Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business
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    371 research outputs found

    Impact of Fintech’s Development on Bank Performance: An Empirical Study from Vietnam

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    In recent years, fintech has exploded in popularity and importance in the finan- cial industry. Its impacts have spread widely throughout the world, including Vietnam. This study aims to investigate the effect of fintech’s development on bank performance in Vietnam. Based on the unstructured data about fintech on the financial expert web- sites from Vietnam, the word frequency statistic technique of the text mining approach is applied for measuring fintech’s development under the support of Python-based solu- tions. The bank-level data of 15 Vietnamese banks for the period from the first quarter of 2019 to the second quarter of 2021 are collected from the quarterly financial statements in the Vietstock organization. Python programming and text mining techniques are used to compile this dataset by gathering information from popular and relevant websites. The generalized least squares method is used for estimating the panel models. The estimation result shows the significant impact of fintech’s development on bank profitability, but the net interest margin does not associate with the fintech variable. Besides, some interesting findings are revealed: The slow banking transformation to adapt to the rise of fintech and the COVID-19 pandemic increased bank profitability. Furthermore, suggestions for the banks and fintech companies are recommended, and the limitations and directions for further research are also proposed

    Psychological Empowerment Link Using Employee Performance and Organizational Commitment on the Generation Gap: PLS-MGA Analysis

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    The generation gap is critical, especially when employees do not agree about some terms that affect their completion of tasks. This issue is debated in organizations, causing incompatibilities between human resource management and development structures. Hence, these constraints led this study to measure the differences shown by generations X and Y, and how they impact the relationship between psychological empowerment, employee performance, and organizational commitment. This research used questionnaires and in-depth interviews as the main procedures for collecting and obtaining data—196 items of data were received from the Malaysian Islamic Finance Agency. SmartPLS software was used to test the research hypotheses and the differences between the two groups are Gen X and Y (PLS-MGA). The results of the PLS-MGA test confirmed that, in the relationship of psychological empowerment and job performance alone, it was found there was a generational difference between X and Y (p-value < 0.05). However, while running the hypothesis test (using the bootstrapping test), it was found that both hypotheses are acceptable, which shows the relationship between psychological empowerment and job performance based on two different groups, namely Gen Y = t-statistic (10.961) and Gen X = t-statistic (11.993). Thus, H1 is supported. Meanwhile, the relationship between psychological empowerment and organizational commitment is based on two different groups, namely Gen Y = t-statistic (8.675) and Gen X = t-statistic (8.349), which means H2 is also supported. Consequently, it is hoped that the findings of this study will serve as essential guidance for employers in both the public and private sectors. Human resource management teams can use the findings to understand the natural complexity of psychological empowerment constructs in realizing the challenges and difficulties in predicting organizational goals, in terms of job performance and organizational commitment

    Factors Affecting Early Retirement Intentions With the Mediating Mechanism of Job Engagement

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    The main objective of this study is to empirically examine the associations between work goals (intrinsic and extrinsic) and early retirement intentions, with the mediating mechanism of work passion and the moderating role of flexible HR practices, spouse’s health, and position level (employees’ position level in organizations, e.g., junior manager at lower level, deputy manager at middle level, or senior manager at upper level etc.). Data for the study was collected through survey-based questionnaires distributed to a sample of 350 female employees from different public and private sector organizations in Pakistan. Testing of the hypotheses was conducted using structural equation modeling (SEM) with WarpPLS software. The findings indicate that employees’ work goals are  positively related to the level of passion they feel about their work. However, this has a negative impact on their early retirement intentions. Besides, the results show that this work passion mediates the relationship between work goals and early retirement intentions. Furthermore, flexible HR practices, position level, and spouse’s health moderate the relationship between work passion and early retirement intentions. The study’s theoretical and managerial contributions and limitations are also discussed at the end of the article

    Linking Relationship Marketing to Customer Loyalty in The E-Banking Context: The Central Role of Customer Satisfaction

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    This research examines the interrelationships between relationship marketing, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in e-banking’s context. The study was conducted in two phases: In-depth interviews and a quantitative survey with a sample of 690 Vietnamese individual and corporate e-banking customers. The research results show that customer satisfaction mediates the impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty among individual customers. Meanwhile, instead of customer satisfaction, relationship marketing significantly and directly contributes to the loyalty of the corporate customer group. The significance and magnitude of the effects that the five dimensions of relationship marketing’s effectiveness have on customer satisfaction and loyalty, which include the banks’ commitment, customer experience, process-driven approach, service reliability and application of technology, are also different between the two customer segments. This study theoretically contributes to the research stream regarding the mechanism underlying the relationship between relationship marketing’s effectiveness and customer loyalty in the e-banking context, and proposes practical implications for commercial banks to effectively apply relationship marketing in the virtual business environment

    Role of Cultural Intelligence and Customer Involvement on Behavioral Loyalty Toward Manufactured Products in Nigeria

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    Evidence from the literature reveals that customer loyalty research is growing and is becoming more widely integrated into related disciplines. This study evaluates the role of sales representatives’ cultural intelligence (CI) in the behavioral loyalty (BL) of customers of SMEs in Nigeria, through the mechanism of customer involvement (CuI). Two sets of questionnaires were administered directly to the sales representatives, and indirectly to the customers, via the sales representatives. Three hundred and fifty copies of the sales representatives’ questionnaire were administered, based on the population of 65 manufacturing SMEs and an average of 5.4 copies per SME, while 384 copies of the customers’ questionnaire were sent to the unknown pool of customers. Data were col- lected from the two sets of respondents, which were analyzed through a variance-based structural equation modeling using Smart-PLS software. The results reveal a positive and significant relationship between cultural intelligence and behavioral loyalty, while the in- direct relationship reveals customer involvement does strongly mediate the relationship between the antecedent and the outcome. The findings imply that behavioral loyalty is engendered when sales representatives possess high cultural intelligence, and customers are strategically involved through consultations and product co-creation

