185 research outputs found

    Social Capital, Creative Destruction and Economic Growth

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    The dynamic structure of profit rates for 156 US manufacturing companies is analyzed by means of fractional integration techniques as an alternative to the commolny used ARMIA models with respect to the "persistence of profits". The results show - despite the short lengths of the series - that 35,5% of the series have long range dependence and 54% are nonstationary. This is a confirmation of the strong challenge to the competitive environment hypothesis obtained by previous studies.

    Improving Drinking Water Quality in South Korea: A Choice Experiment with Hypothetical Bias Treatments

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    The objective of this present study is to use choice experiments and an extensive cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to investigate the feasibility of installing two advanced water treatments in Cheongju waterworks in South Korea. The study uses latent class attribute non-attendance models in a choice experiment setting in order to estimate the benefits of the two water treatments. Moreover, it explores strategies to mitigate potential hypothetical bias as this has been the strongest criticism brought to stated preference methods to date. Hypothetical bias is the difference between what people state in a survey they would be willing to pay and what they would actually pay in a real situation. The study employs cheap talk with a budget constraint reminder and honesty priming with the latter showing more evidence of reducing potential hypothetical bias. The lower bound of the median WTP (willingness to pay) for installing a new advanced water treatment system is approximately $2 US/month, similar to the average expenditures for bottled water per household in South Korea. These lower bounds were found using bootstrapping and simulations. The CBA shows that one of the two treatments, granular activated carbon is more robust to sensitivity analyses, making this the recommendation of the stud

    Quantitative EEG (QEEG) Measures Differentiate Parkinson`s Disease Patients from Healthy Controls

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    Objectives: To find out which Quantitative EEG (QEEG) parameters could best distinguish patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment from healthy individuals and to find an optimal method for feature selection. Background: Certain QEEG parameters have been seen to be associated with dementia in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Studies have also shown some parameters to be dependent on the stage of the disease. We wanted to investigate the differences in high-resolution QEEG measures between groups of PD patients and healthy individuals, and come up with a small subset of features that could accurately distinguish between the two groups. Methods: High-resolution 256-channel EEG were recorded in 50 PD patients (age 68.8 ± 7.0 year; female/male 17/33) and 41 healthy controls (age 71.1 ± 7.7 year; female/male 20/22). Data was processed to calculate the relative power in alpha, theta, delta, beta frequency bands across the different regions of the brain. Median, peak frequencies were also obtained and alpha1/theta ratios were calculated. Machine learning methods were applied to the data and compared. Additionally, penalized Logistic regression using LASSO was applied to the data in R and a subset of best-performing features was obtained. Results: Random Forest and LASSO were found to be optimal methods for feature selection. A group of six measures selected by LASSO was seen to have the most effect in differentiating healthy individuals from PD patients. The most important variables were the theta power in temporal left region and the alpha1/theta ratio in the central left region. Conclusion: The penalized regression method applied was helpful in selecting a small group of features from a dataset that had high multicollinearity. Keywords: Parkinson's disease, QEEG, cognitive decline, Parkinson's disease dementia, neurodegenerative disorders, machine learnin

    Fine motor function and neuropsychological deficits in individuals at risk for schizophrenia

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    Deficits in fine motor function and neuropsychological performance have been described as risk factors for schizophrenia. In the Basel FEPSY study (FrĂŒherkennung von Psychosen; English: Early Detection of Psychosis) individuals at risk for psychosis were identified in a screening procedure (Riecher-Rössler et al. 2005). As a part of the multilevel assessment, 40 individuals at risk for psychosis and 42 healthy controls matched for age, sex and handedness were investigated with a fine motor function test battery and a neuropsychological test battery. Individuals at risk showed lower performances in all subtests of the fine motor function tests, predominantly in dexterity and velocity (wrist/fingers and arm/hand). In the neuropsychological test battery, individuals at risk performed less well compared to healthy controls regarding sustained attention, working memory and perseveration. The combined evaluation of the two test batteries (neuropsychological and fine motor function) separates the two groups into individuals at risk and healthy controls better than each test battery alone. A multilevel approach might therefore be a valuable contribution to detecting beginning schizophreni

