLC, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Plasma, Simultaneous analysi

    Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Epoxy-Composites: Electrical And Mechanical Characterization

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) got great attention because of their interesting physical and mechanical properties. Due to these interesting properties observed at the nanoscale have motivated scientific community to utilize CNTs as reinforcement in composite materials. In the present study, different CNTs and epoxy nano-composites with different wt% (1, 2, 3, and 4%) of f-MWCNTs were prepared and their surface morphology and orientation has been investigated in detail. Further, the surface investigation, electrical and mechanical tests were carried out on CNTs-filled and unfilled epoxy at maximum sonication time 30 minute to identify the loading effect on the properties of the materials. Experimental results depicts well dispersion of f-MWCNTs, significant improvement that the resistivity of pure epoxy decreased from 108 .m to average value 103 .m with 1, 2, 3, and 4wt% f-MWCNTs. The 4.5wt% CNTs/epoxy was attributed to poor dispersion of f-MWCNTs in the nanocomposte. The hardness of nanocomposite loading 1, 2, 3, 4wt% of CNTs, increased 20.7%, 23.02%, 25.62%, 29.09% respectively as compared to pure epoxy. We believe that our strategy for obtaining CNT–reinforced epoxy nanocomposites is a very promising technology and will open a new doors in fields of aviation, aerospace, marine and sporting goods


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    Objective: This study aimed to measure concordance between different renal function estimates in terms of drug doses and determine the potential significant clinical differences. Methods: Around one hundred and eighty patients (≥ 18 y) with chronic kidney disease (CKD) were eligible for inclusion in this study. A paired-proportion cohort design was utilized using an artificial intelligence model. CKD patients refined into those who have drugs adjusted for renal function. For superiority of Cockcroft-Gault (CG) vs. modified diet in renal disease (MDRD) guided with references for concordance or discordance of the two equations and determined the dosing tiers of each drug. Validated artificial neural networks (ANN) was one outcome of interest. Variable impacts and performed reassignments were compared to evaluate the factors that affect the accuracy in estimating the kidney function for a better drug dosing. Results: The best ANN model classified most cases to CG as the best dosing method (79 vs. 72). The probability was 85% and the top performance was slightly above 93%. Creatinine levels and CKD staging were the most important factors in determining the best dosing method of CG versus MDRD. Ideal and actual body weights were second (24%). Whereas drug class or the specific drug was an important third factor (14%). Conclusion: Among many variables that affect the optimal dosing method, the top three are probably CKD staging, weight, and the drug. The contrasting CKD stages from the different methods can be used to recognize patterns, identify and predict the best dosing tactics in CKD patients

    Sustainability of TQM Implementation Model In The Indonesias Oil and Gas Industry: An Assessment of Structural Relations Model Fit

