188 research outputs found

    Characterisation of metakaolin-based geopolymers using beam-based and conventional PALS.

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    The nano-porosity of metakaolin-based geopolymers and the effect of heat-treatment on porosity have been studied with conventional and beam-based positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS). Conventional PALS found significant nano-porosity in the geopolymers, as indicated by the presence in the PALS spectrum of two long lifetime components, τ3 = 1.58 ns and τ4 = 47 ns, associated with pore diameters of approximately 0.5 and 3 nm respectively. The lifetime of the shorter component was found to decrease monotonically with successive heat treatments of 300°C and 600°C. Beam-based PALS, conducted at 5 keV, also indicated two long lifetime components, τ3 = 4.84 ns and τ4 = 54.6 ns. These are significantly longer than those observed by conventional PALS and the monotonic decrease of τ3 with successive heat treatments was not observed. As the beam-based PALS probed only the near-surface region, with an average implantation depth of about 350 nm, these results suggest that the near-surface structure may vary significantly from that of the bulk. This could be an inherent property of the samples or an artefact caused by surface effects or sample outgassing.ARC Centre for Antimatter-Matter Studies; Australian National University (ANU); Flinders University; James Cook University (JCU); The Institute of Physics; Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Researc

    Разработка методического подхода к поддержке и анализу исполнения стандартов лечебно-диагностических процессов многопрофильного стационара

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    Standardization is one of the most important tools for ensuring the quality of medical care. The paper presents analysis results of a number of existing federal and regional standards that regulate the processes of providing medical care, which confirm the need and expediency of developing internal standards for diagnostic and treatment processes (DTP) in a medical institution. The authors also formulate requirements for their minimum content. The importance of the effective implementation of the developed internal DTP standards necessitates the development of a methodological approach to standard execution support and analysis.The approach presented in the article is methodically based on the use of modified operogrammes, which allow taking into account the DTP specifics and resource equipment of a particular medical institution. The authors propose key areas for standard execution support and possible forms of implementation in information systems, as well as basic directions for standard execution analysis with integral indicators for assessment of those standards.Approbation of the developed methodological approach was carried out on the example of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine in terms of DTP standard execution support and analysis in relation to ordering laboratory, instrumental tests and consultations at various stages of the patient treatment process. The results of the approbation confirmed that the introduction of the methodological approach increases the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed DTP standards in the activities of a medical institution, and also ensures the achievement of a number of important systemic management effects.Одним из важнейших инструментов обеспечения качества медицинской помощи является стандартизация. В работе представлены результаты анализа ряда действующих федеральных и региональных стандартов, регламентирующих процессы оказания медицинской помощи, которые подтверждают необходимость и целесообразность разработки внутренних стандартов лечебнодиагностических процессов (ЛДП) медицинского учреждения, авторами также сформулированы требования к их минимальному содержанию. Важность эффективного внедрения разрабатываемых внутренних стандартов ЛДП обусловливает необходимость разработки методического подхода к поддержке и анализу исполнения стандартов. Представленный в статье подход методически основывается на применении модифицированных оперограмм, которые позволяют учесть специфику и ресурсное оснащение ЛДП конкретного медицинского учреждения. Авторами предложены ключевые направления поддержки исполнения стандартов и возможные формы реализации в информационных системах, а также базовые направления анализа исполнения стандартов с интегральными показателями их оценки. Апробация разработанного методического подхода проведена на примере ЛДП ГБУЗ «НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского ДЗМ» в части поддержки и анализа исполнения стандартов ЛДП по назначениям лабораторных, инструментальных исследований и консультаций на различных этапах процессов лечения пациентов. Результаты апробации подтвердили, что применение данного методического подхода повышает эффективность внедрения разработанных стандартов ЛДП в деятельность медицинского учреждения, а также обеспечивает достижение ряда важных системных управленческих эффектов

    Experimental Evidence of Radiation Reaction in the Collision of a High-Intensity Laser Pulse with a Laser-Wakefield Accelerated Electron Beam

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    The dynamics of energetic particles in strong electromagnetic fields can be heavily influenced by the energy loss arising from the emission of radiation during acceleration, known as radiation reaction. When interacting with a high-energy electron beam, today's lasers are sufficiently intense to explore the transition between the classical and quantum radiation reaction regimes. We present evidence of radiation reaction in the collision of an ultrarelativistic electron beam generated by laser-wakefield acceleration (μ 500 MeV) with an intense laser pulse (a0>10). We measure an energy loss in the postcollision electron spectrum that is correlated with the detected signal of hard photons (γ rays), consistent with a quantum description of radiation reaction. The generated γ rays have the highest energies yet reported from an all-optical inverse Compton scattering scheme, with critical energy >30 MeV

    Mechanical Tension Increases CCN2/CTGF Expression and Proliferation in Gingival Fibroblasts via a TGFβ-Dependent Mechanism

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    Unlike skin, oral gingival do not scar in response to tissue injury. Fibroblasts, the cell type responsible for connective tissue repair and scarring, are exposed to mechanical tension during normal and pathological conditions including wound healing and fibrogenesis. Understanding how human gingival fibroblasts respond to mechanical tension is likely to yield valuable insights not only into gingival function but also into the molecular basis of scarless repair. CCN2/connective tissue growth factor is potently induced in fibroblasts during tissue repair and fibrogenesis. We subjected gingival fibroblasts to cyclical strain (up to 72 hours) using the Flexercell system and showed that CCN2 mRNA and protein was induced by strain. Strain caused the rapid activation of latent TGFβ, in a fashion that was reduced by blebbistatin and FAK/src inhibition, and the induction of endothelin (ET-1) mRNA and protein expression. Strain did not cause induction of α-smooth muscle actin or collagen type I mRNAs (proteins promoting scarring); but induced a cohort of pro-proliferative mRNAs and cell proliferation. Compared to dermal fibroblasts, gingival fibroblasts showed reduced ability to respond to TGFβ by inducing fibrogenic mRNAs; addition of ET-1 rescued this phenotype. Pharmacological inhibition of the TGFβ type I (ALK5) receptor, the endothelin A/B receptors and FAK/src significantly reduced the induction of CCN2 and pro-proliferative mRNAs and cell proliferation. Controlling TGFβ, ET-1 and FAK/src activity may be useful in controlling responses to mechanical strain in the gingiva and may be of value in controlling fibroproliferative conditions such as gingival hyperplasia; controlling ET-1 may be of benefit in controlling scarring in response to injury in the skin

