119 research outputs found


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    Identifikasi Zooplankton Di Perairan Pulau Bunaken Manado

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    Perairan Pulau Bunaken merupakan objek wisata yang terdapat di Manado Sulawesi Utara dan merupakan daerah perlindungan laut. Perairannya dijaga agar tetap menunjang diversitas organisme di sekitar pantai dan menghasilkan nilai tambah dari segi estetika dan ketersediaan ikan-ikan yang menjadi sumber pencarian bagi masyarakat nelayan di pesisir. Salah satu indikator keberadaan ikan dan kesuburan perairan adalah adanya zooplankton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi zooplankton yang ada di perairan Pulau Bunaken, Manado. Pengambilan sampel zooplankton dalam penelitian ini dilakukan di empat stasiun. Stasiun penelitian ini dipilih berdasarkan tempat pemanfaatannya, yaitu di daerah tubir, daerah liang, daerah dermaga perkampungan dan daerah observasi. Pengambilan sampel plankton di lakukan menggunakan plankton net dan sampel kemudian di identifikasi di Laboratorium Biokonservasi Biologi FMIPA UNSRAT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa zooplankton yang ditemukan di Pulau Bunaken Manado secara umum termasuk dalam 14 kelas dan 28 genus dengan jumlah 7.676 individu. Stasiun yang mempunyai jumlah kelas terbanyak adalah stasiun III dan IV yaitu sebanyak 11 kelas.The waters of Bunaken Island is a tourism area located in Manado, North Sulawesi, and is a protected marine area. It is conserved to support the diversity of organisms around the coast and result in added value in terms of aesthetics and availability of fish that became the source of income for fishermen in coastal communities. One of the indicators for the presence of fish and water fertility is zooplankton. The purpose of this study was to identify zooplankton in the waters of Bunaken Island, Manado. Zooplankton sampling was performed at four stations. The stations were selected based on the utilization, those are in the edge region, the canal, the village dock, and observation area. Plankton sampling was done by using a plankton net and samples collected were identified in the laboratory of Bioconservation, Departement of Biology Faculty of Sciences UNSRAT. The results showed that zooplankton found in Bunaken Island, Manado was generally included in 14 classes and 28 genus with the number of sample of 7,676 individuals. Stations that have the highest number of 11 classes were III and IV

    Preventing c2c12 muscular cells damage combining magnesium and potassium with vitamin D3 and curcumin

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    Background and aim: Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles which causes energy consumption; moderate and constant physical activity is known to be beneficial and to slow the muscle loss process associated with aging. The aim of the present study was to test, in an in vitro exercise model, the biological effects of a new formulation composed of magnesium and potassium combined with vitamin D and curcumin created to support muscle activity and to prevent hypercontraction damage. Experimental procedure: C2C12 cells were treated with vitamin D, buffered magnesium bisglycinate, curcumin, and potassium citrate. Cell viability, morpho-functional changes, calcium and magnesium movements, and the main kinases involved in glucose uptake were analyzed. The glycogen level and lactate were also evaluated. Results and conclusion: Important results about a positive effect on mitochondrial activity, ATP production, oxygen consumption and in the physiological differentiation of C2C12 cells were obtained. Further experiments were performed under conditions that mimic the biological aspects of strenuous exercise. The combination of magnesium, vitamin D3, curcumin, and potassium citrate revealed beneficial effects on skeletal muscle cells under physiological conditions as well as while mimicking intense activity. In particular, in an in vitro model, they were able to control the hypercontraction, restoring ion fluxes, reducing inflammation signaling and supporting the main mechanism involved on aerobic activity. Our results have indicated for the first time that this new combination could be considered as a new nutraceutical formulation to improve physical performance and muscle recovery

    Lateralization in the Invertebrate Brain: Left-Right Asymmetry of Olfaction in Bumble Bee, Bombus terrestris

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    Brain and behavioural lateralization at the population level has been recently hypothesized to have evolved under social selective pressures as a strategy to optimize coordination among asymmetrical individuals. Evidence for this hypothesis have been collected in Hymenoptera: eusocial honey bees showed olfactory lateralization at the population level, whereas solitary mason bees only showed individual-level olfactory lateralization. Here we investigated lateralization of odour detection and learning in the bumble bee, Bombus terrestris L., an annual eusocial species of Hymenoptera. By training bumble bees on the proboscis extension reflex paradigm with only one antenna in use, we provided the very first evidence of asymmetrical performance favouring the right antenna in responding to learned odours in this species. Electroantennographic responses did not reveal significant antennal asymmetries in odour detection, whereas morphological counting of olfactory sensilla showed a predominance in the number of olfactory sensilla trichodea type A in the right antenna. The occurrence of a population level asymmetry in olfactory learning of bumble bee provides new information on the relationship between social behaviour and the evolution of population-level asymmetries in animals

    Design and construction of the MicroBooNE detector

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    This paper describes the design and construction of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber and associated systems. MicroBooNE is the first phase of the Short Baseline Neutrino program, located at Fermilab, and will utilize the capabilities of liquid argon detectors to examine a rich assortment of physics topics. In this document details of design specifications, assembly procedures, and acceptance tests are reported

    New Hyaluronic Acid from Plant Origin to Improve Joint Protection—An In Vitro Study

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    Background: In recent decades, hyaluronic acid (HA) has attracted great attention as a new treatment option for osteoarthritis. Classical therapies are not able to stop the cartilage degeneration process nor do they favor tissue repair. Nowadays, it is accepted that high molecular weight HA can reduce inflammation by promoting tissue regeneration; therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of a new high molecular weight HA of plant origin (called GreenIuronic (R)) in maintaining joint homeostasis and preventing the harmful processes of osteoarthritis. Methods: The bioavailability of GreenIuronic (R) was investigated in a 3D intestinal barrier model that mimics human oral intake while excluding damage to the intestinal barrier. Furthermore, the chemical significance and biological properties of GreenIuronic (R) were investigated in conditions that simulate osteoarthritis. Results: Our data demonstrated that GreenIuronic (R) crosses the intestinal barrier without side effects as it has a chemical-biological profile, which could be responsible for many specific chondrocyte functions. Furthermore, in the osteoarthritis model, GreenIuronic (R) can modulate the molecular mechanism responsible for preventing and restoring the degradation of cartilage. Conclusion: According to our results, this new form of HA appears to be well absorbed and distributed to chondrocytes, preserving their biological activities. Therefore, the oral administration of GreenIuronic (R) in humans can be considered a valid strategy to obtain beneficial therapeutic effects during osteoarthritis

    Incorrect management of a broken abutment screw

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    Objective: The aim of the present article is to present the incorrect management of a fractured abutment screw by a classic surtex post. Methods: Implant abutment screw fracture is an uncommon though challenging complication. A fractured abutment screw should be removed without damaging the threads of the screw channel to reuse the prosthesis. Results: To retrieve the fractured part without severing the threads, various procedures have been proposed, such as to try to unscrew the fractured part using a strong, straight and pointed probe, or to prepare a small dent into the center of the fractured part using a small round diamond burr or a fissure burr in a counter clockwise motion. Various screw removal kits have been introduced to this aim, but with inconsistent results. Conclusion: The use of classic surtex posts is not recommended

    Transporting powders and lump materials with transfer hoppers

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