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    Abstract: This study purposively is to conduct an empirical analysis of the structural relations among critical factors of quality management practices (QMPs), world-class company practice (WCC), operational excellence practice (OE), and company performance (company non-financial performance or CNFP and company financial performance or CFP) in the oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia. The current study additionally examines the relationships between QMPs and CFP through WCC, OE, and CNFP (as partial mediators) simultaneously. The study uses data from a survey of 140 strategic business units (SBUs) within 49 oil and gas contractor companies in Indonesia. The findings suggest that all six QMPs have positive and significant indirect relationships on CFP through WCC and CNFP. Only four of six QMPs have positive and significant indirect relationships on CFP through OE and CNFP. Hence, WCC, OE, and CNFP play as partial mediators between QMPs and CFP. CNFP has a significant influence on CFP. A major implication of this study is that oil and gas managers need to recognize the structural relations model fit by developing all of the research constructs simultaneously associated with a comprehensive TQM practice. Furthermore, the findings will assist oil and gas companies by improving CNFP, which is very critical to TQM, thereby contributing to a better achievement of CFP. The current study uses the Demings principles, Hayes and Wheelwright dimensions of world-class company practice, Chevron Texacos operational excellence practice, and the dimensions of company financial and nonfinancial performances. The paper also provides an insight into the sustainability of TQM implementation model and their effect on company financial performance in oil and gas companies in Indonesia. Abstrak: Studi ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis empiris hubungan struktural antara faktor-faktor kritis dari praktik-praktik kualitas manajemen (QMPs), praktik perusahaan kelas dunia (WCC), praktik keunggulan operasional (OE), dan kinerja perusahaan (kinerja-non-keuangan perusahaan atau CNFP dan kinerja-keuangan perusahaan atau CFP) di perusahaan minyak dan gas yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Tambahan studi ini meneliti hubungan antara QMPs dan CFP melalui WCC, OE, dan CNFP (sebagai mediator parsial) secara bersamaan. Studi ini menggunakan data dari survei terhadap 140 unit bisnis strategis (SBU) dengan 49 kontraktor perusahaan minyak dan gas di Indonesia. Dari temuan menunjukkan bahwa enam QMPs memiliki hubungan positif yang tidak langsung dan signifikan terhadap CFP melalui WCC dan CNFP. Hanya empat dari enam QMPs memiliki hubungan positif yang tidak langsung dan signifikan terhadap CFP melalui OE dan CNFP. Oleh karena itu, WCC, OE, dan CNFP berperan sebagai mediator parsial antara QMPs dan CFP. CNFP yang mempunyai pengaruh signifikan pada CFP. Implikasi utama dari penelitian ini adalah, bahwa manajer perusahaan minyak dan gas perlu mengenali betul hubungan model struktural, dengan mengembangkan konstruk penelitian secara bersamaan yang dikaitkan dengan praktik TQM yang komprehensif. Selanjutnya, dari temuan, akan membantu perusahaan minyak dan gas dalam meningkatkan CNFP, yang sangat penting untuk TQM, sehingga berkontribusi untuk pencapaian kinerja yang lebih baik dari CFP. Studi ini menggunakan prinsip-prinsip Deming, Hayes dan Wheelwright berdimensi praktik perusahaan kelas dunia, praktik keunggulan operasional Chevron Texaco, dan dimensi kinerja-keuangan dan non-keuangan perusahaan. Paper ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang keberlanjutan model implementasi TQM dan efeknya pada kinerja keuangan perusahaan di perusahaan minyak dan gas di Indonesia

    Sustainability of TQM Implementation Model In The Indonesia’s Oil and Gas Industry: An Assessment of Structural Relations Model Fit

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    This study purposively is to conduct an empirical analysis of the structural relations among  critical factors of quality management practices (QMPs), world-class company practice (WCC), operational excellence practice (OE), and company performance (company non-financial performance or CNFP and company financial performance or CFP) in the oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia. The current study additionally examines the relationships between QMPs and CFP through WCC, OE, and CNFP (as partial mediators) simultaneously. The study uses data from a survey of 140 strategic business units (SBUs) within 49 oil and gas contractor companies in Indonesia.  The findings suggest that all six QMPs have positive and significant indirect relationships on CFP through WCC and CNFP. Only four of six QMPs have positive and significant indirect relationships on CFP through OE and CNFP. Hence, WCC, OE, and CNFP play as partial mediators between  QMPs and CFP. CNFP has a significant influence on CFP. A major implication of this study is that oil and gas managers need to recognize the structural relations model fit by developing all of the research constructs simultaneously associated with a comprehensive TQM practice. Furthermore, the findings will assist oil and gas companies by improving CNFP, which is very critical to TQM, thereby contributing to a better achievement of CFP. The current study uses the Deming’s principles, Hayes and Wheelwright dimensions of world-class company practice, Chevron Texaco’s operational excellence practice, and the dimensions of company financial and non-financial performances.  The paper also provides an insight into the sustainability of TQM implementation model and their effect on company financial performance in oil and gas companies in Indonesia.      

    Performance comparison of distributed generation installation arrangement in transmission system for loss control

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    Placing Distributed Generation (DG) into a power network should be planned wisely. In this paper, the comparison of having different installation arrangement of real-power DGs in transmission system for loss control is presented. Immune-brainstorm-evolutionary programme (IBSEP) was chosen as the optimization technique. It is found that optimizing fixed-size DGs locations gives the highest loss reduction percentage. Apart from that, scattered small-sized DGs throughout a network minimizes transmission loss more than allocating one biger-sized DG at a location
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