1,476 research outputs found

    Selective bond-breaking in formic acid by dissociative electron attachment.

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    We report the results of a joint experimental and theoretical study of dissociative electron attachment to formic acid (HCOOH) in the 6-9 eV region, where H- fragment ions are a dominant product. Breaking of the C-H and O-H bonds is distinguished experimentally by deuteration of either site. We show that in this region H- ions can be produced by formation of two or possibly three Feshbach resonance (doubly-excited anion) states, one of which leads to either C-H or O-H bond scission, while the other can only produce formyloxyl radicals by O-H bond scission. Comparison of experimental and theoretical angular distributions of the anion fragment allows the elucidation of state specific pathways to dissociation

    Electron-attachment rates for carbon-rich molecules in protoplanetary atmospheres: the role of chemical differences

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    The formation of anionic species in the interstellar medium from interaction of linear molecules containing carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen as atomic components (polyynes) with free electrons in the environment is modelled via a quantum treatment of the collision dynamics. The ensuing integral cross sections are employed to obtain the corresponding attachment rates over a broad range of temperatures for the electrons. The calculations unequivocally show that a parametrization form often employed for such rates yields a broad range of values that turn out to be specific for each molecular species considered, thus excluding using a unique set for the whole class of polyynes.Comment: accepted to be published on MNRA

    Influencia de la naturaleza del nutriente y otros factores sobre las propiedades del cuero vacuno semiterminado (Parte II)

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    Prosiguiendo con la línea iniciada en la Parte I, se consideró de interés estudiar el comportamiento de los sistemas de engrase constituidos por mezclas de aceite de pescado sulfatado y sulfitado, aplicados a distintos niveles de concentración. Se analizan además otros factores, tales como neutralización y recurtido. Los resultados hallados revelan que la firmeza de flor y la absorción de agua son afectadas por el contenido de materia grasa cuando predomina el aceite sulfitado.The paper describes the behavior of sulphated and sulphited oil mixtures at low and high concentration levels. Other factors have been studied, as neutralization and retanning at two levels

    Influencia de la naturaleza del nutriente y otros factores sobre las propiedades del cuero vacuno semiterminado

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    El presente trabajo estudia el comportamiento de los aceites clorosulfonados, solos o en mezcla, frente a otros sistemas de engrase; se analizan además, dos tipos de neutralizante y cuatro métodos de secado. Los resultados hallados revelan el buen comportamiento del aceite clorosulfonado, en lo que respecta a importantes propiedades del cuero semiterminado, y en particular cuando es utilizado en mezcla con aceite sulfitado. Asimismo, se arriba a interesantes conclusiones en cuanto a la influencia que tienen sobre la distensión a la rotura de flor, los agentes neutralizantes empleados y los sistemas de secado aplicados.The paper describes the behavior of chlorosulfonated oil as fatliquoring agent of chrome upper leather, used a- lone and mixed with sulfited fish oil. Other variables investigated were neutralizing agent and drying methods. Leather softness and grain distension are improved by chlorosulfonated-sulfited oil mixture. It is proved that leather properties, like grain distension and two-dimensional stretch may be adjusted by the drying methods, in the conditions of this work. Leathers neutralizated with sodium pyrophosphate gave higher water absorption

    The complex Kohn variational method applied to N-d scattering

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    The three-nucleon ground state and the N--d scattering states are obtained using variational principles. The wave function of the system is decomposed into angular-spin-isospin channels and the corresponding two dimensional spatial amplitudes are expanded in a correlated polynomial basis. For the scattering states, the complex form of the Kohn variational principle is used to determine the SS--matrix. Special attention is given to the convergence pattern of the phase-shift and mixing parameters. The calculations have been performed using realistic local NN potentials and three-nucleon forces. Important features of the method are anomaly-free solutions and the low dimensionality of the matrices involved allowing for the inclusion of a large number of states. Very precise and stable numerical results have been obtained.Comment: Latex, 22 pages; 5 figure


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    The work is part of "HELI-DEM" (HELvetia-Italy Digital Elevation Model) project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the Italy-Switzerland cooperation program. The aim of the project is the creation of a unique DTM for the alpine and subalpine area between Italy (Piedmont, Lombardy) and Switzerland (Ticino and Grisons Cantons); at present, different DTMs, that are in different reference frames and have been obtained with different technologies, accuracies, and resolutions, have been acquired. The final DTM should be correctly georeferenced and produced validating and integrating the data that are available for the project. DTMs are fundamental in hydrogeological studies, especially in alpine areas where hydrogeological risks may exist. Moreover, when an event, like for example a landslide, happens at the border between countries, a unique and integrated DTM which covers the interest area is useful to analyze the scenario. In this sense, HELI-DEM project is helpful. To perform analyses along the borders between countries, transnational geographic information is needed: a transnational DTM can be obtained by merging regional low resolution DTMs. Moreover high resolution local DTMs should be used where they are available. To be merged, low and high resolution DTMs should be in the same three dimensional reference frame, should not present biases and should be consistent in the overlapping areas. Cross-validation between the different DTMs is therefore needed. Two different problems should be solved: the merging of regional, partly overlapping low and medium resolution DTMs into a unique low/medium resolution DTM and the merging with other local high resolution/high accuracy height data. This paper discusses the preliminary processing of the data for the fusion of low and high resolution DTMs in a study-case area within the Lombardy region: Valtellina valley. In this region the Lombardy regional low resolution DTM is available, with a horizontal resolution of 20 meters; in addition a LiDAR DTM with a horizontal resolution of 1 meter, which covers only the main hydrographic basins, is also available. The two DTMs have been transformed into the same reference frame. The cross-validation of the two datasets has been performed comparing the low resolution DTM with the local high resolution DTM. Then, where significant differences are present, GPS survey have been used as external validation. The results are presented. Moreover, a possible strategy for the future fusion of the data, is shortly summarized at the end of the paper

