277 research outputs found

    Generative rules of Drosophila locomotor behavior as a candidate homology across phyla

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    The discovery of shared behavioral processes across phyla is a significant step in the establishment of a comparative study of behavior. We use immobility as an origin and reference for the measurement of fly locomotor behavior; speed, walking direction and trunk orientation as the degrees of freedom shaping this behavior; and cocaine as the parameter inducing progressive transitions in and out of immobility. We characterize and quantify the generative rules that shape Drosophila locomotor behavior, bringing about a gradual buildup of kinematic degrees of freedom during the transition from immobility to normal behavior, and the opposite narrowing down into immobility. Transitions into immobility unfold via sequential enhancement and then elimination of translation, curvature and finally rotation. Transitions out of immobility unfold by progressive addition of these degrees of freedom in the opposite order. The same generative rules have been found in vertebrate locomotor behavior in several contexts (pharmacological manipulations, ontogeny, social interactions) involving transitions in-and-out of immobility. Recent claims for deep homology between arthropod central complex and vertebrate basal ganglia provide an opportunity to examine whether the rules we report also share common descent. Our approach prompts the discovery of behavioral homologies, contributing to the elusive problem of behavioral evolution

    New data on Gaidropsarus granti (Regan, 1903) (Gadiformes: Lotidae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with emphasis on its parasites

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    One adult male Azores rockling Gaidropsarus granti was captured by trammel nets at a depth of about 250 m near the coast of Arbatax (Sardinia, Italy) in early March 2007. This new report confirms a wide bathymetric range for this species. Macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the gonad showed a spent testis at a postspawning stage, with a weak residual spermatogenetic activity. Several body parts of Natantia (Crustacea: Decapoda) were detected in its stomach contents. Different developmental stages of 91 parasite specimens belonging to Arthropoda (Gnathiidae) and Nematoda (Anisakidae, Cystidicolidae and Philometridae) were found in its mouth and gills, and body cavity, respectively. Myxozoan spores were found in the gallbladder. Male and female nematodes of the genus Ichthyofilaria are reported for the first time from the Mediterranean Sea, and a very rare male of this genus is reported for the second time in the world. Parasitological results indicated that this Atlantic migrant probably entered the Mediterranean as an adult, suggesting for a non-indigenous species the possibilities of entering with natural parasites and/or acquiring native parasites in the introduced range


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    Accurately-classified genomic data in the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) database is vital to the protection and conservation of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea. The taxonomic classifications of 468 fish of 50 Mediterranean species were analyzed using the BOLD Identifier tool for variation in the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene. Within species, nucleotide maximum composite likelihood was low with a mean of 0.0044±0.0008. Three presumptive species had significantly higher values e.g., Arnoglossus spp. (0.07), Torquigener flavimaculosus (0.013) and Boops boops (0.028). However, samples of Arnoglossus species were sub-classified into two groups that were finally identified as two different species e.g., Arnoglossus laterna and Arnoglossus thori. For the different species, BLAST searches against the BOLD database using our DNA barcoding data as the query sequences designated the most similar targets into groups. For each analyzed species, the similarity of the first and second threshold groups ranged from 95 to 99% and from 83 to 98%, respectively. Sequence based classification for the first threshold group was concordant with morphology-based identification. However, for 34 analyzed species (68%) overlaps of species between the two threshold groups hampered classification. Tree-based phylogeny analysis detected more than one cluster in the first threshold group for 22 out of 50 species, representing genetic subgroups and geographic origins. There was a tendency for higher conservation and lower number of clusters in the Lessepsian (Red Sea) migrant versus indigenous species

    The Angular Interval between the Direction of Progression and Body Orientation in Normal, Alcohol- and Cocaine Treated Fruit Flies

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    In this study we characterize the coordination between the direction a fruit-fly walks and the direction it faces, as well as offer a methodology for isolating and validating key variables with which we phenotype fly locomotor behavior. Our fundamental finding is that the angular interval between the direction a fly walks and the direction it faces is actively managed in intact animals and modulated in a patterned way with drugs. This interval is small in intact flies, larger with alcohol and much larger with cocaine. The dynamics of this interval generates six coordinative modes that flow smoothly into each other. Under alcohol and much more so under cocaine, straight path modes dwindle and modes involving rotation proliferate. To obtain these results we perform high content analysis of video-tracked open field locomotor behavior. Presently there is a gap between the quality of descriptions of insect behaviors that unfold in circumscribed situations, and descriptions that unfold in extended time and space. While the first describe the coordination between low-level kinematic variables, the second quantify cumulative measures and subjectively defined behavior patterns. Here we reduce this gap by phenotyping extended locomotor behavior in terms of the coordination between low-level kinematic variables, which we quantify, combining into a single field two disparate fields, that of high content phenotyping and that of locomotor coordination. This will allow the study of the genes/brain/locomotor coordination interface in genetically engineered and pharmacologically manipulated animal models of human diseases. © 2013 Gakamsky et al

