286 research outputs found

    Readout circuit with improved sensitivity for contactless LC sensing tags

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    In this work we present a novel technique to estimate the resonance frequency of LC chipless tags (inductor-capacitor parallel circuit) with improved sensitivity and linearity. The developed reader measures the power consumption of a Colpitts oscillator during a frequency sweep. The readout circuit consists of a Colpitts oscillator with a coil antenna, varactor diodes to change the oscillator frequency, analog circuitry to measure the power consumption and a microcontroller to control the whole system and send the data to a PC via USB. When an LC tag is inductively coupled to the oscillator, without contact, a maximum power peak is found. As shown by an experimental calibration using an LC tag made on FR4 substrate, the frequency of this maximum is related to the resonance frequency. Both parameters, power consumption and resonance frequency, present an excellent linear dependence with a high correlation factor (R 2 = 0.995). Finally, a screen-printed LC tag has been fabricated and used as relative humidity sensor achieving a sensitivity of (−2.41 ± 0.21) kHz/% with an R 2 of 0.946

    PVDF/BaTiO3/carbon nanotubes ternary nanocomposites prepared by ball milling: Piezo and dielectric responses

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    Nanocomposites based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) filled with barium titanate, BaTiO3, (BT) particles, and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were prepared by high-energy ball milling (HEBM) and subsequent hot pressing. This method of materials preparation allowed obtaining uniform dispersions of the nanofillers. The influence of the particles on the polymer structure and morphology was studied. To understand the origin of changes in the PVDF properties, thermal and electrical behaviors of the PVDF/BT/MWCNT nanocomposites were studied as a function of composition. The addition of BT, MWCNT, or its mixture had not any influence on the PVDF polymorphism. However, calorimetric results pointed out that the presence of the nanofillers exerted nucleation mainly ascribed to the surface to volume ratio of the nanoparticles. The capacitance of the composites increased as the nanofiller content increased, being the effect mainly dependent on the surface to volume ratio of the nanoparticles. The dielectric behavior of the materials as a function of frequency was modeled by a Debye equivalent circuit only below the percolation threshold respect to the amount of MWCNT. The piezoelectric behavior of the ternary nanocomposites was highly affected by the incorporation of the nanofillers only when high dielectric losses occurred above the percolation threshold.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MAT2010-16815) and the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion and the Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrollo for supporting the Ph.D. thesis of F.A.S

    The effect of bending on laser-cut electro-textile inductors and capacitors attached on denim as wearable structures

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    In this paper we present the design, fabrication and characterization of electro-textile inductor and capacitor patterns on denim fabric as a basis for the development of wearable e-textiles. Planar coil inductors have been harnessed as antenna structures for the development of Near Field Communication (NFC) tags with temperature sensing capability, while interdigitated electrode (IDE) capacitors have been used as humidity sensors for wearable applications. The effect of bending in the electrical performance of such structures was evaluated, showing variations below 5% in both inductance and capacitance values for bending angles in the range of interest, i.e. those fitting to human limbs. In the case of the fabricated NFC tags, a shift in the resonance frequency below 1.7% was found, meaning that the e-textile tag would still be readable by an NFC- enabled smartphone. In respect of the capacitive humidity sensor, we obtained a minimum capacitance variation of 40% for a relative humidity range from 10% to 90%. Measured thermal shift was below 5% in the range from 10 to 40oC. When compared to the 4% variation due to bending, it can be concluded that this capacitive structure can be harnessed as humidity sensor even under bending strain conditions and moderate temperature variations. The development and characterization of such structures on denim fabrics, which is one of the most popular fabrics for everyday clothing, combined with the additional advantage of affordable and easy fabrication methodologies, means a further step towards the next generation of smart e-textile products

    El modelo semi-presencial y virtual a examen en el área de ingeniería

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    Durante los dos últimos cursos, la educación universitaria se ha visto obligada a cambiar de forma precipitada debido a la pandemia mundial que nos ha afectado. A pesar de los esfuerzos de las instituciones por adaptarse de una forma adecuada a un modelo semi-presencial o virtual a lo largo del curso, la percepción de los estudiantes no siempre corresponde con la que se pretende desde los organismos oficiales. En este estudio se ha realizado una encuesta voluntaria al alumnado de diferentes titulaciones de grado y másteres del área de ingeniería con el objetivo de someter a examen las medidas adoptadas por la Universidad de Granada (UGR) y comprobar si son aceptadas por los estudiantes y si, desde su punto de vista, se podrían mantener a largo plazo