    GAM Forest Explanation

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    Most accurate machine learning models unfortunately produce black-box predictions, for which it is impossible to grasp the internal logic that leads to a specific decision. Unfolding the logic of such black-box models is of increasing importance, especially when they are used in sensitive decision-making processes. In this work we focus on forests of decision trees, which may include hundreds to thousands of decision trees to produce accurate predictions. Such complexity raises the need of developing explanations for the predictions generated by large forests. We propose a post hoc explanation method of large forests, named GAM-based Explanation of Forests (GEF), which builds a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) able to explain, both locally and globally, the impact on the predictions of a limited set of features and feature interactions. We evaluate GEF over both synthetic and real-world datasets and show that GEF can create a GAM model with high fidelity by analyzing the given forest only and without using any further information, not even the initial training dataset

    Which is the best algorithm for evaluating a patient’s candidate to sleeve with suspected reflux or hiatal hernia: is manometry or reflux assessment always necessary

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    Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (SG) has reached wide popularity during the last 15 years, owing to limited morbidity and mortality rates, very successful weight loss results, and impact on comorbidities. However, the postoperative development or worsening of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most important drawbacks of this surgical procedure. To date, there is great heterogeneity concerning the definition of GERD, the indication for SG in patients with GERD, and the standardization of pre and postoperative diagnostic pathways. In patients with severe obesity, a strictly symptom-based diagnosis of GERD is unreliable. In fact, a high rate of silent GERD (s-GERD, asymptomatic patients despite objective evidence of GERD) has been reported. Moreover, patients with preoperative s-GERD have a significantly higher risk of experiencing GERD symptoms after SG. For these reasons, the reflux burden and the competence of the anti-reflux barrier should be carefully assessed during the preoperative work-up of patients undergoing SG. Ambulatory pH monitoring (APM) and high-resolution manometry (HRM) are useful diagnostic tools that could provide valuable evidence in the guidance of surgical strategy. In this review, we evaluate the current literature concerning the use of APM and HRM in the diagnostic pathway before SG, as well as their predictive value for the evolution of GERD in the postoperative course. Moreover, we propose a diagnostic algorithm for preoperative GERD assessment, which includes validated symptom questionnaires, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, APM, and HRM

    Interpretable Ranking Using LambdaMART (Abstract)

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    In this talk we present the main results of a short paper appearing at SIGIR 2022 [1]. Interpretable Learning to Rank (LtR) is an emerging field within the research area of explainable AI, aiming at developing intelligible and accurate predictive models. While most of the previous research efforts focus on creating post-hoc explanations, in this talk we investigate how to train effective and intrinsically-interpretable ranking models. Developing these models is particularly challenging and it also requires finding a trade-off between ranking quality and model complexity. State-of-the-art rankers, made of either large ensembles of trees or several neural layers, exploit in fact an unlimited number of feature interactions making them black boxes. Previous approaches on intrinsically-interpretable ranking models, as Neural RankGAM [2], address this issue by avoiding interactions between features thus paying a significant performance drop with respect to full-complexity models. Conversely, we propose Interpretable LambdaMART, an interpretable LtR solution based on LambdaMART that is able to train effective and intelligible models by exploiting a limited and controlled number of pairwise feature interactions. Exhaustive and reproducible experiments conducted on three publicly-available LtR datasets show that our approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art solution for interpretable ranking of a large margin with a gain of nDCG of up to 8%

    High-Definition Ultrasound Characterization of Squamous Carcinoma of the Tongue: A Descriptive Observational Study

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    High-definition ultrasonography is a diagnostic tool that uses sound echoes to produce images of tissues and organs. In the head and neck region, ultrasounds have been used to diagnose different types of lesions. The intraoral approach was shown to be a real-time, non-invasive way to characterize oral lesions. The tongue is the most often examined region because of its accessibility. This observational study aimed to describe the qualitative characteristics of tongue squamous cell carcinoma images obtained with high-definition intraoral ultrasound by comparing them with the corresponding histopathological sample. Twenty patients were enrolled in this study. The scans of the lesions were carried out with an 18 MHz linear ultrasound probe following the long axis of the lesion. For each lesion, five frames were selected, on which descriptive analysis was performed. A histological sample was taken and then compared to the ultrasonographic acquisition. The so-nographic appearance of the tissue layers has a good correlation between ultrasound and histolog-ical morphology, and it was easy to distinguish the tumor from the homogenous composition of the tongue tissues. Furthermore, a correlation between the structure by section and pattern of tumor margin features by ultrasound was obtained. Intraoral ultrasonography appears to be a promising technique in the non-invasive characterization of tongue squamous cell carcinoma. Further studies will be needed to improve the technique in terms of ergonomics and repeatability
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