79 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of three-arm trials with negative binomially distributed endpoints.

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    A three-arm clinical trial design with an experimental treatment, an active control, and a placebo control, commonly referred to as the gold standard design, enables testing of non-inferiority or superiority of the experimental treatment compared with the active control. In this paper, we propose methods for designing and analyzing three-arm trials with negative binomially distributed endpoints. In particular, we develop a Wald-type test with a restricted maximum-likelihood variance estimator for testing non-inferiority or superiority. For this test, sample size and power formulas as well as optimal sample size allocations will be derived. The performance of the proposed test will be assessed in an extensive simulation study with regard to type I error rate, power, sample size, and sample size allocation. For the purpose of comparison, Wald-type statistics with a sample variance estimator and an unrestricted maximum-likelihood estimator are included in the simulation study. We found that the proposed Wald-type test with a restricted variance estimator performed well across the considered scenarios and is therefore recommended for application in clinical trials. The methods proposed are motivated and illustrated by a recent clinical trial in multiple sclerosis. The R package Three Armed Trials, which implements the methods discussed in this paper, is available on CRAN

    Cable, Riehl, Merrill, and Kirksey

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    Comminution Characteristics of Lithium Bearing Mica Ores From Different Devices

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    This paper highlights on the comminution and to the lesser extent liberation properties of two greisen-type lithium bearing-mica ores (L1, L2) subjected to different breakage devices; cone crusher (CC), roller crusher (RC), rotor beater mill (RBM) and a screen mill (SM). The particle size distributions (PSD) of the products from each device were evaluated to search for an appropriate PSD model using Gates-Gaudin-Schuhmann (GGS) and Rosin-Rammler (RR) functions. To determine an appropriate function, coefficients of determination (R2 ) were used as a criterion. Due to budget constraint, only products from rotor beater mill (RBM) were examined for mineral liberation by an automated scanning electron microscope (SEM) technique. It was found that RBM, RC and SM products were better described by the RR model than the GGS model with higher R2 values of 0.97 to 1.0. However, cone crusher products for L1 were better described by GSS model, while that for L2 were better described by RR model. In terms of the spread of size distribution as indicated by RR model parameters, RC products were more uniformly distributed compared to those from other devices, for both ores. Also the RBM products were more scattered than those from other devices. The results indicate that the composition of individual ores affected the comminution products PSDs as different PSD model parameters were obtained for samples comminuted by same devices. The modal mineralogy indicated that both ores are rich in quartz, topaz, zinnwaldite and muscovite. Furthermore, the result indicates that, for both ores, the zinnwaldite phase is more enriched in the fraction < 250 Āµm. Moreover, better liberation of zinnwaldite is observed for L1 compared to L2. This could be explained by differences of the two ores in three aspects; the nature of mineral association, reduction ratio of the fractions analysed and the spread of the size distribution

    Sparse Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian

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    For integers kā‰„1 and nā‰„2k+1, the Kneser graph K(n,k) is the graph whose vertices are the k-element subsets of {1,ā€¦,n} and whose edges connect pairs of subsets that are disjoint. The Kneser graphs of the form K(2k+1,k) are also known as the odd graphs. We settle an old problem due to Meredith, Lloyd, and Biggs from the 1970s, proving that for every kā‰„3, the odd graph K(2k+1,k) has a Hamilton cycle. This and a known conditional result due to Johnson imply that all Kneser graphs of the form K(2k+2a,k) with kā‰„3 and aā‰„0 have a Hamilton cycle. We also prove that K(2k+1,k) has at least 22kāˆ’6 distinct Hamilton cycles for kā‰„6. Our proofs are based on a reduction of the Hamiltonicity problem in the odd graph to the problem of finding a spanning tree in a suitably defined hypergraph on Dyck words

    Tissue Clearing and Deep Imaging of the Kidney Using Confocal and Two-Photon Microscopy

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    Microscopic and macroscopic evaluation of biological tissues in three dimensions is becoming increasingly popular. This trend is coincident with the emergence of numerous tissue clearing strategies, and advancements in confocal and two-photon microscopy, enabling the study of intact organs and systems down to cellular and sub-cellular resolution. In this chapter, we describe a wholemount immunofluorescence technique for labeling structures in renal tissue. This technique combined with solvent-based tissue clearing and confocal imaging, with or without two-photon excitation, provides greater structural information than traditional sectioning and staining alone. Given the addition of paraffin embedding to our method, this hybrid protocol offers a powerful approach to combine confocal or two-photon findings with histological and further immunofluorescent analysis within the same tissue