    Ena/VASP proteins have an anti-capping independent function in filopodia formation

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    Author Posting. © American Society for Cell Biology, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Society for Cell Biology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 18 (2007): 2579-2591, doi:10.1091/mbc.E06-11-0990.Filopodia have been implicated in a number of diverse cellular processes including growth-cone path finding, wound healing, and metastasis. The Ena/VASP family of proteins has emerged as key to filopodia formation but the exact mechanism for how they function has yet to be fully elucidated. Using cell spreading as a model system in combination with small interfering RNA depletion of Capping Protein, we determined that Ena/VASP proteins have a role beyond anticapping activity in filopodia formation. Analysis of mutant Ena/VASP proteins demonstrated that the entire EVH2 domain was the minimal domain required for filopodia formation. Fluorescent recovery after photobleaching data indicate that Ena/VASP proteins rapidly exchange at the leading edge of lamellipodia, whereas virtually no exchange occurred at filopodial tips. Mutation of the G-actin–binding motif (GAB) partially compromised stabilization of Ena/VASP at filopodia tips. These observations led us to propose a model where the EVH2 domain of Ena/VASP induces and maintains clustering of the barbed ends of actin filaments, which putatively corresponds to a transition from lamellipodial to filopodial localization. Furthermore, the EVH1 domain, together with the GAB motif in the EVH2 domain, helps to maintain Ena/VASP at the growing barbed ends.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants GM7542201 to D.A.A., GM58801 to F.B.G., and GM62431 to G.G.B. and by Cell Migration Consortium Grants GM64346 to D.A.A and G.G.B

    β-Adrenergic Inhibition of Contractility in L6 Skeletal Muscle Cells

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    The β-adrenoceptors (β-ARs) control many cellular processes. Here, we show that β-ARs inhibit calcium depletion-induced cell contractility and subsequent cell detachment of L6 skeletal muscle cells. The mechanism underlying the cell detachment inhibition was studied by using a quantitative cell detachment assay. We demonstrate that cell detachment induced by depletion of extracellular calcium is due to myosin- and ROCK-dependent contractility. The β-AR inhibition of L6 skeletal muscle cell detachment was shown to be mediated by the β2-AR and increased cAMP but was surprisingly not dependent on the classical downstream effectors PKA or Epac, nor was it dependent on PKG, PI3K or PKC. However, inhibition of potassium channels blocks the β2-AR mediated effects. Furthermore, activation of potassium channels fully mimicked the results of β2-AR activation. In conclusion, we present a novel finding that β2-AR signaling inhibits contractility and thus cell detachment in L6 skeletal muscle cells by a cAMP and potassium channel dependent mechanism

    ZO-1 Stabilizes the Tight Junction Solute Barrier through Coupling to the Perijunctional Cytoskeleton

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    ZO-1 binds numerous transmembrane and cytoplasmic proteins and is required for assembly of both adherens and tight junctions, but its role in defining barrier properties of an established tight junction is unknown. We depleted ZO-1 in MDCK cells using siRNA methods and observed specific defects in the barrier for large solutes, even though flux through the small claudin pores was unaffected. This permeability increase was accompanied by morphological alterations and reorganization of apical actin and myosin. The permeability defect, and to a lesser extent morphological changes, could be rescued by reexpression of either full-length ZO-1 or an N-terminal construct containing the PDZ, SH3, and GUK domains. ZO-2 knockdown did not replicate either the permeability or morphological phenotypes seen in the ZO-1 knockdown, suggesting that ZO-1 and -2 are not functionally redundant for these functions. Wild-type and knockdown MDCK cells had differing physiological and morphological responses to pharmacologic interventions targeting myosin activity. Use of the ROCK inhibitor Y27632 or myosin inhibitor blebbistatin increased TER in wild-type cells, whereas ZO-1 knockdown monolayers were either unaffected or changed in the opposite direction; paracellular flux and myosin localization were also differentially affected. These studies are the first direct evidence that ZO-1 limits solute permeability in established tight junctions, perhaps by forming a stabilizing link between the barrier and perijunctional actomyosin

    Experimental Observation of a Current-Driven Instability in a Neutral Electron-Positron Beam

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    We report on the first experimental observation of a current-driven instability developing in a quasineutral matter-antimatter beam. Strong magnetic fields (>= 1 T) are measured, via means of a proton radiography technique, after the propagation of a neutral electron-positron beam through a background electron-ion plasma. The experimentally determined equipartition parameter of epsilon(B) approximate to 10(-3) is typical of values inferred from models of astrophysical gamma-ray bursts, in which the relativistic flows are also expected to be pair dominated. The data, supported by particle-in-cell simulations and simple analytical estimates, indicate that these magnetic fields persist in the background plasma for thousands of inverse plasma frequencies. The existence of such long-lived magnetic fields can be related to analog astrophysical systems, such as those prevalent in lepton-dominated jets