    Anomaly Detection for Vision-based Railway Inspection

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    none7nomixedRiccardo Gasparini; Stefano Pini; Guido Borghi; Giuseppe Scaglione; Simone Calderara; Eugenio Fedeli; Rita CucchiaraRiccardo Gasparini; Stefano Pini; Guido Borghi; Giuseppe Scaglione; Simone Calderara; Eugenio Fedeli; Rita Cucchiar

    EEG alterations during treatment with olanzapine

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    The aim of this naturalistic observational study was to investigate EEG alterations in patients under olanzapine treatment with a special regard to olanzapine dose and plasma concentration. Twenty-two in-patients of a psychiatric university ward with the monodiagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia (ICD-10: F20.0), who received a monotherapy of olanzapine were included in this study. All patients had a normal alpha-EEG before drug therapy, and did not suffer from brain-organic dysfunctions, as verified by clinical examination and cMRI scans. EEG and olanzapine plasma levels were determined under steady-state conditions (between 18 and 22 days after begin of treatment). In 9 patients (40.9%), pathological EEG changes (one with spike-waves) consecutive to olanzapine treatment were observed. The dose of olanzapine was significantly higher in patients with changes of the EEG than in patients without changes (24.4 mg/day (SD: 8.1) vs. 12.7 mg/day (SD: 4.8); T = −4.3, df = 21, P < 0.001). In patients with EEG changes, the blood plasma concentration of olanzapine (45.6 Όg/l (SD: 30.9) vs. 26.3 Όg/l (SD: 21.6) tended to be also higher. The sensitivity of olanzapine dosage to predict EEG changes was 66.7%, the specificity 100% (Youden-index: 0.67). EEG abnormalities during olanzapine treatment are common. These are significantly dose dependent. Thus, EEG control recordings should be mandatory during olanzapine treatment with special emphasis on dosages exceeding 20 mg per day, although keeping in mind that EEGs have only a limited predictive power regarding future epileptic seizures

    Visualisation of Integrated Patient-Centric Data as Pathways: Enhancing Electronic Medical Records in Clinical Practice

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    Routinely collected data in hospital Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is rich and abundant but often not linked or analysed for purposes other than direct patient care. We have created a methodology to integrate patient-centric data from different EMR systems into clinical pathways that represent the history of all patient interactions with the hospital during the course of a disease and beyond. In this paper, the literature in the area of data visualisation in healthcare is reviewed and a method for visualising the journeys that patients take through care is discussed. Examples of the hidden knowledge that could be discovered using this approach are explored and the main application areas of visualisation tools are identified. This paper also highlights the challenges of collecting and analysing such data and making the visualisations extensively used in the medical domain. This paper starts by presenting the state-of-the-art in visualisation of clinical and other health related data. Then, it describes an example clinical problem and discusses the visualisation tools and techniques created for the utilisation of these data by clinicians and researchers. Finally, we look at the open problems in this area of research and discuss future challenges

    Vorhersage von Psychosen durch stufenweise MehrebenenabklĂ€rung - Das Basel FePsy (FrĂŒherkennung von Psychosen)-Projekt

