986 research outputs found

    The design of an experiment to detect low energy antiprotons

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    The techniques to be used in a balloon borne experiment APEX to detect 220 MeV antiprotons are described, paying particular attention to potential sources of background. Event time history is shown to be very effective in eliminating this background. Results of laboratory tests on the timing resolution which may be achieved are presented

    Seasonal, synoptic, and diurnal-scale variability of biogeochemical trace gases and O2 from a 300-m tall tower in central Siberia

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    We present first results from 19 months of semicontinuous concentration measurements of biogeochemical trace gases (CO2, CO, and CH4) and O2, measured at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in the boreal forest of central Siberia. We estimated CO2 and O2 seasonal cycle amplitudes of 26.6 ppm and 134 per meg, respectively. An observed west-east gradient of about -7 ppm (in July 2006) between Shetland Islands, Scotland, and ZOTTO reflects summertime continental uptake of CO2 and is consistent with regional modeling studies. We found the oceanic component of the O2 seasonal amplitude (Atmospheric Potential Oxygen, or APO) to be 51 per meg, significantly smaller than the 95 per meg observed at Shetlands, illustrating a strong attenuation of the oceanic O2 signal in the continental interior. Comparison with the Tracer Model 3 (TM3) atmospheric transport model showed good agreement with the observed phasing and seasonal amplitude in CO2; however, the model exhibited greater O2 (43 per meg, 32%) and smaller APO (9 per meg, 18%) amplitudes. This seeming inconsistency in model comparisons between O2 and APO appears to be the result of phasing differences in land and ocean signals observed at ZOTTO, where ocean signals have a significant lag. In the first 2 months of measurements on the fully constructed tower (November and December 2006), we observed several events with clear vertical concentration gradients in all measured species except CO. During “cold events” (below -30°C) in November 2006, we observed large vertical gradients in CO2 (up to 22 ppm), suggesting a strong local source. The same pattern was observed in CH4 concentrations for the same events. Diurnal vertical CO2 gradients in April to May 2007 gave estimates for average nighttime respiration fluxes of 0.04 ± 0.02 mol C m-2 d-1, consistent with earlier eddy covariance measurements in 1999–2000 in the vicinity of the tower

    An Accurate, Easy to Use Abundace Scale for Globular Clusters Based on 2.2um Spectra of Giant Stars

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    We present a new method for the determination of [Fe/H] for globular clusters. This new method is based on moderate resolution (R~1500) near-IR spectroscopy in the K-band of 6 to 10 of the brightest giants in a cluster. Our calibration is derived from spectra of 105 stars in 15 globular clusters. From measurements of the equivalent widths of three features in these spectra, Na, Ca, and CO, we are able to reproduce the Zinn & West (1984) abundance scale as updated by Harris (1996) to better than 0.10 dex for clusters with near solar [Fe/H] down to an [Fe/H] of -1.8. Three advantages of this method are that it can be used for metal rich, heavily reddened globulars in crowded fields, it does not require any knowledge of any other cluster or stellar parameters such as reddening, distance, or luminosity, and it requires only minimal telescope time. If stellar (J-K)0 and MK values are available as well, the accuracy of the [Fe/H] estimate is further improved. Observations of as few as three stars per cluster still gives an [Fe/H] estimate wich is nearly as reliable as that based on two to three times as many stars. The accuracy of an [Fe/H] value based on observations of CO absorption alone is significantly less than that which results from the three spectroscopic indices. However, we predict that space-based observations of this feature in the integrated light of stellar systems will prove to be of great value for abundance determinations at distances as far as the Coma cluster of galaxies.Comment: 53 pages, 16 Postscript figures. Submitted to the A

    Potentiation of curing by a broad-host-range self-transmissible vector for displacing resistance plasmids to tackle AMR

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    Plasmids are potent vehicles for spread of antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial populations and often persist in the absence of selection due to efficient maintenance mechanisms. We previously constructed non-conjugative high copy number plasmid vectors that efficiently displace stable plasmids from enteric bacteria in a laboratory context by blocking their replication and neutralising their addiction systems. Here we assess a low copy number broad-host-range self-transmissible IncP-1 plasmid as a vector for such curing cassettes to displace IncF and IncK plasmids. The wild type plasmid carrying the curing cassette displaces target plasmids poorly but derivatives with deletions near the IncP-1 replication origin that elevate copy number about two-fold are efficient. Verification of this in mini IncP-1 plasmids showed that elevated copy number was not sufficient and that the parB gene, korB, that is central to its partitioning and gene control system, also needs to be included. The resulting vector can displace target plasmids from a laboratory population without selection and demonstrated activity in a mouse model although spread is less efficient and requires additional selection pressure

    Parametrizations of Inclusive Cross Sections for Pion Production in Proton-Proton Collisions

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    Accurate knowledge of cross sections for pion production in proton-proton collisions finds wide application in particle physics, astrophysics, cosmic ray physics and space radiation problems, especially in situations where an incident proton is transported through some medium, and one requires knowledge of the output particle spectrum given the input spectrum. In such cases accurate parametrizations of the cross sections are desired. In this paper we review much of the experimental data and compare to a wide variety of different cross section parametrizations. In so doing, we provide parametrizations of neutral and charged pion cross sections which provide a very accurate description of the experimental data. Lorentz invariant differential cross sections, spectral distributions and total cross section parametrizations are presented.Comment: 32 pages with 15 figures. Published in Physical Review D62, 094030. File includes 6 tex files. The main file is paper.tex which has include statements refering to the rest. figures are in graphs.di

    Measurement of the cosmic ray antiproton/proton flux ratio at TeV energies with the ARGO-YBJ detector