    Complex systems representing effective connectivity in patients with Type One diabetes mellitus

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    Background Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) affects the entire cellular network of the organism. Some patients develop cognitive disturbances due to the disease, but several authors have suggested that the brain develops compensatory mechanisms to minimize or prevent neuropsychological decline. The present study aimed to assess the effective connectivity underlying visuospatial working memory performance in young adults diagnosed with T1D using neuroimaging techniques (fMRI). Methods Fifteen T1D right-handed, young adults with sustained metabolic clinical stability and a control group matched by age, sex, and educational level voluntarily participated. All participants performed 2 visuospatial working memory tasks using a block design within an MRI scanner. Regions of interest and their signal values were obtained. Effective connectivity by means of structural equations models was evaluated for each group and task through maximum likelihood estimation, and the model with the best fit was chosen in each case. Results Compared to the control group, the patient group showed a significant reduction in brain activity in the two estimated networks (one for each group and task). The models of effective connectivity showed greater brain connectivity in healthy individuals, as well as a more complex network. T1D patients showed a pattern of connectivity mainly involving the cerebellum and the red nucleus. In contrast, the control group showed a connectivity network predominantly involving brain areas that are typically activated while individuals are performing working memory tasks. Conclusion Our results suggest a specific effective connectivity between the cerebellum and the red nucleus in T1D patients during working memory tasks, probably reflecting a compensatory mechanism to fulfill task demands

    Efecto nutracéutico del Anacardium occidentale en dietas de pollitas ponedoras de reemplazo

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    RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto nutracéutico del polvo de hojas y retoños de Anacardium occidentale (AO) en dietas de pollitas ponedoras de remplazo. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 240 pollitas White Leghorn (L-33) de un día de edad, que se ubicaron durante 35 días, según diseño completamente aleatorizado, con niveles de adición de 0, 0.5, 1.5 y 2.5% de polvo de hojas y retoños de Anacardium occidentale en las dietas. Se determinaron en las pollitas, los indicadores productivos, peso absoluto y relativo de los órganos inmunes, vísceras, accesorios e intestinos, la hipersensibilidad intestinal y la glucosa sérica. Resultados. El peso vivo final, consumo de alimento, peso del timo, bolsa de Fabricio y colon + recto en las aves con el tracto gastrointestinal vacío y lleno, fue favorable con la adición de 0.5% de polvo AO, con diferencias significativas (p≤0.05). El consumo acumulado, el consumo de polvo AO y taninos se incrementaron en las aves con la adición de 1.5 y 2.5% de polvo AO con respecto al control; no obstante los indicadores productivos para estos animales se deprimieron. La adición del polvo de AO, no deterioró el peso relativo de las vísceras (corazón, hígado y riñón) en las aves, además redujo la hipersensibilidad intestinal y la glucosa sérica. Conclusiones. La adición de 0.5% de polvo de hojas y retoños de AO como nutracéutico en las dietas de pollitas ponedoras de remplazo, mejoró los indicadores productivos y el peso de los órganos inmunes; además, la adición del polvo AO en las dietas disminuyó la hipersensibilidad intestinal y la glucosa sérica

    A Gibbs approach to Chargaff's second parity rule

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    Chargaff's second parity rule (CSPR) asserts that the frequencies of short polynucleotide chains are the same as those of the complementary reversed chains. Up to now, this hypothesis has only been observed empirically and there is currently no explanation for its presence in DNA strands. Here we argue that CSPR is a probabilistic consequence of the reverse complementarity between paired strands, because the Gibbs distribution associated with the chemical energy between the bonds satisfies CSPR. We develop a statistical test to study the validity of CSPR under the Gibbsian assumption and we apply it to a large set of bacterial genomes taken from the GenBank repository.Comment: 16 page

    CSF1R blockade slows the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by reducing microgliosis and invasion of macrophages into peripheral nerves