    The Role of Trust on the Continuance Usage Intention of Indonesian Mobile Payment Application

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    Mobile payment is a fascinating innovation, developed by the banking and fintech industries. It is growing very fast, shadowing the popularity of smartphones in Indonesia. However, the continuance usage intention of mobile payment still needs to be determined. Based on prior studies, this study investigates trust as an important factor in promoting the m-payment continuance usage intention.Furthermore, drawing upon the innovation diffusion theory, the study uses the model by Shao et al. (2019) to investigate the antecedents of trust: mobility, customization, security, and reputation, and analyzes the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between trust and its antecedents. It also examines the impact of trust on the perceived risk and continuance intention; and the perceived risk on the continuance intention. The postulated links between the variables were tested using a survey design. With 225 respondents who are e-wallet users in Indonesia, the study finds a positive effect of reputation, security, and customization on trust. Trust positively influences continuance intention, while the link between trust and perceived risk is negative. Compared to the previous study by Shao et al. (2019), the current study finds insignificant relationships between mobility and trust, as well as between the perceived risk and continuance intention. Furthermore, there was no moderating effect of gender on the relationship between trust and its antecedents

    Indonesian Consumer Complaint Behavior Based on Ethnic Groups and Generations

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    Complaint behavior is a response to consumer dissatisfaction after using goods or services. This study aimed to examine the effect of ethnicity and people’s generations on consumer complaint behavior in Indonesia. The variables used were complaint behavior, ethnicity, and generations. The study collected and analyzed 2,100 items of data using descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple linear regression. The findings showed that consumers in Indonesia rarely complain when disappointed with sellers. Generation Y and the Buginese complained more often than other consumer groups. Furthermore, the results showed significant differences in complaint behavior, based on ethnicity and generation. This study also revealed that complaint behavior was significantly influenced by ethnicity and the baby boomer generation

    SMEs fintech financing: does board governance matter?

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the board governance factors that influence a small and medium enterprise’s (SME’s) decision toward fintech financing. A structured questionnaire survey of 90 Malaysian SMEs was used and the data analyzed using the Heckman selection model and the marginal effect model. The results demonstrate that SMEs’ female board members, family board members, and the duality of their CEOs have a significant influence on their decision to obtain financing from fintech platforms. Professional services provided by experts have a negative influence on their decisions to engage in fintech financing. The SMEs’ board size, the length of their chairmen’s service, and non-family board members are negatively related to their decisions to apply for financing. The more male members that were on the board, the more likely the SME was to choose to apply for external financing during the survey year

    Examination of Consumers’ Perceived Quality and Willingness to Buy in the Context of Price Variability and Frequency of Price Change: A Study of Retail Products

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    Marketing managers are able to influence consumers' perceptions of quality and their willingness to buy, using the frequency of price changes and price variability. This study aims to examine the differences in the frequency of price changes and price varia- bility, in terms of the perceived quality and the willingness to buy. For this purpose, using values calculated according to the average and standard deviation of the market price of a specified product, we obtained two different price variations, ±1σ and ±2σ, and price stim- uli determined at two different frequencies of price changes (three and seven times were considered), which resulted in four different participant groups. At the end of the study, a statistically significant difference was only found between consumers in the low price var- iability and infrequent price change condition and consumers in the high price variability and infrequent price change condition, in terms of the perceived quality

    Service System Innovation and Competitiveness In an Emerging Market: The Moderating Role of Managerial Competencies

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    This study empirically examines the correlation between service system innovation and competitiveness in Nigeria, an emerging market, by focusing on the country’s mobile telecommunications sector. The moderating effect of managerial competencies was also tested. Due to the contribution of the telecommunications sector to the economic well-being of Nigeria and the world’s economy at large, the sector witnesses a high level of competition among its players, resulting in unsustainable price wars, negatively impacting the telecommunication firms and their ability to invest in service improvements. Thus, there is a need for a study into the factors affecting competitiveness in the telecommunications sector. A cross sectional survey was used because the study explored the relationships between service system innovation, managerial competencies and competitiveness. The study used a survey instrument, which was sent to 450 respondents using Google Forms, out of which 230 responded. The 230 returned copies represented a 51.1 percent return rate, which satisfied the minimum required return rate for a cross sectional study. The study’s hypotheses were tested using the partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM). The finding revealed that service system innovation (idea development, service development and commercialization) enhances the competitiveness of mobile telecommunication firms. Thus, an increase in idea development, service development and commercialization is essential for a competitive advantage. Also, managerial competencies were found to significantly moderate the relationship between service system innovation and competitiveness. The study provides a new insight into how service system innovation affects the competitiveness of telecommunications companies, particularly in emerging markets, with Nigeria as the focal point. It also shows the role managerial competencies play in the telecommunications sector. This study offers proof of the traits of service system innovation, managerial competencies, and competitiveness in the telecommunications sector. It also developed and tested a scale for measuring these variables, which future studies could adopt


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