630 research outputs found

    Testing Chiral Dynamics in Pionic Atoms

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    The energy dependence of chirally expanded pi N isoscalar and isovector amplitudes b_0(E) and b_1(E) respectively, for zero-momentum off shell pions near threshold, is used to impose the minimal substitution requirement E -> E - V_c on the properly constructed pion optical potential within a large-scale fit to 100 pionic-atom data across the periodic table which also include the recently established `deeply bound' pionic atoms of Pb and Sn. This fit cannot be reconciled with the well known free-space values of the pi N threshold amplitudes. In contrast, introducing the empirically known energy dependence for on-shell pions leads to a better fit and to satisfactory values for the pi N threshold amplitudes. The difference between these two approaches is briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PLB. Discussion section rewritten, omitting an erroneous equation. Results and conclusions unchanged Accepted by PL


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    Eruptive shearing of tube pumice: pure and simple

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    Abstract. Understanding the physico-chemical conditions extant and mechanisms operative during explosive volcanism is essential for reliable forecasting and mitigation of volcanic events. Rhyolitic pumices reflect highly vesiculated magma whose bubbles can serve as a strain indicator for inferring the state of stress operative immediately prior to eruptive fragmentation. Obtaining the full kinematic picture reflected in bubble population geometry has been extremely difficult, involving dissection of a small number of delicate samples. The advent of reliable high-resolution tomography has changed this situation radically. Here we demonstrate via the use of tomography how a statistically powerful picture of the shapes and connectivity of thousands of individual bubbles within a single sample of tube pumice emerges. The strain record of tube pumice is dominated by simple shear (not pure shear) in the late deformational history of vesicular magma before eruption. This constraint in turn implies that magma ascent is conditioned by a velocity gradient at the point of origin of tube pumice. Magma ascent accompanied by simple shear should enhance high eruption rates inferred independently for these highly viscous systems. </jats:p

    Fairness index in single and double star Networks

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    In wireless network, the communication works in half duplex mode and nodes can interfere together. In this context, fairness is not obvious. This paper will focus on fairness in the received packets by each node. Fairness is evaluated for static networks topologies called Single Star Network or Double Star Network. The fairness is quantified by its index. In this work, the evaluation of fairness index for double star network is given. Some value of this index are not possible for double star network topology. For example the index of one can only be possible if the double star network is simular to star network. Then the star networks are studied and some simulations are used to illustrate the way to get fairness in the network by controlling the flow rates

    Serum sclerostin levels in renal cell carcinoma patients with bone metastases

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    Sclerostin has been proposed as a potent inhibitor of bone formation. Sclerostin antibodies are under clinical development to treat osteoporosis and metastatic bone disease. Serum sclerostin level is elevated in multiple myeloma, an osteolytic malignancy, where it might serve as predictive marker for the use of sclerostin-directed antibodies. As renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients often present with osteolytic metastases, we aimed to investigate serum sclerostin levels in RCC patients. Our study included 53 RCC patients (19 with bone metastases, 25 with visceral metastases and 9 with localized disease) and 53 age- and gender-matched non-osteoporotic controls. Frozen serum samples were subjected to sclerostin quantitative sandwich ELISA. The mean serum sclerostin levels of RCC patients and controls were 45.8 pmol/l and 45.1 pmol/l, respectively (p = 0.86). Analysis of variance showed no difference between the subgroups of RCC patients with regard to visceral or bone metastases or localized disease (p = 0.22). There was no significant association between eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) and serum sclerostin levels in RCC patients (r = 0.05; p = 0.74) and controls (r = 0.06; p = 0.68). Our results indicate that serum sclerostin levels appear not to be a valuable biomarker to assess the occurrence of bone metastases in RCC patients

    Complete breeding failures in ivory gull following unusual rainy storms in North Greenland

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    Natural catastrophic events such as heavy rainfall and windstorms may induce drastic decreases in breeding success of animal populations. We report the impacts of summer rainfalls on the reproductive success of ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) in north-east Greenland. On two occasions, at Amdrup Land in July 2009 and at Station Nord in July 2011, we observed massive ivory gull breeding failures following violent rainfall and windstorms that hit the colonies. In each colony, all of the breeding birds abandoned their eggs or chicks during the storm. Juvenile mortality was close to 100% at Amdrup Land in 2009 and 100% at Station Nord in 2011. Our results show that strong winds associated with heavy rain directly affected the reproductive success of some Arctic bird species. Such extreme weather events may become more common with climate change and represent a new potential factor affecting ivory gull breeding success in the High Arctic

    Renormalization of the isovector πN\pi N amplitude in pionic atoms

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    The extraction of the isovector s-wave pi N amplitude from pionic atoms is studied with special emphasis on uncertainties and their dependence on the assumptions made regarding the neutron density distributions in nuclei and on the size of the data base used . Only `global' analyses of pionic-atom data reveal a discrepancy between the extracted isovector s-wave pi N amplitude b_1=-0.108\pm0.007 m_\pi^{-1} and its free pi N counterpart b_1^{free}=-0.0885^{+0.0010}_{-0.0021} m_\pi ^{-1}, where the uncertainty in the neutron densities is included in the error analysis. The role of `deeply bound' pionic atom states is discussed and the reason for failure of these states to provide new information is explained.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, slightly extended, accepted by NP

    Precision spectroscopy of pionic 1s states of Sn nuclei and evidence for partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nuclear medium

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    Deeply bound 1s states of π−\pi^- in 115,119,123^{115,119,123}Sn were preferentially observed using the Sn(dd,3^3He) pion-transfer reaction under the recoil-free condition. The 1s binding energies and widths were precisely determined, and were used to deduce the isovector parameter of the s-wave pion-nucleus potential to be b1=−0.115±0.007 mπ−1b_1 =-0.115\pm 0.007 ~m_{\pi}^{-1}. The observed enhancement of ∣b1∣|b_1| over the free πN\pi N value (b1free/b1=0.78±0.05b_1^{\rm free}/b_1 = 0.78 \pm 0.05) indicates a reduction of the chiral order parameter, fπ∗(ρ)2/fπ2≈0.64f^{*}_{\pi} (\rho)^2/f_{\pi}^2 \approx 0.64, at the normal nuclear density, ρ=ρ0\rho = \rho_0.Comment: 4 pages including 3 postscript figures, RevTeX 4 with multirow.sty, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Dental evidence for variation in diet over time and space in the Arctic fox, Vulpes lagopus

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    Studies of the effects of variation in resource availability are important for understanding the ecology of high-latitude mammals. This paper examines the potential of dental evidence (tooth wear and breakage) as a proxy for diet and food choice in Vulpes lagopus, the Arctic fox. It presents a preliminary study of dental microwear, gross wear score, and tooth breakage in a sample (n = 78 individuals) from the Yamal Peninsula of the Russian Arctic. While these measures have each been associated with feeding ecology in larger carnivorans (e.g., proportion of bone in the diet), they have yet to be combined in any study and have rarely been applied to smaller species or those from high latitudes. Arctic foxes from the north and south of the peninsula, and those from rodent peak and trough density periods, are compared to assess impact of changes in food availability across space and time. Results indicate that microwear textures vary in dispersion, with more variation in texture complexity, including higher values (suggesting more consumption of bone), in the rodent-poor period in the north of Yamal. Gross wear scores and tooth breakage are also significantly higher for the north of Yamal than the south. These data together suggest that dental evidence can provide important insights into variation in the feeding ecology of Arctic foxes and potentially into the impacts of changes in food abundance across space and time