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    Inflammation is a common neuropathological feature in several neurological disorders, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We have studied the contribution of CSF1R signalling to inflammation in ALS, as a pathway previously reported to control the expansion and activation of microglial cells. We found that microglial cell proliferation in the spinal cord of SOD1G93A transgenic mice correlates with the expression of CSF1R and its ligand CSF1. Administration of GW2580, a selective CSF1R inhibitor, reduced microglial cell proliferation in SOD1G93A mice, indicating the importance of CSF1-CSF1R signalling in microgliosis in ALS. Moreover, GW2580 treatment slowed disease progression, attenuated motoneuron cell death and extended survival of SOD1G93A mice. Electrophysiological assessment revealed that GW2580 treatment protected skeletal muscle from denervation prior to its effects on microglial cells. We found that macrophages invaded the peripheral nerve of ALS mice before CSF1R-induced microgliosis occurred. Interestingly, treatment with GW2580 attenuated the influx of macrophages into the nerve, which was partly caused by the monocytopenia induced by CSF1R inhibition. Overall, our findings provide evidence that CSF1R signalling regulates inflammation in the central and peripheral nervous system in ALS, supporting therapeutic targeting of CSF1R in this disease

    Influence of diet and feeding strategy on the performance of nitrifying trickling filter, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) raised in recirculating aquaculture systems

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    [EN] Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) was raised in six individual recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) whose bioflters¿ performance was analyzed. Fish were fed with three diferent diets (a control diet, a fshmeal-based diet (FM), and a plant meal-based diet (VM)) and with three diferent feeding strategies (manual feeding to apparent satiation, automatic feeding with restricted ration, and auto-demand feeding). For every combination of diet and feeding strategy, the mean oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, and ammonia removal rate were determined. Fish fed with the VM diet consumed the most oxygen (20.06±1.80 gO2 consumed kg¿1 day¿1). There were signifcant diferences in ammonia excretion depending on the protein content and protein efciency of the diet, as well as depending on feeding strategy, which in turn afected ammonia removal rates. Fish fed by auto-demand feeders led to the highest mean ammonia removal rate (0.10 gN-TAN removed m¿2 biofltration area day¿1), while not leading to peaks of high ammonia concentration in water, which preserve fsh welfare and growth.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Research is funded by the national project ¿Design of a recirculating aquaculture system for aquaculture plants (2011¿2014),¿ by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain, as well as by a grant financed by Generalitat Valenciana, IDIFEDER/2020/029, and by the project ¿Recirculating aquaculture systems¿ by Universitat Politècnica de València. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Godoy-Olmos, S.; Jauralde García, I.; Monge-Ortiz, R.; Milián Sorribes, MC.; Jover Cerda, M.; Tomas-Vidal, A.; Martínez-Llorens, S. (2022). Influence of diet and feeding strategy on the performance of nitrifying trickling filter, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) raised in recirculating aquaculture systems. Aquaculture International. 30(2):581-606. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10499-021-00821-358160630

    General-purpose passive wireless point–of–care platform based on smartphone

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    A versatile, compact and low-cost analytical platform has been designed, tested and validated to be used in the point-of-care settings. This passive measurement system is powered and complemented by a standard smartphone including a programmed application for measurement configuration and data processing as well as wireless results sharing. Electrochemical and electrochemiluminescence analytical techniques can be configured and realized by this platform that employs standard screen-printed electrodes for the sample managing and off-the-shelf electronic components. The power, electrical and optical signal processing have been studied in depth. The system can harvest energy up to 22.5 mW, set up a voltage in the range of ±1.15 V, and measure potentials in a range of 600 mV with an uncertainty of 1 mV, and current from 2 μA to 0.75 mA with a resolution of 1.1 μA. Moreover, standard tests have been performed to the platform consisting of amperometric, potentiometric, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemiluminescent analytical techniques, showing excellent agreement with a reference instrument. Finally, our design has also been applied to glucose, pH and H2O2 determinations, providing the full analytical parameters which are in very good agreement with the reference instrument results. Ranges (0.065–0.75 M, 0.62–100 mM and 3–9 pH units for glucose, H2O2 and pH, respectively) and limits of detection (0.024 M and 0.03 mM for glucose and H2O2, respectively) make this low-cost platform (<US$8) suitable for analytical applications.This study was supported by projects from the Spanish MINECO (CTQ2016-78754-C2-1- R), European Regional Development Funds (ERDF). and Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for a R&D predoctoral grant (FPU13/05032
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