17,279 research outputs found

    Sub-Terahertz Monochromatic Transduction with Semiconductor Acoustic Nanodevices

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    We demonstrate semiconductor superlattices or nanocavities as narrow band acoustic transducers in the sub-terahertz range. Using picosecond ultrasonics experiments in the transmission geometry with pump and probe incident on opposite sides of the thick substrate, phonon generation and detection processes are fully decoupled. Generating with the semiconductor device and probing on the metal, we show that both superlattices and nanocavities generate spectrally narrow wavepackets of coherent phonons with frequencies in the vicinity of the zone center and time durations in the nanosecond range, qualitatively different from picosecond broadband pulses usually involved in picosecond acoustics with metal generators. Generating in the metal and probing on the nanoacoustic device, we furthermore evidence that both nanostructured semiconductor devices may be used as very sensitive and spectrally selective detectors

    Sound velocity and absorption measurements under high pressure using picosecond ultrasonics in diamond anvil cell. Application to the stability study of AlPdMn

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    We report an innovative high pressure method combining the diamond anvil cell device with the technique of picosecond ultrasonics. Such an approach allows to accurately measure sound velocity and attenuation of solids and liquids under pressure of tens of GPa, overcoming all the drawbacks of traditional techniques. The power of this new experimental technique is demonstrated in studies of lattice dynamics, stability domain and relaxation process in a metallic sample, a perfect single-grain AlPdMn quasicrystal, and rare gas, neon and argon. Application to the study of defect-induced lattice stability in AlPdMn up to 30 GPa is proposed. The present work has potential for application in areas ranging from fundamental problems in physics of solid and liquid state, which in turn could be beneficial for various other scientific fields as Earth and planetary science or material research

    Two-body anticorrelation in a harmonically trapped ideal Bose gas

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    We predict the existence of a dip below unity in the second-order coherence function of a partially condensed ideal Bose gas in harmonic confinement, signaling the anticorrelation of density fluctuations in the sample. The dip in the second-order coherence function is revealed in a canonical-ensemble calculation, corresponding to a system with fixed total number of particles. In a grand-canonical ensemble description, this dip is obscured by the occupation-number fluctuation catastrophe of the ideal Bose gas. The anticorrelation is most pronounced in highly anisotropic trap geometries containing small particle numbers. We explain the fundamental physical mechanism which underlies this phenomenon, and its relevance to experiments on interacting Bose gases.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. v2: Minor changes and corrections to figures and text. To appear in PR

    Effect of picosecond strain pulses on thin layers of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)(As,P)

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    The effect of picosecond acoustic strain pulses (ps-ASP) on a thin layer of (Ga,Mn)As co-doped with phosphorus was probed using magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). A transient MOKE signal followed by low amplitude oscillations was evidenced, with a strong dependence on applied magnetic field, temperature and ps-ASP amplitude. Careful interferometric measurement of the layer's thickness variation induced by the ps-ASP allowed us to model very accurately the resulting signal, and interpret it as the strain modulated reflectivity (differing for σ±\sigma_{\pm} probe polarizations), independently from dynamic magnetization effects.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Les variations du développement sexuel: «La différence au grand jour»

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    Contexte : Hermaphrodisme, pseudohermaphrodisme, intersexe ou encore troubles du développement du sexe (Disorders of Sex Development) : autant de termes désignant des pathologies concernant une proportion non-négligeable de la population. Dans une société où le développement génital et l'identité sexuelle sont à la fois tabous et mal connus, le corps médical a un rôle clé à jouer dans la prise en charge à long terme ainsi que dans le soutien des patients intersexués et de leur entourage proche. Cette prise en charge commence par une information complète et transparente des parents et des enfants touchés. Objectifs : Elaborer un document capable de décrire de la manière la plus complète et compréhensible possible le thème de l'intersexualité. Il sera à la fois basé sur les connaissances médicales actuelles, mais également sur les témoignages de patients, parents et groupes de soutien aux intersexes. Il sera finalement destiné à l'information des parents ainsi que de leurs enfants intersexués à différentes étapes de leur développement. Méthode : Une compréhension approfondie de la thématique de l'intersexualité sur le plan médical, impliquant une approche multidisciplinaire, est une première étape cruciale. Agrémentée de témoignages de patients, de parents et des divers groupes de soutient actifs sur ce sujet, nous obtiendrons les bases nécessaires pour concevoir un document d'information à la fois le plus complet et le plus proche possible des attentes des patients et des parents. Résultat escompté : Répondre aux attentes formulées par les différents acteurs de la thématique de l'intersexualité et ainsi promouvoir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes et des enjeux qui la caractérisent. Obtenir un feedback positif des groupes de soutien aux intersexes sur la qualité de l'information donnée dans ce document