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    Cosmic ray antiprotons provide an important probe to study the cosmic ray propagation in the interstellar space and to investigate the existence of dark matter. Acting the Earth-Moon system as a magnetic spectrometer, paths of primary antiprotons are deflected in the opposite sense with respect to those of the protons in their way to the Earth. This effect allows, in principle, the search for antiparticles in the direction opposite to the observed deficit of cosmic rays due to the Moon (the so-called `Moon shadow'). The ARGO-YBJ experiment, located at the Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (Tibet, P.R. China, 4300 m a.s.l., 606 g/cm2^2), is particularly effective in measuring the cosmic ray antimatter content via the observation of the cosmic rays shadowing effect due to: (1) good angular resolution, pointing accuracy and long-term stability; (2) low energy threshold; (3) real sensitivity to the geomagnetic field. Based on all the data recorded during the period from July 2006 through November 2009 and on a full Monte Carlo simulation, we searched for the existence of the shadow cast by antiprotons in the TeV energy region. No evidence of the existence of antiprotons is found in this energy region. Upper limits to the pˉ/p\bar{p}/p flux ratio are set to 5 % at a median energy of 1.4 TeV and 6 % at 5 TeV with a confidence level of 90%. In the TeV energy range these limits are the lowest available.Comment: Contact authors: G. Di Sciascio ([email protected]) and R. Iuppa ([email protected]), INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Ital

    Photonic quantum technologies

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    The first quantum technology, which harnesses uniquely quantum mechanical effects for its core operation, has arrived in the form of commercially available quantum key distribution systems that achieve enhanced security by encoding information in photons such that information gained by an eavesdropper can be detected. Anticipated future quantum technologies include large-scale secure networks, enhanced measurement and lithography, and quantum information processors, promising exponentially greater computation power for particular tasks. Photonics is destined for a central role in such technologies owing to the need for high-speed transmission and the outstanding low-noise properties of photons. These technologies may use single photons or quantum states of bright laser beams, or both, and will undoubtably apply and drive state-of-the-art developments in photonics

    Geographically touring the eastern bloc: British geography, travel cultures and the Cold War

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    This paper considers the role of travel in the generation of geographical knowledge of the eastern bloc by British geographers. Based on oral history and surveys of published work, the paper examines the roles of three kinds of travel experience: individual private travels, tours via state tourist agencies, and tours by academic delegations. Examples are drawn from across the eastern bloc, including the USSR, Poland, Romania, East Germany and Albania. The relationship between travel and publication is addressed, notably within textbooks, and in the Geographical Magazine. The study argues for the extension of accounts of cultures of geographical travel, and seeks to supplement the existing historiography of Cold War geography

    Architectural design for a topological cluster state quantum computer

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    The development of a large scale quantum computer is a highly sought after goal of fundamental research and consequently a highly non-trivial problem. Scalability in quantum information processing is not just a problem of qubit manufacturing and control but it crucially depends on the ability to adapt advanced techniques in quantum information theory, such as error correction, to the experimental restrictions of assembling qubit arrays into the millions. In this paper we introduce a feasible architectural design for large scale quantum computation in optical systems. We combine the recent developments in topological cluster state computation with the photonic module, a simple chip based device which can be used as a fundamental building block for a large scale computer. The integration of the topological cluster model with this comparatively simple operational element addresses many significant issues in scalable computing and leads to a promising modular architecture with complete integration of active error correction exhibiting high fault-tolerant thresholds.Comment: 14 Pages, 8 Figures, changes to the main text, new appendix adde

    A novel causal mechanism for grey squirrel bark stripping: The Calcium Hypothesis

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    AbstractGrey squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis, damage trees in the UK by stripping bark and eating the underlying phloem; squirrel motivation for damage is, however, unknown. Damage can result in deterioration of timber quality and a significant economic toll on the forestry industry. Prediction of severe damage followed by targeted killing of squirrels is the current recommended management option. However, the use of warfarin (an anticoagulant poison) is now restricted in the UK and other more humane methods of killing are labour-intensive, so an alternative solution is needed. A better understanding of what motivates grey squirrels to strip bark may enable a preventive approach to be developed. Whilst the bark stripping literature has explored predictive factors affecting the likelihood of damage, causal understanding is lacking. The aim of this review is to introduce the Calcium Hypothesis as a possible explanation for bark stripping, with a view to informing the prevention of damage. The Calcium Hypothesis states that grey squirrels damage trees to ameliorate a calcium deficiency. The main predictive factors of bark stripping behaviour each inform and lend support to the Calcium Hypothesis. Calcium is stored in tree phloem, and damage increases with phloem width, providing squirrels with more calcium per unit area ingested. Calcium levels increase in trees as active growth resumes after winter dormancy, this occurs immediately prior to the main bark stripping season of May–July, and trees growing most vigorously are at increased risk of damage. It is likely grey squirrels also have a requirement for calcium during the bark stripping season. Adult females will be under post-parturition pressures such as lactation, and juveniles will be going through their main period of bone growth, both of which likely represent a requirement for calcium – which supports an observed positive correlation between juvenile abundance and bark stripping. A high autumnal seed crop increases juvenile recruitment the following spring, and could also induce a requirement for calcium to a population due to the high phosphorus to calcium ratio of seeds. To further investigate the hypothesis, the extent to which grey squirrels can utilise calcium oxalate, as calcium occurs in bark, should be determined, and also the extent to which grey squirrels undergo seasonal periods of calcium deficiency. Increasing our causal understanding of bark stripping could inform the future development of preventive measures to aid forest management