18 research outputs found

    DNA Cladding with Inorganic Sulphide Nanoparticles

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    The formation of CdS and CoS2 nanoparticles along the DNA strands have been studied. The systems DNA-Cdl2 and DNA-CoCl2 have been investigated in the solid state in order to form DNA-MX2 complex salts used as precursors. They react with S2-ions giving birth to CdS and CoS2 nanoparticles. A model describing the DNA-nanosulphide association is proposed

    Sperm morphology assessment using David's classification: time to switch to strict criteria? Prospective comparative analysis in a selected IVF population

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     P>The aim of this study was to compare assessment of sperm morphology by using David's classification (DC), a method of manual analysis most common in France, with a computer-assisted method (Integrated Visual Optical System) based on the strict criteria (CASA SC) for their ability to predict fertilization in a selected in vitro fertilization (IVF) population. A total of 120 couples engaged in IVF protocols were prospectively included in the study. To focus mainly on sperm morphology, couples were excluded in cases of abnormalities of sperm concentration and/or motility and immunological factors and when a low number of oocytes were collected. Sperm morphology analysis was performed on the day of oocyte retrieval by the same trained biologist. Our results showed a moderate correlation between the two techniques (r = 0.49). The DC sperm morphology analysis was less indicative of fertilization than CASA SC (r = 0.07, p = 0.47 vs. r = 0.22, p = 0.014). Using receiver-operating characteristics analysis, we showed that DC was not discriminating in the prediction of fertilization (AUC = 0.572). DC seemed less appropriate for the prediction of fertilization success or failure. In contrast, with CASA SC, the previously determined cut-off value of around 14% was confirmed (AUC = 0.735, cut-off = 16%). Our results argue in favour of the replacement of DC by SC to tend towards worldwide standardization

    GenĂšse des seuils

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    Ce volume rassemble dix-sept communications prononcĂ©es lors du colloque international de janvier 2013, organisĂ© par les UniversitĂ©s de Franche-ComtĂ© et de Lausanne. L’intĂ©rĂȘt de ce colloque avait Ă©tĂ© de mettre en valeur cet objet d’étude rarement observĂ© par les chercheurs : le pĂ©ritexte de l’Ɠuvre, ici analysĂ© d’un point de vue strictement gĂ©nĂ©tique, Ă  partir des travaux de GĂ©rard Genette. Le gai savoir cher au penseur s’y allie Ă  une taxinomie rigoureuse des diffĂ©rentes formes de paratextes. Un tel volume prĂ©sente l’intĂ©rĂȘt de placer la question de la rĂ©daction des paratextes, observĂ©s exclusivement et de maniĂšre parfaitement neuve sur des manuscrits d’écrivains, au cƓur l’auto-reprĂ©sentation auctoriale. L’étude des archives ouvre aussi le champ d’un domaine d’études encore trĂšs peu explorĂ©, celui de la « gĂ©nĂ©tique Ă©ditoriale », pour mesurer l’existence d’une paradoxale auctorialitĂ© Ă©ditoriale

    Hygiene promotion might be better than serological screening to deal with Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy: a methodological appraisal and decision analysis

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    International audienceAbstract Background Cytomegalovirus infection is the most frequent viral congenital infection, with possible consequences such as deafness, or psychomotor retardation. In 2016, the French High Council of Public Health was mandated to update recommendations regarding prevention of cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women. We summarize a critical appraisal of knowledge and deterministic decision analysis comparing the current no-screening situation to serological screening during pregnancy, and to hygiene promotion. Methods Screening was defined as systematic serological testing, during the first trimester, with repeated tests as needed, to all pregnant women. Outcomes were: 1) severe sequela: intellectual deficiency with IQ ≀ 50 or hearing impairment < 70 dB or sight impairment (≀ 3/10 at best eye); 2) moderate sequela: any level of intellectual, hearing or sight deficiency; and 3) death or termination of pregnancy. We simulated the one-year course of cytomegalovirus infection in a cohort of 800,000 pregnant women. We developed a deterministic decision model, using best and min-max estimates, extracted from systematic reviews or original studies. Results Relevant data were scarce or imprecise. We estimated that 4352 maternal primary infections would result in 1741 foetal infections, and an unknown number of maternal reinfections would result in 1699 foetal infections. There would be 788 cytomegalovirus-related consequences, including 316 foetal deaths or terminations of pregnancy, and 424 moderate and 48 severe sequelae. Screening would result in a 1.66-fold increase of poor outcomes, mostly related to a 2.93-fold increase in deaths and terminations of pregnancy, not compensated by the decrease in severe symptomatic newborns. The promotion of hygiene would result in a 0.75-fold decrease of poor outcomes, related to both a decrease in severe sequelae among symptomatic newborns ( RR = 0.75; min-max: 1.00–0.68), and in deaths and terminations of pregnancy ( RR = 0.75; min-max: 0.97–0.68). Conclusions Prevention of cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy should promote hygiene; serological screening should not be recommended