    Knots: Attractive Places with High Path Tortuosity in Mouse Open Field Exploration

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    When introduced into a novel environment, mammals establish in it a preferred place marked by the highest number of visits and highest cumulative time spent in it. Examination of exploratory behavior in reference to this “home base” highlights important features of its organization. It might therefore be fruitful to search for other types of marked places in mouse exploratory behavior and examine their influence on overall behavior

    A multi-lab experimental assessment reveals that replicability can be improved by using empirical estimates of genotype-by-lab interaction.

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    The utility of mouse and rat studies critically depends on their replicability in other laboratories. A widely advocated approach to improving replicability is through the rigorous control of predefined animal or experimental conditions, known as standardization. However, this approach limits the generalizability of the findings to only to the standardized conditions and is a potential cause rather than solution to what has been called a replicability crisis. Alternative strategies include estimating the heterogeneity of effects across laboratories, either through designs that vary testing conditions, or by direct statistical analysis of laboratory variation. We previously evaluated our statistical approach for estimating the interlaboratory replicability of a single laboratory discovery. Those results, however, were from a well-coordinated, multi-lab phenotyping study and did not extend to the more realistic setting in which laboratories are operating independently of each other. Here, we sought to test our statistical approach as a realistic prospective experiment, in mice, using 152 results from 5 independent published studies deposited in the Mouse Phenome Database (MPD). In independent replication experiments at 3 laboratories, we found that 53 of the results were replicable, so the other 99 were considered non-replicable. Of the 99 non-replicable results, 59 were statistically significant (at 0.05) in their original single-lab analysis, putting the probability that a single-lab statistical discovery was made even though it is non-replicable, at 59.6%. We then introduced the dimensionless Genotype-by-Laboratory (GxL) factor-the ratio between the standard deviations of the GxL interaction and the standard deviation within groups. Using the GxL factor reduced the number of single-lab statistical discoveries and alongside reduced the probability of a non-replicable result to be discovered in the single lab to 12.1%. Such reduction naturally leads to reduced power to make replicable discoveries, but this reduction was small (from 87% to 66%), indicating the small price paid for the large improvement in replicability. Tools and data needed for the above GxL adjustment are publicly available at the MPD and will become increasingly useful as the range of assays and testing conditions in this resource increases

    Leukocytes Breach Endothelial Barriers by Insertion of Nuclear Lobes and Disassembly of Endothelial Actin Filaments

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    Israel Science Foundation (grant 87/12) Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute Foundation (FAMRI) (grant FAMRI032001_CoE), USA Minerva Foundation, Germany Wellcome Trust (grant 098291/Z/12/Z to S.N.

    Single dominant Ganoderma species is responsible for root rot of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus in Sumatra

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    Ganoderma root rot is the most serious disease affecting commercially planted Acacia mangium in plantations in Indonesia. Numerous Ganoderma spp. have been recorded from diseased trees of this species and to a lesser extent Eucalyptus, causing confusion regarding the primary cause of the disease. In this study, a large collection of Ganoderma isolates were obtained from the roots of A. mangium showing early signs of root rot in disease centres in South Sumatra plantations. Isolates were also collected from Eucalyptus roots at Lake Toba in North Sumatra showing similar symptoms as well as from sporocarps connected to these samples. Phylogenetic analyses showed that a single Ganoderma sp., identified as G. philippii, is the major causal agent of Ganoderma root rot on A. mangium. Results from this study also showed that the isolates obtained for Eucalyptus trees in North Sumatra belong to G. philippii. Isolates from roots and connected fruiting bodies together with the morphology of the fruiting structures confirmed this identification. Symptoms associated with this pathogen are obvious and it should not be confused with other diseases. Other Ganoderma spp. found in disease centres are considered to be of minor importance and management strategies for root rot should be focused on G. philippii.The Tree Protection Cooperative Programme (TPCP), the National Research Foundation (NRF), the THRIP initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry, and the DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB) South Africahttp://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tsfs20nf201
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