    Partial frequencies and Chladni’s law in church bells

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    The rim partials of a church bell (those with an antinode at the soundbow) generate the strike pitch or perceived note of the bell. The spacing in frequency of the higher rim partials has an important effect on the tonal quality of the bell. Investigations into the partial frequencies of 2752 bells, both bronze and steel, of a wide variety of dates, founders and sizes, show a simple and unexpected relationship between the frequencies of the rim partials. This relationship explains why attempts to tune the higher rim partials independently have failed. A modified version of Chladni’s law provides insight into the musical relationship of the partials, and predicts the partials of individual bells well, but fails to give a simple model of the spacing between the partials seen in bells with different profiles

    The molecular and dusty composition of Betelgeuse's inner circumstellar environment

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    The study of the atmosphere of red supergiant stars in general and of Betelgeuse (alpha Orionis) in particular is of prime importance to understand dust formation and how mass is lost to the interstellar medium in evolved massive stars. A molecular shell, the MOLsphere (Tsuji, 2000a), in the atmosphere of Betelgeuse has been proposed to account for the near- and mid-infrared spectroscopic observations of Betelgeuse. The goal is to further test this hypothesis and to identify some of the molecules in this MOLsphere. We report on measurements taken with the mid-infrared two-telescope beam combiner of the VLTI, MIDI, operated between 7.5 and 13.5 μ\mum. The data are compared to a simple geometric model of a photosphere surrounded by a warm absorbing and emitting shell. Physical characteristics of the shell are derived: size, temperature and optical depth. The chemical constituents are determined with an analysis consistent with available infrared spectra and interferometric data. We are able to account for the measured optical depth of the shell in the N band, the ISO-SWS spectrum and K and L band interferometric data with a shell whose inner and outer radii are given by the above range and with the following species: H2O, SiO and Al2O3. These results confirm the MOLsphere model. We bring evidence for more constituents and for the presence of species participating in the formation of dust grains in the atmosphere of the star, i.e. well below the distance at which the dust shell is detected. We believe these results bring key elements to the understanding of mass loss in Betelgeuse and red supergiants in general and bring support to the dust-driven scenario.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Optimal estimates of the diffusion coefficient of a single Brownian trajectory

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    Modern developments in microscopy and image processing are revolutionizing areas of physics, chemistry and biology as nanoscale objects can be tracked with unprecedented accuracy. The goal of single particle tracking is to determine the interaction between the particle and its environment. The price paid for having a direct visualization of a single particle is a consequent lack of statistics. Here we address the optimal way of extracting diffusion constants from single trajectories for pure Brownian motion. It is shown that the maximum likelihood estimator is much more efficient than the commonly used least squares estimate. Furthermore we investigate the effect of disorder on the distribution of estimated diffusion constants and show that it increases the probability of observing estimates much smaller than the true (average) value.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Determination of Fluorescence Polarization and Absorption Anisotropy in Molecular Complexes Having Threefold Rotational Symmetry

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    The current work concerns investigation of the polarization properties of complex molecular ensembles exhibiting threefold (C3) rotational symmetry, particularly with regard to the interplay between their structure and dynamics of internal energy transfer. We assume that the molecules or chromophores in such complexes possess strongly overlapped spectra both for absorption and fluorescence. Such trimeric structures are widely found in biological preparations, as for example the trimer of C-phycocyanin (C-PC). Higher order aggregates, e.g. hex-amers and three-hexamer rods, are also investigated and compared with the trimer case. The theory addresses both steady-state and 8-pulse excitation and establishes some links between them. Monochromophoric, bichro-mophoric and trichromophoric molecular complexes are individually examined. For steady-state excitation, analytical formulas are reported for the degree of fluorescence polarization and absorption anisotropy. It is shown that the polarization is dependent on the chromophore inclination relative to the symmetry axis, the relative efficiencies of absorption and fluorescence by chromophores of different spectral types, and the rates of energy equilibration. To assess the validity of the theory, it has been applied to C-PC aggregates. Here it was found that different C-PC aggregates provide practically identical polarization response. For S-pulse excitation we give analytical formulas for determination of the fluorescence depolarization, and also the depolarization associated with absorption recovery, both for a monochromophoric trimer and some particular cases of bichromophoric trimer. More complicated systems are analyzed by computer modeling. Thus it transpires that the initial polarization anisotropy r(t = 0) takes the value 0.4 for all considered aggregates; the long-time limit r(t →∞) has about the same value as is associated with steady-state excitation. We also show that with steady-state excitation the degree of fluorescence polarization is practically equal for various C3 aggregates of C-PC, and that the major factor determining the polarization is the chromophore orientation relative to the symmetry axis