    Postauthorization safety study of betaine anhydrous

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    Patient registries for rare diseases enable systematic data collection and can also be used to facilitate postauthorization safety studies (PASS) for orphan drugs. This study evaluates the PASS for betaine anhydrous (Cystadane), conducted as public private partnership (PPP) between the European network and registry for homocystinurias and methylation defects and the marketing authorization holder (MAH). Data were prospectively collected, 2013ā€“2016, in a noninterventional, international, multicenter, registry study. Putative adverse and severe adverse events were reported to the MAH's pharmacovigilance. In total, 130 individuals with vitamin B6 nonresponsive (NĀ =Ā 54) and partially responsive (NĀ =Ā 7) cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) deficiency, as well as 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR; NĀ =Ā 21) deficiency and cobalamin C (NĀ =Ā 48) disease were included. Median (range) duration of treatment with betaine anhydrous was 6.8 (0ā€“9.8) years. The prescribed betaine dose exceeded the recommended maximum (6Ā g/day) in 49% of individuals older than 10ā€‰years because of continued dose adaptation to weight; however, with disease-specific differences (minimum: 31% in B6 nonresponsive CBS deficiency, maximum: 67% in MTHFR deficiency). Despite dose escalation no new or potential risk was identified. Combined disease-specific treatment decreased meanā€‰Ā±ā€‰SD total plasma homocysteine concentrations from 203ā€‰Ā±ā€‰116 to 81ā€‰Ā±ā€‰51ā€‰Ī¼mol/L (pā€‰<ā€‰0.0001), except in MTHFR deficiency. Recommendations for betaine anhydrous dosage were revised for individuals ā‰„ 10ā€‰years. PPPs between MAH and international scientific consortia can be considered a reliable model for implementing a PASS, reutilizing well-established structures and avoiding data duplication and fragmentation

    Bayesian Model Selection Applied to the Analysis of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Data of Fluorescent Proteins in Vitro and in Vivo

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    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a powerful technique to investigate molecular dynamics with single molecule sensitivity. In particular, in the life sciences it has found widespread application using fluorescent proteins as molecularly specific labels. However, FCS data analysis and interpretation using fluorescent proteins remains challenging due to typically low signal-to-noise ratio of FCS data and correlated noise in autocorrelated data sets. As a result, naive fitting procedures that ignore these important issues typically provide similarly good fits for multiple competing models without clear distinction of which model is preferred given the signal-to-noise ratio present in the data. Recently, we introduced a Bayesian model selection procedure to overcome this issue with FCS data analysis. The method accounts for the highly correlated noise that is present in FCS data sets and additionally penalizes model complexity to prevent over interpretation of FCS data. Here, we apply this procedure to evaluate FCS data from fluorescent proteins assayed in vitro and in vivo. Consistent with previous work, we demonstrate that model selection is strongly dependent on the signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement, namely, excitation intensity and measurement time, and is sensitive to saturation artifacts. Under fixed, low intensity excitation conditions, physical transport models can unambiguously be identified. However, at excitation intensities that are considered moderate in many studies, unwanted artifacts are introduced that result in nonphysical models to be preferred. We also determined the appropriate fitting models of a GFP tagged secreted signaling protein, Wnt3, in live zebrafish embryos, which is necessary for the investigation of Wnt3 expression and secretion in development. Bayes model selection therefore provides a robust procedure to determine appropriate transport and photophysical models for fluorescent proteins when appropriate models are provided, to help detect and eliminate experimental artifacts in solution, cells, and in living organisms.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Physics of Living Systems ProgramNational Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Award U01MH106011

    Photoactivatable drugs for nicotinic optopharmacology

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    Photoactivatable pharmacological agents have revolutionized neuroscience, but the palette of available compounds is limited. We describe a general method for caging tertiary amines by using a stable quaternary ammonium linkage that elicits a red shift in the activation wavelength. We prepared a photoactivatable nicotine (PA-Nic), uncageable via one- or two-photon excitation, that is useful to study nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in different experimental preparations and spatiotemporal scales

    Bupropion for the treatment of apathy in Huntington's disease:A multicenter, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, prospective crossover trial

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    OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of bupropion in the treatment of apathy in Huntington's disease (HD). METHODS:In this phase 2b multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial, individuals with HD and clinical signs of apathy according to the Structured Clinical Interview for Apathy-Dementia (SCIA-D), but not depression (n = 40) were randomized to receive either bupropion 150/300mg or placebo daily for 10 weeks. The primary outcome parameter was a significant change of the Apathy Evaluation Scale (AES) score after ten weeks of treatment as judged by an informant (AES-I) living in close proximity with the study participant. The secondary outcome parameters included changes of 1. AES scores determined by the patient (AES-S) or the clinical investigator (AES-C), 2. psychiatric symptoms (NPI, HADS-SIS, UHDRS-Behavior), 3. cognitive performance (SDMT, Stroop, VFT, MMSE), 4. motor symptoms (UHDRS-Motor), 5. activities of daily function (TFC, UHDRS-Function), and 6. caregiver distress (NPI-D). In addition, we investigated the effect of bupropion on brain structure as well as brain responses and functional connectivity during reward processing in a gambling task using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESULTS:At baseline, there were no significant treatment group differences in the clinical primary and secondary outcome parameters. At endpoint, there was no statistically significant difference between treatment groups for all clinical primary and secondary outcome variables. Study participation, irrespective of the intervention, lessened symptoms of apathy according to the informant and the clinical investigator. CONCLUSION:Bupropion does not alleviate apathy in HD. However, study participation/placebo effects were observed, which document the need for carefully controlled trials when investigating therapeutic interventions for the neuropsychiatric symptoms of HD. TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov 01914965
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