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    Hintergrund: In Basel haben wir verschiedene Studien zur Verbesserung der Methodik zur FrĂŒherkennung von Psychosen (FePsy) durchgefĂŒhrt. Methodik: Vom 01.03.2000 bis 29.02.2004 wurden 234 Individuen mithilfe des Basler Screening Instruments fĂŒr Psychosen (BSIP) gescreent. Bei 10 6 Patienten konnte ein Risikostatus fĂŒr Psychosen diagnostiziert werden, 53 davon konnten bis zu 7 Jahre (Mittel 5. 4 Jahre) nachuntersucht werden. Die weiteren Untersuchungen erfolgten u.a. mit einem spezifisch entwickelten Anamnese - Instrument, verschiedenen Skalen zur Psychopathologie, Untersuchungen der Neuropsychologie u n d Feinmotorik , klinische m und quantitative m EEG, MRI des Gehirns, Labor. Ergebnisse: Allein auf der Basis des BSIP konnte eine relativ zuverlĂ€ssige Vorher sage getroffen werden: 21 (39.6 % ) der als „ Risikopatienten “Identifizierten entwickelten innerhalb der Beobachtungszeit tatsĂ€chlich eine Psychose. Post hoc konnte durch spezifischere Gewichtung der Psychopathologie und Einbezug neuropsychologischer Untersuchungen die Vorhersagegenauigkeit auf 81 % gesteigert werden. Die anderen oben genannten Verfahren können offensichtlich zur weiteren Verbesserung der PrĂ€diktion beitragen. Schlussfolgerungen: Die RisikoabklĂ€rung fĂŒr Psychose sollte stufenweise und unter Einbezug verschiedener Untersuchungsebenen erfolgen. Background: We have conducted various studies in Basel with the aim of improving the methods for the early detection of psychosis (Fruherkennung von Psychosen, FePsy).Methods: From 1.3.2000 to 29.2.2004 234 individuals were screened using the Basel Screening Instrument for Psychosis (BSIP). 106 patients were identified as at risk for psychosis; out of these 53 remained in follow-up for up to 7 years (mean 5.4 years). The assessments were done with a specifically developed instrument for history taking, various scales for the psychopathology, assessments of neuropsychology and fine motor functioning, clinical and quantitative EEG, MRI of the brain, laboratory etc.Results: Based on the BSIP alone, a relatively reliable prediction was possible: 21 (39.6 %) of the individuals identified as at risk developed psychosis within the follow-up time. Post-hoc prediction could be improved to 81 % by weighting psychopathology and including neuropsychology. Including the other domains obviously allows further improvements of prediction.Conclusions: The risk for psychosis should be assessed in a stepwise procedure. In a first step, a clinically oriented screening should be conducted. If an at-risk status is found, further assessments in various domains should be done in a specialised centre

    Guidance for the Management of Patients with Vascular Disease or Cardiovascular Risk Factors and COVID-19: Position Paper from VAS-European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular Medicine .

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    COVID-19 is also manifested with hypercoagulability, pulmonary intravascular coagulation, microangiopathy, and venous thromboembolism (VTE) or arterial thrombosis. Predisposing risk factors to severe COVID-19 are male sex, underlying cardiovascular disease, or cardiovascular risk factors including noncontrolled diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension, obesity, and advanced age. The VAS-European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular Medicine draws attention to patients with vascular disease (VD) and presents an integral strategy for the management of patients with VD or cardiovascular risk factors (VD-CVR) and COVID-19. VAS recommends (1) a COVID-19-oriented primary health care network for patients with VD-CVR for identification of patients with VD-CVR in the community and patients' education for disease symptoms, use of eHealth technology, adherence to the antithrombotic and vascular regulating treatments, and (2) close medical follow-up for efficacious control of VD progression and prompt application of physical and social distancing measures in case of new epidemic waves. For patients with VD-CVR who receive home treatment for COVID-19, VAS recommends assessment for (1) disease worsening risk and prioritized hospitalization of those at high risk and (2) VTE risk assessment and thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban, betrixaban, or low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) for those at high risk. For hospitalized patients with VD-CVR and COVID-19, VAS recommends (1) routine thromboprophylaxis with weight-adjusted intermediate doses of LMWH (unless contraindication); (2) LMWH as the drug of choice over unfractionated heparin or direct oral anticoagulants for the treatment of VTE or hypercoagulability; (3) careful evaluation of the risk for disease worsening and prompt application of targeted antiviral or convalescence treatments; (4) monitoring of D-dimer for optimization of the antithrombotic treatment; and (5) evaluation of the risk of VTE before hospital discharge using the IMPROVE-D-dimer score and prolonged post-discharge thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban, betrixaban, or LMWH
